Shards of Old

113. Investment

-Are you fucking kidding me? - she laughed, forgetting the headache that she just had. - You think that some random kids are going to be even remotely helpful…

-Those are not just some random kids - I assured her. - Those are slaves, bought by your “savior”. Reasons you probably figured by now. But what’s more important, they are not that bad: they are actually pretty good at magic.


-Yeah. While I am sure that they might not be currently very good at fire, or any kind of magic, I am certain that after a while here they would easily surpass a lot of your current… guildmates.

-You really think I am that weak? - asked Jacob, clearly hurt.

-Oh, you are. But I was not talking about you. It was more about the two, er, three from the capital.

-Wait… are you telling me that they are comparable to them? - now For was in disbelief. - Hell, that might not be that bad of a deal…

-Pff. Well, but there’s a catch.

-Like that whole deal is not a catch.

-True. You already know that for some reason their house was targeted by your kind.

-”My kind” - she squinted at me with disgust. - So nice of you.

-Come on, you know what I mean. But that’s not all. The problem is that they were tinkered with.

She looked at me with a blank expression.


-Yep. Your friend over here thought it would be a good idea to try and “fix” them.

-You know that’s not how… - Jack interrupted but I did not care.

-Yes, yes. And while in your case he somewhat succeeded…? I think? In their case, I am still uncertain.

-What the fuck did you do?

She was about to be angry but before she was able to yell I cut her off.

-It’s not exactly his fault, he’s just so fucking gullible that it hurts. And incompetent. Like you.

-Don’t start with this!

-Heh. Yeah, he was deceived by his “master”. Noli, remember, I mentioned that name.

I explained briefly about Noli and his “experiments”, along with my discoveries about his real name and me now wanting to look for him.

-Why the fuck do you even came here… - she started complaining, clearly torn.

-Like that was my choice.

-You say that but I still feel it’s hard to believe that you just randomly found your way here… Especially after you don’t even have proof of that supposed anchor…

-I think the hole in your wall is proof enough.

-You say that, but….

-You think I am lying? Come on…

-I can’t afford to think you are - she said with a strain on her face. - Okay. Fine. I’ll take that deal.

-But… - Jack was clearly bewildered, along with Vendi. - I never even explained…

She shot him a look that managed to silence even him.

-I might be still a bit woozy and not grasping the whole picture, but I can tell the fact that he holds you in the palm of his hand. Like me. Even though you don’t have any magic binding you, which I find a bit strange, but whatever. I know very well that you’re going to do what he says.

He did not say a word.

-Hey, hey, don’t you picture me in such light - I protested. - I honestly just want better for the kids, and do you really think that they would be better off in some remote island in the middle of nowhere, with no one to teach them, rather than here?

-I would agree with that - Vendi spoke up suddenly - but, as I understand, this place is not that much better.

-Well, we do have some problems - muttered Jacob, more towards For than anyone else. - but we can definitely manage better than you…

-Okay, there’s enough problems even without this kind of discourse - I stopped them before Jack was about to add his own opinion to the mix. - Yeah, sure, there are problems, but they are not in the current state of the world. Where do you want to go, to Axelrod? Or maybe that old man Charsh?

-That would be pretty much the same thing - said Jacob. - He’s essentially under the king's command now.

-You know, maybe instead of arguing about that, let’s ask the most involved one here. Kon, what do you think?

He was standing silently in the corner of the room, listening and not even thinking of interrupting. I could tell, thanks to our connection.

-Ah! Er, I don’t think it’s really my choice… It’s just as you said, it’s Mor’s choice…

-But we still would like to hear your opinion - I said. - You are the closest one, that’s not those two, to the ones who’d be taken under her custody.

-Well… - he stopped, thinking for a moment. - I don’t know. It is a very intriguing place… and while I don’t really understand what exactly is the Red Edge…

-Right… - I have never properly explained that, have I? - realized For. - So listen. The Red Edge is a man-made island off the coast…

-I think he didn’t mean it that way - I stopped her before she went into full encyclopedia mode. - Jacob, you are more consistent. Can you go ahead and tell him more RELEVANT information?

Jacob, a bit flustered, took a glance at For.

She just gave me an annoyed sigh and gestured for him to go ahead.

