Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A New Path (Mass Effect)

A/N: A New Path was a commissioned story in three parts originally written from January to July of 2019. Posting it all up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: Kia'Ronis is a Quarian without a home. More than a little adrift at this point in her life, she's in exactly the right frame of mind for something... new.

Themes: Alien Sex, Threesome, Voyeurism, Body Mods


Her name was Kia'Ronis, and despite being a Quarian, she had no ship name. She didn't have much of anything at all at this point, save for the suit on her back, the pistol at her hip, and a small bag of medical supplies. She was a combat medic, or at least, supposed to be. Right now, she wasn't much of anything at all, sitting here in some damn backwater dive bar, sipping a proper dextro drink through a straw and a small hole in her face-mask.

She knew she was somewhere in the Terminus Systems, but that was about it. She'd left the Migrant Fleet behind years ago, and so far, her pilgrimage had been less than stellar. Joining up with a small mercenary outfit that was working out of the Terminus Systems seemed like a good idea at the time, and for the first little while, it'd gone well enough.

They'd done the work they were paid to do, which was usually the shit jobs that governments, even out in the Terminus, weren't willing to have their actual soldiers do. It was a bunch of crap, that was for sure, but it'd paid in credits and at least Kia was learning things. She'd learned how to become a medic while with this outfit, after all. Normally, Quarians were prized for their engineering capabilities, or more succinctly put, their ability to put machines back together, not people.

Kia wasn't too terrible on the machine side of things either, but she'd found that, contrary to most of her kind, she actually had a knack for fixing up aliens, as odd as that sounded. She did her job and she did it well… but there was no fixing up a total disaster like their last job had been. She and her unit had been stationed on some damn farming planet, because there was talk of rebellion brewing and the governor felt unsafe or whatever.

It'd taken all of a day for Kia to realize that the planetary governor was a scumbag who was abusing his power, and he probably deserved to be rebelled against. But she wasn't going to say or do anything about it. It wasn't her place. She was there for a job, and what aliens did to each other was their own problem. At least they fucking had a planet. The Quarians had been adrift in space for three hundred fucking years…

But maybe she should have said something. Maybe she should have spoken up and spoke her mind. Perhaps she could have convinced her Unit Commander that they were effectively setting themselves up for failure. She and the human male had had a relatively good working relationship, or at least Kia had felt so. However, even she couldn't have known how bad it really was… or how off the rails things could get, so damn fast.

They were barely there a week before the rebels attacked, and in the battle that followed, she'd lost… everyone. Not just a few people, not just the Unit Commander… no, it was everyone but her. By the end of it, the governor was dead, and the planet was under the control of the rebels, who turned around and demanded to negotiate with those higher up the chain.

Kia was probably lucky enough to get an extraction, if she was being honest. She didn't feel lucky though. The job was a massive failure, but more than that, the people she'd been building connections with for years were… well, they were dead. Every last one of them. The Quarian wouldn't have claimed to be incredibly close to any of them, to be fair. Wearing a suit like hers everywhere didn't exactly make getting close easy. But she'd saved most of their lives a few times apiece here and there, and she was respected by her unit if nothing else.

Not so with the rest of the damn mercenary outfit. With an entire unit wiped out, save for her, that left just three others in the small outfit. But that didn't stop them from drowning her in bureaucracy the moment she got back to base. There had been questionings that bordered on interrogations, but Kia had nothing to hide, and ultimately, she thought they'd eventually realized that.

But then, rather than letting her get back into things with a new unit, the corporation that funded the Mercenary Outfit had gone ahead and forced her onto an unpaid vacation that she didn't want or really need at the moment. She was on fucking Pilgrimage. She was trying to prove herself. And now… now what the fuck was she supposed to do?

Well, the answer to that question was actually somewhat obvious at the end of the day, wasn't it? Sitting in a dive bar, Kia stares down at her drink in some amusement. She was doing the only thing she could do. Getting fucking smashed. Wasn't like there was anything else to do in a dump like this, stuck here until she got a call on her Omnitool and was finally allowed to go back to fucking work.

She'd have to make her credits count, of course… but her supply was already looking a little lower than a Quarian looking to get drunk for the next several days really liked to see. Not for the first time that night, Kia's eyes drift away from her drink and across the bar, to where a couple of Asari had caught her eyes from the very first moment they'd walked in.

