Chapter 66: Firecrest
"Yes, Mrs. K. We were just trying to help. This is Ruby's first time picking out her own clothes, and since you bought an overstock last shipment, we figured we could take a few before you return it tomorrow. I promise that we did not go anywhere near the displays."
"First time, you say? Follow me to the back and we'll have a look shall we."
"Please don't be mad. We just…we…what are you doing?"
"Here, put this back, and this one, and this one.
You can put this one back, and…..these two."
"Mrs. K. There are only socks, underwear, and one pair of shorts here."
"I know that. Here, you can…."
"No, I'm not putting anymore back."
"Me neither."
"I don't want you to put it back. I was motioning for you to put it in one of these bags."
"Bags? But….."
"I know. Tell you what. I'll pay for these, you go pick out five more things. One pair of shorts, two bras, one pair of pants, one dress, and one shirt."
"Mrs. K, if I could; can I have two shirts, and take out the shorts?"
"You sure? What would your parents think?"
"I…I don't know. They're dead."
"Sorrry, my sis misspoke. She meant down the hall eating at the Diner. Just spoke too fast she made the words group together.
Ruby, can I talk to you?"
"Yea, sure. What is it?"
"Excuse us, Ladies."
"What's wrong? Did I say something?"
"It's not what you said but what you're supposed to say. What are you doing?"
"Is there a problem, kids?"
"NO, MRS. K. All good."
"Darius, I only spoke the truth. Isn't that what matters?"
"That's the problem. You've spoke nothing but the truth all day. I know it's truth but…."
"I know. I have to hide who I am. Sorry."
"It's okay. Think of it more as a white lie. Imagine the Firecrest and the Goldcrest."
"I'm the Firecrest?"
"No. Well, actually, yee…no. The truth is the Firecrest, but for now you need to go around telling Goldcrests. Similar to the truth but unless people look closer, they wouldn't be able to tell.