Shards of Old

107. Meditation

When we reached the door on top of the tower he knocked thrice, but did not get a reply. It seemed like he expected that, because he just opened it anyway and gestured for me to follow him.

Inside has not changed much since I’ve been there last, maybe there was just a bonus layer of dust covering the shelves and books. Speaking of, I think some of them were missing. As we entered the actual office on the highest point of the tower, the mystery of missing books was revealed: all of them, and probably even more, were stacked on For’s desk, towering above everything in the room.

I also noticed one strange thing. While the whole castle was moderately infused, this room… had a lot less mana in it.

-You have a guest - said Jacob, but was met again with silence.


I also didn’t get a reply, so I looked behind the mountain of books, checking what’s up.

Behind the desk, besides another pile of the books and papers there was now a small couch instead of the regular chair I remembered last. On it, covered with books, was lying For, sleeping.

-It’s rude to sleep while someone is visiting you - I said a bit louder to wake her, but she didn’t even move. - Hey!

I was about to take one of the books and poke her with it, but I got stopped by Jacob.

-Don’t bother. You’re not going to wake her up like that.

-Like that? What, she’s that much of a heavy sleeper?

-Well, yes, but that’s not the issue here. It’s not just regular sleep. She’s… how did she call it…? Suspended? I think, yeah.

-The hell does that mean?

I took a better look at her magical aura and sure, it looked a bit different from what I would expect from a sleeping person. It was a lot more visible and prevalent, closer to the regular aura of someone awake, yet a lot calmer… and more spread, like she was leaking mana… Wait, no, the opposite. She was absorbing mana into her.

-That’s an interesting way to put it… - said Iloa, noticing the strange state of her energy. - She’s meditating… or at least it feels like it?


-Yeah, like you’ve never heard the term before.

-Sure, as in sitting still pretending that they are doing something while in reality just napping?

-Hey, if some people actually use it to regain mana. Why do you think that many religions have some kind of mention of meditative methods of spiritual communion?

-Pff, and yet none of them work.

-Yea, but seems to be working in her case.

She was right. “Meditations” I knew of were just glorified names for a nap or just a break from doing shit. While definitely helping to recover from exhaustion and rest, it didn’t increase the efficiency of it in any way.

-Sooo… what’s up with that?

-She’s regenerating mana - pointed out the obvious Jacob. - Recently she’s been non-stop trying to research and has not slept in… I don’t know, weeks?

-She’s sleeping right now though.

-It’s not sleep, I told you. She’s suspended.

-Okay, the fuck do you mean by that?

-It usually takes about an hour - he explained. - She lies like this for an hour and it’s apparently enough for her to recover most of her mana. She then wakes up and is awake for about twenty hours, sometimes even more, then the process repeats.

-Okay… interesting… So what’s so important that she has to research that much? - I asked, taking a look at the book I picked up when I wanted to smack her awake.

-That’s… that’s the issue. I have no idea.

I looked at him confused.

-She’s been researching something for weeks and it didn’t come to you to ask her.

-Hm. The problem is, I literally can’t.

-I know, I know, she’s meditating. What, you’re going to tell me she didn’t tell you when she’s awake?

-Eh… you know, you better see for yourself. She’s going to snap out of it in a few moments, I think.

As if on command, she suddenly sat up.

-Oh, hey, you’re awake.

She didn’t say a word, just like a machine, she moved towards the desk and opened one of the books lying there.

-Hey, you listening?!


-As you see - started Jacob - she’s not responding. It’s been a while since I’ve even heard her voice. She hasn’t been eating, nor drinking.

I gazed towards the window behind her and on one of the windowsills I noticed a full row of plates filled with random food: bread, some cheese…

-Well, at least they were smart enough not to bring her fish.

-Okay… that’s weird. What’s she trying to accomplish with this?

-I told you, I don’t know. I tried looking into the same books she’s been browsing through, but there is no pattern nor common theme to them. It’s just some random books brought from her whole library. I even caught her looking at some empty pages…

-Hm. Well, that definitely complicates things. I can’t ask her shit in this state. How long has she been like that you said?

