A Reorganization of Priorities (Final Fantasy XV)
A/N: A Reorganization of Priorities was originally written in April of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!
Summary: In which Iris falls afoul of her infatuation for Noctis and his disregard for her as anything more than a friend.
Themes: Rough Sex, Brainwashing, Master/Slave
"Heh, and then get this? Just as we're finally getting away, Prompto decides he has to stop, turn around, and try to get a picture of the damn thing! Luckily, your brother was on hand to grab him and drag him along."
As Noctis finishes his latest tale, Iris waits for him to look her way to gauge her reaction, and when he finally does, the younger woman is quick as a whip in clasping her hands together in front of him and pushing her slight breasts together to accentuate them. She gives him a bright, beaming smile as she blatantly shows off her assets, trying to make it abundantly clear through both action and tone what she wants to do with him.
"That sounds… great, Noctis."
She tries to be as breathy and seductive as possible, but Noctis' gaze doesn't even flicker down off of her eyes for one damn second, not to look at her lips as she licks them, and not to stare at her breasts, which she's trying her damnedest to show off. He just beams back at her, and then turns away again, starting up ANOTHER story.
Iris' head falls as the crown prince and heir to the throne of Lucis once again misses all the signs. She's just trying to get fucked. Is that too much to ask? Iris knows that she can never lay an actual claim on Noctis Lucis Caelum. He's promised to another woman, and one that is undeniably more… everything than Iris can ever hope to be. She's made peace with that fact.
But… they aren't married yet, right? So why shouldn't Noctis be able to have a fling or two, here or there. Just a roll in the hay, to calm his mind before a particularly big battle, o-or something. And why can't that roll in the hay be with her? She's not a little girl anymore, far from it. And while she might still be a bit skinny and not quite as voluptuous as she would have preferred, Iris is still a woman in her prime. She could show Noctis a thing or two that would make his head spin, she's sure of it.
However, even though the crown prince had agreed to this day out on the town with just her, he seemed dead set on treating her more like just another of his friends than anything more. Iris had started out as subtle as she could, making every effort to avoid embarrassing Noctis while still trying to key him into the fact that she was happily offering herself up to be his stress relief.
But the damnable man was oblivious as all hell, and she'd graduated from subtlety to blatant attempts pretty damn fast as the day went on. And yet, still he barely paid her any mind. Perhaps he really didn't see her that way. The thought causes Iris' shoulders to slump and she finds herself drooping in a manner that she knows is unbecoming of a young lady of her station. She can't bring herself to care though, it's just… it is what it is.
She should have known that Noctis couldn't or more likely wouldn't do anything with her. He's just not… he doesn't see her that way, she supposes.
"Oh! Iris, I have something for you!"
Blinking, Iris' head snaps up as Noctis rummages through his bag. Hope blossoms in her chest, but little did she know, Noctis didn't actually have anything for her at all. All he'd seen was how dejected and sad she looked, so he'd decided to try to cheer her up with a gift. In the end, what he pulls from his bag is the first thing he sees that he thinks a girl like Iris might like. Its just something that he came across in his travels with his comrades, and he doesn't even really remember where exactly he picked it up. He doesn't mean anything by it… but of course, that's not how Iris sees it when Noctis pulls a necklace with a black crystal dangling at the end of it out of his bag and hands it over to her.
"Here you go."
Iris takes it with trembling hands, her eyes wide in honest surprise. He was… he was giving her jewelry? S-So maybe she'd been wrong. Maybe he HADN'T missed her attempts. Maybe… maybe he was interested in her. Because Noctis was an old-fashioned sort, s-so it made sense that perhaps he felt the need to court her, before bedding her?
Licking her lips, the young woman hastens to put the necklace around her neck, not for a moment thinking anything bad might come of it. After all, it's a gift from Noctis, so how could it possibly be a bad thing, right? Once it's situated around her neck, Iris lets out a breathy sigh and fiddles with the black crystal, absolutely loving the way it feels beneath her fingers.
"Thank you, Noctis. I absolutely love it, and I promise that I'll never take it off."
So, focused on the black crystal as she is, Iris misses Noctis looking surprised and taken aback at her vehemence. After a moment, he laughs sheepishly and rubs the back of his head for a moment, before shrugging and smiling.
"Well, alright then. Unfortunately, I've gotta head off and take care of a couple things on my own now. So, this is where I leave you. We'll talk later, alright?"
Even being so casually abandoned isn't enough to off-set Iris' good move. She beams at the crown prince and nods her head, watching as he waves goodbye and then turns and leaves her. She continues watching him go until he's out of sight, for just a moment allowing all of her feelings to show on her face, her desire for Noctis, her need for him to… to give her his c-cock. Iris blushes and licks her lips for a moment, not noticing the black crystal still held in her fingers pulsing briefly before settling down.
As Noctis turns a corner, Iris manages to come back to herself. Taking in a deep breath, the young woman lets go of her necklace and tucks the black crystal underneath her hoodie, then, she starts to make her way down the street, grinning giddily and feeling all too good about herself. In the end though, she doesn't have much else to do in the city today, so she eventually starts to make her way back towards the hotel.
