106. Empty
-Fine, fine, we’ll come down. Just send the word to your boss, we would like to have a chat.
Jack and Vendi looked a bit startled, but said nothing.
-You’re not chatting with anyone, you’re a prisoner, and you are going to be interrogated!
-Call it whatever you want.
I looked at them both.
-Well then? Shall we? Lead the way.
They exchanged their looks and finally lowered their weapons.
-No tricks. Or I will not hesitate to use magic.
-Yes, yes, you’re scary - I rolled my eyes.
-He’s hilarious, isn’t he?
-You said it, not me.
It was funny, being escorted by these two. Besides the fact that we were outnumbering them two to one, our group was not normal looking either. A fully crystal, shirtless person, still wet and dripping with water, the cleanest kid you’ve seen in your life, and two ragged older men, flanked by two robed monks. What a party.
But, strangely, we did not meet anyone. The corridors we passed through were completely deserted, which was a bit unusual. Hell, even with my enhanced senses I was not able to feel anyone nearby, the closest ones were far above us, I’d guess in the tower.
For some reason this place got partially deserted.
-A bit empty here… - I muttered as we were entering a familiar stairway leading down to the dungeon.
-That is leading to a dungeon, what did you expect?
-Not what I meant.
The dungeon was exactly the same as I remembered it, down to the melted door. I couldn’t help but smile seeing that one.
-You still didn’t fix that?
-Not your business.
They tossed us each into a different cell. Vendi and Jack wanted to protest, but I just waved them off.
-Calm down, give me a minute.
-What are you planning? - I heard Kon after the door closed behind me and the footsteps disappeared above us.
-For now, we are waiting. If no one comes down to us to talk in about fifteen minutes or so, I am busting us out of here.
-All of us?!
-What, you changed your mind and want to leave two of them behind?
-No! It’s just… will they wait?
-Ah. I guess they can’t communicate with us… You think they’ll try escaping? Can they even do that?
-Well, they probably will try… Jack can teleport out, but I don’t know if he’ll leave Vendi…
-Ah, that. I don’t think that’s going to work. See, apparently most of the magic is inhibited here. I assume it will prevent either of them from doing anything funny.
-Really? But I was able to cast without issue…
-Oh, you did…!
That was a good point.
-Hm… well I was able to do it too, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. We are connected after all, and you do have the Origin Crystal, so it’s probably thanks to that.
-That’s handy… How did this security of theirs was supposed to work anyway?
-I assume it was just a blockade of magic different than theirs - said Iloa. - Combining that and blood binding they wanted to force mana to flow through their crystal only, and since the whole place is one big red crystal…
-If not bound to their main crystal, you wouldn’t be able to cast shit - I finished for her. - Or something like that.
-But… How are we able to use magic then?
-Because we are not using their crystal - I explained. - Just as I said. Be it small like yours, an Origin Crystal is a lot more powerful than some diluted piece of crap like that, even if it’s mountain sized.
-Yeah… that’s one way to explain it - agreed Iloa. - Although, this size…
-So we are safe. Any other questions?
-Yeah… - he said after a minute of silence. - Is it really true that the head of the Red Mages is your slave?
I involuntarily winced hearing the term “your slave”. I am pretty sure Iloa had a similar reaction.
After several minutes I heard someone approach the dungeon.
It was Abes. And the message he was passing was also as predicted.
-You weren’t kidding that you have some weird connections. Stand up. You are going to get a visit.
-Hm. Who?
-Give it a wild guess. Come on, move it.
He led me to a room next door, the interrogation room. I noticed that he for a second considered binding my hands but decided against it.
-Don’t try anything stupid. I’ll go and fetch your companions.
-Oh, so they are also to have a visit?
-How else are we going to try and figure you out? Of course.
-You’re not scared that we’re gonna attack you? After all, we’re gonna have a numbers advantage.
He squinted at me.
-You believe you’re so strong that you can deal with the most powerful mage in here? Don’t make me laugh.
-Pff, most powerful.
-Laugh all you want. Even if I was to consider the stories about you from Eicam, I doubt that you’d be able to even put a single scratch on anyone here.
-Man, stop. Don’t make me laugh and just go do your thing. I am not going anywhere.
He gave me another stare, but walked away, and soon I started hearing other doors be opened.
It didn’t take even two minutes for the whole gang to be back together again.