Whores, obviously. Oh sure, they'd probably label themselves Exotic Dancers or something like that, but there were no poles around for them to bump and grind against, and they had yet to try and jump up on any tables. To be fair, they hadn't needed to. Her eyes weren't the only ones that the two Asari sluts drew when they walked inside. Blue-skinned and all smiles, they were… gorgeous.

And very clearly augmented. Kia had an eye for that sort of thing. The perfect blending of engineering and medicine. Body mods were outlawed in most sectors of civilized space. You certainly wouldn't find anything like this on the Citadel, and if the two Asari ever tried to go to say, Thessia, they probably wouldn't be allowed in system, let alone onto the planet itself.

Not that they likely gave a shit. No, girls like these? They were probably born and raised in the Terminus Systems, like so many damn others around these parts. Where their species came from, what else was out there… it hardly ever managed to these types. Meanwhile, Kia was a wandering loner, left adrift by the one organization that she'd been tied to for these past few years.

Still, she couldn't take her eyes off of the Asari. Oh sure, they were both gorgeous. With big breasts, wide hips, fat asses… they were everything that most male aliens, as well as male Quarians, found attractive. At least, from what Kia knew. It wasn't… w-wasn't like SHE found them personally attractive o-or anything like that.

No, she was just intrigued. It was a professional curiosity, that was all. She didn't… want anything from the Asari or anything like that. She was just observing them, taking them in… eyeing their modifications more than anything else. And those modifications were certainly extensive, there was no doubt about that. Licking her lips, Kia is thankful for her face mask hiding the motion, even as someone else catches her eye.

A rather bold human male walks up to the two Asari at the bar, and from the looks of things, he's been prompted to do so by the rest of his group, who are even now jeering in the background and watching him approach. The two Asari, meanwhile, give him their undivided attention, much to Kia's surprise… and his as well, from the looks of things.

It's too far away to know what's being said, of course. She could lean forward and try to strain and hear them, but she doesn't really need to, not when reading their posture and seeing the actions they take tells her all she needs to know instead. The human is surprisingly subtle about it, and smart enough to hide his hand motions from his friends, but because of how she's seated, this means he shows off what he's doing to Kia inadvertently, as clear as day.

Namely, the credit chit he slips to one of the Asari. It must be a rather large sum, because immediately, the two blue-skinned aliens are draping themselves over the human and acting as if he's the best thing they've ever seen. The jeering and laughter over at the table dies down and the rest of the human male's friends just stare at the threesome as they make their way up the stairs to the private rooms on the bar's second floor, one Asari on each side of the man, his arms wrapped around their waists and descending a bit lower than was probably appropriate.

But then, there was nothing appropriate about what she was witnessing, now was there? And she shouldn't have been so turned on by it either. But she is. Kia bites her lower lip, even as the rest of the group grumble and turn back to one another, waving dismissive hands at the retreating back of their 'friend' and his two new lovely ladies.

Kia stays downstairs just long enough to finish the rest of her drink and to give the threesome enough time to get out of the upstairs hallway, before she heads up to her room. The only reason she was really in a dive like this… they just so happened to have a single clean room that was made for Quarians. Of course, that was for a certain definition of the word 'clean'. Kia was willing to take off parts of her suit in it, but not the whole thing, and she certainly made sure to take a dose of antibiotics every morning and every evening before going to sleep.

That was another problem, the fact that she was running low on such medicines, but that was something she would have to handle later. For now, as she slips into her room and closes and locks the door behind her, Kia is nibbling at her lower lip, and immediately heading for the bed. Her helmet stays on, as do most of her suit, but she does pull at two zippers on each of her inner thighs, sliding them up and then down and then around. After a moment, the crotch of her suit falls away, exposing her dripping wet cunt lips to open air as she falls back on what is probably a clean mattress and brings gloved fingers down to her pussy.

She's so fucking turned on right now, it's not even funny. First it was watching those slutty Asari with their body mods prancing about the place, but then, knowing what they were likely getting up to with that human male right in that moment… gods, she bet he was putting their mods through their fucking places. He better get his fucking money's worth.