While walking back to said hotel, Iris begins to feel… odd. It's not a bad sort of odd, but it is ever so slightly uncomfortable. She furrows her brow and endeavors to suss it out, even as she walks along, not paying much attention to her surroundings. It's like… her clothes are too tight? Which is odd, because she's always worn rather loose clothing. From her sleeveless hoodie to her checkered mini-skirt, along with black heeled boots. None of it is what one would call 'form-fitting', not really. And yet… and yet, it certainly feels like she's more squeezed into her outfit than ever before.
On top of that, there's this warmth, not at all unpleasant, suffusing her form. It starts in her core, and at first Iris just assumes that it's coming from receiving a gift from her crush. Because Noctis IS her crush, even if she still has hope that he can be something more. She's pined after him since she was a girl. The fact that he's given her this necklace… it's amazing. So, it's no wonder that she's a little turned on, a little wet.
Except, it quickly goes from a little to every single fiber of her being thrumming with pure NEED. She needs to take care of this, but luckily, she knows just how to do so back in the privacy of her own hotel room. However, hurrying to get there, distracted as she is, leads Iris right into the muscular chest of a stranger.
With a yelp, the young woman nearly bounces right off of him and falls on her ass, only to be caught by her arms as she flails and held up right. Blinking dumbly, Iris looks up… and then up some more into the smiling face of a big, beefy man, with muscles for days and broad shoulders and… well, he's sort of like her brother, is her first thought. But more so, somehow. Iris finds herself staring at the outlines of his muscles beneath his tight-fitting shirt, even as he chuckles and lets go of her as soon as he's sure she's found her balance.
"Well now, hello there little lady. You should be more careful about watching where you're going, don't you think?"
Iris blushes and ducks her head as she nods.
God, she really needs to take care of this. She's ogling this stranger just because he has some muscles, imagining what it would feel like to be under them, to be under him as he took his… no! She likes Noctis! Jeez, what's gotten into her?
"Yo! Abrams, you already found us a cute little thing to take back to our room?! Nice work man!"
'Abrams' looks ever so slightly exasperated, even as Iris whirls about, only to find herself surrounded as two more men approach. They aren't as big as the first one, but they're still both well-built and definitely put together nicely, Iris' eyes glazing over slightly and her lips parting as she takes them in and finds herself fantasizing about just what they meant by 'take back to their room'.
"I was getting around to that, but I was trying to ease her into it. You've got no class, Ben."
'Ben' just laughs and shrugs his shoulders, before giving Iris a truly lecherous grin. Finally realizing that what she was fantasizing about was exactly what these men wanted reality to be, Iris blushes deeply and begins to shake her head.
"O-Oh, no… I'm sorry, but I can't. I-oooh~"
And like that, Abrams gives up on 'class' as well, stepping up behind her and placing both of his hands on her ass. As he kneads her buttocks through her miniskirt, his hot breath ghosts across her ear.
"Don't be silly, girl. You and I both know you want this. I could smell you from a mile away. Jacobs… Ben… let's head back, shall we?"
Iris doesn't know what's coming over her. She tries to resist… key word, tries. They don't exactly have to drag her kicking and screaming through the streets, though Iris imagines that big, strong men like them certainly could if they wanted to. They could have their way with her, they could pin her down and TAKE her. Somehow, this sudden rape fantasy only turns the young woman on even further.
She blushes and ducks her head and whimpers and mewls as they guide her back to the hotel but take her to THEIR room instead of her own. They aren't gentle about it, touching her in this way and that, playing with her body through her clothes, which by the time they get to some amount of privacy, are already disheveled, even BEFORE they begin to truly paw at her.
"Got a gift for you, slut. Let's get started."
That's Ben, and he's the first to take… to take his cock out. Iris' eyes zero in on it, and her mouth waters as he grabs a fistful of her hair and proceeds to force her to bend over, right then and there. For a moment, she resolves not to open her mouth, a form of silent, nonresistant protest. But the moment that his cock tip, leaking with precum, touches her lips, Iris' resolve shatters and she opens nice and wide, moaning wantonly as she takes his cock right down her throat.
"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"
He's not gentle about it, immediately settling in to fuck her face as he groans loudly.
"Fuck this little tart is a needy whore, ain't she? Get in her, she fucking needs something plugging up that cunt of hers, I just know it."
Abrams just chuckles and wastes no time in flipping up the back of Iris' mini-skirt. Her panties don't last for longer than a second, torn off of her body without so much as a 'by your leave'. Iris' eyes widen at that, but she barely has time to be outraged before the biggest, fattest cock she's ever taken in her entire life splits her cunt in two, stretching her nice and wide.
Iris is no virgin. There was a time when she believed she needed to be, for Noctis' sake. She wanted her first time to be with him, but as she grew up, she grew out of such fantasies and came to the realization that Luna would be Noctis' wife, no matter what. She would never be the crown prince's queen. So, with that in mind, Iris had decided that she needed some experience, so she could have a shot at seducing Noctis and becoming his mistress or consort or what have you at the very least.
Even still, no dick that she's ever had inside of her, and to be fair, there haven't been man, can compare to Abrams' massive schlong as it pulverizes her insides in the most pleasurable way that Iris has ever experienced. The big, musclebound man wastes no time in taking her to pound town with his big fat cock, positively wrecking her. Her feet actually leave the ground as a result of the ensuing spit roast, and Iris' eyes soon roll back in her head as she orgasms again and again from her first ever foursome, her first ever gangbang.
