Chapter 95: Chapter 14
Once I was finally alone, I dropped onto my couch with a heavy sigh.
"Fucking hell," I said to myself as I went over today's activities. And it wasn't even midday yet.
The rumbling of my stomach made me remember that breakfast was probably being served up by now. So, I headed down to the main house to get some food. And seek out Emily to apologise to her.
I was kind of expecting Mel to be by the pool again to torment me with her naked body, but the backyard was completely empty. I heard voices coming from inside the house and guessed that my sisters were probably all up and about. Only then did I realize I was still shirtless and the half-assed effort of cleaning myself up earlier hadn't really worked. I still smelled of sex and cum. Rather than going back up to my flat to shower and change, I just dove into the pool to clean up. I let myself sink to the bottom and swam along the floor of the pool for a couple of metres before resurfacing near the steps, only to see a pair of legs by the pool's edge. I looked up the long, flawless legs to see Erica standing before me in a pair of black denim shorts and a loose tank top. By the way her bountiful breasts bounced, she wasn't wearing a bra.
"Good morning," I said, rising from the water.
"Good morning to you too," Erica said with a raised eyebrow. "Early morning swim?"
"I felt like a dip," I shrugged.
"I like getting wet in the morning too," Erica winked, then roamed my naked torso with her intense eyes.
"I bet," I laughed.
The relationship between Erica and I had definitely been a roller coaster ride. There was an obvious sexual attraction there from the get-go. At first, I thought she was simply teasing me to get a reaction from me, taunting me with the sin of flesh that I couldn't have. But, over the short time I'd been here I learned that she did indeed have feelings for me. As I did for her.
"You were gone when I got up this morning," Erica said.
"Yeah. I needed to clear my head, so I went for a run," I shrugged, choosing to keep the trip to the gym and Sarah's house to myself. Mel had seemed jealous when she heard that little bit of information. I didn't want to rub it in Erica's face just the day after I told her we couldn't become lovers.
"I figured as much," she shrugged. "Let me know next time and I'll come with you."
"Sure," I nodded.
"Well let's go. Breakfast is ready," Erica nodded towards the back, sliding door to the house.
I let Erica walk in front of me for obvious reasons. Her ass looked like it wanted to eat her shorts, and I admired the curve of her exposed flesh that peeked out below her tight shorts. Strangely enough though, I wasn't sporting a raging boner as I ogled her body. Sure, I was still aroused by her. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. But my mind was clear, and I was able to just enjoy the sight and presence of her without the teenager-like hormones dictating what they wanted me to do to the curvy goddess.
Maybe Mel was onto something.
I entered the kitchen behind Erica to see all of my siblings sitting around the small breakfast table. A huge spread of food was laid out, and it must have taken Amanda all morning to make it. My raven-haired oldest sister gave me a pleasant smile as I came in and gestured for me to take the seat beside her, which also put me next to Emily. The brunette twin didn't look my way though. And her outfit choice of baggy pyjama pants and a large band t-shirt spoke volumes of her mood this morning. Her usual bright smile and sparkling eyes were vacant now as she forked scrambled eggs into her mouth methodically.
I did this to her. So, I would fix it.
Mel gave me an intense—eyebrow arching—look as I took the seat opposite her, beside Emily. Then she purposefully cut into a lone sausage on her plate. The fact she didn't really eat red meat meant she had been saving that sausage for a single purpose.
"Good morning everyone," I said, looking at my siblings.
Everyone offered their greetings, even Emily. Although hers were more mumbled and she still didn't look my way. I got a purposeful look from each of my sisters, and I knew they wanted me to fix what had happened between Emily and me. Each of them knew something had happened, even if they didn't know exact details. I started eating as I mulled over what I should do as the conversation around the table started up. I mostly tuned my siblings out as I considered how to patch things up with Emily.
All Amanda wanted was for her sister to be happy. But did she suspect what me and Emily were on track to do? Even if I kept it as PG as possible, I could see it in Emily's gorgeous green eyes every time she looked at me.
