Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

An Emperor’s Prerogative (Code Geass)

A/N: An Emperor's Prerogative was a commissioned one-shot from back in January of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy. WARNING! Dark Themes!

Summary: Emperor Charles zi Britannia calls Empress Tianzi and Kaguya Sumeragi to the table for... negotiations. But once he has them right where he wants them, of course he uses his Geass on both to make sure the 'negotiations' very much go in his favor.

Themes: Memory Control, Rough Sex, Master/Slave


Even seated upon his throne, Charles zi Britannia, Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire, is easily able to look down upon the room's other two occupants, despite the fact that they stand before him. They're both just so… small. And to think, his advisors had tried to talk him out of this for weeks. Though of course, most of them knew not what he was truly capable of. Only V.V. understood what Charles actually wanted out of this, and he simply couldn't understand the base desires of a man, due to having never grown out of being a boy.

That was fine. V.V. and he did not have to agree on everything, but in the end, Charles was Emperor, and this world belonged to HIM, not his twin brother. So, it only made sense that these two young women who'd caught his eye belonged to him as well. Empress Tianzi of the Chinese Federation, known by many as the Puppet Princess… and Kaguya Sumeragi, young head mistress of the Kyoto House. They were certainly beautiful, the two Asian women. One Chinese and the other Japanese, though he would only call her such in the privacy of his own mind. Japan no longer existed, after all. Only Area Eleven remained in its place.

Regardless, Charles had called these two young women to him for one reason and one reason only. They and everyone else BELIEVED that the two ladies had been invited under a banner of peace to negotiate the ongoing conflicts between them all. The Chinese Federation remained a thorn in the side of Charles' commanders, though one he knew they would eventually drag free.

Meanwhile, Area Eleven was undoubtedly the most poorly administered part of the Holy Britannian Empire, what with the headway that the terrorists had made since Clovis' death. It honestly made Charles wonder if he needed to rethink his strategy of placing his children in charge of such things. But no, in most other places, that had worked just fine. And today, he would make sure that the unrest in Area Eleven ended, once and for all.

Of course, things hadn't started out like this. Negotiations had begun in a large room a few halls down from the throne room, a massive conference table at which all three parties along with numerous flunkies and advisors and generals could sit. It had been far too much noise, but it had been necessary for the moment. After all, Empress Tianzi's 'supporters', meaning her handlers, would never have let the young woman meet alone with him under normal circumstances.

Similarly, Kaguya Sumeragi seemed to have a very good head on her shoulders, and she too had no desire to expose herself to sabotage or espionage, given the large security force she'd brought along, that he'd ALLOWED her to bring along… to a certain point. But that was alright, because in the end, all Charles zi Britannia needed was everyone in the same room as him.

From there, it had been easy enough to use his Geass to get his way. Convincing those involved that the initial meeting was not the true negotiations, but simply the preliminary talks, and that it had always been the intention for the REAL negotiations to take place just between the three of them was child's play for a man who had the ability to manipulate memories at a whim.

In the end, that massive, altogether too-large meeting had taken upon two hours of Charles' time that he was never getting back before finally they'd been able to retire to his throne room to begin the 'real' negotiations. But it was two hours well-spent for the games he got to play now. Smiling slightly, though it doesn't reach his eyes, the imposing Emperor spreads his hands apart from where they'd hung over his lap, his arms remaining on the arms of his throne as his elbows shift.

"Well, my dears? Who would like to begin? I am listening, not something that either of you can claim to have had before these talks."

Tianzi and Kaguya share a glance, and Charles can tell the diminutive young women are nervous in his presence. But they both think this was their idea, so it's not like they can back out now. Charles had used their relationship against them. The two were close friends, by all accounts… so he'd simply altered their memories so that they remembered having a clandestine meeting between the two of them, one where they agreed that they would meet with him in private but come at him from either side, working together to defeat him in the one battle they thought they could win.

Given that, it's no real surprise that the Chinese Empress goes first.

"It is the opinion of China that these talks can go nowhere without the input of Japan. Our island cousins deserve their freedom, and so long as you attack us and suppress them, there will be no peace. The dissolution of Area Eleven is a necessary step towards resolution, if you are serious about these negotiations."

And then Kaguya steps up to, the beautiful Japanese woman holding her head high as she opens her mouth to reinforce everything Tianzi has said. Only, this is where Charles stops her, where he stops them both. Sure, he could have let the negotiations draw out a bit more, but to be perfectly honest, he was already growing tired of watching these little girls trying to play at being his equals, when all three of them knew they were anything but.