She loses track of just about everything after that, it all becomes somewhat of a pleasurable haze. Time loses meaning, and all that matters is cock, cock, and more cock.
Iris wakes up with a start, sitting up in her bed, eyes wide and staring at the opposite wall as her chest heaves with every breath. After a moment, she lays back down, taking stock of things. She's completely naked, covered in sweat, and incredibly sticky down betwixt her thighs. It was… it was all just a dream? She didn't remember much of anything that had happened. It certainly had that vague, hazy quality of a dream.
She must have come back to her hotel room, stripped naked, and then gone to town on herself so hard that she'd jilled herself right into sweet oblivion before having one of the most perverse wet dreams of her life. The only thing she's still got on is the black crystal necklace that Noctis gave her the day before. At least THAT was real.
But then, what had woken her up in the first place? After a moment, Iris realizes that it was her phone, buzzing on the nearby nightstand. The thought that it might be Noctis, setting up the next stage of his courtship of her has Iris reaching for her phone eagerly, hurrying to unlock it and look at the message. Except… she doesn't recognize the number. It's not Noctis. That's only made clearer when she opens the message itself to find a picture that Noctis would never send her in a million years staring up at her.
It's… it's her. It's a picture of Iris, naked and making the double peace sign with her eyes rolled up in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her mouth stretched into a wide, lewd grin. The wide lewd grin of a slutty girl who's been fucked completely senseless. A-And in the picture are the three men. That… it had actually happened. It wasn't a dream.
They'd fucked her every which way, and now that Iris was moving more, she could FEEL how sore she was. It was a soreness that her fingers alone simply could not have replicated. She'd been worked over and fucked by those three men. They'd taken her and stripped her and pounded her as hard as they could. Abrams in particular… his cock had been magnificent.
Iris, face flushed with both arousal and shame, squeezes her eyes shut and tries to forget just how amazing what little she remembers felt. It's practically impossible not to fantasize about that big fat cock with her eyes closed though, so eventually, Iris opens them again, and finally reads the actual words sent along with the picture.
This is only the tip of the iceberg, baby doll. We copied down your contacts, and you're going to have to do what I say, unless you want this picture and all the video, we took of you yesterday getting sent to everyone you know and care about.
Iris shivers, and even though she has a good idea of who she's dealing with, she still feels the need to ask, so her reply is a simple 'who the fuck do you think you are?' because she refuses to be cowed, she refuses to be… to be… oh my that's a big cock. Iris' mouth waters as she stares down at the return message, sent mere moments after her response. It's another of her, but this time her face, eyes glazed over with lust and expression pure, wanton ecstasy, isn't the centerpiece.
No, the centerpiece is the absolutely massive schlong draped across her features, concealing half her face and taking up the majority of the shot. She's… she's kissing it in the picture, looking like she's having the time of her life doing so as well. Iris immediately imagines having that big fat cock inside of her… again. Because she thinks she knows, just from that picture, who this is.
Whimpering, Iris shudders and responds again, this time with a 'what do you want?'. She quickly gets an address and a time to meet at, and she doesn't have long to get there. With her reputation and social life on the line, Iris hurries to get dressed, shivering in both anticipation and trepidation as the black crystal around her neck thrums with power.
As she thought, its Abrams. The big man gives her a kind smile, but Iris knows that said smile hides a wicked, evil personality now. She stands there before him, arms crossed over her chest defensively, face drawn into a frown.
"What… w-what do you want from me, Abrams?"
His smile grows slightly wicked for a moment.
"Ah, I was wondering how much you would remember. You were pretty out of it by the time we were all done having fun together last night. But honestly, why do you have to sound so… defensive? We're friends, aren't we? We've been intimate with each other. There's no need for you to be so closed off. Come here… give me a kiss."
His eyes flash with promise when she hesitates, so in the end, Iris steps forward, her heart pounding in her chest as she lets Abrams wrap his large, muscular arms around her. The big man draws her into the kiss even as he squeezes her buttocks from around her body, pulling her up onto her tip toes. Iris' hands end up resting on his chest, her fingernails scraping across his pecs as she melts into his rock-hard body.
It's just a kiss. And with a man she doesn't even like, let alone love. A-And yet… and yet, by the time he finally pulls away, Iris is almost grateful to him, because if he'd let it continue for even a few seconds longer, she's not sure she could have stopped herself from creaming her panties in a truly humiliating fashion, right there in the street.
As if he knows exactly what she's thinking, Abrams grins and offers her a hand. Iris blushes, but knowing she has no choice in the matter, she reaches out and takes it, her head hanging low in shame and embarrassment. As Abrams leads her along, he speaks.
"Let's start with some ground rules, shall we? You're mine now. Which means you call me sir in public, and Master in private. Or else, all your little friends find out what a whore you were with me and my buds last night. Got it?"
Iris wants nothing more than to escape from this man. At the same time though, she's inexplicably drawn to him. Why? What's so special about him? Just because he has big muscles and a big cock and knows how to treat a little slutty whore like her… Iris shudders and squeezes her eyes shut at the treacherous thought, before finally nodding to his question.
"Y-Yes… sir."
Abrams just chuckles darkly.
"Good girl. Now, let's go on a date, shall we? Show me around the town."