Mel wanted me to make it up to her twin sister, and from the encounter we just had and the things she said about monogamy, her thoughts on how were quite simple. Although...Emily was a virgin. Erica had told me that when she warned me away from our younger sister. But I had a feeling that was more out of jealousy than anything. Especially not some aversion to us sleeping together because we were blood related.
I started to really think about what I wanted and what I should do. Like...really think. Since I'd arrived here, I had been in a perpetual state of arousal that was either clouding my thoughts or made me think I was just horny and couldn't make a clear decision. But...Mel had helped, just as she said she would. I felt clear-headed and able to see the amazing women around me for who they were. It could be this genetic thing she spoke about, but it wasn't just their looks that made me love them.
"Emily," I turned to face my sister. "Can we go somewhere to have a chat?"
"Why?" she replied, not looking up from her food.
"Please?" I pleaded.
She finally looked at me, and I saw the sadness and hurt in her eyes immediately. It broke my heart to see those emotions, especially since it was because of me.
I gave the others a quick glance, seeing a small smile of approval from Amanda. A look of curiosity from Erica. And a grin from Mel as she stabbed her knife into the uneaten sausage. The last was slightly unsettling.
I followed Emily into the living room to the sound of soft conversation starting up once more from the kitchen. Emily turned to face me and was able to meet my eyes with hers. I had gone over what I needed to say to her again and again in my head. But nothing sounded right. I was never great with words and I was worried anything I said right now might sound false and empty.
I took two steps closer to Emily to close the distance between us. Then I wrapped my arms around her in a big hug. She let out a surprised gasp as I pulled her against me, but then her arms squeezed tightly around me as she returned the embrace.
"I'm so sorry I pushed you away," I said, kissing the top of her head. "I was confused and worried I was being a bad influence on you."
Emily didn't reply, but she did press her face into the crook of my neck as she melted into my arms. We stood there in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the feel of one-another. I loosened my hold on her when I felt her arms slide from around my back to rest on my hips, and we separated just enough for me to look into her beautiful green eyes.
"What changed your mind?" she asked in a whisper.
"Mel may have threatened to castrate me," I laughed.
"Is that all," Emily giggled.
"No," I shook my head. "She helped me realise how stupid I was for fighting against all this. I'm not accustomed to having sisters or a big family and I didn't know how to act. What we were doing was considered wrong by modern society and would be frowned upon. But I really don't care what others think. I just want you, Mel, Amanda and Erica to be happy."
"Mel was always the smart one," Emily smiled. "So...what happens now?"
"I don't know," I sighed, not wanting to reveal what had happened between her twin and I earlier. "I know you have feelings for me—as I do you—but I'm not sure if I want to act upon them. All I know is I never want to hurt you again."
Emily and I locked eyes for quite some time before she nodded, then gave me a small smile. "I don't know what to do either. I know the way I feel about you isn't normal, but I can't help it. What do you say we just take it a day at a time?"
"That sounds like a plan to me."
I pulled Emily into another quick hug, but then she surprised me by kissing me on the lips. Instinctively I cupped her face with one hand as I returned her kiss. A kiss that was much more passionate than any we'd shared before. I felt her tongue slide into my mouth and meet my own as our bodies pressed tightly together. My fingers worked through the strands of her hair and clutched the back of her neck as our tongues wrestled for dominance for what must have been a solid five minutes. Finally, we came up for air, both of us breathing heavily and my dick riding up against her stomach.
"Sorry about that," I said, indicating to my crotch.
"It's okay," she smiled. "It's a normal reaction. And a flattering one considering what I'm wearing."
I pushed Emily out to arms-length and let my eyes roam over her baggy clothes. Then I gave my eyebrows a little wiggle. "You'd look great in anything."
"Idiot," Emily rolled her eyes. But she smiled widely. "Let's get back."