-Okay… Well, Red Edge is a headquarters of Red Mages, or as Mor would probably say, Fire Mages. We are… or rather used to be the strongest magical military force other than the forces of the kingdom. We are also an academy for talented mages that are skilled in controlling red mana. But, as it was pointed out, we right now are short-staffed, thanks to the king’s war effort.

-So… if those kids were to be accepted here - said Kon - what would happen to them? Would they be included in that… war?

-Oh, no, don’t get me wrong - he immediately started to explain himself. - It’s not like we forced anyone to do that. All who left did it voluntarily. Hm, I think I poorly explained that… See, we mainly just a… an employment agency for those talented in magic. Usually we deal with more peaceful contracts. But since fire magic is often mostly needed to fight, we had to lean towards the more offensive side, hence the “military force” I mentioned. We never force our people to do jobs they don’t want to. The fact that everyone has chosen to join the king's effort against the elves is just because he offered a lot of gold.

He paused for a moment.

-I understand your apprehension, I joined only because of money at first…

-Jacob! - For was clearly hurt. - How could you…

-Because that’s true. And I never expected that I would stay for that long, yet now I realize that this is not the worst place to join. Hell, if I was to redo my life and choose again, I’d definitely join the Reds once more. Besides the great opportunity for money, it’s a great way to learn, which I assume you’re interested in.

-Somewhat… - he muttered.

-By the way, I thought I should mention - I said inside his head - I intend to at least try and “fix” the most issues with the security while I am here. So it will be a really good place to hide from the elves… Well, maybe besides For. But she is under my control. And doesn’t seem like one of those suicidal maniacs from before.


-And besides, even if they say that the place is deserted, there are still some people here that I think you’d be interested in meeting.

-I don’t really know… I am still not sure.

-Well, I don’t want you to feel pressured, but your opinion is kind of what might make or break that deal we’re having.

-And what about you? - he asked after another moment. - Iloa? What do you think we should do?

Iloa, silent until now, was sort of surprised that he was addressing her directly.

-I am touched that you want to consider my opinion, but I am afraid that I am a bit biased in this situation… - she admitted. - Besides the fact that Mor is my old friend, I also agree that this place is definitely better than that island. While you were self-sufficient and outside any control back there, you cannot deny that those days are over, they ended when the elves attacked you. Sure, this place is also not hundred percent secure and has close ties to the king, but what else do you have? You can stay with them, sure, with my help you’d probably be able to defend them…

I never thought about that. Right, he was now connected with her, and with that kind of help he’d be able to learn and pick up a lot of spells that would be devastating towards any attacker. Even if I wouldn’t help or teach him, Iloa would. And if she didn’t, the knowledge would get to him sooner or later, sort of like it was with me and the memories that I felt after our first connection.

-...but it’s always better to have someone else to assist. And you can’t be everywhere at once

-Ah… I think I understand. I think… I know.

-I understand - he finally exclaimed. - And I think I agree with you, this is indeed a good place for them to say. But I do have a condition.

All of us were surprised. Well, me and Iloa the least, since we were able to feel his inner turmoil, but for him to out right demand something…

-Oh? Let’s hear it.

For was visibly curious.

-There are actually two… - he quickly corrected himself.

She just raised her brew, but did not comment.

-First… I want you to take my father… I mean Jack and Vendi, too.

-That’s a condition? - she chuckled. - It’s more of a boon than anything. They’d be infinitely more useful than the kids…

-Not exactly - reminded her Jacob. - They are fugitives. Or at least are targeted by someone. Besides, we do not have any assurances that they’d cooperate…

-Well, we still have him - For looked directly at Kon. - You can keep your… parents in check, right?

-Mm… that’s actually my second condition… I’d like to stay free and not here…

-That I cannot agree to - she immediately shot him down. - You are essential here. Or… well, you are my insurance.

She glanced briefly at me.

-Since you have Mor’s trust, I can believe that you would not betray me and cooperate. But I can’t say the same thing about these two. Kids I can handle, but…

-Isn’t there anything that could be done? - he sounded a bit worried. - I mean, you said that people that work here are blood bound for you, right? Can’t you do that to make sure?