Charles' eyes flare with Geass as he activates his ability, first on Kaguya, and then on Tianzi before either can truly react to the sudden change in his irises.

"No… no, that's not it, now is it? That's not it at all."

Tianzi falters at being denied, but then, Charles already knew her words were entirely scripted, he was the one who'd written the script! Regardless, it's Kaguya that the Britannian Emperor is paying attention to now, the other young woman's face changing without warning from serious determination… to lustful rapture. She steps up to Tianzi's side, and before the petite, small Empress can react, her friend's hands are wrapped around her and grabbing at her flat chest, groping it greedily.

The Chinese Empress doesn't fight back, instead moaning as her face contorts in pleasure, while her best friend openly molests her in front of their greatest enemy. Charles, meanwhile, explains how things are going to be, cementing the memories he's inserted into both their heads.

"Your friend there doesn't WANT to bring back Japan… because she understands that Area Eleven is the best thing that's ever happened to her and her people. She's proud to be an Eleven… and proud to be of use to her Emperor."

Kaguya moans into Tianzi's ear, and though it's not entirely visible, Charles can tell that the Japanese woman is currently rubbing her own tits against her Chinese friend's back. His smile becomes something of a wicked grin, and this time, the expression DOES reach his eyes, which are even now filling with delight as he locks them with the diminutive Chinese Empress and continues to explain her new reality to her.

"Meanwhile, you're not here to negotiate peace… you're here to negotiate your surrender, little Empress. Your friend has told you all about how amazing it feels to just give in and submit, and you're tired of being a puppet to all those weak, small-dicked boys that gather around you and tell you what you're thinking, feeling, and doing day in and day out. You're ready to pledge yourself to a real man, aren't you?"

"… yes…"

The quiet word escapes the Empress' lips between breathless moans as Kaguya continues to play with her to no end. Charles finally stands up then, and he marvels at just how… TINY these two female leaders are. At six and a half feet tall, the Emperor of Britannia towers over the both of them as he steps away from his throne and up to where the two stand, trembling and awaiting his presence. Neither can be much taller than five feet, making the difference in size just… overwhelming.

"You'll have to speak up, girl. What do you want?"

The Chinese Empress shudders at being addressed to so dismissively, her lashes fluttering as her lips part in another soft moan. But Charles is still waiting for an answer, and she eventually manages to give him one, her tone eager.

"I want to submit, y-your Grace! I-I surrender! The Chinese Federation surrenders!"

Charles' grin is as wide as it can get now, as he crosses his arms over his chest and looks down upon the flustered, moaning Empress, Kaguya's hands still molesting her, and at this point, beginning to strip her down. The other young woman, the once-proud head of Kyoto House, is now reduced to nothing but his instrument in tearing down his friend. Her face looks just as enraptured as Tianzi's now, her eyes filled with desire and devotion. A simple shift in her memories, and she fully believes she is Charles' creature, through and through, of her own perverse desire, her own debauched volition.

And now so does Tianzi.

"The Chinese Federation… no longer exists. It will be known as Area Twenty now."

The Empress, or former Empress, just moans under his commanding tone, nodding her head and in the process nuzzling Kaguya's cheek as she does so. Her pale flat breasts are on display now, and Kaguya is groping and squeezing the small amount of titflesh she has directly at this point, switching between playing with her nipples and her bust, back and forth as she teases all sorts of interesting sounds from Tianzi's lips.

No… not Tianzi… and not Kaguya either.

"My dear, loyal servants. My devoted Eleven… and my innocent Twenty."

Charles nods to his pet Eleven, and her breath hitches as his Geass gives her a memory of what that nod means. Pulling away from the former Chinese Empress, leaving his pet Twenty to sink to her knees, trembling with desire and need and submission, the Eleven moves to Charles and begins to work at his pants.

The different in height puts her hands right at level with his crotch, as it turns out, and once the Eleven has removed his massive cock from its confines, it's the work of but a moment for Charles to splay out his massive hand atop her small head and pull her down onto his member. His new pet opens her mouth wide as his cockhead hits her lips for the first time, and then Charles is past those lips, and pushing deep into her face hole.

His fingers grip tightly at her skull and the Emperor of Britannia groans as he thrusts into the throat of the living sex toy before him. She gags of course, despite believing herself to be experienced in being his stress reliever. Charles doesn't let up though, he doesn't show mercy, and he doesn't hesitate. He begins to fuck the Eleven's face right then and there, using his one-handed grip on her skull to slam in and out of her throat.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

While she chokes on his dick, Charles lifts his other hand up towards the newly-christened Twenty kneeling a few paces away. He beckons her forward, his eyes piercing as he smiles at her, paying the fuck toy currently inhaling his cock no mind at all.