And that's what Iris does. It's like some sort of dark perversion of the morning she'd previously had with Noctis. It's everything she wanted with Noctis, actually, but now she's getting it with this… this MAN, who knows what he wants and happily takes it. Abrams makes her buy stuff for him as they wander around the shops and stop off for a bite to eat at a restaurant. He makes her pay for everything, all while playing with her body to his heart's content.
It starts off small, with a quick grope there, or a one-armed hug that turns into a bit of molestation here. He makes her go down a couple of alleyways to get over to another street, and whenever he does, he stops her and sticks a hand right up her miniskirt and past her panties, fingering her to a shameful climax right then and there where anyone on either of the busy streets could look into the alley and see her moaning wantonly like a little slut.
When they eat at the restaurant, Abrams orders her to take her panties off and give them to him as a present. Then, he leaves the balled-up undergarments by the side of his dish for the entire meal, all while grinding the toe of his boot into her naked cunt ruthlessly. Luckily the restaurant they've entered is a fancy place, with scarlet cloth napkins. Her own scarlet panties match them in color and blend in with the table setting. Or so Iris hopes. Their waiter never comments on it, but she thinks she sees his eyes sliding over the panties more than once as they continue their meal.
Regardless, after the restaurant, things only escalate, until finally, Iris finds herself dragged into a men's bathroom by her 'date' and pushed into a small stall.
"You've teased me enough today, slut. Crouch down and take care of this."
At the word 'this', his cock flops out of his pants. Iris wants to hesitate, she wants to berate him and tell him off for teasing HER… but the moment his dick comes out, she's falling into a crouch, spreading her legs apart and nuzzling at his cock as she lets it lay out across her face for a moment. She knows she looks just like she did in that picture he sent her right now… but she doesn't care.
Within moments, she's bobbing up and down on Abrams' cock with gusto, sucking him off like a lewd little whore, rather than the proud young woman she's supposed to be. One hand holds the base of his member in place, while the other dives between her legs, three fingers schlicking in and out of her cunt at a rapid-fire pace.
"Such an eager little bitch, aren't you? Fuck you're good… keep it up."
A backhanded compliment like that shouldn't turn Iris on as much as it does. But his insult-praise combination makes her feel so damn warm, and she picks up the pace, choking down his cock willingly so long as it means she can get more of his impressive girth into her mouth and past her lips.
"Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!"
She gurgles and gags along his cock length, even as her tongue writhes and slurps across the underside of his member. Abrams groans and tilts his head back, and a moment later, she feels the first strike of salty spunk hit the back of her throat. She's not ready for it. Truth be told, she thought he'd last longer than this, but it seems he really WAS backed up from everything he'd been doing to her throughout the day, because he cums fast, and he cums hard.
Iris's cheeks chipmunk outwards, and then a moment later, his cum is exploding out of her nostrils and her mouth as the sheer volume of seed that comes out of his cock thoroughly overwhelms her. Her eyes go crossed just trying to stare down at the girthy meat rod that's currently drowning her in cum, even as she strives to swallow as fast as she can, drinking down as much as possible. Gods it tastes so fucking good, she just can't get enough of it. She wants more, she NEEDS more.
By the time he's done, Iris is seeing white. He's practically filled her BRAIN with his seed. She wants… some part of her wants to make some caustic comment about how quick a shooter he is. Because… because she still hates him for blackmailing her, of course. But before she can work up the courage to say something so snarky, Iris finds her eyes drawn down to Abrams' cock again. His cock… which is still quite hard, staring right back at her, leaking some last bits of cum.
Before she can stop herself, Iris is leaning forward and slurping that last bit of seed up, even though the lower half of her face is still covered in the jizz she couldn't quite manage to swallow. Abrams just laughs and grabs her by her hair, pushing her face down into his cock and rubbing his dick all over her features.
"That's right, slut. Clean it up. Then, we'll head back to the hotel again. I'm going to fucking rail that cute little behind of yours for the rest of the evening."
She hates how much she wants it. She really, really does.
"Umf! Umf! Umf!"
In the back of her mind, Iris knows how stupid she must look right now, how positively slutty she must appear. Clawing and biting at the sheets in front of her, the young woman arches her back, pulling said sheets off the bed in her mouth as she orgasms again and again around Abrams' big, fat cock. The muscular man is currently pinning her down and prone-boning her, fucking into her sopping wet, drooling cunt with a wild abandon that Iris just can't get enough of.
She wishes it were Noctis instead, but then, if it was Noctis, it wouldn't be the same. As much as she loves the crown prince, he doesn't have the muscles that Abrams has, and she imagines that his cock isn't nearly as big as Abrams' either. That's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's just simple biology. If Noctis had a dick as big as the one currently plowing her silly, he'd be a fucking tripod, and the tight pants he wears everywhere preclude him from hiding something THAT large from her gaze. And she should know, she's spent more than enough time staring at Noctis' crotch longingly when she was sure no one else was looking.
Right now, though, all Iris can think of is Abrams and his member. He's been fucking her since they got back to the hotel room, plowing her silly in every position he can think of, many of which Iris would never have thought possible. He's going to cum soon though… she can feel it. And as if summoned by her thoughts, that's exactly what the musclebound man does. He fills Iris with his seed, pumping deep into her womb directly, before pulling out and falling to the side of her.
