Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Potter Family Library (Harry Potter)

A/N: The Potter Family Library is a commissioned one-shot that was originally titled Magical Library World Tour and was supposed to be a multi-part fic. Given it's never going to be continued, I've rebranded it as a one-shot for posting so people can enjoy it as such!

Summary: All of the usual fanfiction cliches regarding Harry and Hermione being under love potions and compulsion charms and breaking free, but also with added monkey sex in the Potter Family Library.

Themes: Rough Sex, Breeding, Weasley Bashing


Hermione furrows her brow, looking down at the goblet of pumpkin juice she's holding rather listlessly in one hand. She should be… happier, right now, right? And to be fair, she is happy. At least, she thinks she's happy. It's her wedding day, after all! She's surrounded by friends and family, by the people she loves. Isn't she?

Looking up, Hermione sees a whole lot of red hair. The Weasley Family surrounds her, all of them talking among themselves, and eating and making merry. Her parents are nowhere to be seen, even though she'd just brought them back from Australia no less than a week ago, with Harry's help. Speaking of Harry, he's also not there, but then neither is Ginny. They must be off cavorting together. That's good… isn't it?

If Ginny and Harry being together is such a good thing, then why does it hurt Hermione's heart so badly? It shouldn't matter what happens between the two of them. She's with Ron now, after all. Her name is now Hermione Weasley. She's his wife. That's… that's a good thing. It certainly seemed like a good thing, when the Weasleys were all telling her how happy she would be if she married Ronald before they all returned to Hogwarts for their missed Seventh Year. She hadn't been able to help but smile and nod along as it went on, as they'd bombarded her from all sides.

But now, nobody at all was paying Hermione any attention. It was HER wedding reception, and yet, she wasn't the focus. The Weasleys were simply treating it like just another family meal, from the look of things. Ron was certainly gorging himself on the food that his mother had lovingly made. Hermione had only eaten a few bits here and there, something about all of this leaving her stomach distinctly unsettled. She… really didn't know what was wrong.

"Ronald! Don't you think it's time that you and Hermione retired to your chambers for the bedding?"

Molly Weasley's somewhat shrill, overly sweet voice filters through Hermione's dulled, dazed senses, and she looks over at Ronald in time to see him looking up from the ham he's doing his best to eat wholesale, his cheeks chipmunked out and stuffed somewhat grotesquely.


His mother's face twists into a smile that Hermione knows quite well by this point, a smile that means the Weasley Matriarch is a few seconds from going full-on bat-shit crazy. She loves Molly, really, she does… or at least she thinks she does. But even through her love for her new Mother-in-Law, Hermione can admit the woman can be a bit of a harridan at times.

Regardless, if Hermione recognizes the look on Molly's face, her new husband, having grown up with it all his life, CERTAINLY does. Ronald quickly drops the ham in his hands, swallows what's already in his mouth, and stands up, not even bothering to clean himself up before he reaches down and grabs Hermione by the hand.

"C'mon 'Mione, let's get this over with."

Rising from her seat in her resplendent white wedding dress, Hermione just smiles and nods. Now that she's being given instruction again by her dear, beloved husband, everything makes much more sense. She just needs to follow Ron to their bedroom, and 'get it over with' as he said. Ron pulls her along rather roughly, but Hermione doesn't mind. She's his wife, after all, and this was just part of a marriage… wasn't it?

They make it to the bedroom, and as soon as the door is closed behind them, Ronald is all over her. Hermione tenses a bit, though she knows not why, when he begins to kiss and paw at her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a caustic voice comments on how he hadn't learned anything at all from snogging Lavender for an entire year, but even though its HER voice, Hermione pushes it down. It wouldn't do to have such terrible thoughts about her beloved husband.

He gropes her and squeezes at her tits, even as he walks her back towards the bed. Without any sort of warning, Hermione finds herself being pushed back onto said mattress, landing with an 'ooph!' as Ronald stands over her. She looks up at him with a bland, dim smile on her face, even as he licks his lips, looking down at her with eyes filled with avarice. His hands go down to his belt and pants, and he begins to work the belt buckle open.

