My Journey: The Reason Why I Will Live

Chapter 50: Arrive to the village and a flashy gift

Almost at dawn…

Varakiel: that should be it..

Granberia: mhm…

Darkness:.....thank you for your hard work both of you.

Varakiel: mhm, just a bunch of demons.

Granberia: mhm…

Eventually four figures came to the camp, and they had something in common their red eyes.

Varakiel: took you long enough to reach your objective.

???: Hehe…sorry mister, it seems you did our work…ah? Isn't that megumin and yunyun?

Varakiel: mhm, and just in time to wake up.


Megumin: if it is not bukkororii, the cobbler's son. It's been a long time. We heard that there was going to be a demon king general and we came to deal with her.

Bukkororii: demon king general? Ah right we have heard that you and your party has defeated 3 of them….then that means you are.

They look at varakiel.

Varakiel: I who bears the souls and will of the old heroes, who seeks strength to protect, i am he who desires for the future, a guide for the living a judge for the sinners, i am the hero who protects the future, Varakiel!

The four crimson magic clan people eye's begin to twinkle.

Bukkororii: my name is bukkororii! First among the cobblers' sons of the crimson magic clan! Arch-wizard and wielder of advanced magic…!

Varakiel: hehe, is a pleasure to meet you.

Bukkororii: megumin, yunyun, you really found great companions!

Yunyun: yeah!

Megumin: umu!

Granberia: And i am the heavenly knight of fire, granberia.

Granberia presents herself aswell.

Darkness: m-my name is l-lalatina…F-ford…

Varakiel: you don't have to force yourself, she is the crusader darkness.

Bukkororii: lovely friends you have, megumin, yunyun, we're still ways from the village, come , outsiders, we will guide you. let's go by teleport!.

Varakiel then quickly saves up the camp.


Suddenly everyone warped and the scenary changed in the blink of an eye.

Varakiel: geez, don't do that we almost left our things behind.

Bukkororii: was that space magic?

Varakiel: secret.

A tiny hamlet, the very definition of idyllic, comes in to view. 

Bukkororii: welcome, outsiders, to crimson magic Village. and to megumin and yunyun—welcome home!


Bukkororii: we'll get back to our patrol, then.

Bukkororii said, edging away from everyone he and the other three clustered together, and after he intoned a brief bit of magic–

Bukkororii: see you later!

All four of them vanished from sight. 

Varakiel:.....i can still feel your presences you know?


There was a gasp of distress and the noise of something scuttling backwards.

Varakiel: anyways thanks for the teleport, until we meet again.



Varakiel: so yunyun tell me about your village.

Megumin: why her and not me?

Varakiel: megumin, she is the chief daughter.

Megumin: ah.

Yunyun:..... Everyone in the crimson magic clan learns advanced magic when they grown up, every single person in the village belongs to the arch-wizard class. After learning advanced magic, they pick up as many different spells as their skill points allow. At least, that's what they normally do….

Yunyun tries to not look at megumin under the guise of taking in the nostalgic sights of her hometown. Crimson magic village was about the size of a small farming settlement.

Darkness: mm. This is a quite good griffin statue. Did a famous sculptor carve it?

Darkness says as she was patting a stone sculpture near the entrance to the village.

Megumin: that is a griffin that wandered into the village and was turned to stone by petrification magic, it looks rather cool, so we decided to leave it there as a tourist attraction. These days, people mostly use it as a landmark when they're trying to meet up.

Varakiel: hehe, your clan really knows how to do things to the extreme.

Granberia: indeed.


Everyone eventually reach to yunyun house in the middle of the village. Everyone was resting on a room with a table and sofas on either side, there a middle-aged man sat furrowing his brow. He was the the chief of the crimson magic clan, yunyun father…and his head was smoking due to the beat up of two angry parents….

Yunyun dad: aww, that? I am sorry i guess what your party as done to the demon king army is reasonable that she took the letter seriously, and i got a bit carried away. My crimson magic clan blood just won't let me write a normal letter…

Varakiel: you debt yunyun an apologize she was really scared.

Yunyun: yes dad, why you began your letter with "by the time this letter reaches you, i will be dead"...

Yunyun dad:why, that's the way members of the crimson magic clan have always opened their letters. Didn't they teach you in school?...ah, you and megumin both had such good grades; you graduated early, didn't you?

Yunyun: and the part about not being able to destroy the demon king's base?

Dad: oh yes, they put up a pretty impressive encampment. No one can agree on whether to tear it down or leave it there as a new tourist attraction.

Varakiel: yunyun, do you mind if we beat him once again?

Yunyun: be my guest.

Dad: yunyun!?

Darkness: you said the demon king's army really did establish a base, right? So were you telling the truth about one of his generals being here, too?

Dad: oh yes, one who's strong against magic, just like i wrote in my letter. She'll be around soon. Wanna have a look?

Just as the chief invited them…

"Alert! The demon king's forces are approaching. Alert! The demon king's forces are approaching! All who are able, please assemble near the griffin statue. The enemy appears to number roughly a thousand.

Varakiel: alright let's go then, as a guest i have brought a gift , a shinning light show~.

Granberia: that? Just this time understood?

Granberia then use drain touch to give magic power to him.

Varakiel: alright~!

Megumin: a-are you using that!? Awesome!!

Yunyun, darkness, yunyun's dad: ¿?


An amazing scene…

Demon: yargh! Yaaargh!

Demon: lady sylvia! Milady! You must escape! Even if none of us makes it, you alone must….

Demon: curses! Curse it all! We can't even get close enough to counterattack!

Demon: i told you we shouldn't attack crimson magic village! I told you i didn't want to go!

Before everyone could reach the village gate, the demon king forces were already routing. Barely fifty crimson mages stood against more than a thousand foes. And those wizards…

"Lightning strike!"

"Energy ignition!"

"Freeze gust!"

"Cursed lightning!"

Granberia: i have to admit, not bad.

Yunyun's dad: alright guys we have a guest and he wants to show us a powerful spell!


Varakiel: haha.


Demon: t-the spells stopped?

Demon: good is our chance!!

Suddenly they began to hear….despair 

"My Name is Ultima…i am power both ancient and unrivaled"

Demon: hey, pal….please never speak again….


Varakiel cloak was fluttering by the pressure exuded by the surrounding magic power.

Varakiel: i do not bleed, for i am but strength given form….

Darkness: t-this chant!

Yunyun: y-you know it?

Darkness: its the spell he used to stop the destroyer !!!

Then everyone of the crimson magic clan gets shocked such spell was being perform by a single person.

Megumin: Yeah! Get them!

Yunyun's dad: hm, and he uses a spell to amplify the sound of this music, and i must say it fits it terrificly…..yunyun, your companions are amazing!!

Varakiel: feeble creatures of flesh…

Then the magic circle in the sky is formed.

Sylvia: Everyone Retreat!!!!!

Varakiel: Your time is nigh, ARTEMA!!!

Then a blue blast fills up the whole battlefield!!

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