Chapter 67: Gecko
"Darius, why?"
"Kids, my employees and I talked it over and I think we've picked out some nice outfits for you to look at and try. Could really change your outlook."
"My outlooks already been changed, thanks to Darius. You wanna shut me up, and take away who I am? You're already taking away my home, my life, my personality, my friends, and all I've ever known. Why must you take away my identity too? Are the others not enough for you?"
"Ruby, I…"
"No. You said enough. What's the point of being human if I can't even be me? It's as if you don't even care what I lose. I'd rather go back to being a ghost."
"Ruby, waiiii....t."
"She thinks she's a ghost?"
"I wish I was one. Turning invisible would be good right about now.
Can I look at those outfits? May need your help deciding, but don't think words alone will get me out of this one."
"No need to pry, but I can feel her position. As adopted, when younger I would have to go in between both homes for the longest time until one of them said we want you to be ours. I was both happy, nervous and excited. More resentful actually. I had to give up traits of my bio family in order to fit in with my new. Only difference, I had no new siblings to help me out. Wasn't until after I was in my new family that I had a baby sister. At least she'll have you."
"Where are you?"
"Those are my parents. Thanks for the clothes, the bags, and the cart. It'll be a long day."
"Darius, wait."
"Think of Ruby as a Gecko. She might have her own way of communicating, may be able to hide out anwywhere she wants, but even the shyest Gecko comes around."