Kia can imagine it so clearly that she can hear it in her head now, the moans of the Asari, the groans of the human. She can… no, wait… that's not in her head. Shooting straight up on the bed, the Quarian turns towards the sounds. They're coming from the wall… more specifically, they're filtering in through a hole in the wall.

Hah! Fucking clean room her ass. And yet, rather than heading downstairs to rough up the proprietor of this establishment and possibly extort some credits from him, Kia finds herself creeping closer to what is obviously a peephole. The moans grow louder and louder as she does so, and the Quarian finds the glass plate of her helmet bumping up against the hole, even as she closes one eye to be able to better peer through with the other.

It's exactly what she expects to find, though she's rather surprised to see they all moved so fast. The human man is currently on the bed, as are the two modded Asari. One is on her hands and knees, and he's currently fucking her azure cunt with all his might from behind, slapping her big blue ass with his free hand every other thrust. Meanwhile, his other hand, or more accurately his other arm, is wrapped around the waist of the second Asari, who's kneeling next to the both of them and kissing him, her breasts pressing into his side and her moans muffled by his lips as their tongues intertwine VERY eagerly.

It's an incredibly lewd, lurid sight, and Kia's fingers are back at her slit before she even realizes it. Her body tenses as she begins to touch herself, and she has to bite down on her lip hard to hold in her own moan. Luckily, there's an option for that. Reaching up with her free hand, Kia taps the side of her mask and sets her helmet to mute. No need to cover her mouth or hold in her moans when no one would be able to hear her outside of her suit now.

Moaning freely, Kia begins to finger her cunt, trying to match the force with which the human male was currently fucking the Asari from behind. It's hard though… and her fingers aren't nearly as satisfying as she imagines his phallus would be. Still… still, despite the act of sex happening right in front of her, more often than not it's the Asari that Kia's eyes drift to. They're just so… perfect. And she doesn't have a thing for Asari or anything like that, not really.

But their body mods… she has a thing for those. She has a huge damn fetish for modifications like the ones these Asari are sporting. And she wants… she wants to find out more about them. All of her loss, all of her heartache, all of the everything that's been weighing on the Quarian's mind for these last few weeks crystalizes into a single thought in her head in that moment. She knows what she wants, and even as she moans throatily within the confines of her helmet, peeping on the threesome and climaxing across her gloved fingers more than once, Kia knows how she's going to start tomorrow.

She's going to find out where those Asari got their body mods… and then she's going to find out if there are any for Quarians as well. And maybe, just maybe, along the way, she'll find whatever it is she's really looking for.


She's just sneaking out of her room the next day when a voice hits her ears that causes her to tense up immediately.

"Hey there, cutie."

As it so happens, Kia recognizes that voice. She recognizes it quite well. After all, she spent the entire night listening to it make all sorts of enjoyable, erotic sounds as the owner of the voice was put through her paces by that big, fat human cock. Slowly, Kia turns around to regard one of the Asari that she'd been peeping on the night before.

The big-breasted blue-skinned beauty is smiling at her knowingly, arms crossed under her chest, which is barely contained in the slutty tube top she's wearing as she leans against the hallway wall and just watches Kia.

"… Hey. Did you need something?"

Damn it, that sounded so dumb. Kia wants to hit herself for being so ridiculous, especially when just the night before she'd made a promise that she was going to figure out just how these Asari ticked. Now one was chatting her up and she wasn't even trying?! But in the face of Kia's rather blank answer, the Asari just smiles wider still, pushing off the wall and making her way over.

"Mm, I like you. So, I won't get mad for all that watching you did last night, alright? Did you like what you saw?"

Kia goes stock still at that, eyes wide as she takes in the fact that the Asari most definitely knew she'd been peeping. With her voyeurism so easily exposed, the Quarian isn't entirely sure what to do. How is she supposed to respond to a question like that?

"W-Where did you and your friend get all of those body mods from?"

Apparently, that's how she's supposed to respond, because for a moment, the Asari is truly taken aback. She looks surprised for all of half a second before laughing outright at Kia's question. It's honest, delighted laughter, but Kia's face still burns with embarrassment and humiliation.

"Oh, dear child… you are adorable, aren't you? Mm, do you like my… enhancements then?"

