Chapter 96: Chapter 15
"Hey Em," I said, stepping into the garage and closing the door behind me.
"Bout time," she grinned at me. "Come on. Let's play."
I crossed the carpeted garage floor to where the guitar rack was and picked out the same instrument I had used last time. I wanted to try out each of them, but I figured it would be best to ask Amanda's permission first. They were her guitars after all.
"You know you can try any of them out," Emily said, once I'd plugged into the amp beside her.
"This one's fine," I shrugged, taking my seat. "I'd prefer to ask Amanda before I start touching her stuff."
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind," Emily smiled. "But it's nice of you to be so thoughtful. Craig just comes in and acts like he owns the place."
"Comparing your brother to our sister's boyfriend is a little strange," I laughed.
"If you say so," Emily said in a mocking tone.
"Be quiet and play," I chuckled.
We spent the next couple of hours playing around with some songs we played last time, and even spent the better part of an hour piecing together some riffs into something mildly resembling a song. By the end, we had maybe two or three minutes of something that sounded quite promising and I already had lyric patterns running through my head whenever we played our original tune.
"Hey nerds."
Both Emily and I paused mid-way through our fledgling song when the door opened, and Erica stepped in. She had changed from her incredibly skimpy bathing suit and into a pair of workout shorts and a small crop top over her sports bra. As usual, her hair was a brush stroke away from perfection, and her body exuded sexuality like no other. But Emily was equally as beautiful sitting beside me, and I had been caught up in the music. This time however, I was able to keep myself from drooling over my ample chested sibling.
Maybe Mel had been right with her theory after all. This time yesterday I would have been tenting my shorts and unable to focus on anything apart from the goddesses that surrounded me.
"That sounded really good," Erica said, walking over to the small riser that held her throne and kit. "Mind if I join in?"
"Hell yeah!" Emily fist pumped and gave me an excited grin.
"It'll be great to have some beats to it," I nodded and returned Emily's smile, and tearing my eyes away from Erica's juicy ass.
"Try to keep up," Erica winked at me.
To say Erica was a talented drummer was an understatement. She did the usual drummer nonsense of warming up with an obnoxiously complicated and fast series of exercises that put any drummer back home to shame. Hell...I'd seen professional live touring bands that would have had a hard time keeping up with her. I was starting to think she might just be showing off for my sake.
Once our queen on her throne was done with her warmups, we launched into a mutually agreed song. I guessed that any song Emily knew, Erica would know too. She played a little faster than we had practiced earlier, but we soon hit our groove, and everything fell into place. This particular song we'd chosen didn't have much in the way of solos or leads—which I was thankful for—so I was able to focus on just keeping time and even went over the lyrics I could remember as we played. I had spied a few microphones stands and a decent looking PA system in the corner, but I wasn't confident enough to start belting anything out in front of my sisters just yet.
All through high school I had idolized lead singers and vocalists for bands, always wanting to be that guy at the front that the girls threw their panties to. It was harder than I first thought, and I wasn't that good. That was until my voice actually dropped.
I was a late bloomer. Kind of short, scrawny and covered in bad acne, and my voice was squeaky. It wasn't until I left school to get a job and help my mother out with the bills that I hit my growth spurt and puberty kicked in. And boy was I glad it did. I started practicing my vocal skills a few years ago when my buddies and I talked about starting a band and found it marginally easier to perform. I still wasn't amazing, but I was confident I could half-ass it well enough with a band backing me to not sound completely terrible.
I just had to work on my multi-tasking skills. Playing guitar and singing at the same time was a lot harder than it looked.
"'re not too bad," Erica smirked at me once we'd stopped playing.
"He's great isn't he!" Emily exclaimed.
"Now now, sister. Let's not give Nick a big head," she laughed as she stood from her drum stool.
I let my eyes roam her body as she stretched her arms over her head. She had removed her crop top at some point, and I could see the beads of sweat rolling down her chest and between her ample breasts. Her skin was flushed from exertion, with a slight sheen of perspiration glistering along her tight stomach. The entire image made me think about other ways we could work up a sweat together.
And I was in boner town once more.
"I haven't had much time to practice lately," I shrugged, standing to return the guitar. "I'm still a little rusty."
"Guess that means we are going to have to practice more," Emily grinned. "Maybe we can start a band?"
"We've been trying to do that for years Em," Erica sighed.
"Yeeeeaah," Emily replied with a tilt of her head. "But now we have Nick."
"What was the issue before?" I asked.
"Amanda," they said in unison.
"She didn't want to?"
"It's not that she didn't want to. But that she always had reason not to. The most recent reason is Craig," Erica explained.
