Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband

Chapter 36: Who killed Susie?

Phoebe ignored him and approached Susie, on calling her name the girl turned around. Her angry eyes stared at them, at this point Shark was hiding behind Phoebe which was a funny sight because he was much taller than her. He couldn't hide, no matter how much he wanted.

Phoebe should also have known that Connie would not lose out on the opportunity to mock Shark.

"Tsk, i thought you were the big bad brave loud mouthed detective who solves all cases and is willing to talk to ghosts. When it comes down to it, you are just a frightened little girl."

Shark finally got a chance to see Connie whose snarky attitude and voice he was familiar with. As expected, she was just a girl, a teenage girl.

He was not afraid of her ghost so much probably because he was used to her presence. But, he wondered if he had seen her somewhere.

"Hey, Shark face, i know that i am pretty but love between a ghost and a human is impossible."

Shark flinched and looked away from the girl with the poisonous tongue.

"What love between a human and a ghost? He was not crazy to date a girl of her age, human or ghost.

"Who are you?" Susie's ghost looked confused for a little bit because there were humans and ghosts in the group. "You can see me."

Phoebe nodded and confirmed. "Yes we can and we have been looking for you."

"What do you want from me? Everyone always wants something from me and after using me they dispose me off. It looks like even in death i am still of use to someone." Susie laughed maniacally.

Connie and the Saxon spirit appeared next to Susie. Connie as usual felt like she had to say something.

"We are ghost police...."

"Shut up Connie." Phoebe ordered

"We know that you were murdered and we are here to help you." Phoebe spoke softly, this was a ghost she had to handle with care so as not to infuriate it the more.

When Susie heard Phoebe's words, it began to calm down immediately. The dark energy around it began to disappear.

"How did you know that i was murdered?"

"We are detectives, the special kind who help the dead to move on." Phoebe replied.

"I was about to say that." Connie mumbled.

The girl was still angry with Phoebe for telling her to shut up in front of her idol Susie. Besides, what was difference between special detectives and ghost police?

"Ghost police, are you here to catch her?" The Saxon spirit asked the girl.

What Connie didn't know was that ghosts that had been around for long enough knew about ghost catchers. They were a section of humans who caught ghosts that refused to leave the human world without a reason. It didn't matter if it was a wandering ghost that didn't know why it was stuck or a malicious ghost whose anger had chained them in the human world.

Whatever kind of ghost you were, a ghost catcher didn't care.

Phoebe was different because she didn't simply trap ghosts and send them out of the human realm forcefully. She helped them fulfill their last wishes and then they would go willingly, happy and at peace.

If the ghosts thought she was a catcher however, they would run away at the sight of her. Rumors travelled fast among ghosts from city to city. If a ghost catcher was seen somewhere, all the ghosts in the city would know before the day ended.

Phoebe in the meantime was slowly approaching Susie, giving the same speech she usually gave the ghosts she helped. It was revised of course, always adjusted according to the situation of the ghost she was trying to help.

"Can you tell us who killed you? We want to see to it that that person is arrested and punished for their crime. You are filled with anger and stuck because you feel it's unjust. You died so soon before you could fulfil your goals and live your best life. But death is not the end, there is another...."

"Why should i tell you who killed me?" Susie asked.

She stunned Phoebe into silence. Not just Phoebe but everyone on the rooftop as well. What kind of victim refused to tell you who was responsible for their death?

Phoebe had never experienced such an obstacle before so she looked at the Saxon spirit.

The spirit in turn looked at Susie and asked, "Don't you want justice? Don't you want your killer to be punished?"

Susie crossed her arms across her chest and tapped her right foot on the ground with that annoying sly look on her face.

"How will it benefit me to share that information with you?"

"What?" a surprised Phoebe blurted, bewildered completely.

Behind her, detective Shark muttered, "I can see why people hated her."

"You want me to believe that you have been looking for my ghost ever since i died simply because you want to give me justice. Why, are you my fans?"

"Yes." Connie agreed eagerly.

The girl literally had stars in her eyes while staring at Susie.

"Oh yeah, which one of my songs is your favorite?"

"When i loved that boy, Mine all mine, Souls on fire, liberty, Bring me Alex, Merry go round, Oh my mother, sunset sweethearts, Boy i love you, The girl from...."

"Connie, enough." Phoebe commanded.

The rate at which she was going, she would name every song sung by dear girls and she had a job to do here. Connie could fangirl on her own time.

She removed the honey and softness from her voice and decided to be tough. "If you do not move on Susie you will become a malicious spirit. Your eyes are slowly turning red already and the energy around you is becoming black. When you become a malicious ghost you are considered to be an evil spirit.

I do not deal in the business of evil spirits, they have exorcists and ghost catchers for that. If you are caught by them, you will end up going to a bad place, a very dark bad cold place.

Unlike the people that pampered you in real life, i will not do any such thing by lying to you. Your life is over, no matter what you do. You are dead and that's final. Your last act on earth should be to screw over the person who killed you.

Are you going to let them live a good life after ruining yours? This person cut your dreams short, you should be a bitch to them like people have been saying you are.

We don't gain anything if you tell us who killed you and we don't lose anything if you become a malicious spirit. So, decide right now, are you going to tell us who killed you or not?"

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