Oddly enough, dread rises in Hermione along with anticipation. She doesn't understand why. This is to be her wedding night, what reason does she have to feel dread oversleeping with Ronald? He's her husband, after all. It's her duty, as Molly had told her, time and time again. It was-

Before Hermione can finish that thought, the door rips open and the entire building shakes as Harry James Potter stands there in the doorway, looking somewhat apocalyptic. Hermione blinks at the sight of him, and at the visible magic swirling off of him in waves. Looking down the hallway behind him, there's a whole lot of male Weasleys laid out on the floor, either groaning or entirely unconscious. What… what was going on?

"Harry?! What the hell do you think you're doing, mate?"

Ron feels the same way it seems, because he spins around with his belt unbuckled and his pants halfway down his legs as he takes in the sight of Harry… only to end up blasted halfway across the room and pinned against the far wall as Harry steps in, snarling in anger.

"You're not my mate, and you never were. I know, Ron. I know what you and your family have tried to do to me and Hermione?"

What? Hermione sits up on the bed, still clad in her wedding dress, and furrows her brow in confusion.

"Harry? What are you saying? Why are you doing all of this?"

Emerald green eyes flicker over to Hermione, and turn somewhat pitying, rather than wrathful as they were before.

"They've been dosing us, Hermione. With love potions. And then, for good measure, they've been layering compulsion charms on us in our sleep, to make sure we obey like good little soldiers. As usual, they looked before they leapt."

With a wave of his hand, Hermione's head is suddenly a LOT clearer, and she knows immediately that not only is Harry right about the potions and the compulsions, he's got enough power in that magic she sees swirling around him to be able to dispel the effects from her, right then and there. For the first time in far too long, Hermione's head is… clear. She and Harry should have stayed in Australia with her parents, to be quite fucking honest, especially after all of the abuse the Wizarding World had layered onto the both of them.

But even before their trip, the Weasleys had been dosing them, and she'd been able to think of nothing but getting back to Ron by the time they brought her parents home. She remembered now that Harry had been the same way, but it seemed something had changed in the last week, something… something had unleashed him in a way that not even Voldemort could lay claim to.

From the other side of the room, restrained against the wall, Ron laughs.

"Y-You're too late, Harry! Hermione is mine now! We're married and everything!"

He's cackling like a fucking Sunday morning cartoon villain. Hermione can scarcely believe her ears. How could she have failed to miss it? Well, the answer was obvious. Fucking potions. Fucking compulsion magic. Just how long had she and Harry been walking through a haze? Looking back, it'd definitely started right after the Battle for Hogwarts. The celebratory feast afterwards, that must have been when Ginny and Ron first dosed Harry and her.

"You're a stupid fucker, Ron. You always have been. Hermione, have you two consummated your marriage yet?"

Blinking, drawn from her inner thoughts, Hermione looks up at Harry and after a moment, shakes her head. He smirks and raises his hand into the air, before clenching it into a fist. Ron screams, and Hermione gasps as something in her chest, something she hadn't even realized was there… loosens and vanishes.

"Then by the power vested in me by fucking magic itself, consider your marriage annulled."

"You fucker! You can't fucking do that! Hermione is mine, you hear me?! SHE'S MINE!"

As Ronald rages impotently against the far wall, Hermione pays him no mind, and neither does Harry. Instead, they only have eyes for each other, as he approaches her. Hermione scoots to the edge of the bed and sits there, her legs dangling off. When Harry kneels down before her and places his hands atop said legs, Hermione's breath hitches, and she blushes prettily.

Behind him, through the door, Hermione can see the Weasleys that aren't yet unconscious banging ineffectually against the magical wall that Harry has blocked them off with. Neither physical nor magical means are seeing them through it. It's just the two of them right now, the rest of the world falling away as Hermione finally realizes, without the love potions and compulsions to cloud her senses, that the man she loves with all her heart is right in front of her… and has been, all along.

"Will you have me, Hermione?"

Hermione blushes an even deeper shade of red as she smiles brilliantly.

"I-I think that should be my line, Harry. If you hadn't… I wasn't even able to break free, on my own. If not for you, I'd be on my back with Ronald's cock inside of me right now."

