Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Another Way (Harry Potter)

A/N: Another Way was originally a commissioned story in two parts written from January to February of 2019. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Lily makes a deal with a demon to save her son's life. A small snap-shot of what happens as a result of this.

Themes: Demonic Deals, Rough Sex, Breeding


"… I'm going out…"

James' voice, quiet and weak, barely reaches Lily's ears as blood thunders in them. Still, she nods all the same from her place curled up on an armchair, nursing a glass of firewhisky and staring into their home's roaring fireplace. The door opens and shuts a moment later, and James leaves. Lily, meanwhile, remains lost in what could have been.

A decade and a half. A decade and a half is how long it feels like she's been living on borrowed time. And to be fair, the red head is at least partially right to think that. In one timeline, Lily Evans Potter died at the end of Lord Voldemort's wand, the last thing she'd ever see being the bright, sickly green glow of the killing curse. But in that timeline, she'd found an ancient blood curse, one that she used to protect her son at the cost of herself, one that would foil Voldemort for quite some time, giving Harry a chance to grow old enough and strong enough to defeat the Dark Lord once and for all.

However, that was not this timeline. In this timeline, Lily hadn't managed to come across the blood curse. Instead, bereft of anything else to do in order to save her son, the muggleborn witch had used an ancient summoning ritual to bring forth a very powerful demon. She'd made a deal with that demon, offering up her eternal soul so that it would protect James and Harry.

The demon had agreed, though at the time, Lily hadn't understood the true costs, she hadn't fully comprehended what the demon was getting out of this. Still, it held up its end of the bargain. When Voldemort attacked that Halloween Night, Lily and James had been caught completely off guard, believing themselves safe underneath the Fidelius Charm.

James had told her to get Harry and run, so that's what Lily had done. This meant she wasn't entirely sure what happened between James and Voldemort, since she hadn't been there for the fight, but as far as she could tell, the Dark Lord had hit her husband with a killing curse, but the demon had done its duty in saving James' life. If… if the shell of a man she'd been with these last fifteen years could even be called living.

Sapped of much of his energy and vitality, James had become weak in magic and body, leaving him nothing more than a piece of his former self, nothing more than a weak-willed version of the man she'd fallen in love with. Lily had stayed with him out of obligation more than anything else, but whatever was between them all those years ago was long dead by now.

Regardless, when Voldemort had gotten passed James and made it up to the nursery, he'd confronted Lily, only to end up obliterated in moments by the demon. The look of shock on the snaky, smarmy bastard's face as the demon tore him a new one right after he tried to spare her in exchange for her son's life had been so very satisfying.

Unfortunately, that satisfaction had died almost as quick a death as Voldemort when the demon she'd summoned then turned to her and told her it was time to pay the price. Lily hadn't known what was coming in that moment, but she'd known better than to defy the creature she'd made a deal with when her baby boy was right there in striking distance.

Kissing Harry goodbye, tears in her eyes, Lily had taken the demon's hand, only to find out that the deal she'd made wasn't nearly as clear-cut as she'd thought it to be. Rather than pulling her away into another dimension to torture her for all eternity or something like that, the demon had… flowed INTO her for lack of a better word.

She belonged to it… and it made that very clear when it took up residence in her body, allowing it to experience a mortal life right alongside her. Lily hadn't expected to survive. She didn't think she would get to continue living on after sacrificing her soul to the demon. She'd done it to protect James and Harry… but that wasn't how things panned out.

In the present, the beautiful young red head looks from the fire to her firewhisky, and then knocks back what's left of the drink in her glass, swallowing it down and barely feeling the burn as it slides down her throat. She was… she was younger than she should have been at this point. Sure, witches aged slower than wizards, but Lily knew exactly what was happening to her. Early on in their new living arrangements, the demon had explained.

It was the demon's presence that had had such an effect on her body over the years, keeping her as young as the day it took up residence within her, as well as very fit. On top of that, her breasts had not deflated in post-pregnancy as they should have, but actually grown in size, while also continuing to lactate to this day, fifteen years later.

It wasn't all bad or difficult to explain though. She was stronger, faster, and smarter than any normal human, even magical humans. People just assumed this had a lot to do with how she stopped Voldemort, given she was the Woman-Who-Won and what not. The Wizarding World did so love their hyphenated titles after all.

