Three’s Company (Symphogear)
A/N: Three's Company was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in January of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!
Summary: Chris drops off a package to Hibiki and Miku, only to end up dragged in for a night of 'harmless fun'~
Themes: F/F, Threesome, Toys
They're both quite comfortable when a sudden sharp knock on the door startles them out of their silence.
"Oi! Hibiki! Miku! One of you open up!"
The apartment's residents, who also happen to be the two girls just named by their visitor, share a glance. Hibiki Tachibana grins giddily, while Miku Kohinata bites her lower lip for a moment. They're snuggled up nice and close to one another on the couch, because after all, it is their date night. And yet, Hibiki has no problem whatsoever pausing the movie that's juuust getting started in order to hop to her feet.
Miku lets out a sigh and quickly follows her, and in the end, they answer the door together, revealing a white-haired girl waiting for them both with her arms crossed over her chest and her foot tapping away. Chris Yukine puffs her cheeks a little bit, clearly impatient, and then thrusts the small box she has in her hand at the two of them.
"Here, this is what you wanted me to pick up and bring over, right?"
A blush spreads across Miku's face, even as Hibiki's grin gets positively shark-like and she snatches the box out of Chris' hands, looking down at it for barely a moment before nodding in satisfaction and tossing it over her shoulder.
"Yep, that's it! Thanks Chris!"
For a moment, the violet-eyed girl is nonplussed by the somewhat devil may care attitude. She frowns, but in the end just shakes her head and sighs, turning to begin walking away. That's when Hibiki reaches out and grabs her by the shoulder though, and Miku following her girlfriend's lead, does the exact same.
"Not so fast~"
Letting out a yelp, the former villain finds herself dragged back into the small home of her two new friends, the door closing behind her a moment later. Anyone looking on from the hallway would get a distinct sense of finality from the move. Meanwhile, inside of the apartment, Chris finds herself spun around, but just as she's starting to gather a full head of steam to demand to know what Hibiki and Miku think they're doing, the more outgoing of the two is all up in her face.
"You seem a little out of it, Chris! Do you have anyone to spend the evening with?"
Taken aback, Chris tries to rally.
"No, but…"
"Then spend it with us! Miku doesn't mind! We were just starting a movie!"
Miku has a soft smile on her face as she shakes her head and agrees with the other girl.
"I really don't mind. You should be with friends, Chris…"
Chris opens her mouth, intending to explain that really, she was just fine spending some time alone, but Hibiki just runs over her verbally once more.
"Look, if you really have nothing else to do tonight, what's the harm, right? It's a team-building exercise! Those are super important! Come on, come sit down!"
And then she's grabbing Chris by the hand, and Miku is quick to grab Chris by her other, and together the two girls insistently drag the third all the way over to the couch where they were sat before. Mouth opening and closing like a goldfish at this point, feeling distinctly railroaded, Chris still can't find the words to explain that she'd rather leave.
Maybe it's because deep down inside, she really doesn't want to leave. Not that she'd ever admit that in a million years, not even under pain of torture. Regardless, silenced by Hibiki's exuberance and Miku's quiet insistence, the white-haired young woman very quickly finds herself sitting on the couch between Hibiki and Miku, which in itself surprises her more than a little. She would expect the two lovebirds, because of course she knows how they feel about each other, to want to be huddled up close together, while she took the other side of the couch like the awkward third wheel that she was.
But instead, they were pushing in on either side of her, and even taking the time to spread the large blanket they'd been using over all three of them as Hibiki eagerly starts up the movie again. Chris, frozen stiff and still a little flabbergasted at how a simple drop-off has turned into his, just sits where she is and stares at the screen, trying to ignore everything else.
It becomes harder to ignore what's happening however, when Hibiki's fingers suddenly rest on her leg. Chris nearly jumps out of her skin, but like a restricting cocoon, the blanket that the other two girls have wrapped around the three of them keeps her secured firmly in place, even as those gentle, explorative fingers slide their way up Chris' leg and slip under her skirt and onto her thigh.
