Chapter 292: Holy Hands!
Chapter 292 Holy Hands!
Random Island: Wink Vs Pengar
Going pace for pace with Pengar as we exchange physical blows, a tad bit bloody from his first knockdown on me.
I say as I throw a hard right hook to his face, that first knockdown is all your getting. You're not bringing down a champ like me down again mate. Deflecting my right hook as he uses his Bible, looking at me with his stupid pleasant face that he hasn't changed since the beginning of our fight, responding with a relaxed goodie two shoes tone, Pengar states, only if God wills you to not fall.
Annoyed even more so at this fucker, I then inch closer to him to deliver some real heat to shift his face to one of despair and not joy, seeing that I'm all up in his inner space, Pengar immediately scrunches his body so he can guard for the impact, but jokes on him, quickly grabbing the handle of my pistol, pulling it out with no issue as I point my gun right where his arms are shielding him, squeezing the trigger with no fault, I say, Jammer Special!
Bursting forth out of my firearm as the bullet I shot instantly turns into a black boxing glove.
Bracing because that's all he can do at this current situation as my bullet connects and sends him off his feet, traveling into a good expanse of jungle greenery, smiling at my first power strike to get my comeback rolling, I say with a determined voice, I have holy hands too, fake priest.
End of Chapter 292