I am Tenacious

Chapter 13: Civilization and Mental Strength - 2

'Does this mean that the more civilized a group of people are, the less their mental strength is? When I think about it more, it doesn't seem to be the case because civilization is a whole baggage on its own.

Human beings are also animals with instincts but civilization cripples our innate natures, making us more docile. From this, we see that civilization is a tool used by those at the top to control the masses.

I'm not saying civilization is bad, though, as I prefer it a hundred times over than the barbaric nature of times past. I don't know, maybe I'm biased in my choice because I was born in a time when civilization was at its peak. Well, I wouldn't say peak because I suspect, no scratch that, I strongly believe that the peak of civilization would be when those at the top completely subjugate the masses and make them completely docile.

One way they will do this would be through the school systems. The difference between the school system of this world and my former world is that here, they are trying to raise elites who can help in the subjugation of the masses, while there, they already have enough elites, so schools are used to curb every nature in a child, that can spur him up to challenge the status quo.

One thing is certain, though: for this world to become like my former, all magic, or at least the ones that the masses are privy to, would have to be stripped away first. Even though a pauper has nothing, magic alone can be a great source of strength for him to take on the world and change his destiny.

For example, if a child's family was brutally murdered right before his eyes, maybe because of a difference in the upper echelons of the world, and he was the sole survivor of the family massacre, back on earth, it would be extremely near impossible for the child to get revenge, that's if he wants to, but here, a random old man or Lady can just pass by and before you know, the child has learned ancient spells, or has been possessed by an ancient spirit, or a special bloodline is awoken, etc. From there, his vengeance would have a greater chance of coming through.

That book, the bible, it mentioned that we were created in the image and likeness of God. I guess that is why we like playing the God role and always sought to control others.

Woah, my thoughts have been greatly derailed. What was it I was thinking about again? Oh, trauma. No it was before that. Yes, I'll start being more careful and try my best to be a good judge of character. As for my father, well, I'll still give him his respect for the little he has done, ' Orson thought.

"You are my father, so it's only natural for me to depend on you, don't you agree? "

"It doesn't mean because I'm your father that... "

The whole room suddenly went quiet, and neither Orson nit Peter made a sound. But it isn't what you're thinking, hahaha, no. They went silent because a realization had set in and that was, Peter had just basically accepted Orson as his son from the statement he was in the midst of making.

"Ha ha ha! "

"Why are you laughing? " Peter asked?

"I just realized that if we were in a movie... Sorry I mean play. If we were in a play right now, the audience would have thought something was about to go down based on how we suddenly went silent, " Orson replied.

"Sigh! Let's just get some sleep already, I'm pretty tired from watching over you awaken, " Peter said.

"Why are you talking like my awakening took a whole day when it was just only an hour? Well, I agree with you, I feel tired also. Good night father.

" Yeah, good night Orson."

The next day came quickly. This time, though, Orson and Peter did not have any intention of setting up their stall and were preparing to go to the Pearl Magic Academy. Amid their preparation, Peter spoke.

"Remember when I told you not to make trouble, well, you also have to avoid it. Do not let yourself go into any situation where you know that you won't get any benefit. Again, I repeat, do not let your power get into your head. Always stay lowkey until it can't be helped.

Even though I've never mentioned it, I've always been proud and jealous of your intellect; use that to the fullest. "

"What the fuck is happening? You know, me awakening my magic power and you advising me is so surreal," Orson said.

"I would like to say don't get used to it, but you have to get used to it, " Peter said.

After their little back and front, they were finally ready. They then set out for the Pearl Magic Academy. On reaching the gate, they were stopped by the guards at the gate.

'Ugh! Not this again, ' Orson thought.

"State your business, " A guard said in a commanding tone, to which Orson replied, "We are here to see the principal, "

"Where do you think you are? Do you think this is a place where anyone can come and go as they please? " The guard grunted.

"With that sought of attitude, you will never go far in this life and continue to be nothing but a lowly guard, who does nothing but bark like a dog, ptuah! " Orson said and spat to the ground.

"Wait can someone tell me what the fuck is wrong with this boy. Must you always put on a show wherever you go? You mustn't always be the center of attraction, you know? It's like every warning I've given fell on not deaf but dead ears. Quickly pull out the invitation letter and let us get on with this meeting, " Peter said amidst giving Orson a couple of painful live taps to the head.

"Hey ouch, what did you do that for? " Orson asked, rubbing his head.

'This man doesn't know I'm an old man. Let's see, I died when I was twenty-something, and now I'm thirteen years old. Adding them, I should be thirty-something to forty years old. Well, I guess he's still a bit older than me, ' Orson thought.

"Just take out the letter already and stop with the charade, " Peter replied.

"Ok, ok, Sheesh! Here it is... "

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