Chapter 311: Wandering Merc!
Chapter 311 Wandering Merc!
Open Seas: Ver's Ship: Poop Deck
In front of our two bandaged up gun slingers as the new female figure has made it onto their vessel, walking forward slightly as the brown skinned beauty gazes at Ver with her creme colored overconfident eyes, she states, if I hadn't shown up your guy's ship would have been sunk.
Well-mannered like always as Ver smiles at the girl with his hands still unmoved in his trousers, Ver says, someone seems boastful. But who am I, I'm cocky too doll. By the way before you take one more sexy step closer, state your name babe.
Halting her feet at hearing his claim, putting her purple painted nails gently on her waist, the brown skinned woman says, seems like you must be the head cheese of this ship I presume. But I'll state my name, it's Excela Duca.
Being the only one speaking since it's just Pap and himself out on the poop deck with Ms. Excela, right as he was about to say another sentence, Rint and Wink come bursting out of the kitchen quarters, glancing back a tad just because of the unexpected arrival, Ver says nothing.
Positioning his head back after looking at his two proteges, Ver says with his voice windless, I appreciate your suddenness of taking out our little impasse we had, but what's a fine merc such as yourself doing out on the seas?
Lifting her right brow in suspicion, Excela says, how do you know I'm a mercenary? I didn't even state any more information about myself.
Chuckling a bit, Ver says, I didn't know until you told me! Just kidding, what really gave it away was the tattoo on your right inner forearm of dog tags.
Puzzled at how Ver knows about her tatt, Excela says with curiousness, keen eyes to be able to even notice my ink, but enough questioning me. You seem quite unique yourself in person Ver.
Not even astonished that Excela knows his name so casually, responding back, Ver says damn my name sure has been publicized. And since you saved my ship out of a little coincidence, and that you know of me, what's next? Are you trying to collect the bounty?
End of Chapter 311