Chapter 94: Chapter 13
I stood there like a kangaroo in the headlights as Mel smiled at me, the black hat the only stitch she wore. Her flawless, pale skin looked soft and supple. Her small, perky breasts were almost non-existent as she reclined on the chair. Her small pink nipples stood erect with little rings pierced through each. I let my eyes trail down her tiny waist, over her slim hips and down her slender legs. Eventually I made it back to her gorgeous face and expected a scowl to be marking her pretty face. But Mel simply smiled at me. Which did make sense. She was the one who knew everything that was going on around here. It was only logical that I found her to be incredibly attractive too.
It was just strange to see her so exposed. When it was only this morning that I thought about her while I fucked another woman.
"Hey Mel," I said after clearing my throat. "I didn't know you would be out here."
"That's okay," she placed her book down on the table beside her and folded her hands over her stomach. Leaving her breasts bare. "Sometimes I like to just relax out here like this. It's so refreshing."
"Yeah," I said. "I bet it is. Just don't get sunburnt."
"I won't," she smiled, and pointed to the large umbrella that shaded her. "I work hard to keep my skin so soft."
My dick was threatening to burst out of my shorts like the Hulk. And like the angry green monster, he wanted to smash something. Only his target was my very naked, and very arousing sister that sat across the pool from me.
"I need to go," I blurted out, then tore my eyes away from Mel before bee-lining it up the driveway and to my flat.
"Okay," Mel called out cheerily. "I'll come get you when breakfast is ready."
I contemplated just locking my door and hiding in my flat all day. I had just fucked like an animal earlier this morning and I was already feeling the effects of muscle fatigue from that and the workout I went through. But my body—and more importantly, my dick—was screaming at me to stick it to Mel. But I knew that was a bad idea. Just because she was naked it didn't mean she wanted me to fuck her. This has been her home for far longer than it has been mine. If my sisters wanted to strut around the house in their underwear, or swim topless at night and lay out by the pool in their birthday suits. They were allowed to.
I'd just have to nut-up and deal with it. Surely I'd become desensitized to it in time. It had only been a few days. Although, I was fifty-fifty on whether I wanted to become desensitized to my gorgeous siblings or not.
Once I made it inside, I headed straight for the bathroom to have a cold shower. I had already cleaned myself up from my activities with Sarah earlier, but I desperately needed to get my arousal under control. It wasn't even midday yet and I was already in trouble of having my entire day derailed by my attraction to my siblings.
I shivered through a quick, icy cold shower for a few minutes which had the desired effect on my erection. With that sorted, maybe I would be able to think a little clearer. I just hoped Mel decided to put some clothes on before I saw her again.
I had just dried myself off and pulled on a fresh pair of shorts and a t-shirt when I heard a knock at my door. The knock itself meant it wasn't Erica—and that it was also too early for my seductress of a sibling—since she was fond of just letting herself in. Then I wondered where she for a moment. When I left this morning, she had been snoozing in my bed still. Maybe she was in the house getting ready for the day. I doubted Emily had forgiven me for last night and Amanda was probably avoiding until things weren't so awkward between us. So, that left Mel. She did say she was coming to get me for breakfast after all.
I approached the door and mentally prepared myself for the encounter. Part of me hoping my platinum blonde sister was still naked, whilst berating myself for wanting to ogle her body once more. She did have a nice figure and her skin looked super soft.
"Hey," I greeted Mel as I opened the door.
Mel was clothed this time. The black tube top over her small but firm breasts and shawl wrapped around her narrow hips only seemed to accentuate her smooth legs. The shawl rode low on her hips, showing her hip bones and hinting at the coveted prize between her thighs. Her skin had a light sheen to it, like she'd just finished rubbing herself down. And I immediately began to wonder how it would feel to have my hands on her body, rubbing the coconut scented oil into her alabaster skin.
"Hey Nick," Mel smiled. "Sorry about earlier."
"It's okay," I shrugged. "Sorry for staring. I really didn't mean to."
"Would you have done the same if it were any of the others?" she asked, tilting her head as she studied me.
