Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Faye Valentine’s Comeuppance (Cowboy Bebop)

A/N: Faye Valentine's Comeuppance, originally titled Faye Valentine's Bad End, was a commissioned two shot written back in May-June of 2019. Posting it up now as a one shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Faye never even meets the crew of the Bebop. Instead, she gets bagged and tagged by a bounty hunter, long before they can get ahold of her.

Themes: Rough Sex, Anal Sex, Mind Break



"Inspection time! Open up!"

As Faye comes awake with a start, her nostrils flaring in an exhale and her hand curling around the gun she keeps under her pillow, she has to stop her instincts, which scream at her to point the gun at the door to her dinky little apartment and just pull the trigger. Wouldn't do for her to kill her landlord, even if he IS a sleaze ball. Letting out a low sigh, the violet-haired young woman swings her legs off of her bed and stands up. She's already dressed of course; she was just napping briefly before going out for the evening.

The sun is still shining through the nearby window though, the fractures going through the glass just another reminder that Faye is stuck in a shithole. Soon, she hopes to get out of here though. Soon, she hopes to stop living from theft to theft, from heist to heist. One big score, and she can get off-planet and be on her way to somewhere… new.

The banging on her front door continues, so Faye rolls her eyes and begins making her way over to the door. As she does so, she puts the extra sway in her step early, swinging her hips side to side, along with her spectacular ass. She paints a sultry, seductive smile on her face, and stops by open door to her little dinky bathroom to look at herself in the mirror, blowing herself a kiss and giving herself a wink to make sure her mask is perfectly in place.

Faye KNOWS what she looks like. She looks like a gorgeous femme fatale, in her shiny golden get-up, with her red jacket tied right beneath her breasts, which strain against her small, high-collared jacket. Everything about her appearance is made to show off her body, from the short jacket, to the skimpy short shorts, to her heeled boots and thigh-high stockings.

If there's one thing that Faye Valentine has learned about this time period, it's that it's really not much different than her own. Using your looks to get what you want can be a very helpful tool, so long as it's used in moderation, and you don't attract the wrong kind of amorous intent. But then, that was what the gun was for, at the end of the day.

Smirking easily, the violet-haired thief, because that's what she is and she's not prone to lying to herself as she lies to everyone else, steps up to the door and looks through the peephole, one of the few things she'd deemed a necessity when choosing her current base of operations. On the other side of the door is indeed her landlord, standing there, waiting impatiently for her to open up, his hand raised and ready to knock again.

Before he can do so, she preempts him by quickly opening the door, keeping her gun behind her back as she gives him a smile and lets him in. These 'inspections' have become somewhat routine since Faye moved into this place. She's pretty damn sure that they aren't routine for anyone else, and that the landlord is just a perverted, skeevy bastard who uses the idea of inspecting her living quarters to leer at her and just be in her presence. What a scumbag.

Still, she has to put up with him for now, and it's not like there's anything in this place that actually ties her back to her crimes. Despite the fact that Faye Valentine has a six million woolong bounty on her head, as far as this weasel of a man knows, she's not Faye Valentine. She's nobody. She'll make sure to keep it that way, too.

Except, something is wrong. Faye realizes it far too late, when her landlord doesn't just barge past as he normally would, when he stays in the hallway and looks at her with sweat dripping down his brow. It's not avarice or lust she sees in his eyes, it's avarice. She's bringing her gun around just as the man that was hidden around the corner steps into view and places the muzzle of HIS handgun against her forehead.

"Ah-Ah… I wouldn't do that if I were you, Ms. Valentine."

Faye immediately goes still, even as her eyes cross in trying to look at the gun held to her head. He pushes her back, and she's forced to move to avoid stumbling and falling on her damn ass.

"You can go now, little man. I've got what I want. And because you were so cooperative, I won't tell the authorities how you let a wanted fugitive shack up in your place for who knows how long."

Her landlord, her cowardly, skeevy landlord, swallows thickly and nods before fleeing down the hall. The man who's entered her apartment never takes his eyes off of her as he kicks the door closed behind him, reaching back to turn the lock. Faye doesn't move, she doesn't dare move… she can already tell, this man is a professional.

"Drop it, please. I'd hate to splatter what I'm sure are very pretty brains, all across the floor."

Faye drops her gun to the ground, sure that if she just plays along for now, she can get out of this. As soon as she's disarmed herself, he's pushing her back again, leaving the gun behind near the door and forcing her to back up all the way into the middle of the shitty, dinky apartment. Then, he pistol-whips her, and Faye is on the ground, all she sees is stars.

