My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 51: Komekko is so cute!!!!

Nothing is left.

Varakiel drops to one knee…

Varakiel: *pant* *pant* still no good uh? 

Varakiel meditates.

Varakiel: I have to say we are lucky there's gear that amplifies mana capacity.

Granberia: indeed or either you couldn't do it….

Megumin suddenly throws herself at varakiel.

Megumin: varakiel, that was awesome!!!

Varakiel: hehe, but like i said before, show me that your explosion can surpass my spell.

Megumin: yeah!


Everyone was making their way to megumin's house , yunyun went on her own to find Arue and give her a beating…

Varakiel: I am level 58 now.

Granberia: and I am 58 by killing all those monsters on the way.

Megumin: I am still level 48…

Darkness: level 43…

Varakiel: that's to be expected besides my delicious food that gives you ton of experience, megumin can only use explosion once a day to get exp, and darkness, you can't hit the enemy…..and remember that even though we were level 1 we have experience in the battlefield and in combat, so we pretty much could kill way more monsters that the average adventurer.

Megumin: That's true.

Darkness: right.

Varakiel: megumin… that your house?

Everyone arrives at a snug one-story house.


Megumin knocked on the front door. A moment later, feet thumped toward the door from inside. The door opened slowly

Darkness: ooh, is that your little sister, megumin? She's very cute.

Darkness says with a smile.

Varakiel: she's like a tiny megumin…..hello little one.

Granberia: (cute) hello little one.

Megumin: komekko, I'm home. Have you been a good girl?

Megumin said gently to her little sister.

Komekko looked megumin and froze. She must have been overcome by the joy of seeing her sister again. Her eyes went wide, and she sucked in a deep breath. Then she shouted.

Komekko: Daaaaad! Sis is back, and she brought a guy!

Komekko then ran back inside the house again…




Varakiel: hahaha, she is a lovely child!

Salamander: (indeed, she is quite energetic too.)


Varakiel and party was in front of megumin parents…varakiel was playing with komekko.

Varakiel: alright little one look here…

Varakiel using earth magic makes a rough sculpture of gnome.

Komekko: ohhh, so cool! Hey big brother who is she!?

Varakiel: she is gnome, the earth spirit, she controls all the earth and nature of the world!

Komekko: ohhhh!! What else, who controls the wind?

???: Er…! Ahem! 

Megumin dad cleared his throat pointedly.

Varakiel: oh, right, ill show you the other spirits later alright? I'll even present you to the fire spirit herself.

Komekko: really!!!? Yay!!

Granberia: (so cute)

Megumin and darkness then began to play with komekko.

Megumin's father was sitting across from varakiel across the carpet, with a baleful stare fixed on him.

Varakiel: is nice to meet you, mr. Hyoizaburou.

Hyo: i understand that you have took care of my daughter. For that, i must thank you.

Next to him was megumin's mother

Yuiyui: yes, thank you very much…our daughter often mentions you and ms. granberia in her letters, mr. Varakiel, ms granberia…we are glad megumin has found a place in a hero's party.

Megumin's mother, bows deeply in gratitude.

Hyo: indeed, we never thought megumin will be lucky enough to find great companions like you.

Varakiel: hahaha, nothing like that, instead me and granberia are the lucky ones that found megumin, we actually recruited her when she was trying to join another party that rejected her.

Hyoizaburou took a long, meaningful look at megumin, then turned to varakiel.

Hyo:....and what exactly is the relationship between you and our daughter?

Varakiel: for the third time, me and granberia took her as our own daughter.

At that moment hyoizaburou with an expression of disgust.

Hyo: Grrrrraaaahhhh!

Yuiyui: ohhhhhh! Stop, dear! Please! Please stop flipping over tables! You break them, and we don't have the money to replace them, especially this month!

Granberia: this people is weird.


Hyo: you must excuse me. I lost control of myself because you keep mocking me with your insistence that megumin is your own daughter.

Varakiel: haha, sorry but is the truth, she is our lovely daughter.

Hyoizaburou began to steam….

Varakiel then takes some things from his inventory….

Varakiel: anyways i have brought gifts for you and komekko.

Varakiel then hands them some buns he got from arcanlentia.

Varakiel: first lets begin from some food we got on our trip to hunt the demon king general hans…

Hyo: …my dear, wife. Varakiel was thoughful enough to bring me a gift, so will you please take your hands off it?

Yuiyui: heavens, my love. A moment ago, you could barely even look at him, but he gives you a little something and suddenly you can remember his name. Stop now, you're embarrassing yourself. These will be our dinner tonight. I won' let you just eat them with your wine, understand?

Hyoizaburou was strongly pulling the box while yuiyui easily held it back with one hand.

Varakiel: haha, please lady yuiyui i also got something for you.

Yuiyui: oh my, and what would it be?

Yuiyui then let go of the box, and hyoizaburou falls to the ground holding the box.

Varakiel: this is a special medicine created by mermaids, we call it mermaid blessings, with a single drop of it and you will stop aging for a month, here are enough bottles for at least 1000 years~.

Yuiyui eyes began to twinkle.

Yuiyui: oh my dear!! You didn't have to~!

Yuiyui happily takes it.

Granberia: so thats why you stayed up late….


Megumin:...can i?

Varakiel: nope you are still growing up, wait until you become mature, you don't want people to mock you for your age right?

Megumin: right!

Varakiel: as for you darkness you still can grown up a little more.

Darkness nods….

Varakiel: for komekko well hehe i brought a lot!

Komekko: really!? Yay! Thank you big brother! So what it is!?

Varakiel: *cof*first we have a pair of mental link rings while you wear it you can talk telepathically with the other wearer of the ring. You can for example give it to megumin and you will be able to talk with her whenever you want.

Komekko: Cool!

Komekko then puts the ring and gives the other one to megumin.

Komekko: sis, sis, put it on i want try it!

Megumin: okay…

Megumin then puts the ring…

Komekko: (hello sis can you hear me!!!?)

Megumin: (komekko don't yell it hurts.)

Komekko: ( okay!!)

Varakiel: oh? It seems you managed to use it very fast, komekko isn't only a good girl, but also very smart.

Varakiel pats komekko.

Komekko: heheheh.

Varakiel: next we have, a Kidaster wand is a special wand that allows you to practice all the magic you want, and comes with mana reserves that allows you to use spells you usually won't be able to use, and also summons a shield that protects its caster whenever a spell is used, this is for you so you can practice magic.

Megumin: kidaster?

Darkness: so much things for a kids wand…

Granberia: while i disagree with the shield because pain hones your skills i agree since is magic, it can be too dangerous.

Komekko: awesome! Can i try it now big brother!?

Varakiel: we will try it later for now let's eat alright?

Komekko: okay!

Varakiel: and for last we have a magic robe. This robe besides adjusting to the wearer age it also increase the regeneration of magic power, it allows you to turn invisible for a short time, and also can be used as a shield, since it's materials are very durable it becomes very sturdy when you use it to block not only physical but also magical attacks.

Komekko: ohhhh!! Big brother put it on me!

Komekko then sits on varakiel lap and looks up at him.

Varakiel: alright~. (Hehehe so adorable)


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