Shards of Old

112. Healer

-Yep. Well, the name checks out… along with some facts - I pointed out, thinking. - He indeed is somewhat capable of using life magic. I heard he can heal people too… but never knew about him being able to meld faces…

-Well… he didn’t do it that well - she pointed out. - So I guess that’s also correct.

-Okay, sure. He also was saying that he knows you and you owe him…

-Changing someone’s face and healing them from the brink of death? I would definitely consider that as a good base for being in debt… - she muttered, confirming my observations.

-But wait… you said he can’t change faces though.

-It’s not like he can’t, it’s just I’ve never seen him do it. Or heard.

-So what, you think he’s capable of that? Just based on a hunch?

-Based on the fact that he can use life magic to heal someone - I corrected him. - That’s what he did, he just healed her. But that brings another question. As far as I understand this kind of magic, it is essentially healing someone into a different shape than they were before. So, since he changed her appearance, he had to change it into someone he knew.

-Wait, so he couldn’t just change it to something he would imagine? I thought that was why her ears healed differently…

-I mean, that is possible. But it’s more likely that he accidentally changed her into someone he knew, and since he didn’t know any elves, nor the fact that you were one, ears got deformed.

-That makes sense - she said quietly, touching the tips of her ears. - I never thought about that…

-It still doesn't answer the question of how and why he was there - I pointed out.

-You don’t believe that it was just a chance encounter?

-Oh, it’s always a possibility. But I honestly doubt it.

-Let’s get him dragged up here then! - said Jacob. - We can get the information straight from him. Since you apparently know him, it’s not going to be a problem, right?

-I don’t think so. But there is a small issue… I think he might want something in return.

-In return for the information? - he pondered that for a second. - Hm, I guess that’s a distinct possibility. But it shouldn’t be an issue. We’ve been short on manpower, but not on gold. I can think of worse ways to use king’s gold.

-Ha, no. Well, it might be helpful. But I didn’t mean it like that. - I said. - See, ever since the Red Edge was mentioned in any kind of discussion, he always was very sure of himself, that he’d get us out of any problem. I think…

-He intends to use the fact that he healed me against us… - For finished for me. - Damn.

-Wait a second. He knows that For is a head of the guild? How?

-I mean… you keep this a secret? - I asked, a bit confused.

-No, that’s not what he means - said For, understanding suddenly why he was concerned. - I have never told him my name… Nor he really asked for it. We just parted ways in the capital, and have never seen each other since. So how the hell did he know who I was, and that I was here?

-I…huh. Well, maybe you showed yourself in the capital or something? - I said, trying to think. - I don’t think it’s that hard to spot you, is it?

-I was pretty thorough to not show my face in public - she assured me. - The only occasions that someone from the capital would’ve seen me or knew my name would be on the king's court. And he doesn’t strike me as some kind of a wealthy noble or something. Besides, I feel he’d approach me before, wouldn’t he? Maybe just to remind me of him…

-Your savior is definitely not some high noble, you got that right - I agreed. - But maybe just the info about you got to him through some less official channels…

-Right… He is a broker… but I would’ve thought the king was a bit more careful with information leaks… Well damn it. What does he want then?

-Ask him yourself - I said plainly. - But, I believe it won’t be as bad as you think it is… Hell, it might even be a good opportunity for you.

-Opportunity? - she was clearly intrigued. - Well, not like I have much of a choice.

-There is always a choice - I said dryly. - Don’t paint me as some kind of taskmaster of yours…


With that, Jacob went to get the rest of the group that came with me.

At first, he wanted to just bring Jack, but I told him to get all of them. They would inevitably repeat the whole conversation to them anyway, so the secrecy was pointless.

He hesitated for a while, but I think I convinced him

As soon as he left, I contacted Kon. A bit needlessly, apparently. He’s constantly been listening along with Iloa.

Of course he didn’t tell them a word about that, but even without that he convinced the other two to come along and not try anything stupid.

-Greetings, miss For.