Eyes wide, the white-haired girl looks at Hibiki in shock, only to find the other smiling at her knowingly. Hibiki gives her a wink, making Chris wonder exactly what she's supposed to do in this situation. Miku is right there, and if she finds out, she'll be devastated. But at the same time, shouldn't Chris say something before things escalate any further? This needs to stop now, it's not fair to Miku…
Another hand suddenly caresses her cheek from her other side, and the white-haired young woman finds her head being turned to look at the girl she was just thinking about. Miku smiles gently, and then leans in and kisses Chris, right then and there, right on the lips, right in front of Hibiki. Violet eyes go wide in shock at the sudden contact, but she can't deny that Miku's lips are soft and feel quite good at her own. The black-haired young woman is very clearly a good kisser… better than Chris is expecting.
When she pulls back, that same gentle smile is still right there, and Miku doesn't even look remotely flustered. Chris on the other hand, is bright red and blinking rapidly as she tries to figure out what the hell is going on. Then, Hibiki's fingers touch her panties beneath her skirt, and a very uncharacteristic, distinctly feminine squeak leaves Chris' lips as she finally manages to SAY something.
"W-What the hell?!"
Rather than pull back in embarrassment or shame like she might have expected, the two girls share a look… and then begin to giggle. Well, Hibiki laughs, Miku giggles. Then, Hibiki turns Chris' head her way next and kisses her deeply as well. When they pull apart, Chris is even more flustered and flushed than before, and Hibiki… Hibiki is grinning like the cat that caught the canary.
"You looked a bit lonely, Chris. So ya know, we had to bring you in. Miku doesn't mind."
"I really don't…"
Chris wanted to say that SHE minded. She really did, the words were on the tip of her tongue. And yet, as she looked between the two smiling girls, their expectant gazes staring back at her, she found that she couldn't say it. And in her silence, Hibiki and Miku went back to taking certain… liberties. As Miku turned her back to face her again and began kissing her once more, this time the kissing went even deeper, a tongue pressing into Chris' mouth and intertwining with her own.
At the same time, the fingers that Hibiki had never removed from beneath Chris' skirt in the first place grow more and more inquisitive… and eventually, more adventurous. Chris' breath hitches when Hibiki finally slips her digits past her panties, but there's not much the white-haired girl can do to protest when Miku is occupying her mouth and tongue so thoroughly.
And then Miku escalates things, her own hand coming up beneath the towel. The buttons on Chris' blouse are popped open one by one, and then her bra is flipped up. As her small but certainly sizable breasts bounce free, Miku's hand is there to catch them, the happy, cheerful girl still smiling in between kisses as she begins to molest Chris' breasts, as she plays with them to her heart's content.
Needless to say, things are moving fast. The movie that they had on in the background, Chris doesn't even know what the hell it's about. She wasn't given enough time to fully process things before all of… THIS started up. And yet, as much as she wants to say no, as much as she wants to make them stop, trying feebly to tell them so more than once, it's harder and harder to form the words. She's really enjoying the intimacy far more than she should.
She doesn't deserve this kind of affection, she doesn't deserve love. She's a bad girl, and she deserves to be a-alone and, o-oh fuuuuck… Chris' thoughts are thoroughly derailed, as intended, by Hibiki and Miku's ministrations bringing her to a powerful climax right there on the couch. And then they keep going, and they don't stop until the credits roll at the end of the movie. They bring her to orgasm after orgasm, and they make her positively SCREAM as she sits there between them, the blanket eventually pulled away and her clothes stripped from her, garment by garment, piece by piece.
As the movie ends and the credits roll, Hibiki suddenly hops up off the couch, her smile wide and her eyes bright.
"Shower time!"
Miku blinks and then smiles as well, while Chris, naked and covered in sweat and her own juices by that point, can't help but think that sounds really, really nice. She could have a moment alone and actually process what was happening right now, and maybe come up with some sort of exit strategy. That thought lasts right up until they get to the bathroom, the two other girls shepherding her the entire way there. Then, as she's pushed inside, she looks back for a moment, expecting the door to be closing behind her, only to find that Hibiki and Miku are walking in as well, already both half-undressed.