Unfortunately, she was also horny quite a lot, and James was in no condition to satisfy her, leaving her to take care of her own needs all this time. Like right now… she wanted to be fucked, if she was being honest. But James had gone out, probably for the best… and that just left Lily to take care of herself, as usual. Sliding one hand down into her pants, the red head's breath hitches as she begins to touch herself.

As has become the norm in recent times, there's no voice in the back of her head to egg her on. Early in their relationship, the demon had always been there, always eager to see her give in to her lusts, her desires, her perversions. It'd stoked the flames in her core and pushed her to greater and greater heights. But in the last half of a decade, the voice had grown quiet, distant, and not always there.

Lily wanted to think that was a good thing, but in a way, she did miss it. And as she touches herself now, she finds her fingers altogether lacking, especially without the voice to egg her on. With a disgruntled growl, the beautiful ageless red head pulls her fingers away from her moist cunt and stands up, tossing the empty glass to the side.

She needs… she needs a man. She needs a COCK. Without even realizing what she's doing, Lily's fingers work at the buttons on her top. She pulls the night shirt off of her body, her breasts bouncing free, each nipple capped off by a small enchanted round cap designed to collect and store the breast milk that was ALWAYS leaking from her teats. Next go her pants, kicked off her feet without any consideration.

Lily doesn't even realize she's walking through their home naked until she reaches the door leading to the only occupied room in the house. Because of course, she's not entirely… alone. Lily's green eyes are wide as she stares down at the doorknob in her hand, and for a moment, she tries to fight it… but there's no point in the end. The doorknob turns, and Lily Evans Potter steps into her son's room to find him waiting there for her, just as naked as she is.

"Hello Mother…"

His deep voice resonates with something deep in Lily's soul, and she shudders even as she endeavors to hold her head high, looking her son right in his equally green eyes.


He's just a boy… or he should be. But Harry is far from the baby boy she gave her soul for, and far from the child he should have been even now. A decade and a half later, and Harry was twice the man his father was at this point, both physically and magically. With broad shoulders and long legs and muscles etched into every bit of his body, he was like a male Adonis… and in that moment, Lily realizes what's happened, the veil finally lifted from over her eyes as she looks upon her son and understands what's been done to him.

"The demon…"

Harry smiles slightly at that, and his green eyes flash as a voice familiar to BOTH of them speaks into their minds.

That's right, dear Lily. Harry and I have been such good friends for such a long time now. Giving me access to your soul… dear, dear girl. Did you think that you were worth the lives of your son and husband alone? No… but the thought of being able to get close to the subject of a prophecy like Harry… oh, that was too delicious to pass up.

"It's alright, Mother. Everything has already been explained. I know what you did for me… just as I know it's not over yet. Voldemort is still out there, and I still have to stop him. Or at least, pieces of him. But I've been prepared, and thanks to you and our friend, I'm ready to fulfill my destiny."

And then he steps forward, and Lily KNOWS she should step back, KNOWS she should run… but she doesn't. She doesn't stop Harry from taking her by the hand and pulling her all the way into his room, she doesn't stop him from closing the door behind her. And she certainly doesn't stop him from kissing her for several long moments, their tongues intertwining as Harry gives her the best damn snogging of her life.

When they pull back, Harry smiles almost gently, but there's also a certain wicked edge to his emerald eyes.

"But first, I must honor thy mother… and it's been so long since you were honored, hasn't it?"

Lily swallows thickly… and just nods. Harry smiles, and a moment later, big strong hands have gripped her ass cheeks and lifted her off the ground. The red head instinctively grabs onto the closest thing, which is of course Harry. Her legs wrap around his trunk-like waist and her hands grab at his firm shoulders as he turns around and carries her to his bed.

He lays her out across it almost gently, and a moment later he's over her as he lays his massive cock down on her gushing wet cunt lips, running his length back and forth along her slit. Lily's mouth opens, perhaps to say that they couldn't be doing this or something like that… but no words come out. Her breath hitches instead, and then she moans as Harry, without pause, slides his member inch by inch into his own mother's cunt, spreading apart her pussy lips with his sheer girth alone.

Lily's face contorts in pleasure, her jaw dropped and her mouth wide open. She moans, and she mewls, and she shivers as Harry fills her up in a way no man has done for fifteen years. He buries himself deep inside of her, deeper than her fingers or any toy she's ever bought has managed to get. A full body shudder goes through the beautiful ageless red head as her son begins to fuck her. Her massive, muscular, Adonis of a son.