Something dark flashes across Harry's face at that, and before Hermione knows it, she IS on her back… but not with Ronald leaning over her, pinning her down and huffing away as he humps at her. Instead, it's Harry, and he dips up under her wedding gown, vanishing her knickers before going to town right then and there on her cunt.

Hermione's eyes widen at the sudden intimacy, and her mouth forms into a small o as Harry proceeds to eat her out, drawing moans from her lips. As it turns out, he doesn't just remain happy with eating out her cunt for long though. Before Hermione knows it, his tongue is splitting in half, and after a quick cleaning charm on her back door, one half of that tongue slides right up into her butthole, penetrating her ass.

At the same time, his fingers come up and frig at her clit, and Hermione's moans turn into cries of ecstasy as she reaches down and pushes her wedding dress onto Harry's head, grabbing at his hair through the garment. Her back arches, her eyes very nearly roll back in her head, and the twin-tongue technique that Harry is using quickly overwhelms her as she climaxes so explosively that she's very nearly knocked unconscious by the pleasure.

When she eventually manages to recover from the monstrous orgasm, it's to see Harry waving his hand and making everything that even remotely belongs to her fly through the Weasley home and into an open satchel that he has at his feet. Slowly, Hermione gets up off of the bed and moves over to him, licking her lips.

"Where… where will we go?"

Harry just smiles at her upon seeing that she's immediately on board with leaving. He cocks his head to the side and considers her query for a moment before shrugging.

"Away from here, at least. After that… we'll go anywhere you want, Hermione. Perhaps we'll do a grand tour of every magical library NOT located in Great Britain."

Hermione brightens up considerably at the idea, while Ron sputters and yells out from the side.

"Y-You can't! Hermione, you can't leave me! You're my wife now! This isn't fair! This isn't how it's supposed to go! Ginny was supposed to get Harry, and I was supposed to get you!"

For a moment, Hermione almost pities Ronald Bilius Weasley. For a moment, she sees in him a boy who never grew up, told by his mother that he was entitled to her, or something wild like that. But then the pity dies and pure, unadulterated rage at the red head takes its place. Before Harry can do anything to Ron, Hermione's wand snaps up and she casts a spell that she never thought she'd use, not in a million years.

As the Curse of Impotence takes hold within the restrained, helpless young man forced up against the wall, Ron screams, his body trembling and shuddering and twitching, the full effects of the curse not at all kind on the body as it destroys his ability to have children, to so much as get it up and be able to ejaculate. It's permanent, too… unless Hermione decides to dispel it.

Looking at Ron for a moment as he writhes in pain under Harry's magic, Hermione nods, satisfied, and turns to Harry with a smile.

"Lead the way, Mr. Potter."

Grinning, Harry takes her by the hand and picks up the satchel with her stuff in it.

"Gladly, Ms. Granger."

And like that, they apparate away, leaving the Weasleys behind forevermore. Of course, despite what Harry said, he doesn't take Hermione out of Great Britain immediately. That's just to throw the Weasleys off their trail, something Hermione understands easily enough, now that her exceptionally quick and brilliant mind isn't being dulled by magic and potions.

Their first stop is her parents, letting them know what happened. Harry sets up some very nasty wards around her parents, wards that won't touch muggles, but will almost certainly harm wizards or witches with malicious intent. Then, he and Hermione apparate again, arriving at an unfamiliar place.

"Potter Manor. Specifically, this is the Potter Library."

Hermione's eyes widen at this information, even as she looks around the library. It's beautiful… it's also massive. She's amazed at what she's seeing, at the collection of magical information that Harry's family has collected over the years. And then Harry's arms are wrapped around her waist, and he's holding her close as he murmurs into her ear.

"Hermione… I want to be with you. I love you with all my heart. Will you have me, as I would, have you?"

Spinning around, Hermione takes Harry's face in her hands and pulls him into a deep, passionate, tongue-filled kiss. When they pull apart, she smiles widely at him.

"Oh yes, Harry. I want you. I want you so badly."

This time, without potions or compulsions keeping her complacent and dimwitted, Hermione feels it as the bond forms between them. She feels it in her chest, just as she feels the difference between this and her ill-fated, short-lived marriage to Ronald. It might not be as official as it would need to be in the muggle world, but then, magic changes things. Hermione knows, in that moment, that she and Harry are married in the eyes of magic. And truth be told, that's all she needs to know.

