114. Theory
-What do you intend to do? - asked For as we were descending via yet another set of stairs.
-That depends on many things. I have a couple theories. Some more out there than another.
-Theories? I thought you said that you know…
-We know many things, that does not mean I can’t be more sure about one thing than another.
-What the hell?
-Eh… as I said, I suspect I know how this thing works… I told you, this thing is an Origin Crystal - I started explaining. - But that does not mean that there is just one way that this thing is operating.
-What’s the most likely scenario then?
-I what you told me is true, and this thing is actually working as one big bio-bound crystal, this can get complicated…
-I am not lying to you - she was adamant. - I literally can’t without you knowing.
-Oh, I know, it’s not what I meant. What you think is correct and what is really true can be two different things.
-You think that I, after being chosen as a successor for Red Mages, would’ve been misinformed? That’s doubtful…
-Not if the previous ones were mistaken as well. Or were hiding something.
-Hiding? What do you think we are? We trust each other!
-I don’t doubt that. But I am not sure about that “creator” of yours. He’s the weak link in your story.
-Weak link?
-Yes. Since he, or she, is a source of your knowledge, it is possible that they could just “forgot” to include some things.
She was still not convinced but agreed anyway.
-Okay, sure. I guess that might be correct. But why do you think that the security would’ve worked for so long without issue, and just now failed?
-That’s what I am to check. But, don’t worry, I don’t think that they’ve lied to you. It’s probably just the case of Axelrod getting himself his own hands on the Origin Crystal.
-Hm. If so then what? Wouldn't that mean that our security should work fine then? Doesn’t mana get forced through the biggest crystal there is in vicinity? You can’t tell me that he’s got an even larger one in his possession! This island is massive!
-Ha, it is large - I admitted. - But yes, I do think so.
She looked at me, confused.
-Are you going to tell me that he can somehow have with him a crystal bigger than this? What, does he have some pocket dimension or something?
-That is possible, those bags can be powerful, but that’s not it - I shook my head. - And you seem to misunderstand. Mana does not flow to the “biggest” one. It goes to the strongest.
She paused, considering what she heard.
-Okay… Okay… But still! Something more powerful than this?! I can’t imagine…
-Me neither. But, there is a small bit of a mistake in your whole theory. See, you told me that the whole island was made out of one stone, right?
-Yes. And the castle.
-And the castle - I nodded. - So tell me, why does the crystal in that hidden room have a different color then?
She stopped. Literally froze in place.
-You are telling me. That the “Origin Crystal” you are so adamant about being here… Is that small imperfection in the center!?
-Imperfection? - I was puzzled by this description. - That’s the last thing I thought someone would call the literal crystallization of magic.
-Are you sure we are talking about the same thing? - she was now confused. - A small pebble? A tiny, cracked prism?
Now I joined in her confusion.
-Okay, now you are worrying me. True, the Origin Crystals do look like prisms. See-through or rainbow-colored, depending on circumstances. But for one to be cracked? That’s unheard of!
-Wait, you said you landed there!? What did you see!?
-Well, I didn’t see anything - I admitted. - It was Kon’s eyes I was looking through.
-You sure it was like that?! - she now was focused on Kon. - Are you sure you didn’t just misspoke?
-Wait, wait - I stopped her before she was able to grab him in her impatience. - I said it was his eyes, but was the one looking.
-Okay, long story short, spell. Don’t worry about that. But I am sure, besides the fact that it looked like one, it was obviously very powerful. What now intrigues me is more the fact that you called it a pebble. And it was cracked? I was not able to see anything like that…
-But it is… or rather was when the room was sealed. What’s in there now then?!
-Huh… Well, the crystal is a lot bigger. As big as me, I want to say. Like you described, prism-like and all, but with no imperfection. Quite the opposite. It was even seamlessly melded into the floor… I think it is even growing now… but that might be my fault…
-Growing?! - she was now more worried than ever. - What the hell did you do?!
-I am not sure myself - I admitted. - Like I said. I do need to confirm some things before I reply with a decent answer. But what you said is more interesting than anything. If that’s true, then maybe your problem has already been solved.
We paused our conversation, because we finally reached the corridor leading to the place we teleported to. It was still guarded by the two familiar faces.
-Sir! -
Eicam stiffened immediately and both of them saluted, while also at the same time were surprised to see me here as well.