For a time, neither of them say anything. Iris just lays there, face down, her grip on the sheets finally relaxing as she releases the ones held between her teeth and just lets out shuddering breath after shuddering breath. She's betrayed Noctis a dozen times over today, betrayed her desire for him in every possible way imaginable. She's filled with shame and horror and embarrassment… but also a pleasant afterglow, the sort of afterglow that comes from having rough, mind-blowing sex with a man who knows what he's doing with his cock.
That afterglow dies an abrupt death when Abrams suddenly speaks up.
"Suppose now is as good a time as any to let you know I'm an agent of Niflheim. And that I know exactly who you are, Iris Amicitia."
Iris' eyes go wide, and she twists her head around so fast to look at him that she's afraid she's given herself whiplash. Abrams is half covered by one of the sheets now, while his upper half, meaning his torso and his musclebound chest, are still on full display. But now knowing what he is, Iris is able to overcome her unnatural attraction to the big man, scrambling off of the bed and covering herself up as she stares at him in wide-eyed horror.
"You… y-you won't get anything from me!"
Abrams just snorts derisively, and scoots across the bed, before throwing the sheet back again as he swings his legs off and plants his feet solidly on the ground. However, he remains seated even as Iris tenses up, expecting him to attack her or something. He doesn't. Instead, he just shows her his cock. Before the brunette can even realize what's going on, she's on her knees, sucking that cock.
Her eyes blink once she realizes what she's doing, and she looks up at Abrams' shit-eating grin with a glare… but she doesn't stop sucking. Nor does she remove the fingers from her cunt or her chest, where her attempt to cover herself up in the face of this Niflheim Agent has become masturbation, pistoning her digits in and out of her folds, and rolling a nipple in between the pads of her fingers.
Abrams just chuckles as he slides a hand through her short hair and keeps her bobbing up and down on his cock.
"That crystal you're wearing… the one your idiot of a crown prince was foolish enough to give you… it has psychoactive properties to it."
He clearly sees the confusion past the anger in Iris' eyes, because he quickly follows that up with more of an explanation.
"Yes, it took a bit of convincing the higher ups of the value of the operation, but in the end, I've done what most of Niflheim is unwilling to do… I've delved into magic and combined it with our technology, with shattering results."
Sliding his hand from her head, to her cheek (she tries to resist nuzzling into his palm, but fails) to her jawline and then her neck, Abrams takes up the necklace and holds the thrumming black crystal up next to Iris' face, even as she continues to bob up and down on his oh-so-delicious cock, unable to help herself.
"This baby has been altering your mind, ever since you first put it on. Because the first sensation you experienced when you wore it for the first time was lust, that is what the crystal has been doing, amplifying your lust and your sexual appetites. If Noctis or any of his male friends had put it on, we'd hoped that it might latch onto their fears and worries, turning them against one another, making them paranoid lunatics. Oh, that would have been fun. But this? This is much more entertaining, at least on a personal level."
She hates him, and when he pulls her off of his cock a moment later, Iris scowls and says as much.
"I hate you. I despise you with every fiber of my being."
Abrams just chuckles and gestures to the black crystal.
"Ever since I found out it was you who put on our little crystal, I've been tailoring it to fit your appetites, Iris Amicitia. And let me tell you, you are an insatiable minx of a woman. A nasty whore of a slut, through and through. That's not the crystal, no, that's all you. The crystal just amplifies what's already there."
Iris shudders and in a rare bit of willpower, manages to tear herself out of his grip and push away from him, standing up.
"Y-You're wrong."
But she can't take her eyes off his cock, even as Abrams shrugs and swings his legs back onto the bed, laying back on the pillows at the head of the bed and staring at her in amusement. Of course, what he's not telling her is the more sinister qualities of the necklace. Namely that, even now that she knows what it is, she can't bring herself to take it off. The necklace won't let her. On top of that, there's the small little fact that he's able to program more specific things into the black crystal lattice… such as an addiction to him specifically. It's why he sent Ben and Jacobs away on missions after that first night. He didn't want any distractions, as he broke this bitch down, piece by piece.
Waving a hand dismissively, Abrams smiles wickedly.
"You can go then. If you're strong enough to resist, then I'm not going to force you."
Iris shudders at the fantasies that him bringing up 'force' cause to play out in her head. Biting her lower lip, the young woman begins to collect her clothing. However, time and time again, Iris' eyes slide over to the bed, to Abrams. Her gaze fixates on his cock, which is still glistening with her saliva, thick and hard and standing straight up like some sort of thick pillar of meat.
Her mouth is both wet and dry at the same time as her tongue slips out to slurp at her lips. She shouldn't… she really shouldn't. In the end though, Iris puts her gathered clothes down on the nearby chair and begins to make her way over to the bed, still wearing absolutely nothing but the black crystal necklace. Abrams gives her a raised eyebrow sort of look, and Iris tries to exude as much confidence as she possibly can, climbing onto the bed, and then up onto Abrams himself, facing away as she crab walks over him and reaches between her legs to fit his cockhead against her pussy lips.
"This doesn't… this doesn't mean anything. You owe me this much, for being a treacherous b-bastard. So, I'm going to have one last ride, and then we're never going to see each other again, y-you scumbag."
She goes to drop herself down, but before she can, two strong, powerful hands grip her waist on either side, freezing her in place. Iris shudders as a dark, dangerous, deep tone fills her ear.
"What did I tell you about how to address me, bitch? You want this cock… you ask for it NICELY."