His cock fills her again and again, and all Lily can do is lay back and take it. He fucks her, and he fucks her nice and hard, thrusting deep inside of her quim, pounding against her cervix time and time again. He's going to end up fucking her womb directly at this point, but Lily? Lily can't bring herself to mind all that much. Nor does she mind when Harry flicks off the little caps on each of her nipples before ruthlessly squeezing her breasts, causing streams of breast milk to squirt out of them.

He lowers his mouth over one and drinks long and deep, his teeth nipping at her teat and his lips suctioned around her nipple. Lily's green eyes very nearly roll back in her head at that, and she climaxes hard around his thrusting cock, even as he looks up at her while he drinks, his own emerald eyes filled with something almost… monstrous.

When he pulls back and mauls both her breasts with his hands while fucking her even harder than before, he also begins to explain.

"I'm not just Harry anymore, Mother. Our friend and I have merged now. We weren't sure which of us we wanted at first, but as time went on, it became clear that I, Harry, would be our ultimate vessel. And you… you, my dear Mother… will be my first concubine. You will bare my children, and you will assist me in gathering up more witches to my side, more women to breed and give birth to my babes. Do you understand?"

Lily's eyes are rolling around in her head at this point as she moans wantonly, but amusingly enough, she DOES understand. She understands quite clearly what Harry and the demon that he's merged with are saying. And yet… and yet, she can't bring herself to be horrified or disgusted. This isn't some sort of mental break, or brainwashing. Lily retains her wits about her, even as she looks up into her beloved son's glowing green eyes and reaches out to brush her thumb across his cheek and caress his face.

She loves him, and she always will. That won't ever change, and the woman who sacrificed her soul to a demon to save her son isn't going to deny that son what he deserves now. Every doting, loving mother is likely to say at one point in their life that their offspring deserves the world.

Lily though? Lily believes it. And as Harry groans and begins to cum inside of her, his seed filling her womb, the beautiful red head cries out, climaxing hard as her inner walls milk her son for every last bit of his seed, until there's not a single drop that isn't filling her womb to the utter brim. Once he's done, Harry leans over her and kisses her, and Lily's tongue intertwines with his as she reciprocates.

When they pull back, Lily stares up into Harry's eyes.

"James won't understand."

It's a simple statement of fact, and one that Harry acknowledges with a nod.

"No, he won't… but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, all that matters is you, me… and our future child."

His hand brushes across her abdomen, right over the womb where his sticky, hot cum still sits. Lily shudders… and then smiles a blissful smile of pure, unadulterated happiness and satisfaction. The first time she's felt truly satisfied in an awfully long time.


He's fucking her again when he drops the next bomb shell.

"Voldemort is not fully gone, mother."

Lily's eyes snap open at that, and she looks up to meet her son's eyes, staring at him. The handsome young man that the demon she made a deal with has turned her baby boy into looks back down at her, even as he buries his amazing length inside of her, again and again and again. Lily can't help but moan, though the confusion is evident in her voice.

"W-What? What do you mean, Harry?"

Her oh-so-serious son lets out a sigh and shakes his head. At the same time, he reaches up and tweaks a nipple, causing Lily's back to arch as she experiences another mind-blowing orgasm. But at this point, mind-blowing orgasms are a dime a dozen… there's just no end to them, and Lily has mostly adjusted to that by this point, the red head having grown accustomed to her son's big, fat dick.

At the same time, she's well aware that she's undeniably pregnant by now. Her belly is bloated as if she's already a few months along, and that's just from the amount of seed Harry has deposited in her alone.

"Our friend could not fully remove the Dark Lord from this world all the way back then because Voldemort had dabbled in magics that tore his sole into several different pieces and kept him tethered to this plane. That is why I have been chosen to become the ultimate vessel, mother. It is my destiny to destroy Voldemort once and for all. After all, there's a prophecy, is there not?"

Lily bites her lower lip at that, lust and arousal warring with worry in her mind. She's thoroughly enjoying the good, hard dicking that her beloved son is giving her, and her body and mind are both awash with pleasure. But hearing all of this…

"I never w-wanted that for you, Harry…"

She truly hadn't. She'd made a deal with the devil specifically because she didn't want that. But now… now what was she to do? Harry was right. There was a prophecy, and it seemed he was fated to fulfill it. It certainly wasn't going to be poor Neville; the boy was an utter mess…

"We very rarely get what we want, mother. But that does not mean we have to play fair. Voldemort will return, and when he does, I will have prepared for his arrival."