By the time she can recover, he's got the cuffs around her wrists, and her arms pulled up over her head as he starts to paw at her. Faye curses, and squirms in his grasp, grimacing in disgust from the way he's touching her.

"W-What… what are you doing?!"

The man, a bounty hunter no doubt, just chuckles as he gropes her tits through the high-collared skimpy jacket she wears, before eventually just slipping his hand into the garment altogether to play with her breasts, one after the other.

"We're just gonna have a little fun before we head on our way, darling."

He's going to have his way with her, he means. Faye's breath grows short, and she growls up at the bounty hunter, trying to pull herself free of his grasp, but trapped between him and the hard side of the bed that she'd just come from.

"Y-You can't! You-!"

Faye falls silent, freezing up again as the gun is placed back against her forehead.

"Can't I, bitch? The bounty on your head is for dead or alive. Which do YOU prefer, huh?"

Faye shivers, closing her eyes as the tears finally begin to fall. She doesn't… she doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve any of this. Beneath the femme fatale façade, all there is, is a lost girl, hurt and alone in the universe. Faye Valentine, born in Nineteen Ninety-Four, a shy but positive and outgoing child, born to a wealthy family. So wealthy that at the age of twenty, she traveled into space with her parents on a private starship.

But something had gone wrong. Her parents had died, and Faye had been left all alone, so grievously injured that she'd been cryogenically frozen until medical science had advanced enough to actually be capable of healing her. She wished that they'd just let her die with her mom and dad, because when she was revived and healed fifty-four years into the future, it was to find that she'd accrued a debt of three hundred MILLION woolongs over the last five and a half decades.

Unable to pay her debts, lost and adrift in the world, Faye had fallen into a life of criminality and theft, working marks, stealing things. She'd become a thief, and not a half-bad one either, but it wasn't by choice. It was NEVER by choice. She was just… a victim of her circumstances. She had no desire to steal, she gained no real enjoyment from hurting others. It was the only way she could survive in this harsh, horrid future though. The only way that she could make her way through this new, rough galaxy.

But the bounty hunter who'd captured her didn't give two flying fucks about any of that, not that she'd ever tell him any of it. Dragging her up from the floor by her throat, he finally holsters his pistol, but Faye can see that it's a bio-locked holster, and even if she made a grab for it with her handcuffed hands, she'd not be able to pull it free.

He reaches down and grabs the front of her jacket, pulling roughly until it pops open and her breasts spring out. He tears the red jacket she has tied off under said breasts off of her entirely, tossing it aside contemptuously. He pushes her back onto the bed, her cuffed hands ending up above her head, and he pounces atop her, groping and squeezing her tits, even as she squirms and curses beneath him.

"L-Let me go, you d-damn brute!"

But he just laughs in her face, bringing his mouth down on one of her nipples, and then the other. He bites at them, suckling them one at a time before pulling at her tits with his teeth clenched around her teat. Faye cries out, her back arching as pain, but also pleasure, wracks her body. She hates this. She hates him… but there's no denying that her body responds to the rough treatment, as it always has, as she's always loathed herself for.

His hands go down to her short-shorts, and after fiddling with them for a little bit, he just grabs at her and TEARS, ripping her bottoms off of her body entirely, along with her suspenders as well. Faye shrieks in anger and pain both, and she fights all the harder beneath him, but it's no use. He's bigger than her and stronger than her, and altogether BETTER than her.

Even as she attempts to twist free of his grip, even as she aims to escape his grasp, he maneuvers her into position with movements that make it clear he's trained in dealing with prisoners. Probably ex-military, or ex-police, or ex-prison guard. Most bounty hunters are, from Faye's experience. This man though, he's a cut above the rest. He's good, and he's got her dead to rights.

Soon enough, Faye finds herself in an unenviable position. The man has stripped her bottoms away, fingered her cunt for a few moments, and then torn his own pants off, before flipping them both over. He was no his back now, while Faye was atop him. But she was all the more helpless than before, with her legs up in the air, her cuffed hands back behind her head, and her body folded up in a full nelson.

His big, muscular arms go up under her legs, and his hands clasp together behind her neck. Her tits are squished together by her thighs and her pussy is on full display. But as Faye looks down the length of her naked form, she realizes far too late that her cunt is not what the bounty hunter is aiming for. She realizes this, right as the tip of his cock presses up against her tight, virgin sphincter, and he drops her down onto his member without a single word of warning or moment of mercy, impaling Faye's ass on his cock, just like that.