With a low growl, Harry runs his hands up and down Hermione's body.

"I want you, Hermione. I want to put a baby in you, right here, amidst the stacks."

Hermione's breath hitches and she grabs at Harry fiercely, leaning in close.

"Then fucking do it, Harry. Breed me."

Without another word, the two of them vanish their clothes off of themselves. It brings Hermione great pleasure to remove every last trace of the wedding dress the Weasley Family had supplied her with from her body. She'd rather be naked in public than ever be seen wearing something that came from them, ever again. Regardless, once they're naked, Hermione eagerly goes for Harry's cock. She's inexperienced, of course, and completely virginal. But that doesn't stop her from taking hold of his member, wanting to show that she's just as enthusiastic about all of this as he is.

She touches him, and his member responds by growing and lengthening and thickening. Licking her lips as she stares down at his glorious cock, Hermione's eyes begin to widen when… it doesn't stop growing. It gets bigger and bigger, until eventually, it beggars belief. Looking up at Harry, Hermione just stares at him, suddenly more worried than eager. But Harry is smiling, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he chuckles at her expression of fear.

"Sorry, Hermione. I couldn't resist. I'm still getting used to all of this… but it turns out I'm a metamorphmagus. I can make my cock as large and as long as I want it."

In her hands, his member shrinks back down a bit, and Hermione looks to find that while it's still quite large from what she's read on the subject, it's much more manageable now. Licking her lips, Hermione can't help but be a little coy herself, after Harry's teasing of her.

"Mm, I don't know… I'm not sure I can take it all, Harry~"

With a lustful growl, Harry grabs Hermione and lifts her up, laying her down on a table covered in books left behind by a Potter from the past. She looks up at him as he lays his cock across her navel and slit, rubbing his length into her pussy lips.

"You'll take it, Hermione. All of it, and more. I'm going to fill you up."

Hermione blushes, but in the end, just gives him a nod of agreement. He grins back, and a moment later, he's inside of her. The brunette bookworm's eyes go wide, and her jaw drops open as he fills her with his cock, inch by inch. She was already more than a little wet to be fair, thanks to Harry's tonguing out back in the Weasley home earlier. She was sopping, and all too ready for him… but she was still a virgin as well.

Her hymen tears, and Hermione mewls as Harry fills her up, just like he promised he would. There's a certain magic to having him take her virginity, and she can feel it solidifying inside of her, deep within her soul. This must have been what the Weasleys were hoping for, must have been what Ron was going on about. If she'd let him take her virginity, would she have been tied to him irrevocably?

It was something to look into, if only to know if she needed to go back and slaughter the entire Weasley family for trying to enslave both her and Harry on a permanent basis or something. For now, though, Hermione's heart and magic both sing together as Harry fucks her for the first time, leaning over her and kissing her passionately as he thrusts into her amongst the books that she's loved all her life.

This right here, is a joining of mutual respect and love and adoration. This is what a magical marriage is supposed to be, Hermione knows instinctually. This is where she belongs, being bred by Harry's big, fat cock. He fucks her, and he fucks her, and Hermione is soon cumming her brains out, unable to handle the pleasure that's overwhelming her senses.

He just feels SO GOOD, and she's just so happy that they escaped the Weasleys together, that neither of them let themselves be truly tied down by that family's lies. This is their time together; this is their moment… Hermione can't wait to give Harry her babies. She can't wait to be the mother of his children. When Harry pulls out after a bit without cumming, Hermione hops off the table with a growl. He wants to give her a moment to catch her breath, but that's not what she NEEDS right now.

Pushing him back into a chair, Hermione climbs aboard and sinks down his member, impaling herself on it all over again. Harry remains surprised for only a moment, and then his big, strong hands are on her waist and he's in control again, his magic swirling around them both, nearly overwhelming in it's intensity, but altogether warm and comforting, protective in a way that Hermione has never felt before.