Emily and I returned to a very quiet kitchen. Amanda, Erica and Mel all stared at us as we took our seats. Emily had a terrible poker face, and the wide smile plastered on her beautiful face was evidence that we'd made up. Amanda visibly relaxed and gave me a smile, then she frowned a little. Whilst Erica looked between me and our younger sister with a curious look. Mel just nodded at me, then stabbed the cut sausage for good measure.
Conversation picked up once more, and Emily joined in with more enthusiasm this time. I kind of just ate my breakfast while I listened in and studied each of my sisters, wondering how I'd become so lucky and worrying about what the hell I was going to do next. Mel had given me a taste of what it felt like to be with her. And I guessed it would be a similar experience with each of them if she was right about this whole genetic thing. But did it make it right to bed my sisters if this were purely a scientific thing? It was like something out of our control. Then I realized how stunningly beautiful and amazing each of them were. It might be science, or it might be love.
Once done with breakfast, I helped Amanda clear the table and do the dishes as our younger siblings all departed to get ready for the day ahead. I had already done quite a lot this morning and had planned on just chilling out around the house. I'd have less free time soon enough when I started work.
"You know you don't have to help me," Amanda said, as we stood side-by-side at the kitchen sink.
"I know," I said. "But I want to."
"So..." Amanda said after a few minutes passed. "You and Emily made up?"
"We did," I said. "Everything will be fine from now on."
I had chosen to wash the dishes while Amanda dried and stacked. I could tell something was bothering her as we worked together, but I wanted her to tell me. Things had been a little touchy with my eldest sister and I didn't want to push any boundaries.
"What's going on with you and Emily?" Amanda blurted out after a long stretch of silence.
"It was like what happened with us," I said without hesitation.
Amanda stopped drying the plate she held and turned to stare at me. "You kissed her?"
"Yes," I nodded, drying my hands on a towel before facing her. "The reason she was so upset was because I pushed her away after our talk."
"And now you're okay again?" she asked hesitantly.
"Did you kiss her again today?" she asked.
"Yes," I nodded.
I still hadn't put a shirt on since coming down for breakfast, and I saw Amanda's eyes drop down to my chest quickly before meeting my eyes again. I didn't say anything as she stared at me with a slight flush to her cheeks. I decided I wasn't going to lie to any of my sisters about anything. That would only cause more problems later.
"Are you..." Amanda paused and bit her lip before averting her eyes. "Are you going to sleep with her?"
"I don't know," I sighed. "She slept in my bed, but nothing happened. I know what has happened so far is wrong, but I care about her. I just don't know if I can cross that line with her."
"What about with someone else?" Amanda whispered so softly I almost didn't hear her.
The look in Amanda's eyes had my heart racing as we stood only inches apart. Her slightly parted lips were begging to be kissed and I could almost feel the heat emanating from body. Amanda edged closer to me, just a touch. So, I moved closer to her. I wanted to make sure she was in control. My hand came up to rest on her hip only a split second after she laid her hand flat against my chest. My dick pulsed and throbbed with sexual tension as he threatened to tear free of my shorts. I wanted to devour this woman and make her mine. I wanted to experience all her sights, scents and sounds as we made love. But there was still a twinge of doubt in my mind. A nagging voice telling me that there were plenty of women in the world. Why did I need to sully the relationship with all of my siblings?
Our lips were a hair-breathed away from touching as the entire world faded from existence. Only Amanda existed, and only her feel, scent and presence mattered as our lips hovered before one another with a taste of low-hanging forbidden fruit.
A knock at the front door shattered the fragile moment between us, and we both jumped away like we'd been holding a pan that had suddenly heated up to burning temperature. Amanda's cheeks were flushed, and her lips were still parted as I saw her eyes flicker down to my lips, then back to my eyes. Then she quickly darted away—out of the kitchen—to answer the door.
I let out a heavy sigh as I turned back to the dishes. My heart was racing from the scenario, and I couldn't help but lick my lips with the anticipation of kissing Amanda again. Then, as if on queue to destroy my fantasy, Craig waltzed into the kitchen with Amanda in tow.