"Is he stopping her?" I asked.
"Not exactly," Emily said.
"Craig wants his little trophy girlfriend to show up to all his gigs and stand there looking pretty," Erica continued. "The fact that he sucks as a musician doesn't even register to him. It's all about image to Craig. And that image is: guys play the music, and the girls fawn over them."
"That's very 1950's of him," I laughed.
"It's not exactly like that," Emily said.
"Not far from it," Erica cut in. "Amanda would wipe the floor with his pretty face, and she knows it."
"Wait. Didn't you say she stopped because of your dad?" I asked Emily.
"Our dad," she corrected. "And yes, in a way. She played a bunch before her and Craig started dating. It always reminded her of Dad. Sometimes it made her happy, sometimes it made her sad."
"And when Craig saw how well she played, he was more than a little intimidated," Erica laughed. "That was possibly the greatest moment of their relationship."
"So...she doesn't do it because Craig doesn't like it?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"And uses Dad as an excuse," Erica finished my sentence. "You're catching on quick."
"That's ridiculous," I said with a shake of my head.
"But it's different now," Emily said. "I'm sure when she sees us all playing together, she'll come back again."
"Don't get your hopes up Em," Erica said. "Manda is as stubborn as our mother."
The mention of their mother instantly soured the mood of the room. A mood that was already quite sour with the talk of Craig and his hang-ups. I never understood guys who felt threatened by women being in their field. I would have killed for a girlfriend back home that could play guitar. It would be something we could do together and bond over. I was feeling extremely lucky that I had a whole family now that I could play music with. It didn't matter that they were women. If anything, it made it better. Who didn't want this buffet of eye candy on display when playing music?
"Well I'm gonna go shower," Erica announced. "This was fun. We should do it again soon."
"Sounds good to me," I nodded.
I busied myself with coiling up the lead I was using while covertly admiring Erica's ass as it bounced away with the exaggerated sway of her hips that I'd grown to love, only to be busted by her as she looked over her shoulder and shot me wink before vanishing from sight.
"Hey! I got an idea!"
I turned to see Emily grinning at me like a fool. Her grin made my heart warm and I couldn't help but return her smile.
"What are we doing?" I replied with every intention of fulfilling her wishes.
"Let's go for a ride!"
"I'm in," I nodded.
We parted ways to go change for the ride. Shorts and a t-shirt weren't the best to go riding in. One accident and I'd be scraping parts of myself off the road with a spatula. I didn't have any riding gear. But my jeans, boots and leather jacket would have to do.
Twenty minutes later I met back up with Emily in the garage and helped my sister uncover her bike and moved it around to the garage door. Emily clicked the remote mounted to the wall, and the garage door made its close ascent to reveal a beautiful sunny day. Not a cloud in the sky, with a soft breeze that felt nice on my face.
"Here," Emily said, handing me a thick jacket.
I placed my own jacket over the closest guitar stand and took the bundle from Emily, holding it out in front of me. It was a thick riding jacket fitted with the protective padding and plates. It looked a little old, but almost exactly my size.
"It was Dad's," Emily said. "It's a little old now. But it's the only one we have that will fit you."
"Thanks," I nodded. "I'll make sure to look after it."
I held back a tear as I thought about the man that had fathered me. The man that had looked for me and wanted to meet me. The man I had thought abandoned my mother and me. The man I had hated for my entire life. I would have given anything right now to meet him. But it wasn't possible.
Suddenly, Emily's arms were around my waist and I felt her body press into mine. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," I whispered, rubbing her back. "Thank you for letting me wear this."
We hugged in silence for a few minutes before separating. Emily wiped at her cheeks, and I pretended I didn't see her crying while I pulled the jacket on. It fit perfectly. Like it was tailored to me.
"I guess your dad and I were similar sizes," I said.
"Our dad," Emily corrected again. "And yes. It's actually a little weird."
"Why do you say that?" I asked.
"Well...none of us look exactly like either of our parents," Emily explained. "Yeah, we share features, and you can easily tell we're family. But're almost exactly like him. It was like you are made completely of our father's genes."
"With my mother's eyes," I smiled.
"She must have had beautiful eyes," Emily replied softly.
Our eyes met for a brief moment, and I felt a sudden pull towards her. Instead, I focused—something I would have thought impossible to do yesterday—and gave her a smile before gesturing to her bike.
"You wanna take the helm?" I asked.
"No," she shook her head. "You can ride."
"I don't have a license though," I replied.
"Do you always do what's right?" Emily asked, giving me a very Erica like smirk.
