Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A God’s Conquest (RuneScape)

A/N: A God's Conquest was a two-shot commission originally written from June to August of 2019. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy.

Summary: In which Bandos triumphs over a female version of Armadyl and sets about making her and all of her followers into his dumb little sex pets.

Themes: Rough Sex, Mild Bimbofication, Dom/Sub


A God stood over a Goddess, resplendent in his triumph, while the Goddess lay fallow at his feet, defeated and stunned by that very defeat. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, after all. This shouldn't have been possible. There were mortals already despairing over this defeat… there were mortals already cheering it on as well.

To understand, one must have context. The God in this scenario is Bandos, commonly known as the Big High War God and the Lord of Battle. He has and always will be the Patron God of the brutish and so-called unintelligent races, such as goblins, trolls, ogres, and orks. However, in his time, he has grown beyond just those monstrous species, to embody the brutality and utter ignorance of War in its entirety, reaching into the hearts of big, dumb, violent brutes in every race and turning them towards his cause.

Meanwhile, the Goddess could be called Bandos' opposite in almost every way. Though, to compare the Lady of Justice in such a way was probably doing her a disservice. Armadyl was the Avian Goddess of Justice, as well as being associated with liberty, law, and the open sky. She was not necessarily a Goddess of Intelligence, or anything like that, but it was implied. To pursue Justice usually required some measure of intellect. To make laws and champion for liberty also required more than just dumb, brutish strength.

When Bandos returned to Gielinor yet again to rule it as his world and invoke massive war across the planet's surface, it had been Lady Armadyl who rose up against him. And now it was the Avian Goddess who had fallen before him. Standing over her, triumphant, Bandos can only breathe heavily through his mask, his nostrils flaring as each expulsion of hot air comes out of the slats in his helm and washes over the bitch of a bird at his feet.

He knows that he needs to make this stick. He needs to turn this victory into a victory that will stand the test of time. While some might assume Bandos to be as stupid as those who Champion him, in truth, Bandos is not stupid. He is egotistical, of course, and it has caused him to fall to ruin more than once. He is also manipulative, and sadistic. But he has a mind to him, an ability to plot and plan. It wasn't his initial intention but staring down at this… at this weak little Bird Goddess, an idea begins to take shape in his head.

Reaching down, the God of War grabs Lady Armadyl by her fragile little throat, dragging her up off the ground. With her power drained from her as a result of their conflict, she might as well be just another Aviansie at the end of the day. He holds her up, standing tall atop his tower.


Those fighting for the Lady of Justice break all the further, while his own forces are bolstered by the display. But Bandos is FAR from done. Reaching down, Bandos takes ahold of the Avian Goddess' armaments. Her armor is already slightly shattered in some places, making it easy for the God of War to pull at it, ripping pieces off of her body.

Armadyl is not idle, of course, she squawks in indignation and squirms in his grasp.

"Y-You brute! Unhand me! Put me down! W-What are you doing?!"

Her incessant prattling gets on Bandos' nerves, so he reaches up and clasps her beak in the hand that's been stripping her down. He squeezes tightly, and her eyes go crossed as muffled, panic squawking tries to emit from the beak.

"You do not speak. Not anymore. There is no need for it."

And then Bandos reaches into the defeated Goddess, as is his right as her conqueror… and he TAKES. Unfortunately, the concept of Speech is not one of the God of War's domains. However, intelligence IS one of his domains. That's where Bandos strikes. He siphons off some of the Lady of Justice's intelligence, dimming the bird brain before him slightly. He encounters resistance though of course, as he expected. She fights him, even now… but that's just fine. He knows how to… distract her.

Returning to stripping the Avian Goddess of her armor, tearing away her skirt last of all to reveal her naked feathered form to all of the mortals looking on from below, Bandos reaches down and without hesitation, without mercy, viciously jams two of his fingers up into the Goddess' cunt. Armadyl's eyes go wide and her beak opens in a big squawk as this happens, but Bandos is brutal, relentless, and altogether unstoppable, quickly pistoning his digits in and out of her slit as he finger fucks her right then and there, atop his tower, in front of all of their most fervent followers. Both his… and hers.

This is his right, as the victor of this battle. This is his spoils of war, as the Big High War God. So, Bandos takes, and he takes. As he fingers Armadyl, the Lady of Justice's concentration is irrevocably broken. It's obvious from her flapping wings and rapidly twitching gaze that she never once expected this humiliation to befall her. It probably didn't even cross her mind that she could be BEATEN, let alone treated this way.

