Chapter 37: Farewell Susie.
To prove how serious she was and how little time she had to waste on the matter, Phoebe looked at the watch on her wrist, sighed and turned, as if to leave.
It was true that she had other tasks to accomplish, having spent close to four hours tracking down Susie's ghost. She had not eaten breakfast and she had an appointment waiting at the cafe. It wasn't Collin Mayfair but a ghost client.
Without turning back, she gestured at Connie and the Saxon spirit. "Let's go, we have more ghost business to handle."
Detective Shark's heart almost gave out when he realized that Phoebe was dead serious about giving up on pulling the answers out of Susie. Where would he be left if she walked away? If he didn't solve the case, he would become a national joke.
He tugged on her jacket and pulled her back.
"We have a deal." he hissed.
"The deal was to find the ghost and i found it. If she doesn't want to talk then what am i supposed to do? I have never personally seen a ghost willingly throw away it's one chance to reincarnate. Anyway, you know it's a murder so interrogate the suspects. I am sure that you will find something."
"I would rather take the shortcut." he whispered.
"That's your weakness." she murmured in his ear. "You become lazy when you hear the answers from the mouth of the ghosts directly. Try asking personally and see if she if she will respond accordingly."
Shark growled, a deep growl that came from his throat. After everything he had learned about Susie, he knew that she was a stubborn individual. She was the type to always take the hard way out. It was possible that she would choose to become a malicious spirit to look for a way of avenging herself.
Still, he was unwilling to surrender easily and he clutched onto Phoebe's jacket harder.
"One more time, try one more time, please." he requested.
Phoebe was about to shrug his hand away when the plea in his voice made her stop. She turned back, completed surprised because Shark had never once pleaded with her for anything.
"Did you actually say please?"
He clamped his mouth and refused to respond. His face however was all red like he was embarrassed. The red was like that of a tomato or hot red coals and all that was missing was smoke coming out of his ears.
"Oh my gosh, it's a miracle. If your fellow officers could see you now they would demand for a dna test so that you can prove that you are the real shark and not an impostor."
While all this had been happening, Connie was begging her favorite star to reconsider and telling her all the horror stories she had heard about the place where malicious spirits were sent to.
"Sister Susie, maybe in your next life, you will get to be a famous singer as well. You could even be more famous than you were in this life. Isn't that much better than becoming an evil spirit?"
"Your killer will not just steal this life but your next one too." The spirit rotated around Susie and threw it's opinion on to Connie's. "From everything i have heard about you, you are not the type to allow anyone take advantage of you. Do this and let go of this world. There is nothing left here for you anyway."
If this was a good cop bad cop tactic, the bad cop was Phoebe while these two were the good cops. The more they talked, the softer Susie seemed to become.
The black energy around her faded more and more until she started to look like her old self.
"Blake Don." Susie surprised everyone by responding unexpectedly.
Her voice was loud enough to be heard by Phoebe and Shark. It was a new name to their ears, one that had not shown up on the list of suspects.
Shark, on hearing the name of the killer quickly lost interest in Phoebe. He even forgot that Susie was a ghost and he activated his detective mode. Shark grabbed his tools, a pen and a notebook from his front pocket.
"Who is that and what is your relationship with him?" he questioned.
"My lover." Susie replied softly. "He gave me a glass of water and then i became dizzy so he escorted me to bed. The next i knew, i was feeling a sharp pain here."
She touched her heart to indicate where she had felt pain the most. "That bastard whispered to me that i should not have been too greedy and just continued on singing with dear girls. We had been fighting a lot lately over my decision to strike out as a solo artiste. I couldn't understand why he was so against it when it wasn't even his career.
I already knew that Eliza had reached out to all her contacts in the country to freeze me out of the industry so i was planning to sell everything and try my luck in Eagle country.
I just didn't think that he would kill me over a disagreement about my career." She scoffed lightly and shook her head. "I made so many enemies while desperately trying to crawl my way to the top.
I was always afraid to eat or drink anything i was offered while at work because others were capable of doing to me what i did to them but i never once put my guard up with him because i loved him. How foolish?"
"How long have the two of you been dating? I checked the security footage and i didn't see anybody leaving after your time of death so how did he leave after killing you?. Where does he live, is there evidence of your relationship because no pictures of you and your boyfriend were found in your apartment. Why is it that nobody seems to know about your relationship?"
Detective Shark fired off many questions one after the other without pausing. His reason for doing this was because on two occasions, ghosts had gone into the light without giving him all the necessary answers.
Unfortunately for Shark, this became one of those occasions. Susie suddenly vanished away, fading into nothingness. He turned quickly to Phoebe and noticed her the movement of her head. Anytime she looked at the sky with a sad expression or a smile during a conversation with a ghost then it meant the ghost was gone.
Connie looking at the sky, the same as Phoebe and yelling goodbye at the top of her lungs further proved that it was officially farewell for Susie Isles, forever.
"Fucking shit." he cursed.