Shards of Old

105. Security

-I wonder if I still have the magic touch… - I said and focused on where there used to be a wound after I managed to enslave For.

The reaction was almost immediate. A large, now looking a bit more ragged, piece of paper appeared right in front of me, along with a flame that started licking my body.

-Eeek! - yelped Kon, surprised. - You said…

-I know what I said, I didn’t expect for it to actually work… hah, Jack, you were right. Works as well as I remembered it last time.

-Who’s that? - asked Jack, surprised.

-I want to say a friend, but I will just say acquaintance.

-A slave is “an acquaintance”…? Okay…? But what now?

-Now, we wait for a reaction - I simply said. - Last time I did that, it was accompanied with so much screams and panic that you can’t imagine.

-Hmm? You really had to pick a weirdest spot for the mark…

-I didn’t really pick one - I shrugged. - It just sort of happened naturally…

-As if.

But, despite the fact that I said that I just want to wait, it was not the only thing I intended to do.

While I was not sure that it would even work, I intended to at least try and get a feel if she was nearby. Last time I needed some other components to try and produce a similar effect, but this time it was different… Was I concentrating better or something?

The important thing was that she was indeed here.

-Okay then, that’s done - I said, dismissing the contract.

I really wanted to keep it out for a bit more than just a moment to spook her a bit more, but I decided against it.

-Done? With what? What are we doing here? - asked impatient Vendi, still inspecting the walls for any cracks.

-Done with trying to communicate. Now I’ll try and attempt making the way out for us.

-Yeah, easier said than done. I’ve inspected those walls enough, there’s nothing here that would indicate any kind of imperfection or opening…

-Well, no wonder that you haven’t found a thing - I said, pointing towards the opposite wall - because that’s the wall you should be looking at.


-There is an open space behind it… or rather a long corridor that I assume leads somewhere else.

-And how the hell do you… You know what, doesn’t matter how, instead tell me why you didn’t say something sooner?!

-Besides the fact that it’s funny seeing you be plastered to a wall like some kind of weird sticker? I just learned recently. When I touched the piece of the crystal I had some kind of a vision…

I briefly explained what I saw.

-Ha… yea, that’s Red Edge alright… and, are you sure that they are here?

-As sure as I can be. But it’s not all that bad, at least we know that Axelrod is not here. It’d be quite a hurdle to cross…

-No kidding. We’ll have to deal with dumbass brothers… or at least one of them.

-Just one? I thought both of them are here…?

-Because they are. It’s just… they have a somewhat similar relationship to you two - I pointed to Jack and Kon. - And so it happens that Jacob and For have something like that as well.

-Hm… that still…

-Let me finish. And at the end of that chain there is me, having For enslaved and safely under my control.

-I still can’t believe you managed to pull something like that off… - he was looking in amazement at me, while at the same time taking short looks at Vendi who was still trying to find some kind of exit, but this time on the correct wall, or at least at the one I found the most promising.

-Yeah, life is weird that way. Doesn’t matter, we don’t need to rely on them for now. Besides, I don’t really like being bound by them…

-You got a free slave and you’re still complaining…

-Slave is still a slave.

-Bleh, that’s just a name. Who says that while having people enslaved you have to treat them badly? Sure some people think that way, but come on, we are better.

-Don’t try and make excuses…

-I am not. That’s just the fact. I know you don’t really believe me, but I, even while they officially are still slaves, I released everyone.

-So released or not? That’s not something that’s so ambiguous so you can’t tell…

He paused for a second.

-Okay, okay. They are still slaves, but they have their freedom mostly intact.

-So not released. For someone who constantly says that he tries to repent and all that, you have a weird way to do that.

-It’s not like I can just drop that kind of bound without any problem! - he puffed. - I need mana and time to prepare, and…

-Yes, yes, excuses.

-And besides that, I am not limiting their lives in any way! They can do whatever they want. And if we want to be strictly factual, being enslaved also protects them!

