Direct Bullet

Chapter 310: Hot Tamale!

Chapter 310 Hot Tamale!

Open Seas: Ver's Ship: Poop Deck


Standing firm as I gaze at the three-monstrosity towering over me and my crews vessel, poised as I ignite a smidge of gunergy out.

Taking out one of my spectacular pistols, I say with the up most confidence, these ugly mother fuckers have picked the wrong ship to surface on.

Worried as I glance over and see Pap's distraught expression, coming out with it on how he feels, Pap states, Mr. Ver do you think it's wise to release your gunergy right now sir?! You sustained some bad injuries from our last battle!

Pointing my pistol at the middle eel creature, responding back to the kid, I say with a laxed voice, so what if I have some minor injuries. I'm fine Papster, and besides I'm only releasing a little.

Saying nothing further as he steps back a bit, having my finger ready to pull the trigger, a voice is heard in the distance and it says, slow Mo Bullet!

Right as the three eels were about to converge to attack our ship, all three move super slow out of the blue, coming from the east as a small little speed boat comes zipping, getting closer into view so I can make out who's operating it.

Once close enough so I can get their Visage, perking up my left brow at what I see, as a beautiful brown skinned toned woman with white, red, and purple hair is within my sight, dressed kind of mercenary esc as I see her outfit is a pair of black baggy military pants, and to cover her upper, she's only wearing a black and red sports bra.

Now closer to the slowed giant eels as she bounces off her boat and lands on one of the eels' head, blowing in the wind as her long rope like hair flutters, wasting no excess energy, the woman then begins to fire two basic shots into one of the creatures' eyes, blinding it.

Then in the next breath the woman says as she unleashes a black energy from her body, Speed Up Bullet! Blasting a round of three shots, one for every eel.

Hit with the projectile as the eels look to be ageing at an alarming rate as their bodies begin to shrivel up and decay, as they die in seconds.

Still on top of the one that she is standing on as it's body starts coming apart and begins to droop, once low enough as its head comes undone, the woman leaps on to my ship, unfazed at her display of ability at handling herself against those beast, I say as I smile at the pretty woman, mmm a hot tamale has landed on my deck.

End of Chapter 310

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