"Alright," I chuckled. "Better hold on tight though."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Ten minutes later we were hitting the highway out of the small suburb that was now my home. And I was able to really open it up. Emily clung tightly to me as we raced along the empty highway. It felt nice having her body pressed against my back and her arms tightly wrapped around my waist. The noise of the bike and the helmets we wore made it all but impossible to talk while we rode, but Emily was still able to direct me to an exit ramp after another twenty minutes of riding.
We left the four-lane highway on a bending exit ramp that turned into a smooth two-lane road with countryside expanding in each direction as far as the eye could see. It was all commercial farmlands, but it was still beautiful. I continued taking Emily's directions until we were taking a series of hairpin turns that gradually increased in elevation. We took the turns together, leaning in unison as we slowly rose higher and higher until we reached the peak.
A parking lot opened up ahead of us, and I guessed this was the place Emily wanted to take me to. I brought us to a stop at the far end of the parking lot, near a park bench, and shut the engine off before throwing the kickstand down and removing my helmet.
"That was amazing," Emily said, shaking her hair free.
"It did feel great to ride again," I nodded.
Emily's hair always looked on the messy side. Her brown waves were wild and untamed compared to her siblings. But it was perfect.
"Come on," she grinned, and grabbed my hand as she all but dragged me off the bike. "The view is amazing."
We carried our helmets up to the lookout point before placing them down on a nearby picnic table. Emily was right, the view from up here was gorgeous, especially with the setting sun.
"This place is amazing," I said, stepping up to the safety railing.
"Dad would bring us up here when we were little," Emily said, smiling fondly. "Erica hated it. She is afraid of heights. But she never said no."
"I get the feeling Erica would do something that she was afraid of just to prove she wasn't afraid," I chuckled.
"That's pretty much it," Emily laughed. "You already know us so well."
"It's hard to describe," I said, looking out over the countryside below. "It's only been a few days. But it feels like I've always known you."
"The feeling's mutual," Emily replied.
We stood there watching the sun sink lower and lower behind the horizon, bathing the sky in a brilliant, fiery orange glow. As we stood there—I had no idea when—our fingers intertwined together as we held hands. Emily leaned her head against my shoulder as we simply enjoyed the silence of the lookout point.
"Nick," Emily said after the sun had reached the three-quarter mark of its descent.
"Yeah," I replied, turning to look at her.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Anything at all," I nodded.
"Can I see your. . .?" She dropped her gaze and bit her bottom lip as she trailed off.
"My wh—" I stopped mid-sentence as it clicked in my head what she wanted. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."
"Mel saw it," she replied quickly.
"She told you?!" I asked, a little shocked.
"Mel and I tell each other everything," Emily shrugged. "I don't mind. She is prettier than me after all."
"Don't say that," I shook my head. "Neither of you is prettier than the other."
"Then why is it okay for her and not me?" she asked. "We are both your sisters."
"It's hard to explain," I ran my hands through my hair. "Mel kind of just went for it. I didn't really get a chance to say no."
"You didn't want to show Mel?" Emily asked with a confused and worried look on her face.
"Not like that," I said quickly. "But she took the charge, and it was all happening before I knew it. I don't regret it at all."
"You know I don't mind sharing with Mel," Emily shrugged. "She's my sister and I love her. It would be wrong to lay claim to you when you're important to all of us."
"You say that now," I sighed. "But how long will that last."
"You really don't understand the lengths I'd go to for any of our sisters, and them for me," Emily laughed. "If they're happy. I'm happy."
"I keep hearing that," I sighed.
"It's because it's the truth," Emily nodded.
"Are you sure this is what you want?' I asked.
"One hundred percent," Emily said with a look of conviction and determination in her eyes.
"Okay," I nodded.
I motioned for Emily to take a step back, and she did. I took a deep breath as I loosened the buckle on my belt and steeled myself for what was to come. The other situations with my sisters had been different. Heat of the moment. Sexual tension. But now, I was clear headed and thinking clearly. Yet I was about to go through with it.
In the few moments it took me to loosen my belt and unzip my jeans, I finally accepted the fact that I was in love with my sisters. Each and every one of them. It had been almost instantaneous, and I believe I knew the moment I saw each of them, but it was finally starting to sink in that it was real. And that the feelings were mutual for each of them.
Emily in her exploration and curiosity. Mel with her open acceptance. Erica hiding behind flirtatious and seductive behaviour. And Amanda, choosing to push it aside. That actually hurt, because out of the entire household, I had hoped we could get along more than anyone. We were closest in age and seemed to have so much in common.
So much in common...even the way we pushed back against feelings we knew we shouldn't have. How I felt about Amanda denying what we both felt. That must have been how Emily and Erica felt when I rejected their advances.
Well...not anymore.