-Wow, yeah. Protects. Sure.

-Yes! That way they at least can’t be enslaved again!

-That is the first time I’ve heard someone make an argument in favor of slavery.

-It’s still wrong though - muttered Kon.

-You think it would be better for them to be left alone? - shook his head Vendi. - You think any of them would’ve survived if we were to dispel the marks and just let them out to be on their merry way? Not everyone is as talented as you and has such unique magic - pointed out Jack.

-Let’s not discuss the ethics, cons and pros of slavery and all. Yes, yes, I know you were trying to help, but you can’t change the fact that this stupid invention of elves is the core of everything that is wrong with this place…

-If you want to be precise, it’s blood magic, not just slavery… - pointed out Kon.

-Riight, the deals and crap - I nodded. - Yeah, they are even worse. Unreliable, too powerful and confusing. Fuck that.

-Confusing? Come on, it’s not that bad… - said Jack, but I could tell that he agreed with me.

-Man, I had access to the whole library of this place and after reading through most of the books about the subject, I still have no idea how it should work. When I first used it, it was described one way, the books have barely enough info to scratch the topic and… you know, whatever.

-Right, we are going too much towards politics - Jack agreed with me. - But I can agree, if not for the elves, this world would’ve been a lot better place.

-Okay, that’s enough, let’s get the hell out of here.

-You keep saying that - said Vendi - but there is still no sign of exit that I can find. How do you want to even try and leave…

-I don’t need any doors. I can make my own.

-Make…? You want to…

-Meld a hole into the other room. Yes.

-Meld? The hell do you mean?

-Just as i said. I will use earth magic to try and manipulate the walls so they can form an exit.

-You think that’s possible?! You can do that?

-Of course. Just like the corridors of that flooded island cave, I’ll attempt doing something like this.

-How do you even…

I was not listening, just started moving towards the wall where I felt the corridor behind. Apprehensively, I placed my hand on the stone, not sure what to expect.

But, nothing strange happened. Sure, I felt mana flow into me, but it was not strong enough to warrant any worries. Still, it was a rather hefty stream, so I decided to act sooner rather than later.

Just as I mentioned, I took inspiration from the corridors I’ve traveled through, be it next to the bowl or below the sea not so long ago.

-Visu, nuwo lycu gus.

It was more draining than I expected it to. But maybe it was for the best, at least I wouldn’t have to worry about glowing.

The rock responded to the spell almost immediately. I could tell that all of my companions were looking at me with a mix of amazement and fear.

The wall, or rather the crystal, starting from the spot where I pressed my hand, turned liquid. It took on faster than I expected, so I accidentally pushed my hand in, speeding up the process even more. Like some living goo, the rock started backing up and forming an opening right in front of me. I intended to make the hole square, but it came out more like a very scuffed oval.

-Hm. Nice job. Isn’t that the first time you used this kind of magic? - I heard Iloa inside my head.

-You tell me. I don’t really remember, but I think… maybe?

-I can tell you are not used to earthen magic.

-Well, it’s good enough for our needs.

-Sure enough.

She was right. It was more than enough.

But, while the opening was made, I was not able to see what was behind it. And it was not because of my blindness, no… It was Kon. For some reason he was now looking at the ground and not moving, frozen in place.

-Kon, come on. I need you to see properly, remember?

That snapped him back to reality, because almost immediately he jumped up and almost ran towards the entrance, gazing towards the other side.

Good news: there were no guards in the corridor.

Bad news: there was no exit from here either that would be open.

At least this time we were able to tell where the doors were.

The spot where I broke through was apparently near the middle of the whole corridor. On the left, it finished with just a flat wall, while the other side had a large and metal door. There was no real way to check if someone was waiting right behind it, though.

I stepped through the opening and immediately noticed something was different.

While I was mostly not looking through my own eyes, I still had some inkling of what my actual eyes were seeing. Or rather I was just constantly irritated by the glow that was blinding me.