Lily bites her lip again, but this time it's more from lust than worry, a lot more. Just hearing him and his commanding tone, hearing how in control Harry is… it turns the red head on more than she can properly express. With another throaty moan, Lily cums along Harry's thrusting cock, shaking and quivering beneath her son.

"However, in order to enact my plans… I can not stay as I am now."

That gets her attention again though, and she looks at Harry with confusion on her face. He looks back at her with something approaching sorrow, but also resolve.

"Harry? I don't… I don't know what you mean."

There's a pause, and then he speaks.

"In order to fulfill your deal, our friend sacrificed much to save my life… and that of my father's. By choosing me as it's ultimate vessel, it regained the power it wasted on me. However, the only thing keeping James alive at this point… is the power I need to defeat Voldemort once and for all."

Lily stares up at Harry. He never stops fucking her of course, even as they have this all-too-important conversation. She hears him and understands what he's saying, but honestly?


Harry looks briefly surprised at that, and Lily flushes with a small amount of shame. But then she brushes it aside, the guilt of what she's just so casually agreed to. Reaching up, she pulls Harry down into a deep, tongue-filled kiss. When they pull apart, she looks him right in the eye.

"James has been living on borrowed time for a long while now, Harry… I think even he knows it. Do what you must, understand me?"

Harry grunts, and begins to cum again. Lily's eyes roll back in her head, and she orgasms explosively as his seed paints her insides for the umpteenth time. All was well, all was right… and in the end, Lily more than anyone knew that sometimes… sacrifices had to be made.


Narcissa Malfoy wasn't sure what to make of the Boy-Who-Lived. Ever since his father's death, he'd been taking the wizarding world by storm. Sitting his OWLS and NEWTS years early, and passing every single one with flying colors just so he could take his title as Lord and his seat in the Wizengamot? It was surprising, and also new… and Narcissa knew that large portions of the wizarding world did not like new. Having this… boy manage to do in six months what usually took so many wizards and witches many years to accomplish had pissed off more than a few people.

It had even upset her husband, though Lucius didn't show it outwardly. No, rather than blowing up or acting visibly upset, the Lord Malfoy found other ways to be petty. Such as sending Narcissa to treat with the young Lord, rather than arranging a meeting between equals. Regardless, here Narcissa was, empowered to act somewhat independently on her husband's behalf.

When James still lived, the Potters had remained at Godric's Hollow. After his death, the new young Lord had moved himself and his mother back into the mansion that generations of Potters, James included, had been raised in for centuries. It was actually seen as a good move by many Purebloods, though Harry Potter had managed to offend even those in other ways with his actions. And his mudblood of a mother would always be a black mark against him.

Regardless, it meant that Narcissa was sitting in a well-furnished parlor in the comfort she was accustomed to, rather than in some small little cottage. It pleased the woman, at least a bit. Even if the boy had been making her wait for ages now. Honestly, who did this little shit think he wa-

The door suddenly opens and Harry James Potter walks in, Narcissa's thoughts cutting off quite abruptly as she lays eyes upon him. Obviously, she'd seen him more than enough in the paper. The Daily Prophet had milked James' death and the events that had proceeded it for all it was worth, and there hadn't been a day that had gone by in the first few weeks where Harry Potter hadn't graced the front page of the magical newspaper.

But pictures, even magical ones, didn't do the man justice. Because now that she was face to face with him for the first time, Narcissa couldn't possibly think of this… of this picture of masculinity as anything but a man. He certainly wasn't a boy.

"Lady Malfoy. Thank you for meeting with me."

And then there's his voice. Narcissa's eyes widen slightly and her heart pounds in her chest as his deep, dark tones caress her earlobes before sliding into her ears directly. She barely remembers to stand and allow him to kiss her knuckles as he approaches with a confident smile on his face. And damn it, of course he's confident, she's probably giving him everything he wants right now.

Bringing herself under control, the Pureblood MILF swallows hard as she sits back down. When the new Lord Potter sits across from her, he makes no attempt to sit properly, instead spreading his legs wide… and showing off a noticeable outline along one of the legs of his pants. Its crass and inappropriate and unbelievably rude, and Narcissa would be fully within her rights to end the meeting right then and there… but she doesn't. And she doesn't stop glancing down at it either, even as they begin to talk.

What follows is small talk that doesn't truly satiate Narcissa, not in any meaningful way. Oh yes, hearing Lord Potter speak is still a pleasure, but she finds herself leaning forward, presenting a view of her cleavage that she thought she would be using to entice him and draw concessions, not that she actually believed she'd be using to try and seduce him solely because he was handsome. There was no substance to their conversation though, and for a master of small talk such as herself, it was odd that this bothered her. But… it did.

