Shards of Old

111. Faceless

I stopped, trying to process what I just heard.


Odar was a werefera…? THE werefera?

When I heard that story I thought it was just some folk tale, a legend that people say just to scare kids or pass time. I never thought that I’d encounter it myself…

And I didn’t even notice!

-Even with your face I can tell that you are interested - said Jacob, looking me straight in the eyes.

-Shit, am I glowing again…?


-I mean, that’s pretty normal, don’t you think? - said For. - It’s hard to not be nervous after hearing that… How can anyone be sure that people we know are actually them? What the hell… if there are more of those things… It's like a horror story…

-While I have not heard about any more of those, that is possible…

-Yeah, that’s a good question - I realized after a moment. - Who did you… or rather Goldie heard that from? How in the hell that golden bastard managed to get on that kind of information? If you are sure that he’s not bullshiting, that had to be a feat and a half!

-You’d be disappointed - he shook his head. - It’s not some amazing story. While he would definitely paint that as some heroic feat or some crap like that, it was pretty mundane. It was the king who told him.

-Axelrod? And why the hell would he do that? - I asked, suspicious that it’s some strange misinformation tactic from him

-Easy. Caleb was supposed to be one of his royal guardians - he shrugged. - I mean before the whole “crusade” shtick and all…

-Wow - I didn’t bother hiding my surprise. - Someone actually wanted to hire him? I can’t believe it.

-Yeah, yeah, I know, amazing - he immediately dismissed me. - Back on topic. As I said, Erf is a werefera… or maybe rather THE werefera…

-Sure, sure, I understand what you’re putting down - I nodded. - You think that since I said that Axelrod had somehow controlled him, it was not the case, right? And it was just Odar?

Hearing that, For froze for a second.

It looked like she was trying to frantically think this through.

-Well, but there is one hole in that theory - I pointed out. - How do you explain the fact that Odar and Axelrod were seen multiple times together?

-Pff, like it’s hard to find a lookalike - said For. - Or produce one…

-Produce? - I asked, interested.

-I mean… you already know, I am an elf. Do you think that I always looked like that?

-Of course not. I mean, it’s hard not to notice the deformations…

She stared daggers at me, but didn’t comment on that.

-The point is, that if I can get myself a revamp of my face, the king can do that too.

-Hm. And his will probably not be as bad as yours… you’re right…

I could tell that she was getting annoyed, but I was not going to stop.

-Say, who did you get your makeover from?

-I don’t think that’s important - she wanted to dismiss me. - As you said, such a shoddy job was definitely not done by the same guy.

-Maybe not. But it at least gives us the direction to look for.

-Look for what?

-A some hook for the king. Do you really think that he’d want to know that he’s been lying to the public for who the hell knows how long?

-I don’t think people would care… - said Jacob. - The general public is content with his rule….

-Are you sure about that? - I asked, not convinced. - After the fiasco and the war, I find it hard to believe that there are no people who are feeling at least some disdain for him…

-Hm… maybe… - For was still not sure.


-Hey, Kon, that sounds like your kind of deal. Do you have any inkling of who else might have similar power to yours? Or maybe it was you who did that for him?


I was constantly informing him while having this discussion, or rather I felt him listen through my own body. He was getting good with that, probably thanks to Iloa. I’d have to ask her later.

-Yes. Sorry to bring bad memories, but you said that your previous owner knew about your abilities. Maybe he made you do it on someone or something.

-No, never - he replied after a moment of consideration. - I would’ve remembered. Also, I have never seen that face… I mean that Odar guy. To change it…’d definitely memorize it. True.

-I never heard of anyone doing similar things as me, though…

-Okay, fuck it, what’s even the point - suddenly said For, disrupting our discussion. - You already know at least part of the story, what’s the other piece…

-You what?

-I mean about me changing my face. I’ll tell you the rest.

Even Jacob seemed surprised. She didn’t tell him either?

-As you were told, I am an elf. And I am pretty old, despite my appearance.

-What, you changed your face to stay young? - I said jokingly, but she did not laugh.

-That was part of it.

That threw me for a loop.

-Wait. Don’t elves live for a… I don’t know, thousands of years? - I asked.

Were my assumptions just straight up wrong?

-Yes, yes, we are pretty much immortal. But I am not exactly a “normal” elf…

-Interesting… So what kind of monster are you?