-Stand down. We have some business here - immediately said For, as Ebas was just about to ask her about something.
-Of course.
They both stepped aside.
She considered something, but apparently decided against it and just stepped through the door.
-Kon. I’m going to borrow your eyes again.
-Ah. Right, of course.
-Both of us will - chimed in Iloa.
For immediately noticed that we were up to something, because she turned back and looked at us with suspicion, that started turning into fear when Kon’s eyes suddenly flared up.
-Don’t worry - I immediately assured her. - I told him to do it.
-Told? I haven’t heard the word. What are you doing, anyway?
-I want to actually see, you know. Kind of hard with this blinding mana.
-Blinding? Is it really that bad?
-Bad? It’s good, not bad. It means that your crystal is powerful.
-Still, it was not powerful enough to inhibit the king.
-We’ll see about that.
She gazed at us once more, but just turned away, focusing her attention on the corridor instead, and immediately turned pale.
She was now straight right at the opening that I had created to free us from the room that we were trapped in.
-Damn… You told me that you made an opening… but this…
She touched the wall, or rather the hardened growth that was left after I turned the crystal into goo.
The opening was just as I left it, the hole had hardened almost instantly, preserving the shape and giving a good hint on how we managed to escape.
-Yeah… I know, it’s a bit rude, but we were not going to stay there forever… And since we couldn’t find any secret paths or doors…
-Oh, I don’t blame you. And about doors… no wonder you didn’t find any. Because there are none to be found.
-Wait, so how are you supposed to enter this room then? - asked Kon, a bit confused.
-You aren’t - she plainly explained. - See, this room was sealed by the founder and never was supposed to be opened. Having a room without an entrance is the safest way to protect something, is it not?
-Well, it is, unless someone finds a way to get in without using a door - I pointed out. - Sort of like me.
She frowned.
-I almost forgot about that fact. I still don’t know how the hell did you manage to get inside… That’s some luck you got there…
-Not really. Blame Melle for that one…
-Yes… her… - she muttered.
What was that feeling I just felt from her? Was that… nostalgia…?
-Anyway, shouldn’t you be doing something? - she pointed out, gesturing towards the room. - You said you needed to take a…
She stopped mid sentence, just as she herself took a gaze inside the closed chamber.
Her eyes were glued to the crystal in the middle, which was still slowly pulsing with light.
I don’t think it changed much since my… “attempt” before, still merged with the floor and just as prismatic as before.
-You were not kidding… this thing is indeed different…
She took a step through the opening and got a bit closer to the disfigured gem.
-Last time I checked… it was so small I could hold it in my hand…
-When was that? - I asked, a bit curious.
-Like a month before…? Maybe a bit earlier…?
-Month? And when you learned that it might not be working why didn’t you check up on this thing? And how? Didn’t you say there is no way in? - I asked, a bit perplexed.
-They are ways to look inside - she replied, dismissively. - I have been checking it every month or so since I have become the leader - she puffed. - And even others before me, for, I don’t even know how many years, it has not changed. Can you blame me for not expecting it to be a source of issues?
I sighed.
-Eh. Sure, but now we don’t know when it started changing shape…
-Didn’t you say that it changed as you touched it? - she pointed out.
-Yes, but it seems like it was already different when we arrived. I just changed it even more.
-That’s… concerning. You think that has something to do with the king being able to use magic?
-if you are asking if that is why it grew, I am not sure. But it definitely has something to do with both of us being able to use magic here…
-So wait, you managed to figure something more already…?
-No. For now I just am repeating what I knew before, but I need to do some tests. And for you, I think it would be better to leave.
-You’re kidding? While I am forced to believe you, there is no chance that I am missing seeing something like this!
-Like what? What do you think I am going to do?
-I don’t know! But I am still curious.
-Hm. That’s great and all, but the issue is that soon you might not be able to stand even - I pointed out.
-Is it really that bad? - she asked, not convinced. - I can handle myself.
-Ha. I doubt that. Remember, you got absolutely fucked by some reandom smoke from Eise.
She turned red. Did she forget that already?
-Don’t remind me…
Apparently not.
-I am not saying you shouldn’t look, it’s just going to be better if you are outside of the chamber. For some reason those walls are pretty good at insulating mana. If you feel weird, I can try and drain you a bit, but I’d rather leave that as a last resort…
-What about you two then?