My jeans were lowered, then came my boxer shorts. My dick was only starting to wake up and was still in that impressive stage of filling with blood but looking flaccid. The stage most guys wished their dicks looked all the time while soft. I watched Emily's eyes go wide and her mouth open slightly as she eyed my penis. I resisted the urge to jerk myself a few times to get hard, and just let nature take its course.
"Can I touch it?" she asked tentatively.
"Go ahead," I nodded, fully accepting of the situation.
Emily took a step closer, and slowly reached out. Her fingers trailed up the length of my shaft, causing my dick to jump. She mustn't have expected it, because she pulled her hand back slightly.
"Did that hurt?" she asked quickly. "I'm sorry if it hurt."
"It didn't hurt," I smiled. "It actually felt good."
Our eyes met, and I nodded to let her know it was okay to continue. This time, she didn't shy away when my cock twitched at her touch. My erection was getting stronger as her fingers traced lines along my shaft, until it was standing at full attention. Saluting the sky as it demanded attention.
"That's big," Emily giggled.
"How do you know?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "You've never seen one before."
"No...but I have seen pictures," she said, wrapping her fingers around my shaft. "And I've used toys before."
I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan as Emily slid her hand up my length and ran her thumb over the tip of my penis. "That's a welcome image."
"You'd like to see that?" she asked, biting her bottom lip.
"Oh yeah," I groaned.
" showed me yours," Emily whispered. "I guess it's only fair."
"Only if you're comfortable with doing it," I replied, then groaned in pleasure as a jolt of pleasure shot through my body.
Emily nodded, then looked down at my cock with rapt attention. Her movements were slow and almost clumsy. It was obvious that she didn't have any experience with this kind of thing. But I found that to be just as arousing as Erica's expert hands and mouth.
After a few minutes of letting Emily play with my penis, I cupped her face with my right hand and lifted her gaze to mine. Both of her hands were now working. She had become bolder as our eyes locked and she let her left-hand caress my balls as she slowly stroked my shaft with her right. Our faces drifted closer together and I could feel her warm breath on my face as I prepared to taste her soft lips once more.
Lights flashed by the carpark entrance, and the sound of a car's tires crunching over gravel caused me to look up quickly. The sun was mostly set now, but Emily and I were in a very precarious position. Luckily, if anyone was looking directly at us, they wouldn't see anything but Emily's back.
With a groan of annoyance, I gently pushed Emily away and stuffed my erection back into my jeans. It was far from comfortable, but I was hoping it would settle down in the next few minutes.
"We better head back," I said, giving her a quick kiss.
"Yeah," she nodded, then smiled. "It's a shame."
We kept our hands to ourselves as we walked back to Emily's bike. The people in the car could be complete strangers. But it was better to keep up the façade. Just in case someone recognized Emily. We weren't too far from the suburb where we lived, and this spot might be frequented by people who saw us every day. Although, no one exited the car, and I thought I saw two people in the front seat before whoever was in the passenger side ducked out of sight.
"At least someone's going to have a good time up here," I chuckled.
"What do you mean?" Emily asked, pulling on her helmet.
I placed a hand on my younger sibling's shoulder and directed her towards the car. It was hard to see in the fading light. But through the back window of the dark coloured sedan, I could just make out the movements that confirmed my suspicion.
"Oh my god!" Emily exclaimed. "They didn't even wait for us to leave."
"Maybe they've been holding off long enough," I shrugged.
"I know the feeling," Emily smiled.
"Let's get going," I said. "Before you take advantage of me."
"You okay to ride in your condition?" Emily asked, buckling on her helmet.
"Trust me," I said, pulling my own on. "You don't want this jamming into your back the whole way home."
"Don't tempt me," she winked.
"Who are you and what did you do with my sweet Emily?" I asked in mock outrage. "You've been spending too much time around Erica."
"Or maybe I'm just letting you see the real me."
I mounted up and waited for Emily to climb on behind me before firing the engine up. My erection was calming down now, and after a few minutes of taking the hairpin turns down the mountain, I was finally able to relax. Although, the feel of Emily clutching tightly to me made my heart race. My mind filled with images of her wearing nothing but the long t-shirt she wore to bed with me. Her smooth, pale legs and the feel of her skin against mine.
As for the ride out here, we didn't get to talk much. As a result, I started thinking over everything that had happened since I met my new family. And I was starting to accept things the way they were. It wasn't right, or moral. It would be difficult and exhausting keeping up this kind of secret. sisters were worth it. Each and every one of them. Even if nothing happened between us. But I found myself becoming more and more okay with how things were progressing.
I just needed to figure out what the hell was going on with Amanda and myself.