In for a penny, in for a pound as the humans liked to say. Swallowing thickly, Kia nods, trying not to stare too much at the Asari's bust, which is still being liberally propped up by the blue-skinned alien's crossed arms.

"Y-Yes. Very much."

Once again, honestly seems to be the best policy. At the very least, it makes the Asari giggle.

"Well, they are certainly very special, aren't they? You're just darling… mm, do you have anywhere to stay, besides this ratty place?"

Blinking at what seems to be a complete non-sequitur, Kia wrinkles her nose, but in the end shakes her head.

"No, I do not. This is my best option, for the time being. I am currently… between jobs."

Her words provoke a wide grin from the Asari, and she steps forward, placing a hand on Kia's arm.

"It just so happens that the flat I'm renting has an extra room in it. An extra room perfectly designed for a Quarian roommate. I WAS going to have to pay a boatload of credits to get all of that extra equipment and stuff removed so it could be used by someone else… but why do that when I can just have you take it off my hands instead?"

For a moment, Kia doesn't really understand what's being said. Even when the words finally do process, the Quarian can't help but be a little incredulous.

"You… want me to come live with you?"

The Asari just nods, still grinning.


She pops the 'p' expressively, and Kia finds her eyes drawn to those pouty, full, likely-modded lips for a moment. D-Damn it, was she actually considering this?

"I can't… I could never afford it, sorry."

The Asari just scoffs and waves a hand dismissively.

"I wouldn't dream of charging you any more than you're already paying for this shithole. I make plenty of money myself, I don't necessarily NEED a roommate… but you'd honestly be doing me a favor, making it so I didn't have to dismantle that Quarian Clean Room in my place. Hell, you'd be SAVING me money if you took my offer."

It was too good to be true, and Kia knew there was a catch here somewhere… she just didn't know what kind of game the Asari was trying to play, at least right now. Before she can formulate some other sort of polite denial, the Asari leans in a little closer, smirking easily.

"Do you want to know more about my enhancements or not?"

The words send a sudden jolt through Kia. Obviously, she understood that taking the Asari up on her offer would get her in the door that much quicker in figuring out what sorts of mods and implants she was using, but even still, to have it laid out like that before her… perhaps Kia was desperate, because in the end, she finds herself swallowing thickly and nodding.

"F-Fine. I'll be your roommate."

The answering smile she gets is tinged with enough wicked delight that Kia knows the Asari is going to try something. She just doesn't know what it is yet.

"Wonderful! The name is Diine Kyaeri! And you are?"

The Asari, or as she now knows, Diine, sticks out a hand to shake, which Kia does, even as she gives her answer.

"… Kia'Ronis…"

"Beautiful name~ We're going to have SO much fun together, Kia."

She's already dreading this… but also somewhat looking forward to it as well. Conflicted as all hell, the Quarian collects the few things she has to her name and follows Diine to her apartment, wondering just where this path will ultimately take her.


A week later, and Kia could honestly say she knew exactly what Diine had intended for her. The Quarian had NOT been prepared for the Asari's lifestyle, not one bit. It should have been obvious though, and maybe it was. Maybe she'd simply been… fooling herself, willfully ignoring what was staring her right in the damn face. Put bluntly, her new Asari roommate wasn't just a slut, she was a whore.

That should have been obvious from what Kia peeped in on that night at the rat's nest she'd been staying in before, but she'd managed to trick herself into thinking it was a one-time thing, or something like that. Obviously, it wasn't. You didn't get the kind of mods, or as Diine called them, enhancements, without NEEDING them for something.

Except… Kia wasn't a whore. She didn't think she was a slut either. She was interested in body modding as… as a hobby, that's right. She didn't want to sell her body, or anything like that. She didn't. And yet, Diine took every opportunity she could to tease Kia, to provoke her and to play with her. It wasn't a single day that went by where she wasn't groped or pinched or molested through her suit.

At least Diine didn't invade her room at all. And to be fair, the clean room was indeed real, completely outfitted for a Quarian to live in, and a sight better than the 'clean room' that she'd been using back at the rat's nest. Put bluntly, it was better than Kia should have been able to afford, but true to her word, Diine wasn't making the Quarian pay more than a pittance to live there.