-Concerned for us? - I grinned. - Don’t worry. I can handle myself.
-Well, I don’t doubt that - she said, not amused. - I know you are a weird creature that defies all logic… but what about you?
She was talking about Kon.
Honestly, I have not thought about that. Considering the fact that he was similar to me, I hoped that he’d be able to handle himself, but that also reminded me of the last time he was under the influence of stronger mana. His reaction was concerning.
But, it was before he turned into this new form, or rather returned to his body. Question was, would that mean he’s now more resistant, or less?
-Good thinking. Kon, how are you feeling?
-Er… fine?
-Well, we haven’t even entered the room completely - pointed out For. - I doubt that he was even able to absorb anything.
-Fair. How about it Kon, would you rather stay here or try your luck?
-I doubt that it has anything to do with luck…
-I am not sure… I thought you wanted me to help you…
-And you can, but it doesn't mean that you have to literally stand next to me all the time…
-Tell you what - I said, seeing as he was concerned now - you follow me, but stay close to the exit and just leave in case you feel weird. I am sure if you were to hide behind a wall, you can evade the most mana that is in this room.
-Wait… Even with this massive hole, it’s not leaking out? - asked For.
-For some reason, no - I said, squinting a bit.
With my own eyes, I was able to still see inside of the corridor without any issue, meaning most of the mana was still in the other room.
That was actually a bit strange. In any other circumstances, the massive power that used to be contained by the walls would’ve been leaking uncontrollably. It honestly was looking like some invisible field was blocking it from leaving the confines of that hidden chamber.
-Say For, is there some spell that contains this crystal? - I asked.
-The only containment was the walls. It’s just as you said, the crystals they are made of are very resistant to mana. If what you said is correct and it is indeed the same material as your own body, it’s no wonder. It’s just absorbing it itself.
-Yeah, but it can’t be the EXACT thing. After all, we are able to just be in here without any issues right?
-True… after all, your crystal drains everything uncontrollably…
-Does that mean that it’s something else? - asked Kon.
-Not exactly… Hm. Well, since we are alone, I can tell you my hypothesis about all this situation.
-Yes… so remember as I said that Origin Crystal can absorb mana, right? And that’s how you essentially create revenants?
-Well, yeah. Although I don’t know how the two are connected…
-It’s easy. And the hint is in your “meditation” spell. Or rather its description.
She grimaced, not really keen on remembering how she misunderstood it.
-Mana is life, is that what you mean?
-Precisely - I nodded. - And while making a revenant you are essentially containing every single drop of person’s mana in a crystal - I said, pointing towards Kon and his crystal. - That’s what we did.
-Okay… but what does that have to do with this? - she asked.
-When I arrived here… I did make contact with this crystal - I explained. - And let me tell you, I think I felt something. Or to be precise, someone. A presence of some kind.
-Wait, wait, wait… - she raised her hand, making me stop. - What you are saying is you think that SOMEONE is in this thing?! Someone…
-You are quick on the uptake - I replied. - And yes, although I am not sure who or what. That would also explain the fact that we are not getting drained.
-You said that this island is old, right? First of all, if I even am correct, this presence here is very, very weak. And I don’t mean by mana amount. It’s just as if that entity is asleep.
-How do you even know that? - she asked, amazed.
-I am not so sure myself - I admitted. - It’s just my hunch. I had felt multiple similar things like this already - I said, remembering how Iloa was at first, dormant inside my own body - and it is similar.
-A hunch, huh…? - she muttered, not convinced. - So what, you are going to act just on a hunch?
-Of course not. That’s why we are here. I am going to try this again.
-Ah, right. I meant, I am going to try and communicate with that entity. Try getting it to a more active state. The main question is, do you have any idea who that might be? - I asked.
-And why would I know that? - she raised her brow. - You think I forgot to tell you something or what?
-No - I shook my head. - It’s more like you just don’t realize that you might know.
-Okay, remember you said that this was created by your founder, right? Who sacrificed themself to make this place? What if they did not die, or rather not completely?
-Not completely? You think that our founder is now the piece of the crystal that is in front of us!?
I am not sure if she was amazed or terrified.
-That’s what most likely happened.