"Hey dude," he said with a nod.
I hid my displeasure at seeing the Fabio clone, and gave him a courteous greeting before turning back to my washing.
"I wasn't expecting you," Amanda said as gave him a quick kiss. "What's up?"
"Nothing," he shrugged. "I just wanted to come by and hang out. Do I need a reason to see my girl?"
"No," Amanda said quickly. "Not at all. I just wasn't expecting it. I'm kind of a mess right now and I need to tidy the house up."
"Seems Nick is being a good house-bitch," he gestured to me with a laugh. "Why not relax and let him do it."
I clenched my fists under the water and tried my best to ignore his comment. I knew guys like Craig back home. They always expected their girlfriends or wives to do absolutely everything for them around the home. Then expected sex each and every night just because she was 'His woman'.
"Amanda does such a great job around here," I said over my shoulder. "It leaves little for me, or anyone else, to do."
Amanda gave me a grateful smile. But Craig already seemed to have forgotten I was there. And I saw why a few seconds later.
Erica strode into the room from the direction of the stairs. She had changed from her shorts and loose top into a tight pair of black jeans and a black band t-shirt that hugged her chest and stretched over her fantastic breasts. Craig openly stared at her as she walked by without even acknowledging him. Then he did the same when Mel walked in wearing a black sleeveless turtleneck and a pair of incredibly tight, white shorts. I looked to Amanda to see her frowning at Craig. But she said nothing.
"Morning ladies," Craig smiled at my sisters.
Erica flipped him the bird over her shoulder before walking out the back door.
"Morning," Mel said, sliding past me to get to the coffee machine.
The island counter separated Craig and Amanda from where I was, and Mel must have known that. As she slid by me, her hand gave my ass a firm squeeze, causing me to nearly drop the ceramic plate I was holding. I quickly glanced over my shoulder to see Craig was finally looking at Amanda. But it looked like Amanda might have seen something with the quick glance she shot my way.
"Really?" I asked Mel in a hushed whisper.
"It turns me on," she winked. "You have no idea how wet I am right now."
"Not the time," I shot back.
"Practically swimming in my panties," she teased. "If I wore any."
My dick jumped at her words, and I felt a spurt of pre-cum shoot from the tip of my penis. Why the fuck did Craig have to show up right now? Not only did he ruin the moment between Amanda and me, but now I couldn't even get Mel alone to help me with the sexual frustration I was feeling. Then I realized that I was suddenly very okay with having my sister help me that way. That hand job had been more intense than any sexual encounter I'd had since coming here. I wasn't sure I could go through with actually fucking her or any of my siblings. But I was eagerly awaiting the next bout of privacy I could attain with my platinum haired sister.
"I'm gonna head out for a bit," Mel said to the room. "Anyone need anything?"
"No, thanks. Do you need a lift?" Amanda said. And Craig simply ogled Mel for a few seconds before shaking his head.
"Mandy is picking me up," Mel said, then stepped closer to me. "Nick?"
"I think I'll..." I started to say, but my words cut off when I felt Mel's hand rubbing at my crotch. "I'm fine."
"Okay," she said with a big smile.
For a dozen or so seconds, Mel fondled my dick through my shorts in such a casual way. She was leaning against the kitchen sink, facing Amanda and Craig—whilst she kept her hand low and out of view as she squeezed my tormented dick. Then she released her hold and strode out of the kitchen like nothing happened.
Suddenly, I realised I had zoned out. Amanda had asked me a question, but I just stood there with a now clean and dried plate like an idiot.
"Yeah?" I asked, shaking my head slightly.
"We're heading out. Do you need anything?" she asked.
"No. I'm fine," I smiled. "You two have fun. I'm just gonna chill out around the house for the day."
"Okay," she nodded. "Let's go Craig."