When I stepped through the hole in the wall, the feeling of the blinding light in my eyeballs was almost gone.

Intrigued, I focused a bit more, trying to use more of my regular sight, instead of depending on what Kon was seeing, and, just as I was feeling, I was able to see normally. I say normally, but I was still able to see the flames of mana, be it inside my companions or in the walls themselves - they were from the same crystal overall.

Again, I started wondering if it was just my eyes that were getting worse, but no, as soon as I turned back towards where the rest of our group was, trying to get away from that eerie room, I immediately got assaulted by the overwhelming light.

Ah. So it was not like I lost sight, nor was it the case that I drained the mana from the environment making it again “normal”, no. It was just the corridor and thick walls.

Honestly, I was kind of surprised. To mask that amount of mana and to contain it had to be a fucking chore.

But it was the Origin Crystal we were talking about. That thing was not only sturdy, it was a very good isolator, apparently.

-Strange… Wonder why we never tried doing something like this…

-Yeah… that’s a thing.

-Where are we? - joined it Kon. - It’s dark…

-Are you sure that this is Red Edge? - asked Vendi, now worried.

-I am pretty sure. So what?

-Nothing… It’s just…

-Well, at least we have a set of doors - pointed out Jack, not letting him finish the sentence. - I hope that they remember me at least…

-Doesn’t matter - I shook my head. - I don’t even know if we want to find any members of theirs before trying to get to their boss…

-Of course we are going to - said Jack. - And also…

-Don’t get your hopes up - I interrupted. - And don’t lower your guard. There is no telling who we’ll find behind the door.

I gestured for all of them to shut up and be silent, while I crept forward, trying to scout.

-Aaaand it’s locked - I said, pulling the door.

That was not without the consequences.

Of course, my loud banging, talking, and overall noise was hard to miss.

The door opened, and from outside sprung… someone.

At first I didn’t recognize him. I blame the aftereffects of being blinded by unknown amounts of mana, but that was just an excuse.

-What in the hell? How and where did you…

It was, out of all the people, Eicam. The last person I expected to find at the Red Edge.

He was immediately followed by yet another familiar face.

-Who’s there?! Freeze!

Abes. How and why were they here?

While they didn’t look much different, both of them were wearing the robes belonging to the Red Mages.

-We are looking for your boss - stepped in Jack, trying to step in front of me.

-Oh, you bet you are going to see her, but first you’re going down into the dungeon.

Abes sounded serious, pointing the spear that he pulled from I don’t even know where, right at my chest.

-Come on, man, I don’t really want to deal with that crap again. Give me a break, Abes.

-How do you know my name?! - he poked me with the edge of his weapon.

-Because I know you. Both of you, Eicam - I said calmly, not stepping back even an inch. - How in the hell did you end up here out of all the places?

-You know him? - muttered Abes towards Eicam, who just shook his head, confused.

-I don’t know any… creatures like that.

-Eh… my name is Mor. Now does that sound familiar?

Both of them looked at each other, confused.

-I see you’re not going to believe me… sure whatever. Who’s your boss now then? For?


-Great, then led us to her.

-Oh no - stepped in Abes. - You are going to a dungeon!

I just rolled my eyes.

-Come on man, you want to make this difficult?

It was clear that he was not going to back up.

While Eicam looked a bit confused and not very sure of what to do, Abes was not convinced at all.

-I assure you, if we can talk… - started Jack, but before he was able to finish his sentence a spell launched right towards his face.

-Hmedou moho!

I considered stepping between him and the spell, but decided against it.

In an instant, his face was covered with ice, freezing his mouth shut.

-Ooof. That’s not very nice of you.

-Of course it is not. You are prisoners. Unless you want me to do the same to you, you better behave.

Like that was going to work.

But before I was able to react, Kon was first.

-Usc fi geksu.

He summoned a fire orb and moved it towards Jack, trying to unfreeze him.

But his magic made them both jump and now also Eicam had pulled out a weapon, this time a small sword, from somewhere under his robes.