Seeing the look on Chris' face, Hibiki laughs.
"What… you didn't think we weren't going to join you, did you Chris? Silly goose!"
And like that, with not much more than a whimper of complaint, Chris finds herself under steaming hot water, naked as the day she was born and now sandwiched into the moderate-sized shower between the other two young women. When Miku drops to her knees in front of her, Chris doesn't know what to do. She finds out what she will be doing regardless a moment later, which is bending over the dark-haired girl as she fists her hands in Miku's locks while Miku in turn begins to eat out her cunt.
The hot water feels amazing washing over her, but it's a little hard to focus on it when there's a tongue buried in her pussy. Nor does it really help that Hibiki is behind her, pressing up against her and wrapping her arms around Chris' body to grope at her breasts. Leaning in close, the excitable young woman nibbles at Chris' ear and giggles.
"You like that, don't you? Like what Miku is doing for you. Doesn't it feel good?"
Rather than any kind of coherent response, all Chris manages is a rather throaty moan as she opens her mouth to say… well, anything. Nothing comes out expect for the moan though, followed by mewling as she shakes and trembles, Miku's tongue as expert as ever. If she'd thought that the black-haired girl was a good kisser, well, Miku's true skill lay in her cunnilingus skills for sure.
Hibiki, meanwhile, wasn't giving Chris any respite, her hands groping and squeezing the white-haired girl's tits, and then playing with the nipples as she pinches and tugs them between her fingers.
"Say thank you, Chris. Tell Miku that you're happy to be her friend. You wouldn't want to be rude now~"
Hibiki sounds so cheerful, so giddy as she says it… and yet, Chris finds herself obeying nonetheless, even as Miku brings her to climax with that tongue of hers.
"T-Thank you, Miku. I… I'm h-happy to be y-your friend…"
Miku's eyes slide up to meet Chris', and Chris blushes all the deeper because of it, her pale face bright red by this point as she fidgets and squirms in between shaking and spasming from the orgasms that Miku is provoking from her. Hibiki, meanwhile, just giggles.
"And what about me? Are you happy to be my friend too?"
Chris bites her lower lip, but in the end, she answers truthfully, right after a gasp is pulled from her throat, prompted by Hibiki playing with her tits.
It sounds a lot squeakier than Chris would have preferred, but then, nothing about tonight was going anything like what she would have preferred. In the end, this was so far from what she'd thought was going to happen, and yet, so much more enjoyable than she could have ever imagined… that Chris didn't know what to do or say or think. Her mind was short-circuiting with pleasure as Miku and Hibiki had their way with her nubile young body.
Eventually, Miku does pull back and stand up. They shower briefly, slapping soap on one another and washing each other off. But it's not really a very thorough cleaning, and Chris is still dripping wet in more ways than one when they make their way from the shower into the bedroom. Miku leads her to the bed, while Hibiki hops back into the living room for a moment before coming back with the small box that Chris had brought them, the very thing that had started this in the first place.
At this point, Chris is laid back on the bed with Miku on her side next to her, leaning in close, running her fingers across Chris' naked, trembling body, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. But they both watch on as Hibiki tears open the package, grinning raunchily all the while. They watch as she pulls out, of all things, a vibrating dildo from within the box.
Chris' violet eyes go wide as she looks upon exactly what it was, she was delivering tonight. For the first time, the white-haired girl realizes that this whole thing might not have been as spontaneous as it felt. The wicked grin on Hibiki's face and the gentle smile on Miku's pretty much confirm that, even as the former stalks forward, crawling onto the bed and moving between Chris' legs.
"I've got a present for you, Chris~ Miku and I are going to show you how to use it!"
