Chapter 52: THAT'S TOO DAMN BAD!
Komekko: here, big brother they're delicious!
Komekko held out a bun that was still whole to varakiel.
Varakiel: thank you, Komekko, but you can eat them, i am already full.
Komekko: really?
Komekko says while she furrows her adorable eyes on varakiel.
Varakiel: really~.
Komekko: hm…..okay!
Hyoizaburou was eyeing varakiel dangerously.
Hyoizaburou: I don't care how much food you bring me. Im not losing komekko!
Varakiel: That's too damn bad!
Varakiel says while he covers komekko ears.
Salamander: (.....)
Varakiel:*cof* anyways komekko is still to young to take her away from her real parents but i just want her to have a good life, not passing through hunger, me and granberia both went through it on our past, one of our wishes is for our family to never go through that ,megumin as already told us about what you do when she sends money to you….
Yuiyui: We Apologize!!
Yuiyui says as she apologizes in dogeza and forces her husband to do the same.
Varakiel: Is okay I can understand that you tried to use it to make a business… used it for that?.....right?
Hyo: …..well…..
Yuiyui: y-you see…
Varakiel:...komekko pack your things.
Yuiyui: w-wait!!
After varakiel gave them the scold of their lifes…
Varakiel: alright so I'll be sending money for komekko each month so she can prepare to go to school, while I do so, you two will send me recipes or anything that can be worth the use of the money and in exchange I will repay you as well.
Yuiyui: All right, sounds good.
Hyo: i haven-
Yuiyui slams his head on the table…
Yuiyui: you shut up!
Megumin: h-hey mom you broke the table this time…..
Yuiyui: haaaaa!
Varakiel: this couple is interesting…
Granberia:…..i agree
Late in the evening, varakiel was cooking for everyone together with yuiyui….
Yuiyui: dear i didn't expect that besides being their leader and a hero you know how to cook so well….but your attitude when you cook is….
Varakiel: heh heh i am sorry for you seeing me like that i am trying to work on that, but i get too excited when i cook and i can't control myself sometimes.
Yuiyui: oh, dear, I am quite jealous of Megumin. She has a partner who is good at cooking~.
Varakiel: hehe.
Komekko: woah! Mom, did you make all this? There's a lot of meat!
Yuiyui: varakiel made all the food i just help him on the kitchen.
Varakiel: mhm eat all you want komekko but not forget to eat vegetables understood?
Komekko: yay!! Alright!!
Varakiel: phew at least the thing about komekko is solved.
Granberia: yeah, is good for them that they accepted or else….
Granberia says as she release an aura…
Varakiel: haha, anyways we will be camping here, i don't want to cause more trouble for now.
Granberia: all right…..varakiel…good night.
Varakiel: good night~.
The next day early in the morning…megumin's parents went off to work.
Varakiel: well megumin gives us some sightseeing around your village.
Megumin: of course, leave it to me!
Darkness: i wonder if there is more things like that griffon statue!
Granberia: i wonder aswell, this place is quite interesting.
Varakiel: alright, let's go then.
Varakiel: the hell?
Megumin took everyone to a some sort of shrine
Megumin: this is the guardian deity of this village.
Varakiel and granberia: no,no, that can't be possible.
Varakiel: this is a figurine of a cat girl in a swimsuit.
Megumin:....long ago
Megumin just ignored the remarks of varakiel….
Megumin: one of our ancestors allegedly saved a traveler who was being attacked by a monster. In gratitude, the traveler gave him this and said, "this is a god to me, more precious than my own life." No one knows what god it is, but we venerate it like this just in case it helps at all. The traveler also supposedly told our ancestor how to build the shrine.
Varakiel: ….if they keep worshiping it a deity might be born but that's not happening soon sooo…yeah just a normal figurine.
Megumin then took them to the next place…
Megumin: this is a holy blade said to bestow great power upon the one who draws it out.
Granberia: now that's more like it.
Varakiel: and the catch?
Megumin:.....that sword is a holy blade our blacksmith made to bring in tourists. The magic keeps it stuck in there will only break when the thousandth person tries to pull it out. So far we've only had about a hundred challengers. The smith made it roughly four years ago.
Varakiel:....your town as it tough i see….
Granberia: i think i can pull it out if i use the strength of a thousand.
Megumin: p-please don't. Our town needs all the tourist attractions it can get.
Megumin took everyone up to a small pond shaded by trees.
Megumin: this is the wishing pond. There is a legend about it. It is said that if you make an offering of an ax or a coin, you can summon the goddess of gold and silver or something. Apparently, even today, people occasionally toss in axes or coins on account of this legend.
Granberia: hey varakiel why this one sounds familiar?
Varakiel: well, even though there are different worlds some legends can coincide.
Granberia: ah, i see so thats a thing…
Darkness: really?
Varakiel: mhm.
Megumin: we don't have the faintest idea who started the story, but if our kindly blacksmith didn't routinely dredge the pond, it would be a pile of metal by now.
Varakiel: ….i know who did it….
Granberia: yeah, me too…
Darkness: so we all agree…
The next thing megumin showed was a totally normal-looking underground entrance. It seemed a lot like the entrance to a nuclear shelter.
