Direct Bullet

Chapter 293: True Power!

Chapter 293 True Power!

Random Island:


Feeling the surge of gunergy fluctuating through the air as I make my trek back to where my rads are.

In pain a little as I'm cut and bruised in some places...but I'll manage, It'll take a way bigger thrashing to really do me in.

Stretching out to get the tightness out my body as I'm up from laying in the dirt, doing the last stretch as I release tension form my quads. I say as I still have my gunergy released, this next course is going to me.

Once done with stating that, not having my hat since it got blown away somewhere, running my fingers through my disheveled blue and red hair as I take a breath, releasing my grasp from my ultra solid cranium.

Planting my left foot into the ground, leaning forward, then taking off to get back into the fight.

Just a straight shot as I zip through all plant life with no margin for stopping until I reach my destination, making it back to the battlefield with time to spare, with my feet halted for a moment as I assess the situation before me with Pap, Rint, and Diya's spiky green haired friend trying to stop him.

Finished with my analysis on the current problem, dashing at the crazed teen with my gunergy matching his, I state as I near him, Omega Scope Eye. Now activated to show him I'm considering him a real problem, right as he is about to swing on Pap, I come in like a bolt of lightning, giving him a one two combo and say with my voice serious like a lion chowing down on its meal, considered yourself lucky punk. I'm about to show you some true power.

End of Chapter 293

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