Craig gave me a nod before wrapping an arm around Amanda's thin waist and immediately started talking about his band. Amanda looked over her shoulder just before they left my view. Our eyes met for a split second, and I saw a burning intensity on those eyes. And I had a feeling it wasn't for Craig's riveting conversational skills.
I finished cleaning and stacking the morning dishes without incident. Mel came back down to say goodbye, and to blow me a kiss. But she refrained from any teasing. I'd have to find a way to get her back for that. She was smart though, and I had a feeling she was doing it to make me crack. Earlier this morning I was banking on Mel being the one to help me through this. Now I had to worry about her going out of her way to give me a perpetual boner. At least our little 'experiment' had helped clear my head, if only for a little while.
"You gonna get dressed? Or just strut around topless all day?"
I turned to see Erica stepping in through the back door. And was lucky I wasn't holding anything fragile. Because I would have dropped it when my jaw dropped open.
Erica had stripped out of her form fitting jeans and t-shirt she'd walked by in earlier. Now she wore a skimpy black two-piece bikini that seemed to be working overtime in trying to hold her impressive bust in. The tiny strings of her bikini bottom rose high and curve over her pronounced hips while the small patch of cloth between her legs was more of an idea than an actual garment. Her long hair looked freshly washed, dried and brushed. The streak of red down one side seemed to enhance the smouldering look in her eyes as she unabashedly stared at my naked chest. I had to remind myself to breathe, more than once.
"You're actually wearing less than I am," I chuckled. Surprised at how cool and collected I sounded.
"I don't hear you complaining," Erica winked, striding up to the fridge with an added swing to her steps.
"Not at all," I agreed.
The bout of sexual release I'd gained from Mel earlier had been exactly what the doctor had ordered. But she also fondled me less than fifteen minutes ago and my blood was pumping like crazy already. Add that to the tension between Amanda and myself—plus the kiss from Emily earlier—and now Erica flaunting herself so openly. I was ready to pound nails once more. Or better yet.
"So, what are your plans for today, Stud?" Erica said as she opened the fridge.
She must have thought to tease me some more, because she bent at the waist and took an abnormally long time to find what she was looking for. That was just fine by me. I moved to stand behind her and admired her flawless ass. The tiny string from her bikini bottom split her cheeks perfectly and I could see where her vagina was barely concealed by the all-but useless cloth. I untied the drawstrings on my shorts before I really knew what I was doing, then I had my dick out, stroking it while I admired Erica's plump behind.
"Not sure yet," I replied casually. Still stroking myself. "What about you?"
"I'm gonna go lay out by the pool for a bit," she replied. Still bent at the waist.
Erica probably thought I was dumbstruck by her ass—and she was partially right—but I also had Mel to thank for my current mindset. Before today, I was fighting my urges like a mad man. Only touching on them when my resolve broke down. Eventually, I would give in. But if I took charge, I could keep it from going too far. Well...anything with any of my beautiful siblings was going too far. But I didn't want to think about that right now.
"Maybe you could come an—" Erica started to say. I stepped up behind her and gave her juicy rump a firm slap.
"What the fuck!" Erica jumped and spun around. It looked like she was about to say something. But then her eyes dropped to my exposed erection. And her jaw dropped. Similar to how I imagined I looked earlier.
I took a step closer to Erica, backing her up against the now closed refrigerator. It shifted slightly as our combined body weight leaned against it. Erica opened her mouth to speak again, but I silenced her with a kiss. Our lips met and our tongues danced. Her hands were at my dick immediately, and mine grabbed her hips before running up her sides and down her back to cup her glorious ass.
Footsteps on the stairs broke our make-out session, and I calmly stepped back so that my exposed lower-half was concealed by the kitchen counter before I pulled my shorts up. I stuffed my dick in my shorts as best I could, but anyone looking would easily see the flagpole standing at full mast. Erica looked flushed, glassy eyed and was still breathing heavily when Emily rounded the corner.
"Hey guys" she said with a smile.
"Hey Em," I smiled back. "What are you up to?"