Megumin: this is an underground facility that is home to a weapon that could very well destroy the world. When did this facility get here? No one knows…. it's said to have been made at the same time as that mystery building over there…
Megumin pointed to a huge structure of some sort. It was an enigma.
Varakiel: (this place is surely made from someone from another world, like kazuma or mitzurugi…)
Granberia: what's the mystery building? What's is used for?
Megumin: it is indeed a mystery. What is it for? Who built it, and why? And when? All mysteries. Looking around inside didn't give us any clues, so we call it the mystery building.
Varakiel:....i might have a rough idea what is it for but for now let's enjoy the trip we can see it later. So what else do you have?
Megumin: we used to have 'the tomb of the sealed evil spirit' and 'the place with the sealed unknown goddess' but with this and that the seals broke-you know how these things are-and…
Varakiel: you broke them, didn't you?
Megumin:....yes, please not tell anyone about it or they will scold me….
Granberia: oi child….
Darkness: megumin….
Megumin said there was a place where she wanted to stop by, she led everyone to a particular store.
???: Welcome to–megumin. Hmm? Could those be out-of-towners you have with you?
He fixed everyone with an intenze gaze.
Megumin: umu they are my great companions!
This caused the proprietor to.jump up, giving the cape he wore with his robe.
Cheekera: my name is cheekera! Arch-wizard and wieldier of advanced magic. First among the clothing-store proprietors of the crimson magic clan! Welcome, my, it's been a long time since we had travelers in here! How long has it been since i got to proclaim my name? Ah, that was invigorating. Thank you.
Varakiel then presents everyone and himself…
Cheekera: then what brings you here today? Something you need?
Megumin: i'd like to change to a new robe, do you have anything just like this? I got it from yunyun a long time ago, but it's annoying to have only one.
At that , the proprietor took a careful look at her outfit.
Cheekera: a robe like that? I happen to have some, freshly dyed.
He led everyone out to where the robes were drying on a pole. There were several that looked like the one megumin was wearing
Megumin: all right, give me all of them.
Cheekera: all of them? Ho-ho. I see your tastes have gotten more bourgeois, megumin…met some success as an adventurer, have you?
Megumin: well, do not be surprised if you start hearing my name around the village pretty soon. Anyway, this robe is rather my trademark, and i wouldn't want a bunch of people to run around wearing it…
Varakiel: haha, but megumin, imitation is the best form of flattery.
Granberia: indeed, if people imitate you is because you are have grown up in strength….but you are still far behind it yet.
Varakiel: mhm, but if that's what you want….also can i take a look at your drying pole?
Cheekera: the drying pole? Why?
Varakiel: well you see…. that's not a drying pole but a powerful weapon….
Cheekera: ehhhhh!? A weapon!?
Varakiel: mhm and is quite dangerous….i wonder if you are willing to sell it….
Cheekera: yeah of course! I don't want my shop to me suddenly be destroyed by whatever this weapon do!
Varakiel: great then I'll give you 50m eris for it and megumin clothes….
Megumin, darkness, cheekera: 5-50m!?
Varakiel: mhm, you take it?
Cheekera: of course!!
Cheekera then quickly removes the clothes from the long barreled rifle…
There a majestic weapon is revealed….
Varakiel: mhm…(lily can you send this rifle to promy and ask her to replicate it?)
Lily: (for sure)
Suddenly the long barreled rifle vanish from everyone's view…
Granberia: are you saving it? Why not test it?
Varakiel: that thing is probably too old that it might break after an use so i sent it to promestein to replicate it, knowing her she would manage in a day~.
Granberia: is that worth it?
Varakiel: if my memory doesn't fail that thing can kill a demon king general in a single shot if took by surprise.
Megumin: ehhhhh!?
Darkness: a-a single hit!?
Cheekera: phew, then i am glad is out of the shop I don't know what i would do if my shop suddenly disappeared…
Then everyone left the store and wandered around the village some more.
Varakiel: hmm….such a nice wind.
Everyone was at resting on a small hill.
Granberia: yeah.
Megumin: hey i been wondering how do you measure when a wind is nice?
Varakiel: when it's happy.
Darkness: that doesn't respond anything though….
Granberia: of course it does, when the wind is happy the wind feels nice.
Megumin & darkness:....
Varakiel: hehe, don't mind it for now you are still to early to understand the elements at this level.
Megumin: And whats that level?
Varakiel and granberia look at each other.
Varakiel & granberia: when it becomes your partner.
Darkness: i don't get it.
Megumin: me neither.
Varakiel: thats what i said you are still too early to understand, you need to think of the elements as your companions, not something you use, have fun with it, let it protect you, reside in your heart, fight alongside them.
Granberia: hm? Hey, is that another way to interpret Heinrich's legacy?
Varakiel: mhm, but instead of using them, ask for their guidance.
Granberia: I see, I like it.
Megumin: is not fair you can't begin to talk about something we don't understand!
Darkness: indeed.
Varakiel: haha, sorry, but anyways lets eat something, alright?
Megumin: of course!
Darkness: alright!
Granberia: what did you got for today?