For a moment, time itself almost seems to stand still. Her eyes are wide, her mouth is open in a silent scream. Her heels are up in the air, and there is a massive, fat COCK inside of her asshole. Time resumes, and Faye's screams are no longer silent as the bounty hunter begins to bounce her up and down on his cock, thrusting up into her from below and stretching her wide around his dick.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

"Fuuuck, I knew the moment I saw you that your ass would be tight as hell. Sultry little minx like you, probably get fucked in the cunt all the time. But this is new for you, ain't it? Yeah it is. Take your medicine, naughty little thief!"

Tears continue to stream down Faye's cheeks as she's kept folded like a pretzel, held in a full nelson, and unceremoniously butt-fucked by this bastard of a bounty hunter. The worst thing is… she's kind of enjoying it. Oh, it hurts, it hurts a lot… but it also feels really damn good. Her cunt is clenching and squeezing, even as her anus is plundered, and her pussy juices begin to flow down onto the cock currently buried in her bowels, making it slicker and slippery, until he's able to fuck her all the faster thanks to the natural lubricant she's providing.

Her heeled boots swing through the air again and again, while her stockings strain and tear a little from the rough, sharp motions. Her tits bounce and jiggle repeatedly but are left ignored in favor of him continuing to hold her in place with his hands behind her head, gripping tightly at her violet locks. Faye can't say for sure how long he fucks her like this, how long he plunders her asshole with his big, fat cock. But eventually, the end comes, and she feels the moment that his seed pumps up into her bowels, filling her back door to the brim. She feels the moment that he absolutely paints her insides white with his cum, and then some.

His ejaculate overflows and makes a mess of her fat ass cheeks, even as he releases her legs and pulls her off his cock, letting her fall away from him. She collapses forward onto the floor, her hands still cuffed in front of her, even as the bounty hunter lets out a satisfied sigh. When Faye looks up, she sees her gun, the one he made her discard, only a few feet away from her, right by the door.

… She doesn't go for it. Instead, she gets up off her face and turns around, kneeling between the bounty hunter's legs and leaning forward to begin to clean his cock off from the large amount of steaming hot semen coating it. She uses her tongue and buried her cuffed hands down between her creamy thighs, touching her cunt even as his seed leaks out of her asshole the entire time.

He comes up in surprise and watches her clean him off for a moment before snorting derisively and grabbing her by her hair. Faye lets out a soft gasp, even as she gives him her best 'fuck me' eyes. Except, it's not a trap, unlike the countless times before it. He's no mark… she wants it. She wants him. Shaking his head, the bounty hunter pulls her to her feet, her clothing mostly destroyed, her lewd, lurid body on full display, and his jizz leaking out from between her butt cheeks.

"Come on, bitch. Time to turn you in."

Faye bites her lower lip, even as he escorts her out of the apartment and down the hall, not even bothering to cover her up. She doesn't care though, doesn't care that she's practically flashing everyone in the place. Her eyes are only on the man beside her. The planet she's wanted on is not this one, so he's probably taking her to his ship for transport. Which means Faye will have more opportunities. More chances to convince him that she's worth more than six million woolongs.

Maybe… maybe she's finally found her place, in this harsh future. But first, she has to convince this hunk of a man to keep her as his pet bitch.


It's humiliating, being escorted down the hall with her hands cuffed in front of her, wearing nothing but her boots. The facts of what he'd just done to her and what she'd done in turn to him are obvious, his seed spilling out from betwixt her plump butt cheeks and a combination of fluids splattered across her face from where she'd eagerly cleaned his cock off with her tongue and mouth.

Faye Valentine shudders under the combined gazes of those who they pass by. The owner of the building she's been staying in looks conflicted, like on one hand he hates to see her go, but on the other, he can't help but enjoy watching her leave. She's sure that, as she is right now, with the bounty hunter escorting her along and her nudity and freshly fucked body on full display, that he's going to have masturbation fantasy fuel for ages after this.

She doesn't care about that all that much though. What's more important right now is finding a way to convince the bounty hunter to go against his own personal self interest and not turn her in. Not because she doesn't want to go to prison, even though she REALLY doesn't… but because she wants him to keep her. Perhaps something broke within her, back in that cheap, shitty one-bedroom apartment, when he'd slammed her down on his cock in that full nelson.

Or perhaps something had always been broken within her, and all he'd done was bring her to the realization that she needed to stop running from her true desires. Shit, she didn't even know his name at this point, but she did know one thing… she loved it when he looked at her with those eyes of his, when he looked down on her, or when he called her a slut or a bitch or a naughty little thief.