He thrusts up into her from below, bouncing her up and down on his cock. All Hermione can really do is hang on, she's really not in any position to ride him like she'd originally intended. He's just too big, too strong, too large inside of her. Hermione ends up holding on for dear life like she's riding a bucking bronco, while Harry pounds up into her cunt, thrusting up against her cervix, ramming into the very entrance of her womb with every thrust.

She climaxes again and again in this new position as well, and loses herself for a moment, only to come back to herself standing up, no longer sitting on Harry's lap. But that's okay, because he's still fucking her. Hermione holds onto the bookshelf that Harry has her half-pushed up against, one of her feet on the ground and the other up in the air, her leg draped over Harry's shoulder as he thrusts up into her naked quim in this more-exposed position, allowing him to get deeper and deeper.

He fucks her and he fucks her, but he never actually cums. Hermione doesn't fail to notice that either, she doesn't fail to notice the lack of life-giving seed filling her womb. She wants him to breed her, she NEEDS him to breed her. She wants to grow heavy with his child, or maybe even children. Twins, or triplets, Hermione would love that. She wants to give Harry as many babies as she can, wants to explore the world with him and their children at her side.

When Harry pulls out again, once more giving her a moment to catch her breath, Hermione no longer has the strength left in her legs to pounce at him and force him to keep going. She falls to her knees, sliding down the bookcase behind her as she pants heavily. But that doesn't mean Hermione is done. She still needs to extract at least one load of cum from Harry, she needs him to breed her properly.

So, slowly, gingerly even thanks to the soreness, Hermione leans forward, putting her head down on the floor of the Potter Library, and lifting her perfect little ass and tenderized, puffy pussy up into the air. Harry whistles in appreciation, and Hermione blushes and smiles happily as she looks back at him, spreading her pussy lips apart with her fingers and biting her actual lip all the while. She's sure that it's a great view, worthy of a Patronus memory, if only because Harry actually takes a moment to really study her before dropping to his knees behind her.

And then he's inside of her yet again. His hands on her hips and his cock buried in her quim, Harry doesn't hold anything back this time. This is the endgame, and Hermione is all too ready for it, even as her lips form into a small o as she moans continuously, and her eyes go crossed from the pleasure wracking her body.

Harry's cockhead rams against the entrance to her womb over and over again, but Hermione knows that this is the moment when her cervix is going to finally give way. With one last massive thrust, Harry busts down the gates of the castle so to speak and enters her most sacred of places. The last few inches of his cock spear up inside of Hermione, and he fills her womb not with his cum as he promised, but with his man-meat, burying himself deep inside of her, and sheathing every last inch of his length inside of her quim.

Hermione explodes in an orgasm more violent and wild than any of the others, and as her inner walls and her cervix clench and squeeze at Harry's cock, he groans and begins to cum, finally, her last climax finally managing to milk him of his load as he fills her with his seed, just as he promised. He paints her womb white and then some, pumping her to the brim with life-bearing ejaculate.

There's no doubt in Hermione's mind that that right there is the moment in which she's impregnated, no doubt in her mind that Harry has just bred her, right then and there. Even as he's pulling out, she's turning over to kiss him, to intertwine her tongue with his. This… this is the start of their future together.


Job done, the two take to snuggling, there amidst the stacks. With a bit of magic, they have some pillows and blankets to cushion them, and it's not long before Hermione is reading one of the Potter Family's rarest books, her eyes soaking up its contents like a sponge, even as she and Harry spoon with one another. As Harry's cock prods at not her cunt, but her back door, Hermione blushes but smiles all the same, her magic singing at her, telling her that every bit of her is his now, that she and he belong to one another.

He plunges into her ass, and Hermione responds with a groan, before letting him continue to use her as he likes, even as she works her way through the book in front of her. This… this is the life. Nothing could be better than this, nothing could top this. Harry has saved her from a fate worse than death, and Hermione can hardly wait to see what the future holds for the both of them.

The Potter Library is a wondrous place, massive and filled with knowledge that Hermione could only have dreamed of getting her hands on. But… it wasn't the only library in the world. And Harry had promised to take her on a world tour. There were so many more magical libraries to visit… and desecrate with their fornication. One might think such a thing sacrilegious to someone like her, but she'd always been a kinky girl. Truth be told… Hermione could hardly wait.


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