That couldn't last forever though, not just because one day Kia expected Diine to ask for more, but because even at the current rate, her savings were going to run out soon. She needed a job, she needed to find work… but that was easier said than done in a place like this. At least, reputable work was hard to come by. Irreputable work… that was a dime a dozen. But Kia had her standards. She wasn't going to do anything truly illegal.

Even still, there was no denying that her Asari roommate was slowly but surely wearing her down, and the more time went by, the more Kia's money troubles grew to become a problem at the forefront of her mind. Until finally…

"So… I'm having a couple of friends over tonight for some fun, if you get my drift. Mm, you're welcome to join us, but I imagine that you'll be locking yourself in your room again, darling?"

Before Kia can think better of it, she's blurting out a response that shocks them both into silence.

"Twenty percent!"

There's a weighty pause, and then Diine looks over at her curiously.


Biting her lower lip, Kia refuses to back down.

"I get twenty percent of whatever you make tonight… and no one touches me beneath the suit. I can't afford to get sick."

Now Diine is interested. Turning all of her attention towards the Quarian, she peers at Kia searchingly, and honestly, Kia has never been happier to have a face mask that obfuscates her expression in this moment. All she has to do is not back down.

"Oh ho, you really are full of surprises. Still, twenty percent is a bit steep, especially if you're not even up for grabs. Let's say five, shall we?"


Kia's immediate rejoinder has Diine's smile widening.



Twenty WAS too much, but Kia knows to shoot for the stars, because if nothing else, you're liable to land on a starship. They shake on it, with Diine grinning the entire while.

"Oh, this is going to be fun, my dear. Though, we will have to come up with a reason for why you're there, but off-limits. Mm, I think I've got an idea. You're going to LOVE it."

Kia is sure she won't, but she's also not going to talk back. She needs these credits, and afterwards, she can figure something out. This is just… just a one-time thing. She won't let herself become this desperate, not ever again.


A few hours later, Kia is beginning to regret her life choices. Collared and shackled to the wall of the apartment like some art piece, the Quarian can do nothing but remain where she is as the doorbell ring and Diine hops up to get it. Into the apartment walk two Batarians, the 'friends' that Diine was waiting for. The moment they see Kia, their interested is piqued, but Diine is quick to respond.

"She's not for sale, boys. You can look and touch, but no damaging the merchandise, understand me?"

"Well, well. Moving up in the world, are we Diine? From whore to slaver…"

The Batarians sound mocking as they walk over to where Kia is stood, but Diine doesn't seem to mind it, laughing it up, even as they run their hands over the Quarian's body none-too-gently. Still, they don't make any effort to expose her skin or anything like that, so Kia bears with it, her moaning modulated as the Batarians play with her covered form for a moment.

"Don't be silly. I'm still one hundred percent a whore. This is just my new roomie. She likes to watch, the little voyeuristic slut. I'm teaching her a lesson about peeping, you see?"

The Batarians chuckle at that, and then turn away from her and back to Diine, getting down to business. Kia isn't all that surprised. She might be exotic and erotic in her shackled pose, but Diine? The Asari is everything she finds herself wanting to be, at least physically. The body mods put the blue-skinned alien on a whole other level, one that Kia couldn't hope to match without such modifications of her own.

Regardless, the skimpy clothing that Diine is wearing quickly comes off as the two Batarians get what they came for, mouths and hands roving over her voluptuous, curvaceous blue form. The Asari moans and mewls expressively, her own hands deftly moving down their fronts, slipping apart belt buckles, moving into pants.

Their cocks come out in moments, but the four-eyed aliens seem content to let her give them both handjobs for the moment, as they continue to suckle at her tits and lick at her neck. Eventually though, Diine is pushed down to her knees, and the dual blowjob begins as she bobs up and down on one cock and then the other like the professional whore she is, swallowing them whole without any difficulty and without any visible gagging that Kia can see.

They're soon cumming all over her, but the Batarians clearly came prepared, because their cocks don't grow soft for even a moment as Diine stands up and bends over the back of their couch, shaking her big fat blue booty in their direction. Soon enough, she's being DPed in her cunt, two cocks sawing in and out of the stretchy, elastic hole. Then, one of the Batarians moves up to her ass, and Diine is moaning profusely as she gets fucking plowed in both holes, no end in sight.