And like that, Hibiki turns the dildo on. She doesn't immediately stick it in their captive though, even though they certainly could have. Chris isn't necessarily bound or restrained in any way, at least not by physical means. But she is still frozen stiff, and very much unmoving, unwilling to leave, bound by mental constraints instead.
Slowly, Hibiki brings the vibrating sex toy down onto Chris' flesh, right across her pale, taut belly. The white-haired girl shudders and shivers at the feel, though not in fear or disgust or anything like that. It… it feels nice. It feels even better though when Hibiki runs the tip of the vibrating dildo up to the undersides of Chris' boobs, brushing them back and forth against her sensitive mammaries as she slides it along Chris' titflesh.
Eventually, she reaches her nipples. One at a time, Hibiki presses the vibrations down onto Chris' sensitive little nubs, causing gasps and moans to exit the white-haired young woman's mouth. She shakes and shudders, her lips opening and closing as she struggles to control herself and utterly fails. Only then, as she's on the cusp, does Hibiki bring the sex toy to her pussy lips, grinding it down all of the sudden right atop Chris' clit.
She cums of course, immediately. It's in the midst of climaxing, her pussy juices squirting out of her pussy, that Hibiki finally does shove the vibrating dildo up into Chris' drooling quim. It's the best moment to do so, as unguarded as she is, as unprepared as she is. A loud, earth-shattering cry exits Chris' lips as she screams from the sudden intrusion, her eyes very nearly rolling back in her head right there. Nearly, but not quite. Instead, they go crossed in pleasure, and her mouth forms into a puckered-up O as she moans continuously.
Taking that as an invitation, Miku leans down and gives Chris a long, tongue-filled kiss. Then, the black-haired girl slides up and plops her own pussy right atop Chris' face, dropping her dripping wet cunt on top of the wide-eyed girl's lips. Her hands curl in Chris' hair, and her grin is distinctly un-Miku-like as she smirks down at her.
"Lick, Chris~"
And Chris obeys. She's not sure what she's doing, and her inexperience probably shows immediately, but nonetheless, Chris Yukine licks, and Miku Kohinata moans loudly and lewdly as she begins to rock back and forth across the white-haired girl's face, humping Chris' mouth and chin and thoroughly enjoying having the oral she'd given Chris early returned in full to her.
Meanwhile, Hibiki isn't stopping. She's sawing the vibrating dildo in and out of Chris' cunt now, sliding it back and forth and watching with glee as the pussy lips contract and tighten, trying to grip down hard enough on the sex toy to keep it from moving, to keep it from continuing to mess Chris' up, both mentally and physically. But to no avail. She doesn't have the grip strength to hold the vibrating dildo inside of her for more than a moment, and Hibiki keeps it moving, always moving, even as she watches her girlfriend's ass shake and undulate across Chris' face.
It is indeed factual that the two of them have been planning this for a while. Not because they want to hurt Chris or anything like that, nor because they get off on bullying her or something. This is as much for the white-haired girl's safe as it is for them. She's lonely, and she doesn't think she has any value. But she does. She has plenty of value, and Miku had too big of a heart to leave her thinking she wasn't a true part of their team.
Well, Hibiki had had an idea, and Miku had been all too happy to go along with it. Together, the two of them had come to the simple conclusion that Chris needed not only to loosen up, but she needed to be brought into their relationship. They would always love each other of course, but after several long nights and quite a few talks, they had both decided that they had enough room in their hearts to love someone else as well.
The rest of the night is filled with more of the same as both Hibiki and Miku went about showing Chris that love in every way they could. The vibrating dildo played a large part in that, but there were times when it wasn't even involved, times when Chris found herself to be the middle of a scissoring sandwich, or on her hands and knees eating out Hibiki as she was in turn eaten out by Miku from behind.
The white-haired girl might have started out reluctant, but by the time they're all exhausted and ready to pass out in each other's arms and a pool of their own combined juices, she's got a soft, contented smile on her face, even as she falls asleep between the two of them, her face nestled in Hibiki's breasts. Two have become three… and they'll all be better for it, going forward.
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