-A couple of weeks. I think it was after my brother arrived I first noticed that something was weird.

-Your brother, huh… - I muttered, already having some thoughts of why this might have happened.

Jacob noticed this immediately.

-I can tell what you are thinking, and no, that’s not connected to him. I noticed she was unresponsive when he arrived, true, but it had to happen before. When he arrived he wanted to talk to her, sure, apparently to pass a message from the king, but he couldn’t because she was already like that…

-A message? What message?

-He never told me.

-If that doesn’t sound suspicious then I don’t know what does…

-Suspicious? Why the hell would I be suspicious? Of what?

-I’m speaking in general. Eh… I guess speaking with her in this state is not possible…

-Obviously. A lot of things would’ve been a lot easier if she was responsive.

-You mean conscious.

-Yeah, no. I think she is aware of everything you know, after all she’s been trying to find something…

-Hm… Like she’s on autopilot then…? That’s a weird state…

-Yeah… she mentioned that she doesn’t understand the spell completely… So why the hell did she use it…

-Wait, you know of this spell? She did that on purpose?

-I think so - he nodded. - But I don’t really know the spell… I just know of its existence.

-Let me guess. It’s an old incantation found or inherited from someone.

-How did you know?! - he yelped, surprised. - I knew you were strange but…

-Before you start insulting me, stop. I didn’t know, I am just assuming. And lately I’ve been constantly bumping into weird spells and magics that were supposed to be “inherited” or whatnot.

-Well, you are on point.

-So, where did you get this one from? Some deep corner of your library?

-Nah. And not me, it was her. This spell has apparently been in her family since forever. It’s based on some kind of elvish technique I think…

-Elvish? - I raised my brow. - She’s got some connection to elves?

-I am not sure… She never said how exactly that came to be. Probably she doesn’t know either - he immediately brushed me off.

-So do you have any incantation or something?

-And what do you want it for? - he asked, stepping towards the desk.

-Take a wild guess. I want to break it so I can have a talk with her, hello?

-Pff. I know you are a powerful and weird person…


-...but I am not going to let you do that.

-What? First you complain that she’s out of it and all of that, and now you don’t want to wake her up from this thing?

-Don’t get me wrong, I want her to be… “available” again, but I am not going to put my own needs above hers.

-How considerate of you. Also “needs”? What kind of needs?

-The fact that she’s indisposed has severely crippled our guild - he said, sighing. - You saw it yourself. We are barely even a shadow of what we were before…

-And why the hell do you need her for that?

-There are things I cannot do without her permission, nor I want to do. And soon people will start noticing…

-People? What people?

-Right… I should be more specific… There is really one person I am worried about… And it seems like you are too…


-Yes. King. I don’t know why you are so wary about him, but I am also worried…

-I thought you were independent from his kingdom and all that…?

-Because we are, as a group that is. But not as a contractor.

-Ah. So he hired you?

-Yes. You heard about the war, right?

-A little bit.

-His kingdom is fighting against elves, who are using some weird plant monsters. And we are using fire magic. It’s a no-brainer. We are the best counter to that kind of magic after all.

-He recruited you for his war effort.

-More like bought, but yes.

-Hm. Was it worth it?

-At first? Sure. He paid more than any contractor in the past ten years… but it started being problematic lately.

-What, you can’t meet his demands or something?

-Precisely. We sent most of our men to the front, yet he demanded more.

-So why not just reject him? I can’t see the problem.

-If you saw the amount of gold he was sending each time, you’d change your mind.

-Ha. So that’s just a greed problem then? - I rolled my eyes. - Then go and use some of that money to pay for mercenaries or some crap, why bother with…

-No, no, you don’t get it. He paid up front. With such a massive sum of money that it was impossible to reject. But it was not just an empty deal, we had to sign it…

-Oh great, more deals. Why the fuck do you even agreed? Why do I even care though, that’s your problem.