Well, Bandos is all too glad to make her aware of her own stupidity. Literally. Now that he's fingering her and she's distracted by the physical, he can go back to the mental, his grip around her throat still close enough to her 'mind' to give him access to it. Bandos continues to drain intelligence away from the Avian Goddess, even as he holds her aloft and molests her quite brutally in front of her most devout worshippers, those who had stepped up for the sole purpose of trying to help her fight him off.

Not that many are getting a chance to watch for very long. With the immense, divine distraction overhead, those among Lady Armadyl's flock who are male fall to the blades of Bandos' armies quickly. Those among Lady Armadyl's flock who are female, on the other hand, are pushed down into the dirt, allowed to watch as Bandos' followers stare up at the visage of their God, humiliating and degrading a Goddess.

Learning is outlawed, among Bandos' worshippers. His soldiers are not allowed to think for themselves. This does not mean they are entirely mindless, more than they're just utterly uneducated, and bred to be dumb and obedient. They are, however, trained to follow orders. Even orders that Bandos doesn't explicitly give. They're trained to look to their God for guidance at pretty much all times. 'What Would Bandos Do?' is definitely something that every single warrior of Bandos asks themselves at practically every moment of every day, because in the end, his wants, his desires, his choices and actions… they're all that matter, really.

So, watching the God of War defile the Goddess of Justice right before their eyes, the Armies of Bandos caught on pretty damn quick. Rules of engagement had suddenly changed. Instead of it just being "kill, kill, KILL!" it had transformed into "Kill the men… defile the women!"

For now, it was just some fingering, here and there. Fallen female combatants could do nothing but bear with it as they stared up in horror and despair at the sight of Lady Armadyl suffering the same molestation, the same horrendous fate. But if they thought this was as bad as it could get… they were woefully underestimating Bandos' evil.

Bandos doesn't bother fingering the Avian Goddess in his grasp to completion or anything like that. After all, this isn't about her pleasure. If she gets off on it, fine, but at the end of the day, this is Bandos' victory. This is his triumph. This is about HIS pleasure, about HIS desires, as it ALWAYS has been. Grinning behind the slates of his mask, the Big High War God spins his bitch of a bird around, now that he's drained her intelligence from her. She squawks indignantly, but that's really all she can do, squawk, squawk, squawk.

Forcing her to face outward, Bandos reaches down and grabs the front of his armor, specifically the codpiece. He tears away his groin plate and tosses it off the tower to the side, where it comes down on a couple of goblins molesting a woman, crushing all three of them in a single instant. Bandos pays this no mind, in fact, he very much does not even notice the random slaughter he just committed.

He's more focused on taking his massive, fat, green cock, which is now rising quickly since being released from the confines of his armor, and placing it up between Armadyl's legs, against her dripping wet cunt. The Avian Goddess looks down uncomprehendingly for a moment, before realizing what's about to happen. Dumbed down and altogether powerless, she can do nothing but squawk and flap her wings, trying to get away and failing, right up until the point at which Bandos grabs her by her waist and SLAMS her down on his cock.

The Goddess of Justice's cries ring out across the war-torn field. For a moment, everything is still. Then, quite a few things begin to happen at once. To start with, Bandos begins to bounce his new pet bird up and down on his cock, fucking her nice and hard, holding her aloft with both hands around her thin waist as he stands there like an immovable tree trunk, tall and strong as ever.

Meanwhile, down below, seeing this happening… Bandos' forces begin to engage in some casual brutal rape and defilement themselves. They'd been emulating their God before, of course, doing as he did like they tried to do in all things. This meant that goblins had been ganging up to finger human women, ogres had mimicked Bandos properly and pulled female Aviansie up from the ground by their frail bird necks to slam their thicker fingers up into them from below, and orks had gone ahead and just fingered the shit out of their elven foes.

Now though, now that Bandos has pulled out his cock and is outright fucking the Lady of Justice for all to see, his forces are all too happy to escalate things as well. The battlefield quickly descends into debauchery, with goblins and ogres and orks alike pulling out their own dicks and beginning to fuck their female captives to their heart's delight.

Finally, Bandos has some words for Lady Armadyl. As he fucks her, he slides one hand back up her feathered body to her neck and pulls her back against his chest so that he can speak to her directly.

