Direct Bullet

Chapter 312: Brief Partnership!

Chapter 312 Brief Partnership!

South: Ver's Ship: Kitchen 

Casually lounging in the kitchen at a wooden red colored table, pretty silent in the room as the new female guest has made the space quite awkward.

Being vocal about how he feels as Rint is munching on a row of some bland crackers and a jar of honey, he states with rudeness, who are you? And why has a rowdy vixen such as yourself come upon our ship?

Taking no offense to Rint's snide remarks toward her, leaning back in her chair with not feeling any type of way, Excela says with a flirty tone, easy their cutie golden hand. First off the name's Excela if you wanted to know, secondly I just happened upon your captain's here ship traveling in the same direction. And besides seeing how rough you boys look, it's a good thing I showed up when I handled those three-sea beast impeding your progress.

Crunching on his left side as he keeps a stern expressing, Rint says, is that so.

Glancing over at Rint for a tick, being the only one standing up amongst the people in the semi small space, having his body up against the wall with his right hand full with a hand gripper as he squeezes, commenting, Wink voices, so Excela. So, since you already helped us with our little situation, I don't mean to be harsh, but why are you still with us?

Sitting across from Excela as he responds with his own thought, Ver says, Wink is right on this one. What else do you want and need from us?

Positioning the chair back from its leaning sesh, scrunching forward as she places her right arm on the table as she gazes at Ver, Excela states, aww cute you guys are cautious. But no, your right I do want something from you.

Answering back with his left brow raised, Ver says, which is?

I want help on taking down some one that killed my whole mercenary faction.

Finishing downing a cup of water as he places the empty glass on the table, chiming in yet again, Rint says, so what some random killer took out your whole squad, what does that have to do with us. You don't know our objective.

Smirking slightly but her eyes showing anger in them, opening her mouth to rebuttal, Excela issues, oh but I do know your objective. Especially on how one of Zorga's squads are dropping left and right. I know your group has been taking out members of the 8 Deadly guns.

Right as he is about to come back with a retort, beating him to it, Ver says, and let me guess one of them killed your crew. Am I right?

Frowning a bit now as she shifts her sight over to Ver, Excela says, yes one of them did.

Bringing peace into the conversation, Pap voices in a timid tone, who is the 8 Deadly? If you know their name that is.

Quick with a response, Excela says with heat exuding from her throat, Subno 27 is his fucking name. So, will you guys help me or what?

With his eyes unfettered, Ver says with a casual demeanor, will help you out sweet thang, since our goals align that is. So will form a brief partnership.

End of chapter 312

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