That alone nearly stops her and brings her to her senses. She doesn't… she doesn't need this. She can just leave, right now, and it'll be f-fine. But his cockhead is already nestled against her pussy lips, which are even now squeezing and gripping the leaking tip of his member. In the end, Iris gives in, as Abrams always knew she would.
"Please fuck me… Master."
He wastes no time in slamming her down on his cock. Iris cries out and cums on the spot, orgasming shamefully as her eyes immediately roll back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. And it doesn't get any easier to withstand from there. She tries her best to keep control, to be on top, to dominate Abrams as he's dominated her. But he's the one with the dick, and she's… she's just a whore, jonesing for her next hit of his cock.
It was stupid to think she could ever take control, and all Iris can do is cum uselessly atop his cock as he slams up into her from below again and again and again. He doesn't stop, not for one second, bouncing her on his dick, pounding into her from the bottom of their little arrangement. It feels amazing, as it has every time that they've fucked since they met. And she hates herself for that, hates herself for loving it so damn much.
Just one last time. That's the lifeline Iris holds onto, even as she rides Abrams' massive meat pole to kingdom cum time and time again. This is the final time, and then she'll never see this man again. So why not enjoy it, right? Why not just… let go?
An hour later, when Abrams has finished inside of her again and she's nearly passed out on the bed, the man delivers a hefty smack to Iris' ass, forcing her awake.
"Get up, slut. Time for you to leave."
She stumbles off the bed, only to stop when he speaks again, hanging off his every word despite not wanting to.
"The next time I see you, if you want another ride on THIS cock… you're going to have to give up everything, understood? You'll be my slave, and you better be wearing proper attire for a slutty little slave wench. You also better be ready to deliver the goods in other ways as well. Things like the Kingdom of Lucis' weaknesses, or information about your crown prince and his little friends. You aren't getting my cock again until you give me exactly what I want."
For a long moment, Iris just stands there, frozen, facing away from him. Then, she hurries over and grabs her clothes up, turning to Abrams with her face twisted into a rictus of hatred and disgust.
"I w-would NEVER betray my family, friends, or kingdom to you, Niflheim bastard!"
Her declaration would have probably been more impactful if it hadn't been delivered by a naked girl with jizz from said Niflheim bastard streaming down her inner thighs. But alas, that is the current situation. Abrams just laughs and shakes his head.
"You'll break sooner or later, bitch. I know you will. When you do… well, you have my number."
Iris straightens up, holding her head high, and opens her mouth, probably to say something caustic… but then her eyes dart down and she looks upon his cock again, and the words get choked in her throat. In the end, the young woman flees the hotel room completely naked save for the thrumming black crystal bouncing up and down on her chest as she runs away as fast as she can.
Abrams just smiles as he watches her go. It was only a matter of time now.
Three days. That's how long Iris lasts before she finds herself outside of Abrams' hotel room again, hesitantly knocking on his door. Nothing had been able to satisfy her. No amount of cocks or playing with herself had done the trick. The first day, she'd gone and bought the biggest sex toys she could get from the local shop and gone to town on herself with them. She'd exhausted herself and eventually passed out with the largest dildo the city had lodged in her cunt, but it wasn't good enough. It felt… fake.
So, the second day, she'd gone ahead and gone down to one of the local watering holes, where she'd proceeded to be as slutty as possible. It hadn't taken much to get a group of men to fuck her into oblivion. She'd hoped that it would cleanse her system of Abrams' influence, being at the center of another gangbang. After all, it'd been a gangbang that started the whole thing, right?
But no, she ended up spending the entire night comparing their cocks and their techniques and their… well, their everything to Abrams. In every possible way, every man that she laid with that night was found wanting. On the third day, Iris had been truly desperate. So, she'd gone and done something she already regretted. She'd fucked Prompto.
It wasn't a well thought-out plan. Mostly, Iris wondered if perhaps having sex with one of Noctis' friends would satisfy her urges towards the crown prince himself. If she… if she could find happiness in Prompto's arms, than she could reaffirm her loyalty to the Kingdom and put the Niflheim bastard that so thoroughly dominated her thoughts out of her mind for good.
Unfortunately, Prompto was a lip-dicked lick-spittle who could barely get it up, let alone satisfy her with his tiny cock. When she'd commented on the size, he'd gone red faced and blurted out that Noctis wasn't any bigger. That alone had pissed Iris off something fierce, because it meant that Prompto, and likely the others as well, knew about her crush on Noctis, while the crown prince was as oblivious as ever.
It was all just… too much. Three days had passed, and on the fourth day, Iris had finally broken. She needed HIM. Not anyone else, not anything else… nothing and no one could compare to his cock and the way he used it on her. She needed it, she needed him inside of her, she needed to be with him again. So, Iris had sent the message… and she'd come when he told her he would be available. Now here she was, knocking on his door.
Said door opens up, and Abrams looks down at her, appraisingly. Iris blushes but doesn't bother covering up. She… may have gone a little overboard in an effort to impress him. Gone is her usual clothing. Instead, Iris is wearing the sluttiest ensemble she's ever seen, let alone worn, in her entire life. Bought from the same sex shop that sold her the toys on the first day, Iris knows that her outfit is… well, whorish is almost too light of a word. She's wearing a series of straps, effectively. Her 'bra' doesn't actually do anything to cover her tits, it's more like a harness that she had to squeeze her small breasts through, causing them to pop out now that she has it on.
