I am Tenacious

Chapter 11: Memory Lane 2

As for being blessed by someone with divine magic, you could receive a blessing from the living or the dead. Many people have made the mistake of referring to receiving a divine blessing as an inheritance, but as earlier mentioned, inheritance was only by birth.

Once you met the necessary requirements of one with a divine blessing, both living or dead, you were likely to receive the blessing. Divine blessings could also be given by gods; after all, it was said that all the divine blessings in the world originated from the gods, beings with unparalleled power.

Orson was still going down memory lane and he was shocked at his blindness.

'Like seriously what is this? Her malicious intent is as clear as day for all to see. From her forced fake smile to her mannerisms, how could I not have seen this coming? '

The state Orson was in was godlike. Immediately he arrived at a scene in his head; he instantly remembered everything before the scene even played out. Because of this, he could analyze everything that happened, clearly seeing where he had messed up in the moment and other stuff.

Everything played out, up to his death, and finally, what happened after.

Immediately Orson had closed his eyes to rest eternally, he immediately woke up in an unfamiliar place, standing in front of an unfamiliar face, well, the scene was familiar now as this was a memory.

When Orson saw the look on the person's face, he couldn't help but think if he had seen the person before and had maybe offended them, but after searching through his memory banks, nothing came to mind.

After a short while of silence, the person spoke, "Welcome, mortal. I am goddess Eversnow, and my job is to usher you to a new life, for your contributions which have been of great cosmic importance, "

"Then why do you have that look on your face, and what contributions are those, that you are talking about? " Orson, or in this case, Raymond asked.

"To your second question, that, you will have to find that out yourself, as I also do not know what contributions of great cosmic importance you have made. All I know is that your soul was guided here to my domain, and anyone's soul who has made it here, will have to be reincarnated with their memories intact.

To your first question, I happened to stumble upon the sight of your ruthlessness as you took that poor girl's life. I was so appalled that I couldn't even remain there. I was about to have a good time... Sorry, I was on earth on an important assignment, but I had to turn back and return to my domain, " Eversnow said.

When Ray heard this, his mind instantly went back to certain animes he had watched, where the goddess was completely unreasonable. For example, in one, because the goddess found the MC to be ugly, which he wasn't, but the way, instead of sending him to a human settlement and giving him his divine blessing, she sent him, without any magic skill, to the beast domain.

With the way this goddess was talking now, he knew that something similar might happen to him. What he couldn't wrap his head around though, was why she was behaving this way, as he couldn't believe her unreasonable yapping.

'What kind of a silly reason to make life harder for me, because I know that's the angle she's leaning into. As if death isn't hard enough, now I want to face injustice, sigh! '

" So what's going to happen now? " Raymond asked.

"Well you will still be reincarnated, but because of your sins, it will be done without your memories, " Eversnow replied.

Raymond heard what she said but didn't reply. The mystery of her actions was something he couldn't wrap his head around. Right now, he was very I'll equipment to unravel any mystery in this place.

Eversnow then raised her staff and pointed it toward Raymond. A magic formation appeared under his feet and he knew his time had come. Looking up to the goddess, he said, "I'm sure that almost everyone undergoes reincarnation, so me reincarnating without my memories is still a good thing; in fact, I prefer it that way.

I don't want to remember that shitty sorry excuse for a girlfriend who took my life, and the fucking unreasonable person who I'm sure is a fake goddess"

Hearing this, Eversnow was about to flare up in anger, but she quickly suppressed her rage and smiled, then responded with gritted teeth, "The world you are going to is ruled with magic, and without your memories, you will have no magic power, for it is with your very magic power, that your memories will be locked. Goodbye, ungrateful mortal."

And this was all the events that led to the birth of Orson.

If the goddess, Eversnow, had seen what was happening now, she would have died from anger as she wouldn't have expected any mortal to be able to break her spell, secondly, because of the stunt she had pulled with Raymond, she was punished, so seeing her plan fail, if it was really a plan, and armed with the knowledge that she was punished for nothing, she might just commit harakiri.

Orson opened his eyes to see his father looking at him weirdly. Curious, he asked what had happened, to which Peter replied, "I am happy for you boy, I really am, but you fucking burnt through all the mana stones, fucking all of it! And I'm pretty sure if there were more, you would have burnt through that pile also.

I had to keep on adding pile after pile after pile, but your consumption rate wasn't even showing signs of stopping. But as soon as the last of the mana stones were gone, your body suddenly stopped its crazy absorption of mana. It's as if selfishness and greed are engrained into your subconscious, "

"I'm, I, I'm sorry I guess, " Orson said.

"Sigh! I'm glad you're ok. So, tell me, what did you experience? "

'Should I tell him about my reincarnation? No, that was my old life, and this is my new life. Everything about the old life is basically dead, so there's no need for any exposition, ' Orson thought.

"Well, at first, my mind entered a trance-like state, and then I started relieving memories of my childhood, " Orson said.

"News flash kid, you're still a child, " Peter said.

"So from what I just said, that is the only thing you could take, " Orson said.

"Well, you didn't say much, or are you holding back on me? "

"No, that's all that happened, " Orson replied before asking, "So, how long did my awakening process take? " He asked.

"Who told you that you awakened, keep dreaming boy, magic is far from you, " Peter replied.

"Oh please, you just told me that I burnt through all the mana stones we had in our possession, that I sucked them dry, so please, let's be serious for once, " Orson said.

After he said this, he noticed Peter having a certain look on his face, a look that was all too familiar.

"I was just joking, father; I didn't mean to be rude, " He said.

"You better be. Ok, to answer your question, it took close to an hour, " Peter said.

The time frame that Peter had just mentioned created doubts in Orson's mind. One didn't need measurements to know how much magic energy a low-tier mana stone contained, not to talk more of a mid-tier mana stone.

His first doubt came from when his father said he had absorbed all of the mana stones, but he took it that since his body had been starved of mana right from birth, that was just the quantity needed to satisfy its hunger, but then, absorbing that amount of energy in only an hour, that was nothing but godlike, an impossible feat for anyone, well, not everyone as they were people with massive cultivation levels.

His second doubt was that, if he really absorbed that amount of energy in that time frame, how was he still standing? His body had no magic energy from his birth until a few moments ago, meaning if he was to start absorbing mana by this age, it had to be in small quantities at first so that his body would get used to the new energy.

A simple example is a man who hasn't eaten for a week. When he has finally gotten good at last, eating solid foods at that point would be deadly. One would think that, after going so long without food, the man would have worked up a massive appetite and be nothing less than a ravenous beast but no, if you go that long without feeding, your guts would have shrunk down greatly, so stuffing your cheeks with food at that point, could cause serious injuries in your body.

You had to first take something soft, and in little quantities also, and when you had gotten yourself a little, you could advance in your feeding rituals.

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