The fact that Jack was that courteous with her was… a bit reassuring.

-Hello. I have never expected for you to appear here. Let’s not delay and get to it immediately. Who are you?

He gazed at her with confusion.

-Don’t you remember who I am…?

-Of course, of course. I want to know who you are. I know you saved me. But I only know your name and what Mor told me.

-Well, I don’t know what to say… - he mumbled, trying to not look directly at her. - I am not sure what kind of person you think I am, but…

-Okay, I am going to stop you right there - I said, noticing that even though she said that she was not going to try and delay this, it definitely looked like the opposite was the case now. - Who do you work for? How did you find her?

-Oh! So we’re going there…

-Er… are you sure I am supposed to be here? - asked a bit passive Vendi. - It’s not…

-You stay here. Who knows, you might have something interesting to say - said For. - I hear that you are his slave. You know him pretty well then. And since you’re in his servitude, he won’t have anything against you hearing some secrets, right?

-Of course not… although I am afraid that I don’t have many of those…

-We’ll see about that.

-Let’s then start from the top. I’ll be a considerate host and ask, what was that you wanted of me? - she started. - I know you said that I owe you, and I agree with that. So?

-Me?! Ah, it’s not like that. I just… - he gazed towards me, like he was asking for permission.

-Talk openly. We also have a deal over here - I reminded him, pointing towards For’s neck.

-Oh. Right. Well… Okay. It’s not like that. I assume Mor told you the story of our appearance here…?

-Yes, yes. We’ll get to the fact of you appearing here later. What was that you thought you’re going to accomplish here?

-I… eh… - he sighed. - I see nothing can be hidden from your eyes. Fine.

His tone changed to a bit more calm and collected, he was no longer pretending to be stressed.

-Fine. You are aware, I was the one who saved your life. I managed to bring you back from the dead. Right now, when I found out where and whose domain we have landed, I decided to not let this occasion from my grasp. I would like to get a payment for that service now.

-And what if I refuse?

-I know who you are - he said instantly. - While I don’t know you personally, I have been assured that you are a very considerate person and you’d at least consider my proposition.

I couldn’t help but wonder who was that person that “assured” him about that. Surely he was not talking about me, was he? Wait. Couldn’t that be…

-Considerate. Ha. That’s a strange one. But didn’t you say you wanted “payment”? Didn’t you mean gold? Now you talk about “proposition”? Make up your mind. And if that is to include more “deals” - she quickly added - I am afraid that you are fighting a losing battle here…

-I see who you’ve taken the ideas from - muttered Vendi, looking at me.

-It’s quite the opposite - replied to him quietly Jacob. - It’s the influence of Mor that makes her say that.

A bit startled, he almost jumped when he spoke.

Right, Jacob was a bit of a prominent figure. While not in his trademark black armor, which he apparently “got rid of”, he was not that different-looking from his brother. And both of the brothers were pretty well-known.

-Yes… a deal, somewhat… - continued Jack. - See, recently, I’ve been attacked. I assume that you know about my… other job?

-Other as in slave trader, or an information broker?

-Haha… - he laughed weakly. - I see Mor does not go easily on me… no wonder. But, no, I mean my weirder, current hobby… of a caretaker.

-Caretaker? - she didn’t manage to hide her surprise. - If you mean this one - she pointed to Kon - then stop bluffing. I know he is now under better care.

-Oh, no, I know, Mor is a better person to guide him now… but he is not the only one in my care… or at least I hope so.

-What, you bought that many…?

-Yes. Although my reasons were not that simple, I do have a big collection of slaves. One that I would like to have preserved.

-Hm. I think I am beginning to understand - she nodded, in thought. - Who attacked you?

-Ah right - I realized. - I forgot to mention that. It was a group of suicidal elves.

-A sui.. what?!

Both her and Jacob were promptly caught off guard.

-WHY DIDN’T YOU MENTION EARLIER? - asked almost shouting For. - It’s kind of important!

-Hm, what, you think that you knew someone?