Meanwhile, she's not even wearing panties. Instead, she's wearing a garter belt. And right below that garter belt, emblazoned across her flesh right where her womb would be located, is the symbol of Niflheim, with the words 'Cum Dump' stylized right beneath it. She's also wearing high-heeled sandals, not something she would usually ever get caught in. It'd taken some getting used to, but the five-inch high heels actually bring her up to Abrams' chin, rather than his chest, so she considers THAT a plus, even as she stands there squirming under his gaze.
"Did you walk all the way here like this?"
Iris blushes in shame and humiliation and bows her head.
"Y-Yes Master…"
That gets a chuckle from the big, musclebound man.
"I like the sound of that. Mm, but what else have you done, to take your rightful place as my fuck toy sex slave?"
Iris shudders, her eyes fluttering and her naked pussy gushing from the very thought of spending the rest of her life servicing his cock. There's still a part of her that hates herself for doing this, for giving in… but that part is drowned out by the sheer NEED to be at Abrams' side that suffuses every fiber of Iris' being.
"I… I've left everything from my old life behind, Master. I come to you with nothing but this. No one will be able to find me. My old friends won't be able to track me down. And… I have information for you. Noctis and the others will be traveling to a royal tomb they've been tipped of to. It's hidden in a cavern behind a waterfall. I can show you on a map, if you have one, and you or your people can lay an ambush for him there."
Iris sneaks a glance and sees the spark of interest in Abrams' eyes. She licks her lips, hoping it's enough. After a moment, Abrams steps aside and lets her walk into the room, which she does, carefully, her high heels still something she's getting used to. He pulls out a map and lays it across a nearby table, and Iris marks down where Noctis and his friends will be going, as well as the path they said they would take to get there.
It hurts, a little, betraying Noctis… but when Abrams feels her up from behind, grinding his cock into her pale little behind as she does so, it feels a lot better. She needs it. She needs MORE. And Abrams? Abrams is going to give it to her.
Give it to her he does, as soon as she's done marking out the route and destination on the map. The musclebound man tears her away from the table and throws her on the bed. She barely has time to lift her hips into the air before he's atop her, pressing one foot down into her head while guiding his cock down into her upturned, drooling quim.
Iris cries out as he jackhammers down into her, pounding into her needy cunt with wild abandon. This… THIS is what she was missing these last three days. She needed him. And not just his cock either, but all of him. She was… she was addicted to him, and she couldn't break free anymore. It still hurt to betray her friends, her family, and her kingdom for him… but that would fade with time. This was the right decision. This was where she belonged, beneath her Master, being fucked by his majestic cock.
The black crystal around Iris' neck thrums with power as she gives up resisting it, not even realizing that she WAS resisting it in some small way all this time. It rewrites her mind, as it's meant to do, making her into the loyal Niflheim cum dump that she's marked herself up as. And Abrams takes advantage of that, plowing her tight little cunt until she can barely string two sentences along, fucking her face down, ass up, and then on her side, and then in a mating press.
Again, and again he fucks her, and all Iris can do is cry out in a lustful, ugly fashion and take it. This is her life now. This is her destiny. Eventually though, he stops. Not before cumming inside of her of course, but he does stop, and Iris KNOWS he can go for longer, so she opens her eyes and looks up at him, face flushed, and gaze filled with need.
"Master? Won't you keep fucking me, please?"
Abrams regards her for a moment, before smiling wickedly.
"You're still conflicted, slave. You still feel something for your brother, your friends, your crown prince. If you ever came face to face with any of them, would you kill them without hesitation?"
The fact that she hesitates in that moment is enough for Abrams. He climbs off the bed and pulls her by her hair with him. Iris yelps, even as he drags her out onto the hotel room's balcony and bends her over the railing. She grips at it tightly, suddenly afraid he's going to throw her over, but he doesn't do so, at least not right away. Instead, he presses into her, his hot breath against her ear as they both stare down at the unsuspecting people moving about below them.
"Do you want me to take your conflict away, slave? Would you like me to make it, so you never have to worry about anything else but serving ME, ever again?"
In her current state, Iris leaps at the opportunity.
"Y-Yes! Please Master, please take away my treacherous thoughts. Take away my shame. Allow me to s-serve you without reservation!"
Chuckling, Abrams stuffs his cock right up Iris' freshly creamed cunt once more. He fucks her up against the balcony with powerful, deep thrusts, and it's all Iris can do to keep quiet as she bites down on a knuckle and strives not to alert everyone below to the fact that she's being FUCKED. It doesn't last long though. Only until her next climax. As that orgasm arrives, as she squeals out her release, Abrams reaches around her, and grabs hold of the thrumming black crystal.
In a moment, it answers his commands and slips into the last stronghold in Iris' beleaguered mind. The last bit of mental resistance, distracted by thousands of horny little Irises storming the walls of the castle deep within her mindscape. Like an assassin taking advantage of the particularly violent siege, the black crystal slips in and kills the queen, replacing her with a King, to worship forever and ever. But not Noctis, oh no. There's only one King… one MASTER for Iris Amicitia.