-Oh, if I could, it would be no problem. But there’s a tiny issue. As far as I am aware, all of you are already bound to someone. I cannot just overwrite that.

-Wait, he’s onto something - I said, thinking aloud. - If I am correct, Jack, you are not bound to anyone, are you? Wouldn’t binding him to you essentially get all of them under your command?

-Didn’t you say that Ilon, Noli, or whatever that guy was his master? - she raised her brew.

-I, well yes, but…

I stopped. I never actually considered that. He mentioned the fact multiple times, but I never even thought of it that way.

-Wait, Jack, is she right? You had a contract with him?

Jack and Vendi were clearly very tense and while the whole conversation essentially involved their immediate future, they kept silent. Only thanks to my question, one of them finally spoke up.

-Oh…! Er, yes, I already told you. I agreed for him to be my master, so…

-I thought you meant as a student! Didn’t you say he was your teacher? - I asked, annoyed.

-Of course. That too…

-Why the fuck didn’t you specify that earlier?!

That put a spanner in the whole plan B. Plan A, a.k.a. leaving Kon here as a proxy to keep a tab on things already was out of the picture…

Or maybe it was salvageable…?

-Okay, another idea. Instead of staying here, I will take Kon - I proposed. - Maybe not as a slave, I am not sure that’s even possible. You said I am old-fashioned, maybe you’re right, let’s just rely on a good old hostage?

I expected a lot of reactions. Be it refusal, from any of the sides really, or anything else, but what I felt was definitely not on the list.

Kon was happy. Out of all the emotions, that’s not the one that someone in the role of a hostage should have.

I only was able to tell that thanks to our connection, because his face was still as tense and stressed as before.

-I can agree to that - he said, seemingly not very keen on that. Acting much?

For was almost as surprised as I was, probably not because of his emotions, more because he agreed so quickly. Even though he did not sound convinced, his quick answer made her suspicious.

-And why so eager? Is there you forgot to tell me, Mor?

-Oh great, now this is my fault?

I sighed.

Well, I could only blame myself.

I already had a good idea why he wanted that, and while not very discreet, it was pretty clever of him.

He, straight up, just wanted to travel with me. Not like it was, but with this kind of play he was forcing me to take him with me and essentially take the place of Jack.

-Well, he is a revenant, supposedly… - said Jacob. - No wonder he wants to stay with him. He’s probably got a lot of answers.


She gave him a piercing look.

-Eh, he probably is right - I said, unenthusiastically. - While I had enough of travel companions like him, it’s not like we have a better play at the moment.

-Oh you maybe don’t. Or they. Can’t really tell why you are helping them. But I can just flat out refuse, right? - said For. - I don’t get much of that exchange anyway…

-Not much? - I raised my brow. - Me fixing your security concerns is not enough of a payment?

-You say that, but you have to actually do that. We’ve been sitting here and discussing this without any proof that…

She stopped, realizing that was not a good argument.

-Okay, maybe I can believe that you are able to do something… but I can’t just…

She paused again, considering.

-Tell you what. Sure, go for it. Try “fixing” the issue. I want to see what we are working with. Then I will make my decision.

-So you agree? - asked Kon, clearly excited.

-I don’t agree to anything yet. But I might, after he… I don’t know, what are you going to do, actually?

-Not sure yet - I shrugged. - I need to take a better look first.

-So what are we waiting for?

With that, the negotiations were put on hold.

Or at least that was how it was meant to look.

The truth was, she was going to accept this deal anyway, even without Kon as a collateral. I could tell by her state of her emotions: she was more excited and intrigued than suspicious. And I don’t blame her. It’s not any day that you get proposed that you take under your wing a bunch of kids that are already that much familiar with magic.

Even back in my world, the kids, even the smartest ones, were not very good at magic, that is until they started their magical studies. And you can imagine that those were not exactly available to anyone. Those kids’ knowledge already was well beyond what I would consider “basics”.

This whole spiel was most likely just to feel out Kon. Or Jack. Maybe both. I guess it went well. Luckily for her, Kon was not yet as proficient as me in reading other people, so he had no idea and was negotiating for real, gaining himself some points.

The two were escorted away by Jacob, while the rest of us made our way downstairs, to the room where we arrived.

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