My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 53: Things are going a lot different


Varakiel: hmmm? ….hey there are demons near megumin house, let's move!

Granberia: the little one!

Varakiel and granberia rush down the hill!

Megumin: komekko!

Darkness: lets call everyone, megumin!


The fence near megumin house.

Demon: w-what's with these guys where they even came from!?

Demon: lady Sylvia be careful these people are strong!

Varakiel: oh? So you are Sylvia?

Sylvia: Oh, and who might you be?

Varakiel: beldia, vanir, hans does those names are familiar to you?

A face full of horror appears on sylvia and the demons

Sylvia: t-they?we heard beldia and vanir went to axel and never come back and hans….!!!

Varakiel: nice to meet you, my name's is varakiel fateburn the hero for the future.

Sylvia and the demons step back in horror.

Sylvia: h-hero…..

Sylvia then composes herself…

Sylvia: varakiel, so you are the ones who took down vanir beldia and possibly hans?

Varakiel: don't try to act cool lady, i can feel your fear…. say we will let you go, we are here to sightseeing we don't intend to fight today.

Granberia: oi just because she is a woman doesn't mean you should let her go.

Sylvia: are you telling the truth?

Varakiel: we are near my friend's house if we clash here we will destroy it, if we have to fight it will be on the battlefield.

Granberia: ah right.

Varakiel: and besides the crimson magic clan mages are on their way you don't want to face them all together right?

Sylvia: !!! Thank you kindly, varakiel—--catch you next time! Then we'll settle this. My name's sylvia–general of the demon king! Okay everyone—retreat!

Then silvia and her minions turn around and rush out!

Crimson mage: hey i see them they are running away!

Then all the crimson wizards arrive and rush to pursue sylvia.

Varakiel: everyone don't follow them it might be a trap.

Then all of them stop their chase…

Megumin, yunyun and darkness then walks to varakiel and granberia…

Megumin: great you chased them away! They must be scared of us!

Darkness: they must have heard about the other generals already….

Yunyun: awesome! Big brother is feared even by the demon generals!

Varakiel:...hehe, alright let's go back.

Granberia: mhm.

Megumin: alright!


Everyone is back at megumin's house

Komekko: big brother and sister are awesome! They easily defeated the demons! And even more made them run away!

Komekko says to varakiel and granberia with sparkling eyes.

Yuiyui: we heard about how the two of you fend off the demons and their general what a brave and stelwart party, we are glad that megumin is under your care and guidance.

Varakiel: hehe, it was nothing after all what i said was true before i had to use plans and deceive the other generals to defeat them but now i don't need to do so, if i fought with silvia at that time komekko and your house would be in danger.

Granberia: mhm, i am sure that would be the case, and besides we have other plans for her….or varakiel does, to tell the truth.

Darkness: other plans? What do you mean?

Varakiel: i am going to capture her and make her our ally.




Granberia: *sigh* i knew it, pervert.

Yunyun: b-but how will you do it?

Varakiel: thats rather easy, as now you might have noticed but the demon king generals aren't as loyal as it seems to their king, and i can see why.

Granberia: indeed.

Megumin: eh? What do you mean?

Varakiel: the demon king is using his generals to hide on his castle with his barrier, instead of going to fight directly to the front, he's a afraid and he's not as noble as the demons try to make him look, i am completely sure he's someone just like that guy kazuma, he's cowardly but very patient.

Granberia: mhm, even my lord directly went out of her castle to find a way to get coexistance, this demon king…is not worthy of such name, and some of the generals knows it, see vanir as an example or wiz, if it wasn't because wiz was loyal to her companions he will be dead.

Darkness: i see that makes a lot of sense…. should i report this to the royal castle?

Varakiel: no, even though the demon king is a coward he's not stupid nor dumb there are demons on the royal castle and other important parts of the nations, like the demon in alderp basement, or traitors like alderp itself.

Yunyun: s-scary….

Darkness: i see…i will mention this to my father then…

Varakiel: do so, but warn him to keep it to himself until he's really sure that the other part is not in league with the demon king.

Yuiyui: oh dear all this sound dangerous…

Varakiel: don't worry lady yuiyui not a single enemy will touch any of you i promise.

Komekko: yeah big brother and sister are true heroes and they are very strong!


Varakiel pats komekko.

Komekko: hehehe.

Komekko smiles as she sits on varakiel lap.

Yuiyui: fufu if you say so.

Varakiel: lady yuiyui if you don't mind me asking where is mr hyoizaburou.

Yuiyui: oh, hubby said he has lots of work to do, so he's going to sleep in his workshop.

Varakiel: i see, then care to help me with dinner for today aswell yuiyui?