I couldn’t help but notice that the room that we were placed in was definitely too small for that kind of endeavor, but hey, who was I to judge?
It made things awkward, because there was definitely not enough sitting space and in the end everyone was just standing there, waiting for who-knows-what.
-You’ve chosen this place to interrogate four people at once…? - I finally said after another too close brush with draining someone dry.
-Of course. Where else would we do that? This is the most secure place in the whole castle. Magic blockades, sound suppression, anti-surveillance…
-Mhm, great, amazing and all, but still, there are a lot of us.
He did not reply. He definitely did not care, but instead just pretended that heard something from the corridor outside and peeked out of the room.
-They are here. Present yourselves better, you bandits.
I looked at myself and my lack of decent clothes. It was definitely way too late to be worried about appearances. Not like I would care in the slightest.
As expected, the one who came to interrogate us was indeed Jacob. And he was not alone.
He did not bring any guards or some similar jobbers though…
Besides the two that captured us, right behind him, the room entered Goldie. His armor, completely new, or reforged most likely, was shining almost as bright as myself when I was still buzzing with mana.
Strange thing though, he was not the only person accompanying him. The last person was definitely not someone that I expected to see.
It was Felix.
No longer with his book, I barely recognized him. Well, it had probably more to do with these new robes, that definitely belonged to Red Mages.
-What in the hell are you doing here? - I blurted out, seeing the kid.
The whole trio was still in shock to say the least. Right, it was the first time they’ve seen me like this, although I assume that Abes and Eicam did not forget to describe my new look.
Both Caleb and Jacob were looking more surprised than anything.
That was a good sign, meaning that our favorite ruler and his circle of trust did not know about me yet. As to confirm, he asked:
-How in the hell did you survive?! Axelrod told us that you died!
-I thought so too! Wow, if I am to bring him as evidence, it's…
He was about to grab my hand but I stopped him.
-First off, I don’t recommend trying to touch me. It’s only going to hurt you. Second, you are not going to tell anyone about me, or I am going to…
-Going to do what? - he puffed. - You’re in the most secure dungeon on this side of the world. You can’t even cast magic here!
-About that… - started Jacob, but it was too late.
He already managed to grab me by my neck and tried pulling me up. I just sighed and let him do it, knowing very well what was about to happen. Unluckily for him, he was not wearing gauntlets with his armor.
I knew very well his mana capacity. The brief touch was enough for him to be drained almost to zero and straight up collapse on the floor, making an ungodly amount of noise, thanks to the pile of metal he was wearing.
-Eh… come on, isn’t he your brother? Why didn’t you stop him - I muttered under my breath.
-Maybe because I had no idea that it’s going to happen?! What’s going on?! - Jacob was a bit less worried than I would expect for someone seeing their brother fall instantly unconscious.
-Right, right… I keep forgetting who’s been informed… Don’t worry, he’ll be fine, he’s just got his mana drained.
I was met with silence.
-I am not really in control of this thing, you know, it just happens - I shrugged. - Also, hello.
He was still stunned, along with Felix who was looking in a complete daze at this scene.
Since no one was doing anything, I started asking more questions.
-Felix, how the hell did you end up here? Ah, and also if you don’t recognize me, I am Mor, we met a long while ago…
Still I got no answer.
-Come on, I know we are a bit of a surprise party and not the good kind, but can at least one of you reply? Or can I just go and talk to For already?
That managed to wake up Jacob finally.
-Ehm. No, she is currently indisposed. I am afraid you have to deal with me for now.
-Aha… figured. She freaked out, didn’t she?
-You… you know what happened?! - he was surprised. - How? And, more importantly, how the hell did you get here?!
-That is a long story, but in short, we managed to teleport here.
-Teleport? I haven’t heard anything from the library…
-Oh, we didn’t arrive at the library.
-That doesn't make any sense. We don’t have any anchors besides the ones that are there…
-If you don’t believe me, ask the two who found us.
-Sir… - interrupted Eicam, who was still nearby. - He means us.
-You two? - he briefly gazed at him. - Weren’t you ordered to guide the dead e… ehm, that corridor?
-Yes. The dead end. And, I swear, this lot appeared coming out from there.
-Explain - he turned to me.
-Of course, I would gladly, but after you let us out of this place. Besides, I think your boss would also want to hear it.
-Told you, she’s indisposed.
