Chapter 291: Close Call!
Chapter 291 Close Call!
Random Island:
Springing into action as Pap and Kip have agreed to work together to stop Diya, rushing over on the left as Pap speeds into Diya's peripheral vision to distract him as Kip comes from the right side.
Dazed in a blind rage as Diya is gunning toward the young lad, pointing his pistol while Diya zips over to Pap, Kip says as he fires, I hate that I have to get serious with you Diya bud, but your out of control. Gusting Wind Bullets.
Zooming out of his gun as five swirling bullets dart toward there intended mark, almost reaching Pap as Diya flashes his piece at the purple haired youth, but before the wild child can even pull the trigger to his firearm, like a wild animal.
Diya senses a threat looming toward him, turning around immediately as he spots the windy killer projectiles, with his physical abilities enhanced even more from the amount of gunergy radiating from his body, the boy then dodges every single one with no miss step.
Drawn to Kip now as Diya shifts his body to evade Kip's charged up move, taking the opportunity to deal something, Pap then fires off three good paralysis bullets to give them at least something to stop him.
In tuned to a high degree, as yet again Diya maneuvers to see the next attack aimed for his life, and in that same notion the young out of his wit's gunner, evades yet again, but this time increasing his gunergy even more, Diya then charges at an impossible speed at Pap.
Upon him as Diya is right in the teen's face, startled at the shear speed of which he moved, as his eyes are wide at not being able to register the gun placed on his forehead, Pap states in disbelief in his mind, does my journey actually come to an end here!
Right as Diya's trigger finger is about to apply pressure, coming out of nowhere like a hero in an anime at the last second as Rint's right foot plants itself in Diya's face, sending the boy skidding a bit.
In front of Pap as he glares at a stunned Diya but not hurt, Rint states, that was a close call.
End of Chapter 291