-I am telling you that…

I was not able to finish the sentence, because the same spell that silenced Jack now got sent at me and Kon.

It didn’t work at all, of course.

When it was about to reach me, it just straight up dissipated, being absorbed by my body. On the other hand, Kon was not yet that impervious to magic, but I worried for naught. Even though he was still not used to his body and overall new magic he was wielding, he already had a fire orb out. It was enough for him to just wave his hand and the tiny spell that he launched at us collided with the orb, nullifying both.

-I said we don’t want any trouble. But if you are going to be difficult, I might consider retaliating.

That was also when I remembered something. The contract.

I focused on my link with For and summoned the flaming paper right in front of their faces. I don’t think I have to say that that gesture made them jump away in fear, expecting some kind of attack.

-See for yourself. Your boss has a deal with me and you are now trying to break this deal. You think that’s a good idea?

Abes was the first who regained composure and looked at the magical deal floating mid-air.

-Is… is that real…?

-Of course it is. How the hell can you even fake that?

Eicam also shook off his initial confusion and started reading.

The more he read, the more his face started switching from suspicion and confusion to complete disbelief and fear.

-Mor… the same Mor that traveled… the same who got captured…

-I want to say in the flesh, but it’s more like in the stone now… - I calmly stated, disappearing the contract. - Is this enough proof?!

-Of course it is! - yelped Eicam, quickly grabbing Abes’s weapon and making him lower it back down. - Stop! That’s my friend! I owe him my life! We owe him our job!

He still was looking with suspicion at me, but complied.

-I have an eye on you…

-Sure, do whatever. Say, how the hell did you end up here?! Weren’t you working for old man Harsh?

-Not any more. After he learned that I got captured, he immediately removed me from the guild - he said a bit too cheerfully for my tastes.

-That’s not something to be happy about - muttered Vendi from behind me, reminding me of his existence.

-Of course it’s not. But at the same time, I got approached by my current boss, miss For. She said that she heard about my magic and I worked for her now.

-She did…? Hm… Well, I did mention you…

I never suggested hiring him though. Well, it doesn't matter.

-And you, Abes? You got fired too?

-Not your business.

-He didn’t. After he heard that I joined Red Mages, he immediately left Blues and followed me.

-And Harsh let him?

-No. But that wouldn’t stop him from following me though - he smiled at Abes. - He can’t just leave me alone.

-Stop blabbering. I am not letting you off the hook and off my sight, or you’re going to burn something again. Red Mages is literally the worst place for you to be, you fire maniac.


-Yeah, that’s nice that you know each other - said Jack, now free of his frost and healed - but we still need to reach miss For.

-And I am saying that you are going to the dungeon! - Abes was still adamant about that.

I was about to continue arguing with them, but Iloa stopped me.

-Don’t bother. It’s not like we can’t meet her downstairs. Not the first time it happened.

-Yeah, sure, but that’s just pointless… walking down just to go up… Besides, I am pretty sure that she won’t come here so soon. If I am to guess, she’s now panicking in her office and won’t even notice that someone wants something from her.

-Okay, it’s not that bad…

-You really think so? - I asked, not convinced. - You saw my memories. You know how she reacts to this shit.

-Mmm… okay, maybe you’re right. But it still doesn’t matter, he’s not going to let you go.

-I can force my way…


It was Kon. Damn, I keep forgetting that it’s not just the two of us here.

-That would definitely be faster.

But, despite what I just thought, I agreed with them. It didn’t matter, I had time. The worst part was that I was definitely going to need to deal with not only For, but also the two brothers. I was pretty sure that she was going to send Jacob. He was not much of a problem, but his brother…

Well, he was here too, and I had a feeling that he was not going to leave his side, especially after learning that I was here. It would also mean that it was just a matter of time for Bert to learn of me as well, and by extension Odar, or straight up Axelrod.

It was inevitable in the long run, but still annoying.

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