"You're mine now, bitch. You belong to me. And so, does every last one of your pathetic race. Sing for me, cunt! Sing my praises!"

Squawking, but soon trilling from the pleasure of his massive cock ravaging her insides, the dumbed down birdbrain does as she's told. Armadyl, Goddess of Justice, throws back her head and sings her praises to the sky.

"I-I devote myself to Big High War God Bandos! I'm soooorrryyyy! I never should have fought back! It feels sooooo much better to just get FUCKED!"

And as the slightly bimbofied Goddess proclaims this… she makes it true. As exhausted as her divine power might be due to her battle with Bandos, there's still plenty of strength in her words and her convictions. In some universes, Gods and Goddesses are informed by those who believe in them, molded and shaped by them.

Not in this universe. In this universe, the Gods and Goddesses choose what they stand for, and it's those who believe in them who are in turn molded and shaped by them. As such, Bandos' mere existence has stunted any potential for intelligence or maturity in goblins, trolls, ogres, and orks for quite a long time. On the flip side of that coin is Lady Armadyl, who through her pursuit of Justice and Liberty, had lifted her people, the Aviansie, up to great heights. The Aviansie were a race of scholars and law-makers, of intelligent free flying spirits who operated on Armadyl's values of peace, co-operation, and justice.

They were a species that strived to create a world where the different races could work together in peace. Not to say that they were entirely pacifistic, of course. After all, they had fought Bandos. But only reluctantly, and with great hesitation. In the end though, they had fought, they had bled, they had even died… only for their Goddess to crumble like a stack of cards before the Big High War God. Only for Armadyl to declare, impaled on his cock, that getting fucked felt better than fighting back.

In that moment, the tenets of Modern Armadyleanism shift irrevocably. Not too far, in all fairness. They're still all about peace and harmony and co-operation, of a sort. It's just the justice bit that they all drop, in favor of becoming dumbed down, bimbo sluts all desperate for cock above all else. Yes, as Lady Armadyl, now a dimwitted bird impaled on Bandos' dick, discovers the joys of submitting to the Big High War God, so do the rest of her pathetic birdbrained race.

Bandos feels it, as it happens, feels it as he gets a whole lot more worshippers in the form of an entire new species now devoted to him. The Aviansie might try to fight it, but he could already see what was going to happen going forward. The male Aviansie would quickly fall to infighting, until eventually they fell in line, their great civilization toppled from within so that they could join up with Bandos' Armies as the new aerial wing of his forces.

The female Aviansie, meanwhile, would find it even harder to fight back against their Goddess' new outlook on life, sharing a gender with Lady Armadyl as they do. They would fall into debauchery and lust and depravity. Female scholars would disappear from Aviansie Civilization as readily as male scholars, but not to become warriors. Instead, they would become pleasure slaves, satisfying the now more war-like male Aviansie, as well as the monstrous races already under Bandos' control.

It was… perfect. As was his new pet's tight little cunt, gripping and squeezing around his cock. Armadyl was climaxing now, the stupid bird bitch. She was orgasming along his member as he continued to fuck her on his dick, bouncing her up and down in front of a battlefield that had long since descended into an orgy of rape and violence and in some closes, blood.

Bandos didn't much care though if she enjoyed it, what he liked was that her enjoyment was making it feel better for HIM. Grinning viciously behind his slated mask, Bandos snarls and slams the Avian Goddess down onto his massive bulbous cock again and again and again, until finally, her tight, gripping insides finally manage to milk him of his own release, his seed filling her womb.

Then, without hesitation, without stopping… he proceeds to do it again. Eventually, he does sit back down on his throne behind him. Eventually, he relaxes and lets Lady Armadyl fuck herself on his cock, the horny, lust-filled birdbrain doing all she can to please her new Master as well as herself. He rests and he exults in his victory. With the Goddess of Justice's defeat, he's one step closer to ruling Gielinor, and descending the world into a massive, endless war that only HE will profit from.


With Armadyl's defeat and subsequent humiliation, Bandos had sent forth his armies across Gielinor to finish the conquest in his name. Meanwhile, he had focused his efforts on acquiring a very specific individual for his further plans. Now, the Big War God sat on his throne as his new pet goddess lay against the side of it, chained to the arm of the large stone chair.