-Mor! - Jack blurted out, absolutely stunned. - I know you own her, but…

-Oh, come on, I was joking. Besides, you call me a monster too and I don’t care.

-No, no, he’s right - For stopped him. - I am a bit of a monster too.

He looked at her with worry, but didn’t say a word.

-I am a descendant of one of the first elves that came to this continent a long time ago - she started. - I do not remember my parents well, but I do know that one of them was a human. I also remember being raised in a human village. I remember being sheltered and never being able to leave the house, closed indoors for whole days, to make sure that no one would know about me.

-What, were humans racist towards elves that much…?

-I mean, it didn’t change much - she smiled dryly. - But no, it was more of a “just to be safe”. After all, we were pretty new arrivals, and no one was even sure that we existed. That was also one of the reasons that I changed my face… or rather it was changed for me.

-You don’t mean… - started Jacob.

-The circumstances were a bit complicated. Let me finish.

He went silent and so she continued.

-I lived in that village for… hell, I have no idea how long. A lot of generations.

-Generations? Of what?

-Of people of course - she explained plainly. - I lived with a certain family… I think they were related to my human parents, but it’s been so long I don’t even remember much… Always the same house, the same room. I was just sitting there, reading random books, pretty much in a room just like this, although with a lot less light. I don’t know where they had the books from, maybe they were librarians? Who knows…

She stopped for a moment, reminiscing.

-I am sad that it never occurred to me to ask more about them… now it’s too late.

-So what happened? - I asked. - Since you’re here and all, something definitely went down?

-Not really… The only thing that went was the time. That’s the issue. I never noticed that, but while being under their care, that family was constantly shrinking. To the point where there was only one person left. And me.

-You outlived everyone there…? Hm…

-Yes… and even the last person, a very kind old lady, had even given me the deed to the house.

-That’s great and all, but what does that have to do with your appearance? - I asked, getting a bit impatient.

-I was getting to that! I might be an elf, but I can’t survive on just plain mana from the environment like you, so I had to finally leave the house and look for supplies eventually.

-I feel like gold was not the problem…

-Of course not. Along with the house I had also been left with everything else that belonged to them. I might not have been an amazing fortune, but it was a considerable amount. The problem was… with the people.


-When I first left, it didn’t look like anything was amiss. I have been given some looks, mostly just of curiosity and suspicion, but not really hostile. But that changed as soon as I went back. It didn’t even take a day for someone to knock at my door and demand to see the owner of the establishment. I told them that it was me, but they did not believe me, wanting to see the woman that died.

-Of course that was impossible.

-Yes. I did show them the deed and all and even directed them towards her tree.

-A tree? Ah, right, the ritual… Wait, is that an elvish custom? - I asked, curious.

-I don’t know - she shook her head. - I’ve been told and read about them in some books, but never knew where it came from. I might very well be from my ancestors… Why do you ask? - she asked, worried.

-Just curious. But wait, if you were alone, who did the ritual?

-Me of course - she replied. - I inherited more than just books, it was also a collection of magical artifacts, including a couple of differently colored gems.


-Well, I didn’t know, but this kind of ritual was not seen kindly in those parts… or anywhere, to be honest. When they understood what they were looking at, their reaction was instant and one that I would’ve never expected: they arrested me on the spot.

-Arrested? - I asked, confused. - Was that kind of thing illegal?

-Still is - said Jacob. - It’s said that it is too unstable and risky. Or at least that is an official version - he said, sighing.

-Official? What, there is something else? Wait, let me guess: more politics?

-It’s not that easy - he shook his head. - It’s said that this ritual uses magic that is forbidden: one that manipulates life, which was outlawed a long time ago. Essentially necromancy - he summed up, seeing as I was still curious.

-Ha. That’s peculiar… So I assume the punishment was not just some fine…

-It was a part of it - she nodded. - But it was just a start. All my material possessions had been seized and apparently, they found “proofs of the necromantic research”. I have read through all the tomes that there were in the house and I am almost sure that there was nothing even remotely similar to that.

-I don’t think they were willing to listen and check again…

-Of course not. And, as Jacob is aware, the punishment for breaking the taboos is…


I felt the connection that I was sharing with Kon shaking.

-I see you heard that. Anything more to tell me?

-What in the hell?! I thought… That’s not necromancy!

-Well, you know my take on it. Assuming from your state of mind Jack has not told you about the “illegal” part?

