Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband

Chapter 35: The ghost of Susie Isles.

"Would you have taken her back?" Shark asked.

The question was not relevant to the investigation and both women had no idea why Shark was asking.

Eliza stopped spinning and she smiled, "This business is all about money detective and as much as i didn't like Susie, she was a money maker. I would have taken back but this time round, it would be on my terms and not hers. It's too bad that i will never get the opportunity to own her arrogant ass."

"Did she have any friends? A boyfriend perhaps that she had a falling out with? Or maybe it was the the other girls, rumor has it that they were on bad terms?" Phoebe asked.

"Ha-ha friends? Susie Isles wasn't a friend to anybody and she had no boyfriend, she didn't want to loose her male fans by having one. The other girls would not have killed her as much as they loathed her because like i, this business is all about money. Without Susie, Dear girls is not the same and they would earn less.

I am already receiving cancellations for their endorsements and concerts now that she is dead." Eliza shook her head and wiped a hand over her face. "That bitch! Even in death she's still fucking me up."

Yin and the ghosts informed Phoebe that Susie wasn't at the company either and without wasting time, she told Shark that they should leave.

But before leaving, she turned around and said to Eliza, "You should come and see me at the Black ghost cafe."

After saying that, Phoebe looked at the malicious ghost standing behind Eliza before leaving. The woman was in danger and it was probably of her own making.

Phoebe didn't enter the car but rather, she watched Shark address the desperate people that wanted answers on the murder of Susie. He went on to boast and send a message to the murderer that his or her days were numbered.

"You guys know what am capable of, go home and be rest assured that am going to take care of this. Give me just two days, if I fail then the case can be re-assigned." Came Shark's convincing words.

The ultimatum that Shark gave himself managed to cool the angry masses because people began to leave the company premises, however he had riled up his fellow detectives. This was a high profile case and anybody would be glad to take it. There was bound to be a promotion or cash reward waiting for the one who successfully saw it through.

"He's doing all this such that he can soon be promoted to lieutenant, this was even my case not his." Another detective pointed out.

There were a few detectives present and some were hurdled together, discussing Shark.

"We all know he is good at solving cases but this arrogance and time line is extreme, even for him."

"Well i hope he doesn't solve it. CPD has other capable detectives. It's high time others got some publicity too."

Shark heard them and he scoffed. "When have i ever failed to close a case, they should be thanking me for convincing these people to leave, such an ungrateful bunch of people."

"That man is insane! What if...just what if we fail to find Susie. That lunatic has given himself just two days!" Connie shuffled her feet because she was frustrated, this meant that they had to work harder.

Phoebe let out a frustrated sigh. "Of course he's insane, he believed me right away when I told him that I talk to ghosts, forged my ID and had me solve his mysterious cases, lets bear with him as usual." She entered the car and answered her phone.

"Hello? Rosset what's up?"

"Phoebe, there is a gentleman waiting here to see you, I have told him that you'll be here later in the day but he said that he's not leaving without seeing you." Rosset informed her.

"If it's a client, then tell them to make an appointment. I don't know what time I will be back." Phoebe unwrapped a coffee candy and put in her mouth only for Connie to salivate.

"That's the thing it's not a client...."

Phoebe interrupted and asked who it was, she suspected that it had to be David.

"Tell David Saxon, that I will not be coming to the Cafe today." Phoebe was about to hang up when Rosset called her.

"Phoebe, it's not Mr. Saxon. It's Mr. Mayfair....Collin Mayfair."

She knew that one or all the Mayfair boys would come to threaten her. She was anticipating their visit because she had dash cam footage of what transpired between her and Ruth. Whatever the Mayfairs would throw at her, she was ready.

"Don't tell him anything, just let him wait. When he is tired, he'll leave on his own."

Shark entered the car and they drove to the Sheraton Villas where Susie lived. As usual the ghosts and Yin went on to search for her on the premises while she and Shark went to the dead girl's apartment.

The manager of the property opened Susie's house which had yellow tape marking it as a crime scene.

It was vast and decorated with all things expensive. Phoebe wondered whether Susie had not felt lonely living on her own. She searched the house but their was no ghost, Shark sank into the sofa, frustrated because he wanted to solve the case as soon as possible.

"That's what you get for yapping too much, two days? Maybe you should have said that after we had found the ghost. "Phoebe couldn't help but laugh mockingly.

He groaned like an old tired car whose engines were on there last life. "I was relying on the fact that in the past we have solved cold cases in twenty four hours. Come on, hire more ghosts to search for her. Remember that i am also looking into your birth."

"Have you found anything odd? Especially about my family?" Phoebe folded her lips because she didn't want to be tempted to say more. She didn't want to give him any leads, he had to do this solely.

Shark shook his head. "It's too soon, I'll tell you when I do."

Yin flew in, through the window and told Phoebe that they had found Susie. "She's on the roof top but you have to hurry because she's beginning to emit a dark energy."

"Meaning what?" Asked Shark

"She's getting more furious by the minute, if that anger takes over her, she could become an evil spirit." Phoebe run out followed by Shark.

When they got to the rooftop, Phoebe saw her. Susie stood near a water reservation tank, banging it with a clenched fist and Yin was right because dark energy was beginning to shroud around her.

"I wish I could see her." Shark stated as his eyes darted around. Phoebe reached in her tote bag and pulled out special black eye glasses that enabled an ordinary human to see ghosts. They functioned using her energy and a spell.

He stumbled backwards on wearing them because he could suddenly see not just Susie but three other ghosts. "Bloody hell! This is all real?"

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