Chapter 294: Give into God!
Chapter 294 Give into God!
Random Island:
Pengar Tarek:
Dueling this nonbeliever of my god that I worship, evading his demonic fists as I move nimbly.
Feeling him out even more so to see how his gun tactics are as our struggle ever advances, exuding out of my blessed body as I let my divine Lime green and Bronze gunergy go, I state as I'm still on the maneuvering approach, such anger in your strikes my poor sinner. Why do you hate so?
Scowling as he then pulls out his gun to really show me his true evil nature, the Purple spiky headed man states, do you ever shut up about your holy bullshit! Squeezing the trigger to his weapon a good three times.
Worried not as I easily read the three projectiles trajectory, blessed by my makers divine essence as his devout graceful messenger.
Commenting not as I near the potty mouth hell spawn after dodging his feeble metal sin bullets, removing my blessed firearm from my left side, inches away from the unreformed brute, I say as I fire a warning holy shot that quickly pierces into the young man's left arm, give into God.
In anguish after receiving my first actual holy basic attack, squeezing his arm as he tries to stanch the red liquid ever flowing from his bicep.
Even in a state of pain, the spiky Puprle haired devil praiser says, I'm not giving into shit. This bullet ain't stopping me you wannabe priest.
Feeling my smile that I had prior to this little confrontation, as I can feel my face frowning from how stubborn this no believer is, I state with my being getting serious, I guess a wicked one like you needs more blessings to really make you see the light.
End of Chapter 294