The 7th Great God (Overlord Fan Fiction)

Chapter 81: Theocracy Encounters (6)

Wielding gaudy weapons, clearly made by the hands of Yggdrasil players, the humans swung their blades and stabbed their spears at the elves. All laughing with evil intent. 

"Stop it!" The Water Goddess shouted covering both of the boy's eyes. Damn it! What should I do?! I didn't think it was this bad! Damn those 4 ass holes! Who gave them such a big head? When? Did they really hide it from me this entire time? OR was I just incapable of seeing through the facade because it was a game back then? 

"Huh? What happened? WHERE DID THE DAMN ELF GO?" A human shouted angrily. 


"I wouldn't worry about those in safety. Especially not when you're about to die where you stand." Night Silver said, cracking her neck in a fury she hadn't felt for a little while. "So this is what I get for saving your lives. You really think you can best me because you've added a few weaklings to your side? A shame then. I thought we could at least get along. But not anymore." She continued, her eyes narrowed with a piercing gaze. "Sister Water, I know you have nothing to do with this. You're far too nice to be so vile. Go and tell the people what happened here. I'm evacuating all dwarves, elves and the humans who don't see themselves as superior." She said, and in her last moment of clarity, she handed the girl off to hold onto the Goddess of Water's back. 

Just before leaving, the goddess of water turned and glared. "I hope you manage to kill at least 2 of those bastards. But beware of the golem. It's strong…" She said, pointing out the two she wanted dead with her eyes. 

"I'm strong too. And now that they've harmed elves. They have exactly zero chance to deal with me. Now get going. Children's lives are at stake here!" Night Silver managed to say.

The goddess of water, with all three kids holding onto her, ran out of the castle. I know you're strong but against the four of them with no prep time… If you really can pull it off then I'll make you feel absolutely amazing! 

"Hmm, how exactly did you manage to teleport them like that?" The God of Wind asked, curiously eyeing the spot where an elf had just been. There should have been a dead elf here. And yet there is nothing but air… How did she do it? What ability did she use? What spells do this? I should have studied up more on the skills of other classes. Damn her for knowing something I don't. "You know, it was sickening having to put up that act in front of you for so long. Now though… I can finally let loose and kill you. Or maybe I'll make you my play thing. Your body should be used for something good. You should feel honored that a supreme one is willing to let you serve as a slave, Demon Witch of the forest, Night Silver." He sneered with cackling laughter. 

Hearing this title almost snapped Night Silver back to a calm state of mind. It was like a trigger just, well… Triggered. It was then that half of the low level human low lives had flames erupt from beneath their feet, charring and burning their bodies to cinders. Nothing but a steaming pile of innards adorning a pile of ash was left behind.

"AHH! Brother!" One Human shouted in anger, he foolishly charged straight for Night Silver, spear raised and prepared for a thrust. His anger turned to bloodlust which had blinded him. Night Silver let the human's spear land. "Huh?" He snapped out of his rage and straight to confusion. He pulled his spear back and tried again, he did this multiple more times. "What? But… How? Why? I'M SUPERIOR!" He shouted, as he took a few shuffled steps in retreat. 

"It's simple. You're not superior. You are inferior, though it isn't really because you're human. It's just because you're weak. Perhaps you'll be better in the next life." Night Silver stated in an eerily cheerful tone. 

"Huh? Why are you so cheerful? It's creepy, like a demon. You really are a demon!" The cowardly man stammered in fear. 

"Huh? Oh, my. It's just, I killed a dragon lord about a week ago. And even he didn't have half the arrogance you did just now. I guess I was just enjoying the show." Night Silver laughed, though anger and fury were clearly her most dominant emotions. "Now you die." She added as lightning fell upon all of the remaining weak humans. There is no need to spare any of them. Not after they purposely made a show of trying to murder my children in front of me. Despicable creatures ought to be tormented in the worst sort of places. 

"How, that wasn't the normal strength of your magic?" The God of Life asked with widened eyes. 

"You ask that even knowing exactly what happens when my people are in danger. But no, you four even went a step further and had a hand in the deaths of my elven children. Now, I am your worst enemy. And it was your hubris that created me. Know that I truly had desired to be friendly with all of you. But you've now shown that was an impossible position to take. Prepare yourselves. It took 20 high ranking players to kill me when I raided their bases. You don't stand a chance." Night Silver explained with a piercing stare and shifting her body weight in an effort to restrain herself just a little. 

"We aren't afraid of you. This is our guild base. Come Siege Golem! We have an intruder!" The God of Wind shouted, readying himself to play his role as a tank. 

The other three Golds began preparing their own magic and skills. The wall behind them shifted and split apart down the middle. Opening up to reveal a giant golem nearing the size of a young dragon. It was a level 100 Siege Golem. 

Night Silver stood there, using all of the spells she could that had the ability to test for status ailments. Damn it. I have almost every single one of these damn spells. There isn't anything that can hide from all of them, not even world item control… They really did make an active effort to kill my elven children… She shed a tear, then decided to kill.

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