Chapter 12: Civilization and Mental Strength - 1
"Did you just say an hour? " Orson asked.
"Yes, I did, " Peter replied.
Orson then went ahead to voice his doubts, saying how it was impossible for his body to hold that much energy.
Peter heard what Orson had to say and scoffed before saying, "You feel that was shocking? Boy, I don't know how you did it, but you are in the fucking myriad realm. Do you understand the gravity of what I'm saying, boy? Even geniuses at your age can't achieve this feat.
Well, geniuses that I have seen so far as the world is a big place, where many wonders lie hidden, and 8 have discovered one right here, " Peter said.
"What do you mean I'm in the myriad realm, how is that even possible? " Orson asked.
"Like hell, I know. I should be the one asking you that question. I've seen wonders in my life, but this is arguably the most outrageous of them all, " Peter said.
"Did you just say, 'arguably'? Like, you want to tell me that what you just said happened to me doesn't take the number one spot on your list of most outrageous happenings without an argument? " Orson asked.
"Trust me, boy, I have seen things in this life that your unexposed self cannot even imagine, " Peter replied.
'The myriad realm, huh? This is good, really good. Although the old me wanted to forget everything and move on, living a peaceful and quiet life in the process, I am not that way. I am not Raymond Shelby but Orson Grey, and I like the way I'm feeling now. Fuck you goddess, fuck you. Alas, I'm a step closer to my goals, ' Orson thought.
"Even though your cultivation level is at the myriad realm, or to be precise, you are in the first level of the myriad realms of advanced cultivation, the deacon realm, you still have to be careful about getting into any fights as even a person with a weak cultivation level would be able to down you as your cultivation is not stable now.
Your energy is chaotic at this point. Even though you underwent godly advancement in cultivation, it didn't extend to stabilizing your cultivation level. There's another side to it also; you might not have control over your magic power and might be dangerous to yourself and others, so I advise you to show restraint and self-control in whatever you are doing," Peter said.
"Why are you talking like I'm a troublemaker? " Orson asked.
"You are a troublemaker, " Peter replied before continuing, "get some sleep this night. Tomorrow, we're going to be working on stabilizing your magic energy. You'll have, at most, six hours to do so because, remember, we have a meeting with the principal of the Pearl Magic Academy tomorrow.
After that, I have envisioned a whole new set of training regimens for you. Well, I'm pretty sure you'll be admitted into the academy but we'll create time nevertheless. It is time to lock in and achieve your goals as one major hurdle has been crossed by you, " Peter said.
"I thought you said I should stop with the unnecessary dreaming, " Orson said.
"Boy, I'm a man of logic, I was just stating the facts with the most likelihood to occur, " Peter said.
'Did he just mention logic? We're in a freaking world with magic and he mentions magic, tch! Oh well, he was born and brought up here, so what in my old world or to the former me would be illogical will be extremely logical to him and the inhabitants of this earth, ' Orson thought.
"Ok, father. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for all you have done for me and for what you are still doing. Thank you very much, Sir, " Orson said.
Orson meant what he had just said. Even though his father wasn't the ideal father, he was a thousand times better than the father he did not know. He had taught him how to fight and gave him the chance to acquire knowledge. With these only, all the wrongs were forgiven in Orson's heart.
"Why the hell are you being mushy all of a sudden? " Peter asked.
Orson half expected that response from Peter; it was just that another part of him felt that since his gratitude was genuine, Peter would also be genuine. "Just why can't you be normal for once, father? Why?"
"Normal won't take you where you want to go boy, and besides, it's fun, " Peter replied.
"So, what now Father, what's the next step? " Orson asked.
"I see that you're getting more and more reliant on me, and that's bad for your growth, " Peter replied.
Orson wanted to refute what Peter had said, but he quickly held his tongue. He thought back to the last few days and discovered that truly he had suddenly become reliant on Peter.
'It seems I let down my guard. Is this how much I longed for a father? So much so that immediately he started behaving like one, and I fell into the hole. Oh well, I don't find any issue with it per se, and I know clearly what trauma can do to a person; after all, my former world was filled with different types of trauma.
I don't think I can ever find a world that is so trauma-filled like Earth. Well, where I'm at now is also called Earth but I refer to my former world. The only place I would say I haven't heard of much therapy happening in Africa, or maybe it's because it's a third-rate world, so people aren't educated up to the level of recognizing trauma.
What the hell am I even thinking? With the way the internet had soaked into the very being of the world, there's no way that anyone won't be educated to a certain degree in that regard. So this simply means that Africans were stronger mentally.
And what was the difference between the first, second, and third-rate worlds was their level of civilization. Does this mean that the more civilized a group of people are, the less their mental strength is... '