"Well...I would try not to," I replied, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Why?" she asked, seeming genuinely confused.
"Because it's wrong," I explained. "You're my sisters."
"Half-sisters," Mel added. "And we haven't grown up around you. So, there are no familiar bonds from childhood."
"What do you mean?" I asked. "It shouldn't matter."
"But it does," Mel smiled. "Tell me something, Nick. Have you been with any women since you came to Australia?"
"Yeah. You know I have," I replied.
"How many?" she asked.
"Two," I replied truthfully. It wasn't like I was trying to keep Sarah a secret.
"'re not starved for sexual gratification. Yet you still lust after your own siblings," she said, sounding like she was lecturing a student.
"Yeah," I replied, not sure where she was going with this.
"Did you have girlfriends back in England?" she asked.
"A few," I said. "Where is this going?"
"Well," she said, beginning to walk circles around me as she seemed to think. "I've been thinking about your predicament ever since you got here. You were obviously enamoured with all of us. At first, I thought it might have been caused by a sheltered life and a late arrival to puberty. Or just being too busy for girls back home and potentially inexperienced sexually."
"You've been thinking about this since day one?" I asked. "How did you even know?"
"But I think it is something more," Mel added, ignoring my question. "Tell me, Nick. Have you ever heard of the term; genetic sexual attraction?"
"Can't say I have," I shrugged.
"Well. It's a phenomenon that's unproven," she continued. "But it's thought that strong blood-related relatives that meet as adults feel a strong sexual attraction to one-another. I haven't really looked into the studies too much. But from the small sample size in the house currently. It seems to be accurate."
"Wait," I placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her pacing. "Are you saying that the only reason I'm feeling like this towards you all is because of some fucked-up scientific thing."
"You and us," she replied.
"Us? As in you too?" I asked.
"Of course, dear brother. I find you incredibly attractive," Mel smiled. "That's what prompted my studies into incest relationships. You'd be surprised how common it can be and just how many people have a fetish for it."
"People have a fetish for incest?" I asked.
"Yes," Mel nodded. "It's quite popular."
"Well. You really do learn something new every day," I shrugged.
"I enjoy learning," she smiled. "On that note. I'd like to keep asking you questions. If that's okay with you?"
"Yeah," I nodded. "I've got nothing to hide."
This might have been the break I needed with Mel. She knew about the situations with each of our sisters and seemed to look at it with a completely scientific mind. She had admitted to being attracted to me but hadn't made any move towards me yet. Hopefully we could sort through the mess going on in my head and set things right around the house.
"Good," she smiled once more. "When was the last time you had sex?"
"Coming straight out with the big guns," I chuckled.
"I just want to get as much data as possible," she replied.
"This morning," I replied. "About an hour ago."
"Well...that was unexpected," she blinked in surprise. "Don't tell me who."
It was strange seeing Mel's normally calm and controlled facial features in surprise. And even stranger to hear the hint of jealousy in her tone. She covered it quickly though and continued with her questions.
"What was your level of arousal after seeing me this morning?" she asked.
"My level of arousal?" I asked. Unsure how to answer the question.
"Yes," she replied sharply. "Was it higher, lower. Or about the same as when you had sex earlier."
I thought about the question for a few moments. Unsure how to really gauge my 'level of arousal'. It was either boner-city or not boner-city. But I did feel my urges and resolve falter far quicker when I was admiring Mel earlier.
"More," I said with a sigh. Feeling a little shitty for Sarah. She was a super babe and great to fuck. It didn't feel fair to her.
Mel studied me for a few moments after I replied, then nodded. "What about the night you had sex with Jen?"
"What about it?" I asked.
"Did you feel more aroused then?" she asked.
I thought about the night I'd fucked Jen after the party. I felt some similarities between having sex with the stuck-up goth girl and the blonde fitness trainer. At first, I thought I just wasn't that interested in Jen apart from her body. Maybe I'd had too much to drink or maybe I was tired. I had had a hard time climaxing when I fucked Jen and it was definitely one of my more athletic sexual encounters. I actually enjoyed Sarah's company. She was down to earth and fun to hang out with. But the sex felt the same. And with each woman, I had to think about one of my sisters to finally get off. I hadn't wanted to admit that part. Even to myself. But it was probably something Mel should know if we were going to figure this out.