Yuiyui: of course dear~.


At a mixed bath in the village….

Varakiel: iyaa this place surely is fun.

Granberia: but overall weird.

Varakiel and granberia we're bathing together.

Varakiel: well this world was created to surprise other worlders, but still is very beautiful.

Granberia:.....i can agree with you.

Varakiel: hehe, now that we came here and made a deal with megumin parents we can buy skill points potions through them.

Granberia: i see so that wasn't only to help the two children, good that means i can use my skill points more freely.

Varakiel: you can also use G's to get them you know?

Granberia: i am not as rich as you yet idiot.

Varakiel: true….

Varakiel G's: 800000.

Granberia G's: 300000.

Granberia: but still i have a lot of them yet, but who knows when will need them, unless i reach a bottleneck i will not use them.

Varakiel:....but granberia you also are limitless like me now…

Granberia:.....i forgot.

Varakiel Bond with granberia: Sharing Title: Desire to love and protect.

Granberia: is just that is unbelievable that something like that exists. But seeing you here and now i can begin to believe little by little.

Varakiel: hehe.

Granberia: so is there anything else or we should leave already?

Varakiel: that's all, let's go back then.

Salamander: (so anything is happening today?)

Varakiel: (probably)


Varakiel and granberia then walks back to the camp near megumin house.

There megumin, yunyun, darkness, and komekko were sitting around the bonfire

Varakiel: alright then let's go to sleep everyone.

Komekko: okay big brother!

Komekko then gets inside the tent of yunyun and megumin.

Yunyun: okay.

Megumin: komekko calm down or you won't be able to sleep.

Varakiel just observes the three of them playing around inside the tent.

Varakiel: (hehe so adorable)darkness you can go to sleep as well me and granberia will stay on guard today.

Darkness: understood, good night then.

Then darkness walks to her tent.

Varakiel: good night….

Varakiel then gets close to her ear.

Varakiel: pig.

Darkness then shivers from excitement and shily gets inside the tent

Darkness: y-yeah.

Salamander: (perverts)



Later at night.

"The demon king's forces are attacking! The demon king forces are attacking! Elements of his army may have already infiltrated the village!"

Varakiel: alright that our call.

Granberia: she didn't wait a single day uh? I like her attitude.

Varakiel: (she….oh right i didn't told her…i will do it later.)

Salamander:( wait isn't she a woman?)

Varakiel: ( no.)


Varakiel and granberia then rush out to find a badly injuried sylvia far from the camp.

Sylvia: *pant* *pant* just a little farther…!...y…you…fancy meeting you here, i am impressed. I sent my minions everywhere but you figured out where i was headed and came to stop me. Didn't you, varakiel?

Varakiel: I already knew you were coming here. Is pretty obvious what are you after, Chimera.

Sylvia: y-you a mere human dares to speak to me like-

Varakiel: Yeah I do, mere humans are obliterating your army.

Granberia: your mistake was underestimating humanity….. They are stronger than you think.

Sylvia: i-i see…

For a moment Sylvia looked genuinely ashamed by their scolding.

Sylvia: wait a minute! That's some gall you have scolding me. Ill teach a lesson to both of y-

Varakiel and granberia suddenly appear in front of sylvia with their swords on her neck.

Sylvia: Ekkk!

Varakiel: don't misunderstand sylvia, we didn't defeat hans through other means other that direct combat, the way you are now we can easily defeat you.

Granberia: indeed, so you better cooperate.

Sylvia: do you think i will yield?

Varakiel: I don't think so, you are someone who doesn't will betray their allies.

Varakiel and granberia sheets their swords.

Granberia: i have to give it to you, i respect your loyalty.

Varakiel: but tell me do you think the demon king deserves your loyalty!?

Varakiel with anger yells at sylvia.

Sylvia: what would you know human!? You don't know the Majesty of his highness!

Varakiel: Majesty!? Look around you! Do you believe such king would send his troops to a certain death!?

Sylvia: what are you insinuating!? That my king is someone useless!?

Varakiel:....what i am trying to say is that your king doesn't care about any of you.

Sylvia:.....shut up, that's not true.

Varakiel: (she is aware of it…poor thing doesn't know what else to do, demon king i despise you….).

Granberia:....sylvia was it?...i only have one thing to say, you should think about if you're fighting for your ruler or your people.

Sylvia:....what two humans would know.

Varakiel then release a royal and dark aura…

Varakiel: as the monster lord i know more that you could think off, sylvia the chimera.

Then he changes to a dark armor that has the alice monster lord sigil on it.

Sylvia: *shivers* w-who are you?

