The 7th Great God (Overlord Fan Fiction)

Chapter 79: Theocracy Encounters (4)

"Oh my, aren't you three just the cutest." Night Silver smiled, crouching down to pat the children on the head. "It's good to see your smiling happy face." She continued, making sure to give her attention to all three of the children before her. 

Having a similar inclination The Goddess of Water also crouched down and gave the children her attention. "The three of you are utterly adorable." She said, as she wrapped her arms around the dwarven and elven boys, smushing their cheeks together. 

"Pfft, you know what, let's do something special for these three." Night Silver smirked, picking up the girl in her arms as she stood up. "Let's bring these cuties with us. And since you seem unwilling to part with those two you can carry them." She added. "How about you, do you want to stay with us for a little while, oh is it alright with your parents?" She asked. 

The girl and the two boys were simply dumbfounded by just how quick this was happening. However, the girl nodded her head in the affirmative and then rested her head on Night Silver. "I'd never say no to spending time with Mother Goddess, nor would my mother? I…" The girl said slowly, becoming embarrassed as she spoke. "Because I love you." She finished, with a determined look in her eyes, and an undeniable blush. 

"Is that so? Well guess what?" Night Silver giggled. She's so young yet so forthright and honest. In a good environment she'll grow into an excellent woman. I should help her with that development. Seems I'm going to be moving a great many people again. 

"Oh? What is it?" The girl eagerly asked, all but squirming with anticipation. 

"I love you too." Night Silver said, kissing the little girl's forehead with a similarly tender motherly kiss. "That goes for all of you. I want nothing but the best future for all of you." She continued as she and the water goddess started walking again. 

Now carrying three rosy cheeked children in their arms, the pair of goddesses arrived at theri sudden detour destination. The home these children came from. The mothers of the three and the one father who just so happened to be an elf, feeling honored beyond belief tried to kneel but realized their children were also in front of them. Causing a slight bit of awkwardness. 

"Sorry to drop by. But these three came running up to us." Night Silver smiled. "I hope you don't mind if we take them for our walk?" She asked. 

"No, that's quite alright Mother. You don't have to ask permission to take my little boy for a few hours." The elven woman blushed with a thankful aura about her and a glance towards the elven man who was clearly her mate. "I'll use this time to my full advantage." She added, looking back at Night Silver, a glint in her eyes. 

Night Silver and the elven woman shared a moment of silence and then Night Silver nodded with an approving smile. Then took a look at the now seemingly difficult looks on the other two women's faces. And with another brief moment, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what the reason was. 

You see, this nation was built from the survivors of the horrors of the world. Dragons would protect their charge to some degree. However, this would usually if not always come with an offering or a sacrifice. One that always ended up being a loved one to someone else. 

"Hmm, I wish you the best in that matter." Night Silver said, she then took a step forward and with her free hand held the elven man down close for a whisper. "Listen closely. I don't know the specifics of your relationships here in this house. But if you're going to be living together, it's going to be difficult on the other two. You don't have to try anything. But if they do find themselves with that desire you'd best make them happy as well." She whispered. 

"I understand Mother. We only have been living together because we've been close since before this change. I don't think there's any feelings like that. Though the other two children call me uncle, that's as far as it goes." The elven man gulped, struggling to keep his voice a whisper. 

"Hmm, alright then. Since you want to know, I've built another settlement far away from here where I will be living from now on. There, a man can have multiple women. And so too can a woman have multiple men." Night Silver said, taking the opportunity to make up an excuse of what they were talking about. This should seed the thought in the women's minds… And… She looked to see the blushing faces of a human woman and a dwarven woman. Hehe, seems I was right on the money once again. And Night Silver's lips curved into a smirk as if to say "Told you so" to the now confused man. 

"Oh my, are there any other amazing perks of living in such a wonderful place?" The Human woman asked, ignoring any need of hiding her affection anymore. 

Night Silver and the Water Goddess looked at each other and smirked in unison. Each letting out a giggle that continued into their answer. "Of course there is. And one of those is the freedom for a woman to bear her pride as publicly as she desires. In other words, women are free to go topless in my new place. It seems to have only improved productivity thus far." Night Silver answered. 

"Oh? How far have they developed that place in just a week?" The Water Goddess asked. 

"Hmm, I'd say they are about where we were with this place after a month or so… It's difficult to tell really. But having a race with wings makes things way easier. The builders love not having to lift and measure at the same time. But, if I had to say the biggest advantage… They all believe in me with every fiber of their beings. But not to the point it would cause them harm." Night Silver answered. 

"Pfft, so we'd finally be able to let our pride breathe? I bet no one gives that stink eyed look when women breastfeed in public with that freedom in place." The Water Goddess giggled at the thought. Her tone carried a sense of relief with it. 

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