"It was about the same as this morning," I said. "But there's more to it."
"Oh?" Mel said, raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "Do tell."
"When I was with Jen. I had a hard time...climaxing," I sighed the last word out. "Same with...this morning."
"I see," Mel tapped her finger against her full lips as she thought. "What eventually helped?"
I decided to just come clean with Mel about everything. She really didn't seem to give a shit what was going on. And I needed someone to talk to about this.
"Erica came to my room the night I was with Jen," I admitted. "When I saw her, I instantly felt a change."
"Interesting," Mel gasped. "What happened?"
"Erica...started touching herself as she watched," I continued. "It turned me on so much that I just kept watching her as I fucked Jen. I didn't even look down at the other girl. Even as I came."
"Your orgasm was triggered by our sister," Mel said, more to herself. "And this morning?"
"Same situation. But this time I just thought of you," I said.
"Which one? Was it Erica again?" Mel asked excitedly. "Or was it Amanda?"
"It was you," I sighed.
"Me?" she asked in surprise.
"Yeah. I'm sorry."
I waited a few moments for her to get mad at using her for my own spank bank. But she didn't. When my eyes met hers again. She was smiling.
"I'm flattered," she grinned. "Out of all of us, you thought about me."
"You're not mad?" I asked.
"Nick," Mel sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you that none of this bothers me. I find you attractive. You find me attractive. I'm simply interested in finding out the why. Besides. It isn't like I haven't gotten off thinking about you since you came home."
"You have?" I asked, thinking I might have heard her wrong.
"Yeah," she shrugged. "Seems to be the same for you."
"So...what do we do about it?" I asked.
"I have an idea," she said.
Before I could ask Mel what her idea was. She pulled the knot tied at her hip that held the shawl up, and the thin garment slipped down her long legs to pool around her feet. It was then I found out she wasn't wearing anything under it. Her tube top came next, and she stood before me as naked as she was earlier. Her small, pierced nipples standing at attention. Begging for me lips to taste them.
"What are you doing?" I asked, fighting to keep my eyes off her naked body.
"Experimenting," she smiled. "You should get naked to."
"I'm not getting naked with you," I shot back. "We shouldn't be doing this."
Mel took a step closer to me, and I backed up. But I had been standing too close to the couch, and I bumped into it in my retreat. I had nowhere to go as Mel stepped into my personal space. The cold shower from early had been burned away by my arousal at having Mel so close. Now she was naked, my dick was out for a party.
"I want to see if it is different with you," she said, tracing my erection through my shorts with her fingers. "Because it is terribly frustrating trying to not think about you."
"Mel," I gasped as I felt her fingers. "We can't have sex."
"I know," she shrugged. "But sex isn't the only way to gain sexual gratification."
I wanted to tell her to stop as her hand caressed my penis through my shorts. But I didn't. I wanted to get away from her so I could clear my head. I had hoped this encounter with my platinum haired sister might clear things up for me. But it only seemed to be making it worse. And I lacked the willpower to stop her.
"Can you take off your shirt?" Mel asked. "I like looking at you without your shirt on."
I nodded, in a bit of a daze, then removed my shirt. Mel's fingers trailed along the waistband of my shorts before sliding them inside. I gasped with pleasure as soon as I felt her digits touch the skin of my shaft. And I found myself helping her as she tugged on my shorts. Next thing I knew, I was as naked as she was. And her hand was wrapped around my shaft.
"We should stop this," I gasped as my hips bucked involuntarily.
"We probably should," Mel mused. "But I'm interested to see the results."
Mel's other hand joined the party, and soon she was working my shaft with expert twisting motions as she stared into my eyes. The heat from her naked body was almost unbearable, but at the same time I wanted to pull her in closer. Take in the entirety of her warmth against my skin. I wanted to devour her.