They fuck her through what looks like multiple orgasms, both on Diine's part and the part of the Batarians. But whatever drug they took doesn't last forever, no sir. While they keep up with Diine for what feels like hours, in the end, they're left exhausted, and the blue-skinned Asari is the one left standing. Once she gets them up on their feet, she gets her payment and sees them both out. Then, only once the customers are gone does, she move over to where Kia is still shackled and collared up against the wall.

One might think the Quarian would be very tired of standing there like that in one place for so long, but to be perfectly honest, Kia wasn't even feeling it. She'd been too entranced, watching the three of them go at it, that she'd let the time slip her by without even realizing it. As Diine steps up to her and reaches down, Kia goes still. The Asari's palm grinds into her cunt, and even through her sealed suit, they can both tell how WET she is.

"You're such a little slut, Kia."

A whimper exits Kia's throat as she bites her lower lip.

"Say it… say it and the money is yours."

Blushing profusely, the Quarian hangs her head.

"I-I'm a little slut…"

Diine lets out a delighted giggle and unshackles Kia from the wall. Then, she hands the Quarian a full twenty percent of the cut, rendering her speechless for a moment.

"… T-This is…"

"It's exactly what we agreed upon. No more, no less. Pleasure doing business with you, my slutty, whorish roommate."

And like that, Diine leaves, ostensibly to go clean up. And Kia is left standing there, holding the credits, realizing that the Asari is right. She is a whore now, isn't she? Even if she didn't actually let them do anything to her beyond some groping, that doesn't change the fact that she took money for it… she's as much a slutty whore as Diine now.


It was finally happening. Kia could hardly believe it, could hardly believe she was doing this. But she was, and there was no backing out now. Diine had set it up of course, the Asari Whore finding the 'perfect person' to be Kia's first client, or so she'd said. All Kia knew was that she would be… hosting a human mercenary by the name of Tanner, and nothing else.

Well, she also knew that he was clean and of an even temperament, at least. Diine had made sure of both, and honestly, despite the Asari's lifestyle and general slutty attitude, Kia trusted her with this sort of thing. Diine had been there for her when no one else had, so for that alone, Kia felt like she could put some faith in the Asari Whore.

That didn't mean she was completely absent of nerves, however. Sitting in her clean room wearing an extremely perverted version of a normal Quarian Jumpsuit, Kia had never felt more exposed. She was wearing her hood, but not the glass mask that went along with it, leaving her face completely exposed. On top of that, where her chest plate would be there was nothing, leaving her beautiful light-purple tits and her toned, firm abdomen on full display.

This absence of a jumpsuit ended for a brief moment at her waist, giving her something akin to a belt of skin-compressing suit material, followed by another massive hole in the suit that basically showed off her navel, her cunt lips, her thighs, and went all the way back around to expose her light-purple derriere to the world.

There was no denying that wearing this kind of outfit out in public would likely get her killed by pathogens by the end of the day, if not dragged into a back alley and raped silly, speeding up the process by quite a lot. But wearing it for the purposes of whorish activities while within the sanctity of her clean room… well, that was just fine, even if she did still feel embarrassed that another living being was going to see her like this.

And judging by the monitor she was staring at, had been staring at for the last five minutes, Tanner was almost through. He was currently going through the cleaning process, and any moment now he would step through the airlock of her clean room and be with her in all his naked, freshly sterilized glory. Biting her lower lip, Kia squirms a little in her seat. She's not sure she's ready for this. She's really not. But… there's no backing out now.

The airlock's inner door slides open at that thought, and her first ever client steps through, giving Kia a bit of a shock. She knew he was human, and she knew he was a mercenary who was successful enough to be able to afford her prices. But beyond that… well, she certainly hadn't expected him to be quite so muscular. He wasn't necessarily handsome per say, the scars on his face made sure of that, but he did have a dangerous quality to him that Kia couldn't help but admire.

But it wasn't his muscles that truly drew her eye. It was the lines of silver that crossed his naked form, and the very obvious cybernetic eye in his skull. Tanner wasn't just a human mercenary. He was a human mercenary riddled with cybernetic enhancements, likely combat oriented. He was… exactly what she hoped to be herself one day.