Faye Valentine wanted more of that. Specifically, she wanted it from this big hunk of a man. She wanted him to claim her as his property, to mark her as his own and keep her as little more than a sex pet and a source of stress relief. Though, she could do other things as well, if he liked. If he kept her around, she could clean, and she could cook, and she could keep his spaceship tidy.

As he escorts her through the streets towards the spaceport where his ship is no doubt docked, they aren't completely left to their own devices. More than a few people stop and stare as he frog marches her along. Normally, Faye would be blushing like mad and doing her best to cover herself up. With her hands handcuffed in front of her instead of behind her, it wouldn't have been out of the question for her to at least cup her crotch.

But she didn't even bother, focused on figuring out how to convince the bounty hunter to just… keep her forever. She wanted him to treat her like trash, while also valuing her enough to not turn her in for her bounty. It was going to be tough, there was no doubt about that, but she had to figure out a way to make it work…

As such, when the authorities stop them not once, but two separate occasions on the way to the spaceport, Faye makes no effort to try and trick them into freeing her. She could have played the 'poor me' card, telling them how he'd assaulted her in her room, how he'd RAPED her, how he'd abused her… but she doesn't. She doesn't say a word. Both times, the bounty hunter brings out his documentation, as well as the information pertaining to her specific bounty.

Given that she's a criminal, she doesn't have any rights of course, so her nudity and the cum leaking out of her ass and drying on her inner thighs is ignored, or even laughed at. Some of the cops even go so far as to give her delectable derriere a quick swat as they let the bounty hunter continue on his way, something that causes Faye to jump and squeak a bit, but otherwise give no reaction.

It's humiliating, it's degrading, it's embarrassing… and it's also one of the hottest experiences of her life. It would be even hotter, however, if he wasn't planning on turning her over to the actual authorities back on the planet where he'd gotten her bounty in the first place. When they finally make it to his ship, she looks at it and can definitely see herself spending the rest of her life on it.

It's nothing truly special, of course. He's a bounty hunter, not a fucking rich CEO with all the money in the world or anything like that. But he's clearly a fairly successful bounty hunter, because his ship is top of the line in both weapons and armor, only a couple of tiers below the sort of shit one would find on military vessels. Hell, what he has is even better than what some local forces can field.

If she hadn't already made up her mind, or if he hadn't made it up for her when he fucked her silly, Faye would have immediately begun plotting how best to steal this man's ship and sell it to the highest bidder. It would be just what he deserved for trying to collect on her bounty, after all. But all she could think about, even as her mind instinctively categorized and put price tags on pretty much everything she saw, was how his cock had felt, first in her cunt and then in her ass.

She didn't want her first time experiencing his gorgeous dick to also be her last. As such, when the bounty hunter begins escorting her into the back to what is very clearly a cage, Faye finally puts up a little bit of a fight.

"W-Wait… wait just a m-moment!"

The big man stops and looks to her, lifting an eyebrow in slight surprise and confusion.

"What? Now is when you want to struggle? You were so damn docile back in town. You could have tried all sorts of things with those cops, could even have used them as a distraction to try to get away. I know what sort of skills you have, Ms. Valentine. I know you're very… flexible. But now we're onboard my ship, and I've already armed the security to take you down if I end up incapacitated… so why fight now?"

Licking her lips, Faye looks into the bounty hunter's eyes.

"I… w-what's your name?"

He just snorts at her though.

"If you're trying to connect or bond with me or something, don't bother, it won't work."

"N-No, it's not that! I… I don't want you to free me! You don't need to let me go… b-but you also don't have to turn me in either, right?"

Now he's looking at her incredulously, like he has no idea what she's saying.

"The fuck are you on about, bitch? What's the third option?"

Seeing her chance, Faye pushes herself forward, bringing her hands up to grab at the bounty hunter's chest as she licks her lips, staring up into her eyes.

"You could keep me, instead. As… a-as your pet. I could be whatever you want me to be… your bed slave, your maid, your cook. Let me stay with you… keep treating me like I'm worthless… but let me stay with you."

For a long moment, he just stares at her. Faye is pretty good at reading people, she's had to learn to be, all things considered… she can tell he's tempted. But after that moment passes, he scoffs and shakes his head.

"I already told you that I did my research, bitch. You really think I'd fall for something like that?"

Whimpering, NEEDING him to understand, Faye falls to her knees right then and there before the bounty hunter, bringing her hands up to his belt.

"I-I mean it… I mean every word. Let me show you, please."

She hurriedly takes his cock out, though if he really wanted to stop her, they both knew he could at any time. Instead, he lets it happen, and Faye soon has the man's big fat cock inside of her again, this time in her mouth as she stretches her lips wide to accommodate him, bobbing up and down his length as enthusiastically as possible.