They both waited… but they did not have to wait long. The doors to Bandos' throne room open up, and a very particular goblin is dragged in, squirming and kicking and shouting as she tries and fails to fight off those that hold her steadfast. She stops, of course, when she sees just who she's been brought before, her eyes going wide as she takes in the state of the throne room, her gaze eventually falling to Lady Armadyl herself, the female avian goddess wearing nothing but the iron collar around her neck as she lounges, awaiting her Master's next order.

A shudder runs through Zanik the Cave Goblin's body as she purses her lips together. Her big eyes look between Armadyl's defeated form and Bandos, who sits upon his throne, ascendant in victory.

"S-So it's true then…"

Bandos snorts derisively and then waves a hand in dismissal.

"Leave us."

The female goblin is released to fall to her hands and knees, and the two orks that had dragged her into the throne room back out the way they came, closing large stone doors behind them and locking Zanik inside with a God and Goddess… though clearly only one of them was any real threat. But what a threat he was. Without her crossbow, without any sort of weapon, Zanik was at a loss for how she was supposed to even stand up to Bandos. The Big War God had her dead to rights…

"Come closer."

A shudder runs down Zanik's spine, and for a moment she considers refusing. She is a goblin, and that leaves her to fall under Bandos' domain, as much as she hates it. After all, she was a goblin second… and a Dorgeshuun first. The Dorgeshuun were goblins who had abandoned Bandos' cause centuries ago. There was no reason for her to have to obey the War God now. No reason… at all…

With a shudder, Zanik forces herself to her feet and begins to move forward, taking step after step as she gets closer and closer to the God and his pet Goddess. As the goblin moves, however, she notices something strange happening. Bandos and Armadyl… are they getting smaller? Or… or is she getting bigger? Each step Zanik takes causes the room to shift just a little bit more, until it's too noticeable not to see.

This results in a rather strange effect. When she was further away, back near the throne room doors on her hands and knees, Bandos on his throne and Armadyl at his feet had both seemed utterly larger than life, as one might expect a God and Goddess to be. They'd both been giant, completely out of this world in size. However, now that Zanik was closer… well, she was still a goblin, and both of them were still bigger than her… but rather than being four or five times her size now, Bandos was more akin to twice or three times her size.

Faltering to a stop, Zanik's brow furrows in confusion as the female goblin tries to figure out what is happening. But before she can do or say anything, Bandos chuckles darkly and reaches out, scooping her up without giving her any time whatsoever to complain. Zanik lets out a yelp as she's raised into the air, and she finds herself face to face with the Big High War God that her tribe had abandoned so long ago.

"You… you will be my Chosen Commander."

Zanik gapes at that, sputtering in disbelief.

"W-What?! That doesn't make any sense! I'm not… I don't even follow you!"

And wasn't that tantamount to suicide, admitting her lack of loyalty right to the War God's face. But rather than tear her to shreds on the spot, Bandos just laughs again, before his voice takes on a particularly ominous tenor.

"You will… in time."

His other hand comes up, and Zanik can do nothing but squirm as his thick, meaty fingers curl into her clothing. Without so much as a pause, the War God contemptuously tears her garments from her body, ripping them off of her and exposing Zanik in the same way Armadyl has been exposed. Her breasts, small and pale, bounce free and her nipples immediately begin to harden in open air, even as she lets out a soft, distinctly feminine squeak from the sudden aggression.

"What are you doing?!"

Bandos huffs, even as he spreads her legs apart and rubs one of his large, meaty fingers up against her cunt.

"It is not your place to question a god, my champion. Don't worry… I shall teach you."

Zanik opens her mouth, but whether it's to protest or what not, she doesn't even get a chance to decide, because Bandos sticks the finger he'd been fiddling around in her cunt with right into her mouth. As big and thick as it is, it slides right in, and even though Zanik tries to bite down, her teeth don't make much headway attempting to bite through a God's digit.

Squirming and struggling to try to get free in Bandos' grasp, the female goblin fails utterly… and soon has reason to regret even approaching in the first place. Trying to flee and being killed on the spot would have been preferable to being gagged by one of Bandos' fingers as she's slowly but surely split open on his cock. He's too big, too big, TOO BIIIIG!

But even as that thought runs through her mind, Zanik's body stretches and stretches, but never tears, even as it accommodates the War God's big, fat cock. He fills her cunt with his meat, and then her womb as well for good measure, until the cave goblin finds herself unable to even move, so stretched around his dick as she is.