-Well it is not only ours. If we won’t fulfill the deal, the contract will be broken. And you know what that means.

-What, that your precious guild leader will be owned by the king? Why is that my problem?

-Because of your contract.

-I don’t care about passage through here - I shrugged. - You can kick me out if you want to, or jail me, I will just do the same thing I did last time.

-I am aware, and no, that’s not what I am talking about.

-What, you think that I care that she’ll tell my secrets to Axelrod? Tough luck, I don’t care any more.

-Hm. Still no. The thing is… the contract with him… was void to begin with.

-Eh? So what…

-She has an owner already.

Right… I did own her, technically. It was strange to even think about it that way.

-So wait, what’s the problem? You don’t have to fulfill the contracts, you can just tell him to fuck off.

-Oh yes, tell him to fuck off, great idea. Besides the fact that he has his men that almost outnumber my own stationed here, do you really think insulting a king is something that a sane person would do?


-Don’t you “pff” me!

-So what do you want me to do?! Release her? First off, I don’t even know if that’s possible. Second, even if it was, I don’t think that would’ve changed anything.

-No. I just want you to help me clear this thing out somehow… I can’t just… cut him off. Especially because of my brother.

-”Clear this thing out”, “fix things”... you keep dodging the actual topic, what the fuck is going on? If you are going to ask for my help, do it directly.

-Ahh! I really shouldn’t be telling you this by myself, but…

-Damn, spit it out.

-Remember, when we first met, we were so surprised that you managed to cast a spell without our permission?

-Yeah, how could I forget. So what?

-After that fiasco, For started looking into ways of preventing that.

-Ha. So you DO know what she's looking for… I guess you took my talk about shitty security to heart. And? Did you succeed?

-Somewhat. First off, we managed to confirm how exactly the old protection was working.

-Yes, yes, you tried to force everyone to use the massive red crystal under our feet, essentially blocking most magic this way…

-Yeah… - he nodded, surprised. - With that and blood binding we managed to block everyone without connection to For from using magic, which brings more questions about you…

-Wait a second, connected to For? What does that mean?

-It means that the whole castle, or rather the crystal that the island is made of is under the effect of blood-binding.

-Mhm… so you think that I am somehow connected to her then?

-Yes. Or to be precise, to the one who made this island at least.

-I am not sure that’s the case, but let’s assume that’s true. So what?

-Nothing. That’s not the problem here, I am just stating the facts. The issue of that has already happened and bitten us in the butt, so that’s a ship that has sailed.

-Okay… so what’s wrong then.

-Yeah… the problem is, you were not the only one who was able to bypass this safety mechanism…

-Oh great, more holes. Who?

-The king himself.

I just gave him a look.

-Out of all the people, you’re worried about him? Sure, he is powerful, but it shouldn’t be that surprising that he is somehow related to an old and powerful mage of some kind?

-The thing is, yes, that is very surprising. And I would even argue that it is impossible.

-Hm? And why is that?

-Because he is not an elf.

That took me by surprise.

-Elf? What does that have to do with anything?

-Everything. I guess since I am already telling you this much, I can tell you that too… For is an elf. And so was every head of Red Mages.

-She? Elf?

I gazed at her behind the desk.

Sure, she was pretty attractive and all, but don’t elves have spiky ears and stuff? She doesn’t…

Then it dawned on me. The first time I saw her, I noticed that her ears were deformed and scarred. Was that an attempt at hiding her heritage?

-As you see - Jacob nodded, noticing I was staring at her - she was trying to conceal that part of her past…

-For what…? I remember she had those scars when we first met. If not that I’d say it was not to antagonize Axelrod…

-Well, you’d be correct anyway. His disdain to elves is not newfound, you know. He’s been a bit racist towards her people since I can remember. Can’t tell you why…

-And he never noticed? - I asked in disbelief. - I mean, even I noticed…

-...but you did not put those things together, though - he finished for me. - So it worked. And, despite the rumors, the king is not omnipotent. If he ever noticed, he probably just thought that it was just some weird deformation.