As Kia sits there, completely derailed from her planned introduction and just sort of staring at him, slightly slack jawed, Tanner takes a step forward and looks her up and down, admiring her.

"Very nice. I like what I see… and from the look of things, so do you. That's good, great even. I've been wanting to get with a Quarian chick for a while now."

His words pull her out of her internal musings, and Kia flushes slightly in embarrassment as she realizes her lapse. Rising from her seat and making sure to flaunt as much of her half-naked form as she can, just the way Diine taught her, she forces a smile onto her face and tries to be as fluid and seductive and sultry as possible as she gestures towards a nearby decanter and glasses.

"Thank you for your patronage. Can I offer you a drink, sir?"

Tanner cocks his head to the side at that, but ultimately nods. His eyes, both the cybernetic one and the real one, track her as she walks over, and Kia can't help but shiver under his gaze, even as she fills up a glass with some of the earth whiskey that Diine had gotten for her. When she brings it over to him, the mercenary takes it from her hand, and then reaches out and runs a hand up into the inside of her hood, sliding it across her ear and then atop her head.

Kia freezes up at the touch, leaning into it a little and trying not to let combat instincts ingrained from her own years as a mercenary take over and cause her to attack her first ever client. Equally so, she has to bite down on the urge to resist when he slowly begins to push down atop her head without a word, clearly intent on forcing her to her knees.

Down to her knees the Quarian goes on her digitigrade legs, shortly finding herself eye level with Tanner's big, fat cock. Which, she'd noticed when he walked in was larger than most humans, she'd dealt with in the past but had sort of ignored in favor of the cybernetics. However, only now does Kia realize just how far those cybernetics go. Tanner's dick looks like a normal human erection on the outside… but the veins are glowing beneath the skin, and both his cock and balls are just undeniably larger than she would ever have thought possible for a human.

When she looks up at him questioningly, Tanner just smirks, sipping his whiskey with one hand while holding her head in place with the other.

"Not all of my upgrades are… combat oriented, love. I'm going to rock your world, tonight."

Kia's flush turns into an all-out blush at that declaration, but even as she returns her attention to his dick, she doesn't for one moment doubt that veracity of his words. Swallowing thickly, the Quarian opens wide, and upon doing so, finds herself guided down his cock by the hand atop her head, fingers laced into her hair.

"That's it… take it all you naughty little Quarian whore…"

Kia's eyes flicker at that, but she knows she has no right to feel indignation at the designation. It's true, she is a Quarian whore now. Even a naughty little one, if that's what he wants to call her. He is the client, after all. Settling in, Kia focuses on doing the best she can to make the blowjob pleasurable. But of course, he's far too big for her to handle, and he also has no interest in taking things slow, it seems.

His hand atop Kia's head moves her back and forth methodically along his member, forcing her to take him deeper and deeper into her mouth and eventually down the back of her throat as he goes, all the while still drinking the whiskey, she'd given him. It's inevitable, eventually Kia finds herself choking and gagging and even gurgling around the cybernetically-enhanced mercenary's big fat dick, her saliva and slobber coating it and tears welling up in her eyes.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Oh yeah, that's the fucking stuff. Look at me while I choke you on my dick, alright? I want your eyes up here the entire time."

Tanner knocks back the rest of the whiskey and grunts, setting aside the empty glass and reaching down to pull her hood completely off of her head. Kia does the best she can to stare up at him with watery glowing purple eyes, even as he takes her head in both of his hands and begins to truly saw in and out of her throat, pistoning in and out of her esophagus with his massive, enhanced member.


He's brutal and altogether relentless in his treatment of her, but honestly, it's doing it for her more than Kia would care to admit. Being treated this roughly by a man with this much cybernetics? It was… well, she was certainly wet, that was for sure, dripping her pussy juices onto the floor of the clean room, even as she was summarily skull-fucked right there on the spot.

Luckily, Tanner didn't last long before he came. Of course, beyond a simple grunt, Kia was given no warning of his impending release. Instead, one moment she was deep-throating his member, and the next she was choking on his seed. The white, hot, viscous ejaculate explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, making an utter mess of her face as she gurgles hopelessly around his length.