For a moment, Zanik thinks she might just be able to recover. For a moment, she starts to get used to the sensation of being so… so FULL that it went beyond full and just into this 'stretched' sensation. Her breath starts to even out and stops coming out in short gasps as she begins to find her voice again. She opens her mouth to say something, anything that might make this end… but once again, before she can say a word, Bandos acts, the Big High War God using his grip on her body to pull her up… and then slam her down again.

"No more words. You speak when I say you speak."

And then he starts to fuck her, and much like a certain Goddess before her, Zanik's mind begins to grow fuzzier and fuzzier as Bandos' power envelops and overwhelms her. Unfortunately for the cave goblin, unlike Armadyl, she was just a mortal. She doesn't last nearly as long as the conquered Goddess did, before everything starts to… change.


As Bandos reshapes and remakes his Chosen Commander, while at the same time thoroughly enjoying how tight she is around his cock, the cave goblin turned into something of a sleeve for his massive member, the doors to his throne room open once more, letting in two large, masculine figures. Beneath his mask, the War God grins as General Graardor and Kree'arra stride into the room.

Only a few Aviansie males had been allowed to live after Bandos conquered their Goddess and initiated his purges. But this one? Kree'arra and Graardor were both worthy of serving him. And it seemed that Kree'arra was taking to his new position quite well, if his actions were anything to go off of. As the two generals, for that's what they are, even if the Aviansie hasn't actually claimed the title, stride forward, they come to a halt a few feet away from Bandos' throne, and fall to one knee each, bowing their heads in supplication before him.

This is good. Bandos can appreciate fealty; he can appreciate loyalty. Armadyl's breaking has led to him having an entire new species under his control. Though, not under his domain. The Aviansie remained under the conquered Goddess' list of domains, which had been irrevocably altered in… other words. Before, Lady Armadyl had stood for Justice, Equality, Sky, and of course her pet Aviansie.

She still stood for the Aviansie and the Sky, but Justice and Equality had been transformed into things that more fit her new status as Bandos' concubine and sex slave. Namely, Aerial Warfare and Sexual Servitude. Specifically, the sexual servitude of females to males. Now, given there wasn't many male Aviansie's left, this meant that those who did get to continue to live under Bandos' control within his armies had gathered utterly massive harems of their dumbed down female counterparts to them, while selling off the surplus as sex slaves to the other races that made up Bandos' armies.

Kree'arra was no different, from what Bandos had heard, gladly turning female Aviansie, from High Priestesses of Armadyl to Commanders in their own right, into sex slaves that he fucked and impregnated and bred on the regular. This was the effect that Bandos had on Aviansie society, this was the result of their Goddess being conquered and turned into little more than a bimbo slave.

Still, Bandos looked upon what Kree'arra and Graardor had wrought and was pleased. So, he'd decided that he was going to give the two of them a… reward. Still sliding Zanik's limp goblin body up and down his cock, using her like little more than a sheathe for his dick, Bandos raises his other hand high into the air.

"Arise, my generals. Arise. You have both served me well… and now is it time for you to reap the benefits of that service."

As Kree'arra and Graardor stand, exchanging a glance between them that's not quite as filled with animosity as it could be, Bandos reaches down beside his throne and grabs his conquered bird pet by her head, before contemptuously tossing her across the small amount of space between them and his throne, landing her right at the feet of the Aviansie and the Ourg. The chain connecting her to his throne extends outwards as Bandos wills it to, allowing her to make it all the way to where Kree'arra and Graardor both stand, looking down at the Avian Goddess with completely unconcealed contempt.

"She is yours until I am finished remaking my Chosen Commander. Have her as you like, do with her what you will."

Despite his clear distaste for his Goddess, Kree'arra still hesitates. Bandos doesn't blame the Aviansie for this, he knows that the male is loyal to him all the same. And it is a short bout of hesitation, at best, especially when Graardor doesn't hesitate, not even for a moment. Letting out a guttural roar of glee, the General, one of the last knowing surviving members of the Ourg race, falls to his knees and tosses aside his loincloth, exposing his massive, hardening cock.

Grabbing Armadyl by her wide, flared hips, he forces the bird goddess up onto her hands and knees, giving her ass a few smacks before lining up and slamming home, right then and there on the spot. The Ourg certainly wastes no time in filling her with his cock, ramming into her with all his might as he hilts himself inside of the Goddess on his very first thrust, letting out a rough shout in the process.