-So wait, to cast spells here you need to be an elf? Don’t tell me that every single person here is an elf…

-Oh, no no. If it was a few months before, I’d say there are not that many elves left in this world even, but now…

-Yeah, the attack and all…

-Yes. And the fact that the amount of Red Mages can be counted on your fingers…

-Damn. Okay, if not, couldn’t he just get access to casting here the same way as you do? Or everyone else for that matter?

-Of course he could, but he did not. The fact is, to use magic here you need to enter the contract with For… not literally of course - he quickly added, seeing as I was about to complain about the rules of the magical contracts. - No, it’s a bit different.

-What, you let her drink your blood? - I asked jokingly, but instead of smiling he turned pale.

-How do you know?!

Now I was slack-jawed. I was just joking around and I actually got it?!

-I don’t know, I am just spitballing here! What the fuck, is she some kind of a vampire?!

-I don’t know any more - he said, still shaken. - Either you have some ungodly luck or intuition or… I don’t even know what. Yes, to be able to cast spells here you need to give your blood to the current head of the Red Mages, presently For.

-Damn… and what, it just works, like, poof, and done? I can’t believe it…

-I have no clue how exactly the process goes, it is forbidden to know to anyone that is not the current leader or the successor.

-Ohh… And is there one?

-No. It’s not been that long since For was promoted to the leader so there was no time to even think about that…

-Ah, so that’s why you joined her… you wanted to get promoted…

-Ha, it would be nice, but no, that is not possible. See, the actual successor has to be from the same bloodline.

-Same bloodline? As elf or you mean literally family?


-I feel like that’s a bit hard to accomplish, isn’t it? Especially after you said you thought that there are barely any elves left…

-Yes. But as long as there is at least one elf left, that’s not an issue.

-What do you mean?

-See, elves are… what do they call it? A dominant species.

-Excuse me? A race that is rare is dominant?

-Oh, I mean biologically.

-Hm… So you mean a half-elf still is good enough? Wouldn’t the bloodline be so diluted after a few generations that you’d be left with just a regular human? Or whatever other race…

-No, no, you don’t understand. There are no half elves, nor quarter elves or whatever. If one parent is an elf, the child will always be a full-blooded elf as well.

-Well, that’s convenient for them.

-So, summing up, she is looking for a reason why suddenly Axelrod is able to magic his way around the place, is that it?

-I assume so… she never told me but I think that is the case.

-Well that is a security concern… besides the other ones…

-Yes, yes, you are one of them too, I know. But that’s not only the problem. Since you and king can bypass this old spell without any issue, what is even the point of it?

-Good point. But the question, why did she go that far just to find that out?

-That far? Don’t you think that the security of this place is pretty important?

-I mean, it’s a nice place and all, but what else? Is this rock worth that much?

I was on purpose not mentioning the fact that I very well knew that there was a pretty fucking big source of mana that was definitely worth hiding from everyone, especially from Axelrod.

Even if he realized that, he didn’t say anything.

-Think what you will. But, sure, getting yourself in some kind of weird trance like this for so long is not a price worth paying. Now I got you though.

-Uh-oh. What’s that supposed to mean?

-Nothing much. I would like you to wake her up from this trance.

-And how do you think I would even do that? - I gazed at him, curious what he had on his mind.

-You can drain mana, I remember that very well. If you were to drain her now, wouldn’t the spell fizzle as well?

-Didn’t you say that she recharges her mana automatically every now and again? Wouldn’t I just put her to sleep again?

-That’s what I want you to do. Remember what happened to me? I want you to do that to her. If she was to be completely drained to the point where she falls into a coma, the spell would definitely end then. Then it would be the matter of waking her up, but we have that covered, I still have something from the last time.

-I thought it was all used up… - I muttered, trying to remember. - In any case, that is definitely dangerous. Despite how you paint me, I am not sure I would be able to control myself…

-I can do that - suddenly said Iloa.

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