My body acted almost as if it had a mind of its own. It was like I was watching someone move my arms as I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her against me. She left one hand on my erection as it became trapped between our bodies, letting her free hand slide up my arm to grip my bicep. Her skin was incredibly soft. Her small breasts pressed into my chest and I took a long inhale of her scent. A mixture of female arousal, coconut oil and the faint scent of her sweat filled my nostrils and made my head spin with delight. I could easily drink from this well and drown with a smile on my face.
"Oh Nick!" Mel gasped.
My right hand had found its way to her cute little ass and gave it a firm squeeze. I leaned back against the couch and let my sister melt into my chest as she continued to work my shaft as best as she could. I worked my hips in unison with her arm movements and was soon lost in the moment as I edged closer and closer to climax.
I wanted to fuck Mel badly. But even at my level or arousal, I couldn't bring myself to do that. I was also afraid that if I stopped her right now, I might lose my nerve. But I wanted to make sure Mel enjoyed herself just as much as me.
I gave her cute little ass another firm squeeze before sliding my hand between her cheeks, feeling my fingers glide over her dripping vagina. Mel sucked in a gasp of air as my hand cupped her sex and buried her face into my neck as I found her clit. I rubbed gently at the tiny cluster of nerves between her legs for a dozen seconds or so before sliding two of my fingers deep inside her. Mel moaned as I began to fuck her with my fingers, matching the speed of which she was working my shaft with her hand.
"Are you close?" she whispered, kissing my neck.
"Yeah," I groaned.
"So am I."
Our eyes locked once more, then a wave of pleasure shot through my groin and I felt the powerful surge of my orgasm come crashing into me. My hips bucked once more just as I felt Mel's body stiffen and her vagina clench around my fingers. Cum spewed forth from the tip of my cock, coating both Mel's stomach, and my own. I felt the wetness of her pussy triple as she let out a long, low moan of pleasure.
We stood like that for a few minutes. Our foreheads pressed together as out bodies tried to absorb the other's with how firmly we were pressed together. Then I felt Mel's hand slide down my shaft and gentle massage my balls. Causing another bout of sperm to rocket from my penis and cause a mess of our abdomens.
"Now that was intense," Mel said, breathing heavily.
"Yeah," I replied.
"You're still hard," she added, sliding her hand over my rock-hard shaft once more. "Do you want to do some more...stuff?"
"I really do," I said. "But Mel...we shouldn't have even done this."
"Nonsense," she shook her head. "Did you once have to think about someone else to get off?"
"No," I replied honestly. "All my thoughts were on you alone."
"Then we have our answer," she smiled sweetly.
"Answer?" I asked.
"That you need us as much as we need you."
A knock at my door broke the magical moment. And I was suddenly back in control of my own body.
"Nick," Amanda called out. "Can we talk?"
My heart slammed into my throat as I surveyed the scene before me. Mel's hand was still clutching my hard-as-nails erection, and we stood in my small living room in our birthday suits. There was so much evidence of what we'd just done, even a blind man could see the truth.
"The doors locked," Mel whispered.
"You locked it?" I asked, stepping away from her and immediately regretting the loss of contact with her skin.
"Of course," she nodded. "I didn't want anyone to disturb us."
"You planned this?"
Mel gave me a wink, then collected her discarded clothing before heading in the direction of my bathroom. I lost myself for a moment as I watched her hips sway and my eyes locked into her pert ass. Then the knock at the door brought me to my senses. Just as Mel rounded the corner though, she flashed me a big smile over her shoulder.
"Coming," I called out, then grabbed my shorts and tugged them on.
I had no decent way of cleaning myself up, so I quickly grabbed my shirt and wiped up the mess across my stomach before pitching the balled-up t-shirt across the room, hoping Amanda wouldn't see it. The smell of sweat and sex was still strong on me, and I quickly washed up in the kitchen sink before giving myself a quick spray with deodorant. Then answered the door.
"Hey," I said, greeting Amanda. "Sorry, I was in the bedroom."
"That's okay," she said, a slightly confused and curious look on her face. "Can I come in?"