-No! But… I don’t understand! He said that was a technique that he inherited a long time ago… that it was in his family for ages!

-So he’s been doing necromancy for some indefinite amount of time?

-That’s not…

-I know. But it definitely is a branch that is similar.

-Yes, but…

-But, but. Doesn’t matter. I am just curious…


-Don’t get to crestfallen - said Iloa. - I have a feeling that he also didn’t know about it.

-Is that a hunch or you have some theory? - I asked her.

-It’s more like… I’ve seen him and seen his character. I feel like it might be just that he was tricked, or just believed the wrong person.

-Sort of like with “Noli”.


-Mmmm. Great… So, how did you escape then?

-I didn’t - she said with a blank face. - It was just a chance, but I was to be transported to the capital for the execution. During the transport, we had to stop in some kind of village, to refill on supplies and all, but instead the whole caravan was attacked.


-No. Worse. Some kind of plant-creatures.

-Plants…? Aren’t those…

-Used by the elves to fight the king now? - she finished for me. - Precisely. But those things were even worse. Not only were those things fast and had a terrain advantage, you know, thanks to the forests, they also were some kind of parasites.

-Okay… that sounds familiar…

-Right… you mentioned fighting some plant… that was the thing that you described as “plant-zombie”?

-Yeah. But how did you escape then, hm?

-I did not - she replied after a moment of silence. - I got caught as well.

-So how are you here then? Also why didn’t you mention earlier that you heard about those things?

-I didn’t think those were the same… You said that the one you fought has taken over the dead body. Those that caught me were keeping their hosts alive… which was also their demise.

-I already have some suspicions, but I am gonna ask anyway… how?

-I don’t think that you are correct - she laughed, dryly. - It’s… a bit… Well, how do I put it… Primitive?


-Yes… When they were attacked, they of course tried retaliating and defending themselves - she explained with a bit of a shaky voice. - Noticing that nothing was working and they were now being turned against themselves, some that were still not controlled decided to… take their fate in their own hands.

-A suicide - I summed up. - Why is everyone here so keen on killing themselves…

-Hm. Well, not everyone… After all, I didn’t die…

-That’s a good point… What did they do then? - I asked.

-They just started a fire. Since they were no fire mages, the blaze that erupted was just from the bonfire that got stoked by some mage capable of manipulating air. I don’t know what exactly he did, but I saw the bonfire shoot so far into the air that the whole canopy got set ablaze.

-Well, that would definitely work… So what, the creatures got scared off?

-Not exactly… those things definitely got a scare, sure - she nodded. - I could feel it. I think every single person there was able to feel the panic, since we were connected.

-Connected…? So the parasites didn’t take over completely?

-I don’t know… I think so? I don’t know how that would exactly work, but I have a feeling that the whole process just started, I mean the conversion…

-Conversion? Those things wanted to “convert” them? Like, what, turn you into trees?

-No. They were… experimenting on us, from the lack of a better term.

The idea was enough to make me wonder…

-Those things were smart… too smart. When they attacked, they went for the head. They wrapped themselves around our necks and went for the ears.

She started shuddering from the memory alone.

-I could feel it prodding and messing with my head… It was not trying to kill me, it was looking through me, like it was reading me. Those things were trying to learn from me… from everyone there. Some people died on the spot.

-Not resistant enough? - muttered Jacob, listening intently. - Damn… Not the worst way…

-I don’t think so… - she shook her head. - Those that immediately died were… if I am to be blunt, just dumb.

-The fuck?

-Yes… Meatheads. That’s how I would describe them - she said. - That was the most of the group. The ones that were still alive after the first attack were me, a quartermaster of the group, the guy that was leading the whole caravan and I think few others that I can’t even remember.

-Ha… so they decided that those were… desirable? More important? Indeed, pretty smart…

-More like dumb - I said. - Sure, if you are correct and they wanted info that would be the first thing they would do, but wouldn't it be better to first incapacitate them? They essentially left the most dangerous people alive.

They both looked at me with mixed feelings.

-I don’t think that you’re wrong… but even a simpleton can be dangerous when in dire circumstances…

-Oh, of course. Yet they killed those instantly. If they were indeed smart, those things would infiltrate your group slowly, not just go all out instantly.

-You say that you've done something like that yourself… - said Jacob with a worried expression.

