Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband

Chapter 34: Detective Phoebe

TK Entertainment had one of the grandest buildings in Citrus city. In fact the company in itself was a tourist attraction because it had made many celebrities. Usually tourists and fans camped outside the building hoping to have a chance to see one of their idols but today, the situation was just insane.

The number of people and press outside was quite larger than usual. It was almost like there was an event they had come to attend.

"What has happened for these people to be back here? I remember watching on T.V when the police was clearing the area after Susie's death, something must have happened for her fans to be back here." Phoebe lowered the window of the car as she tried to study the situation.

After Susie's death, her die hard fans had camped at the company for days which was at first understandable because they brought flowers and gifts, then held a memorial for their dead idol.

However the situation had gone out of control when a group of anti fans showed up at the company gloating and expressing happiness that the star had died. This caused friction between them and Susie's loyal fans which lead to fights and a stampede because people were so many.

The police was forced to intervene, they ordered everyone to vacate the company premises if they didn't want to be charged. They all obliged and luckily no one died but some were seriously injured.

Shark chuckled. Phoebe knew immediately that he had something to do with what was happening.

"Well I posted on my socials that Susie was murdered. In my defense I was just confirming one of the theories already out there and emphasizing that we are doing everything possible to solve the case." Shark had a glint of excitement in his eye.

His words made Phoebe shake her head, she always knew that Shark was careless in his actions but at times it was too much. It was no wonder his phone had been ringing off the hook, his superiors were probably very angry. One of them was probably going to address the press on the matter before Shark stole the spotlight.

"For a detective, I have to say that he is very stupid." Connie stated, this time she wasn't scolded for disrespecting an elder because she had a point.

She used her inner voice, one that only Phoebe could hear.

"Shark, did you for one second stop and think about the danger you are putting these people in? Look at how desperate and confused they are? Now they are demanding for answers from the company CEO.

Am certain that they all suspect that she killed Susie because she was leaving the company. Your superiors need to keep you in check because you are out of control." Phoebe continued to stare at the mass of people, some were holding placards condemning the CEO and the company, others were wailing like they had lost their immediate relatives.

"I never told any of them to come here and the police is here already so the situation is under control. As for my superiors, they are familiar with my orthodox methods. I close more cases than any other detective in Citrus PD.

Besides i sent officers to follow all of the suspects before sharing this fact deliberately in order to see what they will do. No one can beat a murder charge if they are caught disposing of the weapon or other evidence." He smirked and got out of the car.

Phoebe wore Shark's cap and followed him into the building. Once inside, they flashed their badges at the security that almost denied them access because they were not in official police uniform.

"We would like to talk to the CEO unless you want me to cuff her and take her to the police station. Am sure that would make national news don't you think?" Shark told the beefy man, it seemed like he was the head of security.

Slowly, the man gave up because having the detective speak to his boss here was a lot better that dragging her to the police station.

"This way." The security man led the way.

Yin and the ghosts had already vanished because Phoebe had told them to search for Susie. She on the other had went with Shark to talk to the CEO.

With one brief knock on the glass see through door, they all entered. The moment the woman saw Shark she rolled her eyes with displeasure.

"After the chaos you have created, you have the balls to show your ugly face here. I have already been to the police station, there is nothing else to talk to you about." She strolled to the big window and stared at the commotion on ground.

Eliza Grant was a beautiful fifty year old woman, the photos didn't do her any justice.

She had sole handedly grown her company from a fledgling one to one worth million. From a single room to a seven storied building she owned.

She was about to leave the entertainment business when she discovered Susie Isles, forming Dear girls and since then it had been success after success.

Shark made himself comfortable in a single chair and signaled Phoebe to take a sit as well. "You did come to the station but that was before we made new discoveries. This is now officially a murder case but if you don't want to talk to us then I'll just go out there and tell those desperate people that you won't cooperate with us.

Am sure you understand what that means for you and this company that you have painstakingly built." He placed the toothpick back in his mouth.

At the mention of her company, Eliza gave in and Shark told Phoebe to go ahead with the questioning. She cleared her throat and asked boldly.

"Why did you murder Susie Isles?" Phoebe didn't bat an eye.

"What?" Shouted Eliza who was alarmed by the question.

The toothpick in Shark's mouth fell to the ground. "So it was her?" He got to his feet ready to cuff her only for Phoebe to ask him to sit back down.

Eliza chuckled, she was shocked because no one had directly accused her of the murder before. "Listen detective..." Eliza raised her eyebrows inquisitive because she didn't know the young woman's name.

"Phoebe...detective Phoebe." She lied blatantly because it wasn't the first time to introduce herself that way.

"Listen detective Phoebe, Susie was more valuable to me alive than dead. Yes I was beyond livid that she had decided to leave this company despite the fact that it was my blood and sweat that made her but I own the rights to all her music. Whether she stayed or left, i would be making money off of it forever.

Moreover, i put together contingencies in place for this kind of thing.

She smiled arrogantly and told them, "With all the dirt i had on her and the people who owe me favors, let's just say that nobody in the entertainment circle of Fog country was going to give her a chance.

Am not your murderer detectives. I would have preferred for Susie to live because i wanted her to crawl back here on her hands and knees, begging me to take her back."

She spun around in her chair, so unbothered.

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