-Right, right, wouldn’t be the first time. Is it the same thing as the last time, or something else?
He gazed briefly over the whole room and then leaned towards me.
-No… - he whispered. - I am honestly not sure what happened.
-I probably have an explanation.
-You do?
-Yea. But I don’t think I can make her better. I can try making it worse though - I proposed. - Maybe that will get her over the edge and make her be normal again.
-Very funny.
-I know. But jokes aside, let me see her. Or us. It’s kind of a big deal, you know.
-Right… you’re one thing. But who’s this band of people - he asked finally. - I can’t just let anyone waltz around this castle like this! Especially not in this situation!
-Yeah, yeah. See, these two - I pointed to Jack and Vendi - are the guardians of this fine gentleman - I gestured for Kon to step up.
-Ah… Hello…
-Mh… Hi…? That does not explain a thing though.
-Kon, show him your crystal.
He jumped, not expecting me to talk to him this way.
-Is… is it really a good idea…?
-Right… there are others here too…
-Er… would you mind recalling your team - I asked, gazing at the trio that came with him.
He gave me a stern look.
-A prisoner, demanding… Ha. Funny.
-Do I have to remind you that I am literally unable to be a prisoner here? Sure, the rest might be, but I’d recommend treating them more like guests.
-Grr… fine. Eicam, Abes, Felix. Out. Leave those to me, go back to your duties.
-Yes, sir - they replied in unison.
-And… - said Jacob, stopping Felix - can you take my brother and take care of him for now?
-Of course.
-That’s… Hm, you know, I’d really appreciate you locking him up for now… - I said just as they were to get to it.
-Locking him up? More of those unreasonable requests?
-Yeah… I’ll explain it as soon as I can, but If you’d do that for me I’d be in your debt.
-...Fine. You heard him, get him to his room and lock the door. Don’t let him out. I’ll get him myself later.
The three looked at each other stunned that I was able to convince him, but didn’t protest.
-Yes sir.
A few minutes later the doors closed behind the trio. It took them a while trying to get Goldie up and standing. At first they wanted to slap him awake, or rather Jacob did. He tried it multiple times, but he was still out for the count.
I, of course, knew that it was not going to work, but I was not going to stop him. It was too entertaining.
-So… care to explain yourself?
-Can we just get out of this dungeon first?
-Eh… at least give me a brief overview…
-I’ll give you the boring version. We just managed to find ourselves stranded after an unfortunate accident, finding ourselves without any singular anchor.
-So how did you…
-And, thanks to my amazing skill and luck… mostly luck, we managed to find a lost anchor, which for some reason led us here.
-You found. An anchor. That was bound. For the Red Edge. Hell, now I really need the long version.
-That’s why I want to meet with For! I am not going to repeat the whole thing ten times, you know.
-Okay, fine. Let’s go to one of the guest rooms, should be still free after you left.
-Works for me. The rest are not going to complain.
The rest maybe had some things to say about that, but I didn’t care.
The way towards the tower where I had my room last time was longer than anticipated.
Sure, the path was the same as before, although still I felt that something was off. And not just the lack of people, not, it was something else.
Since I’ve arrived here and started being able to see without getting blinded by that sun of a room, I noticed that the walls and ceilings… overall the whole building, was infused.
And not just regularly infused, like from some residual remains of mana, no. But still, it was weaker than most of the trees that I found near Jack’s place, so it was not that weird, but concerning nonetheless.
-Say, you have no people here now. What in the hell happened? Some mass holidays?
-Quite the opposite. Everyone is out on the job.
-On the job? I forgot that you were a guild…
-Yeah, but that’s not it… well, sort of.
-That doesn’t explain even a little bit.
He didn’t even attempt to clarify, instead just changed the subject.
-Do you all really need to talk to her?
-You mean For? Well, yes, it would be annoying for us to explain everything multiple times…
-Eh… I don’t know if she’s going to agree to that.
-And since when is her compliance a factor? - I said flat out.
-You… - he growled at me, stopping suddenly.
-Hey, it’s your own damn fault, don’t blame me - I shrugged. - If not for you, this situation would’ve never happened. But besides that, I am joking, I don’t intend to make her do anything weird. The fact about my past and all that has already been taken into consideration last time, don’t you remember?
-And how did that end up?
-Don’t blame me for your problems.
-And speaking of your personal problems… why is Goldie here?
-I mean your brother.