-I didn’t. But I met some people that did. “You need to know your enemy better than yourself”.

-Hm. Well, whatever you say.

-Ehm. In any case - continued For after clearing her throat - the leader was the one who started the fire. Seeing as all of his people were turned and he was losing control as well, he forced all his magic into the fire, creating a blazing inferno that engulfed a lot of the forest. At first, the creatures just froze in fear, but it took them a split second to realize the problem that they found themselves in. See, his spell was not completely wild. He somehow managed to create a whirlwind of flames, essentially trapping everyone, including himself, in a blazing inferno.

-And you say that it was not a suidide… - I muttered.

-Because it was not. As soon as the creatures realized what’s going on and who did what, they instantly murdered him. I saw his head get separated from his body the moment the fire started to get to my cage.

-Right, you were trapped…

-Yes… doubly so. First by the people, then by the wild magic - she sighed. - The guy who released the spell died, but the spell did not end. Even worse. The spell grew into an even stronger version the moment he got killed.

-Yes… Didn’t you mention something like that too, Mor? That the spells can have their own will…?

-Somewhat. It’s more like it takes over someone’s will… But nevertheless, the outcome is the same. That would fit: the spell just got fueled with all his remaining mana the moment he faded away…

-It indeed seemed like it - she agreed with me.

-So wait, what about the rest of you? - asked Jacob. - The leader died, but you survived? And the rest of the group…?

-Yes, the creatures were not the ones who killed them… It was the flames.

-So wait, they died from the flames? But what about you?

-Do I have to remind you who I am? - she smiled weakly. - I am a leader of Red Mages. While back then I was not that much of a caster, my body was still a bit more resistant to fire…

-Lucky you…

-I wouldn’t say that… When I say “a bit more” I mean a tiny bit. Just enough to keep me alive, but not enough to not feel pain and not to get the whole body absolutely burned to a crisp.

She paused, taking a deep breath.

-I fell unconscious. When I came to, I found myself in some forest, away from the blaze… or rather the charred remains of it. I was being tended to with magic by some person. Some old guy. I vividly remember his mana: he was definitely using life magic on me. I didn’t really have a choice so I just lied there and took it, not being able to speak. I was fading in and out, multiple times. When I finally came to, I looked like this - she gestured towards herself.

-Wait, like this, you mean that you looked different…? And I don’t mean ears, just…

-Yes. I don’t know how he did that, but he turned me into a human… mostly. The fact that my ears got deformed is probably from the fact that it was the only part that would look different from a regular human. Or at least that’s what I am telling myself.

-Interesting… that is definitely possible…

-Hm. Well, when I woke up, he told me about deformations, even told me that he’d try to fix them, but I just said that he did enough. Now when I think about it, he probably just wanted to fix the deformation, not to bring back the elven features… I was pretty wounded so I don’t even know if he knew that I was an elf to begin with.

-Ah. So that’s where this came from…

-Yes - she nodded. - I took it as a blessing in disguise. While I would not be able to return to the village I lived my whole life in, I was getting a clean slate. One that would never be connected to elves and anything else.

-From there it went quick - she continued. - I traveled to the capital, where I got picked up by you, Jacob.

-Yeah - he confirmed. - That would be it. I always wondered how an elf ended up in Arbo with a changed face… but you never told me.

-To be honest, I just thought that I had left my past behind me… although the legacy of my family chased me right away - she said, looking at him. - Oh, don’t get me wrong, I am thankful that you’ve found me. I have no idea what I would’ve done if not for that.


-That’s not a bad deal you got yourself - I pointed out. - From a recluse in the middle of nowhere, through a burn victim, to a leader of a guild.

-Yes… I still don’t get how you got so lucky… - said Jacob. - How and why was that guy there…?

-That is a good question - she nodded. - I think it might be time that I’ve finally learned that…

-Hm. I was wondering if that was him… - I said, thinking. - He never mentioned any of that. Nor that he was this skilled at healing.

-Wait, you know who that was?! - Jacob was taken aback by this comment. - Who? How?

-Man, you’re just like your brother. Not observant at all.

-Oh, I am sorry, I am not sitting inside your heads - he said, annoyed. - So? Care to tell me.

-I was not sure either - said For - but even if Mor thinks that’s true, then there is no mistaking it. It indeed is the same person who came with you. Jack, wasn’t it?

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