The 26 and friends

Chapter 65: Edible Frog

"More money?"

"Ruby already has jewelry, earrings, two shorts, one pair of pants, two bras, two shirts, three stretchy stuff I don't know, and enough socks and underwear to clothe an army."

"But I still haven't found THEE outfit."

"She's right."

"What's thee dress?"

"I don't know, but I'll know it when I see it."

"Maybe this shopping wasn't such a good idea."

"You hush it and carry my bags. This is like a dream come true. Doesn't beat Nature though with all different animals and sights. Like the Edible frog!! Ooo, how I pray the Heartchilds pick the perfect pet."

"I thought I was your dream come true?"



"Won't be long now. Ruby can still get 4 shirts, a few dresses, and....Oh no."

"What's an oh no?"

"That….is an oh no."

"What's going on here?"

"What does it look like, Manager? We're helping this little girl shop."

".........With Fourty dollars?"

"Shoot. You saw?"

"Hand them over."

"But, Mrs…"

"I said, 'hand them over'".

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