Armadyl lets out a lewd sort of trilling moan in response, and that's all Kree'arra needs to spring into action. The male Aviansie lets out an angry sort of growlish squawk and falls to his knees in FRONT of his Goddess, grabbing her by her feathers and lifting her head up, even as Graardor continues to fuck into her from behind with powerful thrusts.

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up! Look at you, you stupid bitch! Look at what your failure has wrought!"

Armadyl opens her beak, but before she can say anything, before she can apologize or refute or whatever she might have intended, Kree'arra lets his own cock loose, and stuffs it right down the Avian Goddess' throat, filling her mouth with his meat and completing the spit roast that Graardor inadvertently started.

Thus, is the broken, defeated bimbo goddess silenced by her own greatest warrior. Thus, is Lady Armadyl spit roasted between Bandos' two generals, even as Bandos himself watches on, still bouncing Zanik's limp body up and down on his dick. He can't help but be pleased as he watches Graardor and Kree'arra fuck Armadyl between the two of them.

After all, it had only been a couple of thousand years since the two had been warring with one another over the godsword. Now they worked together, under Bandos' rule. That might not always be easy for the two males, after all, they were both alphas in their own right, and only truly beholden to the Big High War God himself.

But in this case at least, it seemed that they had no issue whatsoever putting aside their differences in order to take out frustrations and slake their lusts on the Avian Goddess currently knelt between the two of them. Forced onto her hands and knees, fucked from behind and the front as well, Armadyl can do nothing but take it, her wings spreading wide in the process, the only indication of her discomfort as she chokes on her best warrior's dick while Bandos' favored general slams into her cunt from behind with bruising force.

They both take their time with her, while at the same time, moving at a rather frenzied pace, fucking her hard and fast, but also for quite a long while. That's alright though, as Bandos promised, they were allowed to have her until he was done with his Chosen Commander's remaking. Zanik's kin might have defected from his cause thousands of years ago, but Bandos had never forgotten them… nor had he ever forgiven them.

Thus, it was so very fitting that Zanik would be the one to fulfill this prophecy, the prophecy of the Chosen Commander. And looking down into her eyes, Bandos could tell that she was just about ready. He waits until Kree'arra and Graardor both let out matching groans and triumphant shouts, beginning to cum inside and all over the Avian Goddess their spit roasting, and then Bandos himself begins to cum. He fills the cave goblin impaled on his dick to the point that her belly balloons outwards and she looks close to bursting.

But of course, she doesn't. Bandos has already conferred his blessing onto her, making her into what the mortals would call an 'Immortal', a being a god had made into their champion. This would increase Zanik's power for the tasks ahead, and it also made her unaging for good measure. With a grunt, Bandos pulls the well-fucked goblin off of his dick, just as Kree'arra and Graardor pull their cocks out of his pet bird.

Reaching down, Bandos grabs the chain connected to Armadyl's collar and gives it a sharp yank, causing the Avian Goddess to squawk painfully, even as she's dragged back over to his throne. At the same time, with his other hand, he casually tosses Zanik to the ground. Even as she hits the ground and rolls a few times from the impact however, the female goblin is recovering, and rising. Bandos would expect no less from his champion.

When she stands, Zanik stands between Kree'arra and Graardor, and while she is diminutive in size compared to the male Aviansie and massive Ourg, she has a presence to her that even they notice, a presence that allows her to stand tall among them. Kree'arra and Graardor both look at the female goblin for a moment, and then to each other, before finally looking up to Bandos on his throne, which Zanik is already doing.

Contrary to how she entered, the cum-stuffed cave goblin has a smile on her face now, big and wide, and her eyes shine with devotion and adoration for the Big High War God as she gazes up at him on his throne. Bandos basks in this change in loyalties for a few moments, and then gestures dismissively with the one hand, while the other is petting through Armadyl's feathers most casually.

"You all know what I require of you. Go, and do my bidding. Do not fail me."

The trio bow their heads in respect and supplication, and then turn and leave the throne room, each with their own task ahead of them. Though, Kree'arra and Graardor will be working closely together, as Kree'arra is in charge of the Aviansie that can still fight, and Graardor will no doubt make use of the new aerial advantage that this gives Bandos' armies.

Zanik though, will be going this next part alone. And that's fine, because Bandos has given her all she needs to succeed in her new goals. Sitting back in his throne, the War God chuckles darkly. Soon… the world would be his.


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