-That is possible! What if one of them was someone from my family!?

-Wait a second… - now Jack and Vendi looked at each other confused. - Know? You know someone like that?

-Know? - she puffed. - It’s more like that I would like to know. Stop acting, you know who I am.

-I don’t…

I gazed at him, trying to poke and feel his mana for signs of a lie… but there were none. He really had no idea.

-Ha. He’s clueless - I said, not exactly surprised.

-Damn my big mouth…- muttered For.

-Does it change anything, really? - I said, shrugging. - Listen here, Jack. I think you already figured out that I can tell when you’re lying so be clear with us. Was that you who saved For from that fire?

It was not the complete truth, but would be enough for him. I could tell his mana changing or not didn’t exactly have to mean he was lying or not, but it was a good start.


No change.

-Okay. So how did she look back then?

I could tell he was hesitating, gazing towards Kon.

-Ha, don’t bother, he’s not such a delicate flower. Come on.

He took a deep breath.

-Whole body was black, charred to the bone. I honestly thought that she was dead. And…

He hesitated again. This time I noticed a change in his emotions, but for some reason he was… scared.

-As long as you’re telling the truth, you’ll be fine.

-I am not so sure about that… - he replied - but I am not intending on lying.

He looked me straight in the eyes.

-When I found her… it was not that much after my mentor left me. And it was during the time that I was interested in… well, you know what.

I froze, understanding what he meant.

-But it didn’t work! - he immediately began explaining himself, noticing my reaction. - Or rather it didn’t have to! I thought that I found myself a fresh body, but she was still alive!

-Wait, what the hell does that mean? - asked For, up till now stone-faced, but now she started to begin being worried. - Fresh body!? What are you?!

-A necromancer. Well, somewhat scuffed one - I said, seeing like he was about to protest.

-Necrom… wait, what the hell? What did you do to me!?

-Nothing! I just healed your body! I thought…

He started explaining how he found her lifeless, how he didn’t know what to do and so on.

He was worried, but I could see that it was not because he was trying to think of a lie, it was more like he was, with all his might, attempting to convince us that he was not and explain


-I think I am beginning to understand - I finally said in the midst of his explanation.

-So tell me - said For. - And please, make more sense than him…

-I can’t promise that. It’s a bit hazy for me too… - I said, still deep in thought.

-I think he is not lying. He did find you dead… or rather almost dead, in the fire. How did he stumble upon you is still a question for later though - I said, giving him a questioning look.


-Later. So, he found your body, and since he’s a very, very gifted and faithful pupil of his master, Noli, he attempted to try his teachings. Again. But, funnily enough, this time it worked for him. Not because you were dead, no - I said, seeing as she was about to ask about it again. - It was the exact opposite. Since his spell was intended to “raise someone as a revenant”, and the target was still alive, it did the closest thing it was able to: helped you heal.

-But how do you explain my face then?! The scars?! I got changed, not healed.

-Changed…? - Jack was still somewhat confused. - I changed you?

-Yes. I imagine he just made you into someone he saw in the village. Wouldn’t that be the case, Jack? Does she remind you of someone you’ve seen?

-I… - he stopped to think, finally understanding a bit. - Wait, you were not a family of those who were burned along with you?! I…

-Ha. So I was right - I nodded. - As he approached the burning fire, you noticed the first victims. Correct?

-Yes - he nodded. - I approached, seeing people burned, I wanted to help them, just to notice that they were already dead. Their wounds were not that deep though… they were bloody, true, but the burns were a lot less severe. I could easily distinguish their features. In your case though…

-Hm. “Burned to the bone”. No wonder you thought of her dead. Seeing as others with a lot more survivable wounds were already deceased, you instantly figured out she had to be as well.


-But I was not? - asked For, a bit strangely. - How can we be sure that you did not succeed and turn me into one of those… creatures? Like you? And why did he choose me in the first place?!