It's an altogether sloppy blowjob, and not something that she would have ever done by choice before this, not something she would have found much pleasure in either. But this time, Faye enjoys every last moment of it. She enjoys the way he looks down at her both physically and metaphorically, the way he sneers at her as he eventually grabs a fistful of her hair and begins to force her to go even faster, properly fucking her face on his cock.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

She takes every last bit of it, and when he eventually cums down her throat, she does her best to swallow every last drop. Before Faye knows it, she finds herself bent over the nearest cargo crate, his cock buried in her quim once again. He fucks her HARD, relentlessly even, plowing her silly with all his might. Faye just lets it happen. And she truly does let it happen. Even with her hands cuffed in front of her, she has a number of tricks up her nonexistent sleeves.

She could have made a go at getting away, and possibly even succeeded as well, but she never tries, never even makes the attempt. She hopes that he's skilled enough to see that, she hopes that he's aware of just how many opportunities she's outright ignoring in favor of being his obedient little fuck toy… but if he is, he's also paranoid enough to still throw her into the cage when he's finally done with her, his cum now dripping from both of her holes as she lands on the hard floor of the cage with a light cry.

But even as he locks her in, he stops right before leaving the cargohold to look back at her consideringly.

"… We'll see, bitch. We'll see."


That becomes Faye's life for the next two weeks. She's well aware from the telltale hum the next time she wakes up that they've left the planet she was on behind and are currently traveling through space. Perhaps her ultimate destination is to be a jail cell, but she's not going to give up that easily. Luckily, he gives her every opportunity to give herself to him. When he comes back to her the first time that next day, he hoses her down first in a humiliating fashion, forcing her to spread open her cunt lips and ass cheeks to truly clean out her lower holes.

Then he fucks and creampies both of them again anyways, before cleaning his cock off using her hair. He always leaves her filthy after he's done, before cleaning her up only when he's ready for another go at her. Faye never complains though, nor does she whine about the food she's given. She takes it all, from the food to the erratic schedule to his big fat cock without a single word of complaint. She works his shaft over in her mouth with gusto, clenches down around his member in her cunt as hard as she can with her inner muscles, and all around does her best to please the bounty hunter every way she can.

The thing is, when the first week passes, Faye is pretty sure she's got him at least considering the idea. He doesn't trust her still… but Faye knows the distance between the planet she was on and the planet that he would turn her over on, and it was about a week's flight. So, the fact that they're not there yet means he's delaying, stalling even.

By the end of the second week, Faye is almost positive that he's thinking about keeping her. As he pulls her from her cage and forces her to her knees, the naked beauty drops to the ground willingly, looking up expecting a bit fat cock to slap across her face. Instead, however, she finds a collar in the bounty hunter's hands.

"You know what this is, bitch? This is a slave collar. You put this on, and you become my property until I decide I'm bored of you. I become your Master, and you officially become my pet. Here's the thing, this shit doesn't come off once it's around your neck. You live with it for the rest of your life, and you die with it when the time finally comes for you to pass on. Ownership can be passed along, but the collar itself… is forever."

Faye's breath is stolen from her as she stares at the slave collar with wide eyes. The thought that he might get rid of her one day… well, it upsets her certainly, but it would also be his prerogative, wouldn't it? If she was his slave, then whatever he wanted to do with her, she would have to abide by. The thought of wearing that collar, of being his property for the rest of her days… it filled Faye with far too much hope and happiness. She can't help but think now that this had always been lurking inside of her, this need to just be… owned by someone else.

"So, this is your last chance, bitch. Either you put this on and become my slave, or I turn you over to the authorities and get my bounty. What's it going to be?"

Then, he holds out the collar to her. Faye takes it with shaking hands, holding it aloft. All she has to do is bring it up to her neck and lock it into place, and it'll be permanent. An accessory that she'll wear for the rest of her days, marking her as less than human, as little more than property. With a happy little sigh, Faye Valentine doesn't even hesitate. Smiling widely, the beautiful young woman places the collar up against her throat, wrapping it around her neck and connecting the two ends at her nape.

They lock together… no, more than that, she feels a bead of hotness on her neck as they actually FUSE together. As he said, the collar, now a weight just under her chin that she's going to have to get used to, won't ever come off again. Looking up into the eyes of her slightly surprised Master, Faye smiles beatifically.

"Thank you, Master. Please… how may I serve you?"

That's when the cock finally comes out, and Faye happily deep throats her new Master's member to kingdom cum, followed by taking his big fat dick in every single orifice she has. This was Faye's life now… and she wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


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