"Bout to go practice," she said. "Wanna come?"
"Maybe in a bit. I need to go get changed, then I'll come in."
"Awesome," Emily smiled, then bounded off to the garage.
I turned my eyes back to Erica to see her still staring at me. She looked to have gotten herself under control mostly, but she bit her lip as soon as my eyes fell on her.
"Come here," I said, beckoning her over with my finger.
She did as I asked, and we kissed once more. This one was slower, less frantic and it allowed me to explore her body a little more with my hands.
"On your knees," I whispered when our kiss ended.
"I thought we weren't goi—" she started to say.
"Do you want me to change my mind?" I smirked.
Erica shook her head—bit her lip—then sank to her knees before me. I knew we had things to talk about. Things to sort out and discuss before we took this too far. But right now, I needed to feel something from her. And I had the feeling she needed it to.
I stripped my shorts down once more and nearly smacked Erica in the face with my dick. Her full lips split into a wide smile as my cock re-joined the party, and her hands immediately found my shaft and started to massage along my length.
Erica was a wizard with her hands and soon had me leaning my back against the kitchen counter as I supported my weight with my hands. Her fingers seemed to be perfectly sized for my shaft and her movements were expertly executed. But little did I know that she was toying with me.
Erica must have been waiting for the right moment. When I rolled my head back and closed my eyes—moaning—I felt her lips around the tip of my dick. The sensation sent a shiver of pleasure through my entire body and caused my hips to buck. Her tongue lashed out and assaulted the tip of me penis before she began licking up the underside of my shaft.
My eyes shot open and I looked down at my seductress of a sister and saw that she'd pulled her bikini top aside. Her marvellous breasts were now on display, and I could see her erect nipples standing to attention. Our eyes locked just as she sucked the tip of my penis between her lips once more and began sucking like she was trying to get the cream out of a sweet candy. Her tongue danced along my glans some more. Then I was done.
I let out a loud moan as my fingers gripped the bench top painfully. The surge from my balls and up my shaft was incredibly fast, and powerful. I locked eyes with Erica just as I came and watched as her cheeks sucked in. Erica kept stroking my shaft with one hand as she massaged my balls with the other. Her tongue licked and lapped across my penis as I emptied load after load into her eagerly awaiting mouth. After a minute of spewing my cum into her mouth, my dick finally gave its final spurt. But my dear sister wasn't done yet.
Erica released her hold on my dick with her lips and started licking across the tip, down the sides and back up. Making sure I was nice and clean, and causing my cock to twitch a few times and spurt a small dribble of cum out, which she dutifully lapped up.
"Hurry up, Nick!"
I looked over my shoulder to see Emily poking her head out of the garage door. She flashed me a smile, then stuck her tongue out at me before ducking back inside. From the angle Erica and I were, there was no way she saw her older sister on her knees before me. Erica opened her mouth wide, then ran her tongue along my shaft once more, as if daring me to choose. Then she gave my dick a quick kiss and hopped to her foot.
"I needed that," she said with a smile.
"You're not the only one," I chuckled. "But don't you need me to. . .?"
"Already sorted," she winked, then brought two fingers up to my lips.
The scent was obvious. And I eagerly sucked her fingers into my mouth to get a taste of her. I didn't know when she had done it, but she had brought herself to orgasm while giving me one of the most mind-blowing blow jobs I had ever received.
"You taste good," I said.
"You should try it from the source next time," Erica winked. "But now I have to go cool off. Go spend time with Emily."
"You okay with that now?" I asked cautiously.
"She's my sister and I love her. I just want her to be happy," Erica smiled. "Just...take it slow with her...if anything goes that far. Okay?"
"I won't hurt her again," I said. "But...what about us?"
"Let's just enjoy ourselves dear brother," Erica patted my cheek and gave me a smile. "Life's more fun that way."
Then my sister—who had just swallowed a huge load of mine—gave me a quick kiss before sauntering off to the backyard and diving into the pool.