Varakiel: hmph… I who bears the souls and will of the old heroes, who seeks strength to protect, i am he who desires for the future, a guide for the living a judge for the sinners, i am the hero who protects the future, and the lord who commands all monster's, the monster lord varakiel fateburn.

Sylvia: m-monster lord!? Are you betraying the demon king!?

Sylvia then stands up ready to fight.

Varakiel then quickly smacks her down.

Sylvia: ugh!!

Varakiel: fool, don't insinuate that i worked for that stupid king.

Granberia: hmph, someone like him doesn't deserve even my attention.

Sylvia: who are you really then….

Varakiel then explains to Sylvia.


Sylvia: o-otherworld…then you came to conquer our kingdom i wont let-


Varakiel: idiot, i told you we came to get stronger, we don't came to take over this world.

Sylvia: uh….then why are you letting me live.

Varakiel: you are clearly being mislead by the demon king, look around you a good king wouldn't allow their people to go through this, if it were me i would have taken the lead myself.

Granberia: is clear that the demon king wants to get rid of you, but the reason is why…..

Granberia Begins to think…

Varakiel: hmm….hey sylvia you didn't say anything weird to the demon king right?

Sylvia:..... I don't think so, before getting assigned here i was looking for a way to merge with my master.



Salamander: (no wonder)

Varakiel and granberia give a face of pity to sylvia…

Sylvia: why are you looking me like that?

Varakiel: sylvia, i think the demon king doesn't like your approaches.

Sylvia: ehhh? How can that be…..maybe i was too straight forward, damn i should asked him for a date first.



Sylvia: are you sure you want to let me go?

Varakiel: sylvia listen, you can't win this fight, the crimson mages are way too much for all of you, retreat while they still can, your soldiers are very loyal to you , they would follow you to hell if they had too.

Granberia: he's right you don't find such loyal people so easily.

Sylvia: b-but my orders.

Varakiel: What is more important your people or your king!? people….yeah you're right my people is what matters!

Sylvia then stands up.

Varakiel: mhm it seems you are listening to sense, good, come with us.

Granberia: mhm

Varakiel and granberia then walks somewhere outside the village.

Sylvia:...(they are right…)


They eventually arrive to a cave.

Demon A: l-lady sylvia!

Demon B: you're okay lady sylvia.

Sylvia: y-you guys!? I thought you died!

Sylvia the rushes to her minions

Sylvia: are you okay does it hurt somewhere? 

Varakiel: (she really loves her people…i am glad she listened to us.)

Salamander: (mhm, even I would feel bad to kill someone like them)

Sylvia: what is the meaning of this i clearly remembered you were engulfed by that terrifying spell.

Demon A: I don't know aswell i just remember waking up yesterday in this cave while some kind of Spirit was healing us…

Varakiel: this is my doing.

Sylvia: y-you?

Varakiel: mhm that spell was used for me but i added an special effect to it so the one hit by it would only be badly hurt but not dead.

Beginner gear weapon set effect 2/2 : you wouldn't be able to kill your opponent, you will always leave it at the doors of death.

Sylvia: ….. thank you.

Sylvia kneels to varakiel.

Varakiel: it was nothing, after all it wasn't a fair fight from our side, if you could fight back i wouldn't have done this, you clearly were sent here to die by the demon king.

Sylvia: (demon king…..)

Sylvia puts an angry expression.

Varakiel: ( hehe almost there.) Sadly that only applied to my spell the others that died before it couldn't be saved. I am sorry sylvia for not being fast enough…

Sylvia: this is enough you showed us mercy….thank you hero.

Demon A: thank you hero.

The demons gave their thanks to varakiel. you must leave and never return to this place.

Sylvia: prepare everything we are going back!

Sylvia says with a manly voice, clearly angry with the situation, not because they are giving up but because someone else….

Granberia:w-weren't you a woman?

Sylvia: ara i am sorry.

Sylvia talks back with her feminine voice 

Varakiel: you see as a chimera sylvia can merge with anything you can think of, be it organic or inorganic, they are both male and female.

Granberia:.....(that's it i've seen it all on this world)

Then varakiel, granberia and sylvia are left alone in the cave.

Sylvia suddenly kneels.

Sylvia: monster lord varakiel fateburn i wish to pledge my loyalty to you….

Varakiel:....i refuse!


Sylvia: w-why!?

Varakiel: I don't like to have subordinates, if you want to show me loyalty then let's work together from now on, as equals.

Varakiel then extends his hand for a handshake.

Sylvia:.....i see you are that kind of leader…..very well, it would be an honor to work with you my lord.


Salamander: ( all according to plan hehehe.)

Varakiel: then this is how you will proceed…


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