Eventually though, Harry simply leans back and cocks an eyebrow into the air.

"Narcissa… you are not well cared for, are you?"

What? Narcissa goes still, eyes wide as she stares at the wizard across from her. What is he talking about? She tries to laugh it off, assuming he's joking or something, or perhaps simply being sarcastic. But then she realizes he's serious, and despite herself, she finds that she wants to know what he's talking about.

"I… that's absurd. What could you possibly mean?"

Harry stands up and Narcissa finds that she's unable to move, as she sits there, watching him approach. He reaches out, and places two fingers under her chin, lifting her head a bit so he can look down at her from a better angle.

"You are dissatisfied, Narcissa Malfoy. You want more… you want what your husband cannot provide you. You want… me."

Narcissa's head is pounding, as is her heart. But his words, the words of this new Lord Potter who looks more like a man than a boy, who despite being several years her junior is so easily taking control of this entire meeting… they resound through her body, through her very sense of being. They resonate within her soul.


"You don't have to say anything, Narcissa. All you have to do, is submit."

The next thing she knows, she has his cock in her mouth. The proud Lady Malfoy can't even properly explain how it happened… or more like, she doesn't want to admit that he just pulled his phallus out and she happily opened up for him. Even though she's continuing to happily suck on it, even now. Slurping and sucking and licking at his dick, Narcissa moans as she worships the Lord Potter's member, eyes going crossed just so she can keep her gaze fixated on it.

It's everything she never knew she wanted, everything she never knew she needed. She loves it, she loves Harry Potter's cock, she loves him. She NEEDS him to be happy with her, to be satisfied with her. She NEEDS him to be in charge, to tell her what to do.

"I'm going to cum soon, Narcissa. You're going to take it all over your face like the good little slut you are when I do, understood?"

She moans incoherently, but nods all the same in agreement, even as Harry grunts and thrusts into her mouth a few times before ultimately pulling back. Acting in an incredibly uncharacteristic and insanely lewd fashion, Narcissa Malfoy tilts her head back and opens her mouth wide, letting her tongue stick out as she takes the ensuing load of cum that ejaculates from Harry's member all over her damn face… like the good little slut she is.

In the aftermath, Narcissa doesn't for a moment regret what she's done. Nor does she feel ashamed or embarrassed. It feels RIGHT to debase herself before this man, to submit to him as he'd said, to prostrate herself before him in… in worship! There are hearts in her eyes as she looks up into Harry's handsome face, and in turn, his emerald green eyes stare back at her for a long moment.

"You want more, don't you?"


"That's too bad. You'll have to earn it. Understood?"

Narcissa swallows, but in the end, there's never any doubt what her response is going to be.

"Anything, my lord. A-Anything."

Harry just smiles, and if she's reminded of another handsome, charismatic Half-Blood that she willingly served once upon a time… well, neither makes any mention of that. In the end, some are born to serve, and some are born to rule. She'd been fooling herself all this time, thinking she belonged in the latter camp.

She would do whatever was necessary to make Lord Potter happy. There was no doubt in Narcissa's mind of that.


"H-Here it is… this is what the Dark Lord gave my husband."

Harry takes the journal from her hands, and Narcissa shivers a bit as their fingers brush against each other. He looks down at it for a moment as it sits in his palm… and then he smacks his other hand down over the cover. Power and magic suddenly whip through the air around her, and Narcissa's eyes go wide as she watches something draw out of the journal, a wretched sort of scream filling her ears as the Lady Malfoy whimpers in pain.

And then, just like that, it's done. The magic in the room dies down, though she can still feel the hairs on her skin lifting from the sensation. But the journal… the journal is silent.

"What… w-what was that?"

She doesn't even realize the words have come out of her mouth until Harry looks at her and answers with a grim smile, tossing the journal aside in the process.

"That was a piece of your dear Dark Lord, Narcissa. And now it is nothing but a journal. And you… you my dear, have earned your reward."

She's bent over the nearest surface in moments, and as his cock buries itself in her sopping wet cunt from behind, filling her up and then beginning to thrust in and out of her, all thought of what it meant that she'd just given him a piece of Voldemort's soul very quickly flees Narcissa's mind. She's too busy cumming her brains out and being a good little slut to care about that for long.

All that matters is Lord Potter's cock.


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