As the crystal permanently alters her mind so she can no longer concern herself with anything except serving her Niflheim Master, Iris shudders in orgasmic ecstasy and as soon as he's slipped his cock out of her cunt, she's spinning around and falling to her knees so she can worship his length with her hands, tongue, and mouth. She moans as she does so, looking up to Abrams, to her Master, with nothing but adoration and devotion in her eyes.
"Thank you, Master. Thank you for clearing my mind of all those silly thoughts. The Kingdom of Lucis… they deserve to fall, every last one of them. I hate them. I hate all of them, but I hate their fool of a crown prince most of all. Please Master, use me as you wish. Be it my body as your bed warmer… or any other task you might have for me."
Abrams chuckles and places one of his large hands atop her head, before guiding her down his cock as he pushes into her gullet and forces her to deep-throat every last inch of his length. Iris doesn't resist, happily swallowing down his member and eventually choking and gagging and gurgling on it just as happily. Whatever her Master requires of her, she will do it. She is, after all, nothing more than his tool, to be used as he sees fit.
"I have a job for you, slave."
Iris perks up from the food bowl she's eating from without a hint of embarrassment. She's just a needy little bitch, after all, as her Master likes to say. She's not worthy of eating at the table like a human being. Regardless, the moment her Master speaks, she looks at him, eyes wide and face eager.
"Yes Master?"
Smirking, Abrams shows Iris a photo on his phone of a very familiar woman.
"I want you to take that necklace around your neck and convince the Oracle, Lunafreya to wear it."
For a moment, Iris feels old emotions welling up inside of her. After all, the crystal had only taken away her positive feelings for those she'd abandoned in the name of Niflheim. It didn't take away all of the hatred and anger and jealousy she had in her heart for Lunafreya, the woman who made it impossible for Noctis and her to ever be together.
Such feelings had meant nothing these last few days of course, namely because she no longer cared for Noctis. But now… now it was her MASTER who wanted Luna. It was the man that meant everything to her, that she would do anything for… that wanted her to bring him Lunafreya. Iris shivers and Abrams cocks an eyebrow at the look on her face.
"I can read you like a book, slave. Tell me, do you truly think me so weak that only one woman would satisfy me?"
Iris freezes, staring up at her Master with wide eyes. Abrams just grins.
"That's right. I'm never going to stop fucking you, cunt. You're mine, for the rest of your pathetic, miserable life. Maybe I'll even let you have some fun with the Oracle, if you're very, very good."
Iris' breath hitches at the idea of getting to dominate and hurt Lunafreya. It… certainly excites her, and she begins wiggling like an over-excited bitch. Abrams just laughs, and grabs her by her hair, dragging her up to her feet and then pulling her into his lap. He impales her on his cock right then and there, before handing her a phone.
"Call her. I don't care how you do it but make her meet with you. Get her the necklace, and the moment she puts it on… she'll belong to ME, just like you do."
Shuddering in orgasmic bliss, Iris moans as he begins to squeeze her breasts while fucking her at the same time. Taking a moment to collect herself, the young woman eventually places the call. Within moments, Lunafreya picks up.
"Who is this?"
"L-Luna, ah… it's me, I-Iris…"
"Iris! Where have you been?! Where's Noctis?! I haven't heard from him or any of the others in DAYS!"
Iris resists the urge to look back at her Master. Had he already… the thought fills her with nothing but vicious pleasure, though she's quick to channel that away, adopting a scared, hurt tone instead.
"T-Things have, mm, happened, Luna. We need to meet. Y-You're in danger, and, ah, I'm all that's left t-to protect you…"
"All that's left?! No… that can't be. They can't be…"
"Luna! F-Focus! Tell me where you are, I n-need to know where you are!"
In the end, Lunafreya tells her, the so-called Oracle not quite so all-knowing after all. Iris has a wide smile on her face, even as she hangs up the phone, the information that Luna has given her all written down. She leans back against her Master's chest and moans, jutting her breasts upwards into his grip as she squeezes and clenches around his cock.
She's so close to orgasming… so imagine her surprise when he abruptly pulls her off his member and drops her on the floor, standing up and moving away from her.
Looking back over, Abrams stares at her with contempt, like she's nothing more than the filth on the bottom of his boot.
"Did I not give you a task to complete, bitch? Why are you still here?"
Iris whimpers and lowers her gaze respectfully.
"I-I thought perhaps w-we might finish f-first?"
"No. In fact, some incentive, to make sure this goes smoothly. Until Lunafreya kneels before me and happily sucks my cock, I will not fuck you again. Do you understand?"
Iris, eyes wide, nods her head up and down before hopping to her feet and moving towards the door. She would need to get some actual clothing first before she went to Luna, but she knew better than to ask her Master for such things. She had a job to do, and she would not fail her beloved Master in her appointed task.
Meanwhile, Abrams watches her go for a long moment, before letting a wicked, evil smile break out across his face. Iris Amicitia had been a sanctioned mission… but Lunafreya was his own little pet project. Which was why he was using a mind-broken fuck toy to handle her, rather than actual trained operatives.
Soon though… soon, he would have the Oracle in his grasp. Soon, the beautiful jewel of Tenebrae would belong to HIM. He could scarcely wait to get his hands on that delicious piece of royal ass. He'd longed for her ever since he saw her for the first time, ever since he laid eyes on her beauty. Soon enough, he would have her. His slave would not fail him.
If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories!
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Looking for something Original from me to read? Check out The Soul Engine!