-I am certain you weren’t the only target. But you were the only one who stood up - I shrugged. - And about the turning, you're fine - I assured her. - Besides the fact that his spell was absolutely garbage, he, straight up, is not powerful enough to do something like that. Also, you might not remember, I not so long had drained a lot of your mana.

-Right… you mentioned that… so what?

-First of all, I wouldn’t be able to drain you at all if you were to be a remnant. Or, even if I was, it would be infinitely harder than it was.

For a second I hesitated, thinking if I should tell her that her taste was also different for some reason.

I decided to keep my mouth shut, as Iloa in the back of my head also agreed, still thinking that was weird.

-Second, you were still alive. That is a fact. And while I am not sure how exactly your blood works, but I think your longevity also translates into resilience. And you mentioned you being more attuned towards fire…

-Blood…? Wait… - Jack opened his eyes wide.

-Right. You’re a bit out of the loop.

-At this point, I think it’s pointless to hide this… - agreed with me For. - Let me introduce myself properly. I am For, current leader of Red Mages and I am an elf of the first generation of the new arrivals.

-Elf? But you…

-Don’t look like one? Yes, that’s why we are right now interrogating you - I explained. - At first we thought that you did that on purpose, but I should’ve known better.

-Apparently he was not lying to you, he was just as blind as we all were - I thought, directing my thoughts towards Kon.

-Okay… fine. Let’s say I buy that crap - she finally said, not entirely convinced. - Okay. Next question. How the hell did you appear right then and there?

-I mean… there was a fire…

-A fire in a very remote location in shit-knows-where. Yes.

-Okay, that's simply incorrect. I know you are used to your castle, you own a whole island after all, but really, Kalkano is not that remote…


Both me and For were caught off-guard by that name.

-Hell, I am with him on this one. Kalkano is just south of the capital, not in some hole on the end of the world.

-Okay, pause - she seemed confused. - You found me in Kalkano? That small village was Kalkano?

-Err… yes?

-Just tell me one thing - I finally decided to ask, wrestling with my theories. - The info about the fire… and all that… it didn’t come from the person I think, did it?

-You mean master…? - he looked at me sheepishly. - Maybe…

-Oh for fucks sake…

-That makes no sense - she said. - That could not be a thing… I remember…

She stopped, like she just realized that she did not know what she was supposed to say.

-What do I remember…? - she grabbed her head, clearly confused.

-Are you feeling okay?

Jacob wanted to check up on her, but it was not necessary. While it was clear that she was not completely fine, she just waved him off.

-No… It’s just… I think my earlier attempts at finding information are backfiring now… I am having a headache…

-Maybe get some more mana - he instantly proposed. - You really were drained…

-No, I am fine. It’s just… memories are flooding that I don’t remember having before.

-That sounds interesting - I muttered. - Anything relevant to him?

-I… I don’t know. But let’s change the subject for a second. What did you exactly want from me?

For a second Jack had no idea that she was one talking to him.

-Ah! I… I don’t think I am in a place to want anything…

-Okay, for fucks sake - I growled, running out of patience. - If you are not going to say it, I’ll do it for you. Listen. For, you have had some issues with lack of manpower, right?

-Er… sure, somewhat.

-Okay. So, what would you say if you were to suddenly get some new people under your belt?

She raised her head, intrigued, and took a closer look at Jack and the team.

-Them? Hm… they look… interesting, to say the least. You know, that’s not what I expected…

-Don’t get ahead of yourself - I stopped her. - It’s not about them, not exactly. Those that I am, er, he is providing are a bit younger. Lot younger. How exactly?

-Between 12 and 16 - said Jack, realizing what’s going on. - But I didn’t…

-Oh, maybe you didn’t, but I did - I said plainly. - You know very well that those kids are now in danger, be it because of me or whatever else.

-Because of you?

-Doesn’t matter. What’s important is that, just as I said, I am not leaving them in your care. Kon can’t watch you forever. Me neither.

-Wait a second - stopped me For. - I am not some kind of daycare…

-And I don’t want you to be - I said flat out. - I want you to take them as employees. In training, sure, but still.

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