Chapter 290: Out of Hand!
Chapter 290 Out of Hand!
Random Island: Pap Vs Kip
Eyeing that Diya has killed Teco in the blink of an eye as he has gone berserk, speaking out loud as I release more gunergy, I say in a laxed but also annoyed tone, great now I have to handle this whole situation myself. And Gona is going to be pissed to find out her man is dead.
Before I take that first initial step toward the chaos causing Diya, lit up strong like my gunergy is, as the short purple haired kid that I've been fighting for a couple of rounds is stationed to my left side.
Leering his gaze at me with a weirdly calming tone as he says, will postpone our fight Mr. Green Porcupine head. I believe in this moment I should follow my heart and help you stop your out-of-control friend.
Shifting my sight away from Diya for a moment to look at the kid to my left, I state, so you want a onetime truce. Closing my eyes for a brief second as I chuckle, opening them again as I revert my vision back on Diya, I then continue to speak once more, fine I'll accept your help but only this once kid.
With his expression earnest, the purple haired teen says, alright it's decided. Let's go contain that boy, and one more thing the names not kid, it's Pap Holder.
Not really caring in the least about what this kid's name is, stretching out my shoulders to get rid of some pressure, responding back to talk, I say, didn't really ask what your name is. But since you did introduce your birth name, mines Kip. Now enough talk Pap because we have company speeding towards us.
End of Chapter 290