Chapter 80: Theocracy Encounters (5)
By this time, there were several others listening in on the discussion. The thought of a place that actually had that much freedom sounded even better than the Theocracy. It helped that right now the Theocracy had become a bit hostile towards the non human races.
"That sounds like a wonderful place." The human woman exclaimed, her hips moving side to side. "We should move to be closer to the mother goddess!" She continued, daydreaming as she spoke.
"There's also a school there where children are taught how to perform various tasks. It's meant to provide a place for them to decide their own path. I also have classes about Nature, Farming and Magic." Night Silver continued. "The future begins with children rising to their dreams. It's our job to make sure they can do that." She explained nuzzling the girl in her arms.
"Mother, this place sounds amazing. Would it be possible to…" The Elven man started to ask. Night Silver simply nodded in the affirmative. "Alright, you three kids behave yourselves with the goddesses." He said with a bit more energy than before.
"I will, Daddy!" The elven boy cheerfully replied.
"We will too, uncle!" The human girl and dwarven boy said in a similarly cheerful tone.
"We will leave you to it. I'm sure you have a lot to do now." The Water Goddess said, turning to walk away.
"I'll see you soon, my children." Night Silver said, and then whispered a protection spell on the four parents. She then joined her sister Water.
Now with a few children in their arms the walk through the town was more of an adventure. Even the most deplorable acts looked mundane and normal against the cheerful side of these three. Fortunately there were a few food stalls placed around the town. Night Silver bought a few, one for each of the kids. As fun as this time was and the small talk that occurred while the children asked about the school… The fun side of things would always come to an end, for they had reached their destination, the castle guild base.
"Alright kids. We're going to have a visit with the other gods." Night Silver said, attempting to warn the three children to be good.
"Do… We have to? I don't like those ones. They are mean to my cousins. And a lot of my friends." The human girl asked, explaining herself with nervousness.
"I'm here, there's nothing to worry about. Those fools can't do anything to me, I'm way stronger than them." Night Silver said. "Also, you don't have to be worried about telling the truth, even if it offends those four brats. Rather I welcome it." She continued, reassuring the girl.
"Mother… That wind guy he's really mean now. I hate him." The Elven boy said, nervously. He was shaking in fear and anger at the mere thought of seeing the wind god again.
"Hmm, it might be for the best if you hold him for this meeting, Sister. He is terrified…" The Water Goddess suggested.
Night Silver with her free hand, gently patted the boy on his head and smiled. "Can you stay with Aunty Water for the meeting? If you do this I promise you can hold onto me as much as you want after the meeting is over." She asked, hoping the boy would be strong.
"Can we take a nap and a bath together again?" The elven boy asked, still shaking a little bit.
"Pfft, you're so adorable. Sure, I'll do that for you. I'll make all the bad go away." Night Silver replied, kissing the boy on his forehead. "That goes the same for all three of you." She added.
With the issue of the terror the three children felt in their tiny hearts resolved, the 5 entered the castle. Night Silver was here to confront the other gods about their inaction. And while she had been warned before… She was not prepared to feel what she did.
Getting all of the gods together minus the God of Death was easy and now they stood in a single room. However, standing next to the god of wind and the god of life was someone else. Someone that caused Night Silver's stats to rise.
"Sister Water… That man standing there. He's killed an elf." Night Silver messaged trying her best to maintain her composure.
"WHAT!" The Water Goddess replied, doing her best to hide her shock. But her eye twitched.
"Welcome back Sister Nature. I trust you've had a great adventure." The God of Wind said, starting the conversation.
"It's not so welcoming now is it, brother wind? Actually, you're no brother nor friend of mine anymore. Not when you've shown your hand already." Night Silver said in an absolutely scathing tone of voice.
"Whatever do you mean?" The God of wind asked with a half snicker and half sneer.
"You know damn good and well what I mean. That man right there has killed one of my children in cold blooded hatred. And now he stands next to you as an advisor." Night Silver said pointing at the human man.
"AHAHAHA! You know, it was hard while you were here. I've always hated those other races. Even back in the other world. Anyone not human might as well have been an enemy." The God of Wind laughed, finally showing his true colors as a human supremacist. "And now, with you gone it provided the perfect time to get things rolling." He sneered.
"That's right. Only humans should have the right to live free lives. We are the supreme race above all others!" The God of Life said, backing up his brother Wind.
"That includes you, Nature. You should be serving at our feet." The God of Earth added, though in a slightly more demeaning tone.
"Our guild was founded to kill all those who were not human. All in-human species are evil and disgusting creatures. No better than demons." The God of Fire added.
And just at that moment, the other human nodded with a sinister smirk. The doors opened and some humans walked in with elves in chains.
"As you can see, your children have been captured by mine. We are superior. And now, it's time to see how you react…" The god of wind said with a smirk.
"HOW DARE YOU!" The goddess of water cried out.
"Do it." The Human advisor said with a nod and then dived into a maniacal laugh.