"Sure thing," I said, stepping aside to let her in. "Is something wrong?"
"Yes," she sighed. "I wanted to apologise about the talk we had. I know I was a complete mess that night and I had so much on my mind. But I really shouldn't have sprung it on you like that."
"I understand why you did it though," I said, leaning against the wall opposite her.
"And that's what makes me feel even shittier about it," she sighed.
"It's okay. We can just pretend that kiss never happened and move forward. We can put that behind us and just continue getting to know each other," I said.
"Fucking hell you're too nice," she laughed, then wiped under her eyes as if she were about to cry. "Just like Dad."
"There's such a thing as being too nice?" I chuckled.
"Yes. It makes you impossible to be mad at. It was a trait that infuriated my mother when she and our dad had a fight," Amanda smiled. "He would go to any lengths to make up with her and keep the peace. Even if she was wrong."
"Well," I said with a smirk. "My mother was stubborn, so I'll have you know I'm nice, and stubborn. Let's see how that works out for you."
Amanda let out a laugh that was music to my ears, and I saw all the tension leave her shoulders as she looked at me. Her eyes flicked down to my bare torso for a split second, then back to my eyes.
"Did you and Emily have a fight?" she asked, out of the blue.
"Why do you say that?" I asked.
"Emily is always smiling, like all the time. It's actually quite infuriating how cheerful that girl is sometimes," Amanda explained. "Ever since you came home, it has been her constant mood. But last night and this morning she has been moping around the house."
"Yeah," I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. "That's kind of my fault."
"Because of what I said to you?"
"Emily slept in my bed the other night," I admitted. "Nothing happened. But we still shared a bed."
"I see," Amanda replied with a very neutral tone. "The morning she made you breakfast?"
"That's the one."
Amanda went quiet for a few minutes, and I'd have given my left nut to know what she was thinking. Part of me thought she sounded a little jealous of her younger sister. But the other part of me thought she might be mad at me.
"Emily is a grown woman," she said after a few minutes of silence. "She can make her own choices. As can you. I just want her to be happy."
"And me?"
"What about you?" she said.
"Do you want me to be happy?" I asked.
"You're part of the family, Nick. Of course I want you to be happy."
Amanda left without another word, and I was so caught up in repeating the interaction in my head again and again, that I forgot Mel was hiding in my bathroom. Until she slapped my ass that is.
I turned to see Mel was now fully dressed. Well, as dressed as she was before. But that didn't hide how alluring her body was. I found my eyes devouring the exposed flesh of her tight stomach to the peak of her long, slender legs that flashed through the slit of her shawl. Knowing full well she was naked under the garment. The fear of being caught out by Amanda had helped ease the strain in my pants. But the sight of Mel—and memory of her body—had me back on the bullet-train to boner town again.
"Here I was thinking I'd get a show," Mel said with a huge smile.
"Show?" I asked with confusion.
"You and 'Manda," Mel gestured to the door. "You two would look great together."
"She has a boyfriend," I shook my head.
"And you're my brother," Mel shot back with a grin. "But you were nearly wrist deep inside me only ten minutes ago while I jerked you off. We have made bigger scandals in this room already."
"Regardless of whether or not Amanda and I did anything," I said. "Wouldn't you be upset that I went for one of your sisters?"
"Our sisters," she corrected. "No. You are their brother as much as you are mine. Also, I don't believe in monogamy. It's silly."
"Yeah," she nodded. "Isn't it best for the strongest male in a tribe to have the women and breed the strongest offspring? Then that offspring can collect their own little harem and continue the process."
"You have one fucked up mind," I smiled and shook my head.
"I know," she grinned, then kissed me on the cheek. "But you love me."
"I guess I have to," I laughed, getting a slap on the arm from my platinum haired sibling.
"By the way," Mel said, turning to face me, hands on her hips and a cheery smile. "You better go make it up to Emily, and quickly. Otherwise I will remove that incredibly gorgeous penis from your body."
I nodded—unable to form a response to her graphic threat—and watched as Mel smiled, and strode out of my flat. Her hips swaying with each step.