-Oh. The fuck is with that name?
-What, you jealous? Want me to call you Black? Or maybe Blackie?
-Do I look like a horse to you?
-Pfff. Sure, Black.
He rolled his eyes.
-I ditched that armor a long time ago.
-What, you sold it to fund his crusade or whatever that is?
-More or less. Why do you care?
-I am just wondering why would you bother with that?
-You’re wondering why I care about my family? That’s rich coming from someone who’s grabbing stowaway kids every time I hear of them - he replied, gazing at Kon.
-First off, it was not my decision in either case, just a coincidence.
-Those tend to happen a lot around you.
-Tell me about it. But I’ll tell you more when For is with us. For now, since you mentioned, why is your brother even here?
-Why do you even care? He apparently was told to spend some time with family, I don’t know. It’s nice to see him for more than just when I am needed for something.
-Hm. You don’t see him often then?
-No. Since he’s been working for the king he’s been busy. Same with me, For is not exactly easy to deal with.
-I thought Goldie was working for Bert?
-Bert? Ah, right, that guy. Well, he is, but it’s just on King’s orders.
That took me by surprise.
-Working with a smuggler by his order? That’s… ah…
-What do you mean, smuggler?! - he suddenly tensed up.
-Ha, you didn’t know? Bert is smuggling shit from the coast to the capital and vice versa. That’s how I met both of them, they smuggled me. And Felix, too.
-Wait, you know him?
-Damn, and I thought that I was out of the loop - I shook my head. - Yeah. He’s originally from the coast, got caught up in certain bullshit and last time I’ve seen him was under Axelrod's wing.
-Hmm. True, Felix came from the capital… I thought he was connected to him but…
-Well, now he is. What’s he doing here anyway? A new recruit?
-Yeah. As you noticed, we are a bit short staffed here. We are taking any recruits we can get.
-Ah… that’s how Eicam and Abes ended here too?
-Yeah. Also given us by the king.
-Damn. And here I thought you were independent from him. Didn’t you say that yourself?
-Of course we are. Those were part of the deal.
-What deal?
-I am not going to discuss that with you - he suddenly said, realizing that he told me too much.
-Oh, now we are getting tight-lipped? Come on, I’m just going to ask For if you won’t say…
-And you are welcome to - he replied, not taking the bait. - Also, it’s not like I don’t want to tell YOU. It’s that those topics are not for the ears of our OTHER guests.
Right… the rest of the group was still with us.
-Ehe… but, you know, I have this very pressing feeling that you’re going to change your mind sooner or later. They are pretty involved in this shit already.
-What shit exactly?! - he asked, annoyed. - You keep mentioning that, but never explaining anything.
-Not the good kind. And most of it I blame on Axelrod.
-Are you again going to threaten the king? - he asked, tired and worried.
-Again!? - I heard Kon’s voice in my head briefly, before he managed to control his emotions.
During our discussion we ascended a lot of stairs and were already reaching the top of the tower where I knew was the office, or rather bedroom that belonged to For.
-Please, the rest of you, can you wait here? - he pointed towards the guest room, the same one where I was recovering from my “accident”.
-I told you, I want all of them to be present for this discussion… - I started, but he lowered his voice so they wouldn’t hear and gestured up.
-I know, but that doesn’t mean she is going to agree to that - he pointed up again. - Please…
-Didn’t we just…
But he was already gone, going up.
-Eh… he’s annoying - I muttered and, turning to the rest of the group, said aloud - I guess wait in the room for a minute… I will send for you in a while. Probably.
They nodded and disappeared behind the door.
After closing, I heard Kon in my head again.
-But what if he won’t change his mind?
-Oh, as I said, their compliance is not a factor. If they won’t agree I will just make them do it.
-That’s a handy deal you got your hands on - pointed out Iloa, speaking up for the first time in a long while.
-I thank our friendly neighborhood Blackie for that.
-Pfff… That name.
-Amazing, isn’t it?
With that, I started walking upstairs and almost immediately bumped into the person in question who was waiting for me just behind the corner.
-What the hell was that for? I already told you that they all are…
-Yes, yes, but it’s not the issue that… it’s just… She’s indisposed again…
-You mentioned that… but I still don’t know what the hell is going on.
-Just come with me and you’ll see.
-Why are you so cryptic?
He didn’t reply, just started walking upstairs, so I followed suit.