Pulling out, Tanner chuckles at the sheer ruined mess he's made of her face. Then, he uses his grip on her hair to pull her up to her feet again and spins her around.

"Going to fuck you now, darling. Hope you're ready."

He doesn't bother bending her over a nearby surface, like her desk or her bed. No, showing off just how much extra strength his cybernetic enhancements give him, Tanner proceeds to pick Kia up, right then and there, and folds her into a full nelson. The Quarian only has a moment to realize what's happening, as his arms, corded with muscle, slip up under her legs and his hands wrap behind her head, his fingers interlacing against her neck.

Then, he's dropping her down onto his cock, and Kia finds herself squealing like the whore that she's become, her cries orgasmic and loud as he fucks her right then and there on the spot, bouncing her up and down on his cock. The sheer amount of strength that he would need to do something like this… well, she could imagine a Krogan manhandling her into position and then fucking her like this, but Kia herself is no slouch. She's fit and toned and has her own fair share of muscle on her, and she can't imagine any unenhanced human managing to take her in this position.

With his cybernetics, however, Tanner proves quite capable of doing just that, his utterly massive cock splitting her wide open and plunging up into her depths time and time again as he bounces her on his dick without stopping, without pausing for even a moment. Her cunt is stretched out around his massive girth, even as it grips and squeezes down along his length. Her cervix is quickly battered open by his unrelenting barrage, and she soon finds herself further falling down onto his cock, until his ball sack is slapping up into her clit with every last thrust.

It is… a lot more than Kia was ever expecting. She figured she'd probably be asked to do some fellatio, and she figured she'd probably get fucked on the bed. She'd been ready for a number of the more basic positions, such as on her back, or on all fours, or even on top if the client wanted her to ride them and do all the work. She'd been ready for all of that.

She was NOT ready for this. But in a good way, if that made sense. Because at the end of the day, Kia was having the time of her life. Her eyes were going crossed from the pleasure, and her tongue was sticking straight out of her open mouth as she moaned wantonly. Orgasm after orgasm rippled through her body, and she couldn't stop spasming and shaking and trembling as he fucked her in the full nelson, her tits jiggling all over the place and her legs bouncing up and down as well as she simply hangs onto his biceps with her own hands for dear life.

"Fuck yeah, you needy Quarian slut! Take it! Take it, take it, take it!"

He slams her all the way down onto his cock three times, punctuating each of his 'take its' with a fresh thrust, until finally, with a roar of triumph, the human mercenary begins to unload inside of her. Kia's eyes go wide at this, and then promptly roll back in her head as it just… keeps… coming. His load down her gullet had been one thing, and her face and tits were still stained in a rather humiliation fashion with that release.

But it was as if his second release nearly doubled that one in size. It was as if she was being filled to the point of bursting. It had Kia orgasming explosively in response one last time on Tanner's cock, the human mercenary's length pulsing inside of her as he unloaded his jizz. Eventually though, he finishes up and she comes down from her pleasure high. With a grunt, Tanner pulls her off his cock and drops her face down onto her bed.

"That was some good shit, whore. I'll make sure to come back again soon."

Kia can hardly wait, but she also knows she's going to need a lot more clients than just him if she wants to be able to afford her own cybernetics eventually. Pushing herself up onto her hands, she looks over at the human mercenary as he waits by the airlock door of the clean room to leave.

"Tell… t-tell your friends…"

Looking over at her, Tanner grins wickedly.

"Oh, I will. And I'm sure some of 'em will be enticed too."

And with that, he's gone. Kia bites her lower lip, even as Diine enters the clean room soon after he's departed, almost immediately after he would have gotten dressed and left in fact. The Asari helps Kia over to her shower so that she can get Tanner's spunk out of and off of her, talking about this or that, just sort of nattering on. Kia appreciates it though, she appreciates the aftercare, because she expects she's certainly never going to get any from the men who pay to use her body to their heart's content.

That's okay though, these aren't relationships… they're transactions. So long as she keeps that in mind, Kia is sure that she can do this. Now that she's had her first client, she knows she can handle whatever life throws at her.


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Looking for something Original from me to read? Check out The Soul Engine!

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