"Do you wish to prove yourself, Twenty? Do you wish to serve your Emperor?"

Wide, crimson eyes stare back at him as the white-haired girl nods.

"Yes… your Grace."

Charles chuckles.

"Then come here… and from now on, you will call me Master."

"Y-Yes Master!"

The second of his new pets rushes to obey, and as soon as she's in reach, Charles closes his long, thick, masculine fingers in her styled white hair and grips tightly, forcing her down into a bent-over angle and twisting so that her face is abruptly pressed against his saliva-covered junk, the Eleven's drool and slobber already collecting on his large, churning nut sack.


That's the only order Charles has to give before the former Empress of the soon-to-be former Chinese Federation gets to work and begins to suck on his balls like the good little whore she is. All the while, his pet Eleven has continued to choke on his cock, not that she has much choice in the matter with Charles fucking her throat for all he's worth.

Still, to her credit, while her small hands have come up to latch onto his pants for support, she's not trying to push at him or pull away. And even as she chokes and gags on his thick shaft, her tiny throat not equipped to handle a man of his stature whatsoever, her tongue has been writhing along the underside of his cock, and her gorgeous green eyes, watery as they may be, are still focused on his face, filled with love and devotion for her Master.

The throne room is filled with the sounds of choking and gagging, slurping and sucking, and flesh slapping against flesh for several long minutes as Charles thoroughly enjoys putting the sassy little lips on his two new pets to better use than either were before. He fucks the Eleven's face while enjoying having the sweat and slobber licked off his balls by the Twenty. His grip on their heads never abates, and his control over the situation remains absolute, right on through his eventual release.

With nary more than a grunt as warning, Charles begins to cum. His seed explodes out of his cock, even as he makes sure that its buried deep in the throat of the pathetic female Eleven looking up at him. Her eyes widen as the sudden burst of cum clogs up her throat, and she chokes in a whole new way, even as it proves to be too much for her to manage. White, hot, sticky ejaculate comes up out of the sides of the Eleven's mouth as well as her nostrils, making an utter ruin of her already ruined face, her tear streaks doing nothing to save her makeup, which by now has run through completely.

At the same time, as he cums and makes a mess of the Eleven's already messy face, he pulls his other pet away from his balls, holding her off to the side as his seed spills out of pouty, full lips and runs down his cock, right over where her face used to be. He has other plans for the white-haired one, and they don't involve her getting quite as messy, yet. Though her face is still covered in slobber of course.

Finishing with the Eleven, Charles pulls the once-proud head of the Kyoto House off his cock and stares down into her glazed over green eyes for a moment. Then, he lets go of her, dropping her to her knees and letting her remain there, even as he pulls his other toy up by her white, styled hair and uses his free hand to grab the rest of her ceremonial vestments. Without a moment of contemplation, Charles tears the clothing the rest of the way off of her, leaving the former Empress naked and bared before him, her petite, small form, her pale flesh, and her squirming frame HIS for the taking.

Walking back to his throne, Charles sits upon it. The Emperor of Britannia carries his newest cock sleeve with him, and though she does squirm as he plays with her body, she doesn't try to resist, or pull away. Eventually, having sat down, his cock still at full mast and standing straight up in between his legs, Charles hoists the newly-christened Twenty up with both hands and sets her sopping wet, but altogether tiny slit against his massive cockhead.

The difference in size between the two of them has never been more apparent than in this moment, when Charles stops holding her up, only for her to NOT actually sink down onto his cock. Oh sure, her pussy lips spread a little and his cockhead is subsequently lodged inside of her as she gasps and moans and wiggles about trying to find some sort of comfortable position atop the massive phallus… but she's still sitting upon his dick like it's a stool rather than falling down and impaling herself upon it.

Reaching up, Charles places one massive hand on the small young woman's shoulder. The space between his digits and his thumb rests against her neck, and while his four long fingers splay across the majority of her upper back, his thumb rests on her upper chest, right below the hollow of her throat. Their eyes meet, the dark purple of the Britannian Royal Family, and the crimson of the former Empress of the soon-to-be former Chinese Federation.

"You will serve me for the rest of your life, Twenty. As my concubine, as my slave… as my cock-warmer. You will betray your countrymen to me, you will hand over the entirety of your world to me, and I shall do better with it than you ever could. After we are done here, you will tell me which of those who gather around you has the true power, which of them you always listen to. They will be convinced to follow along with your decision to dissolve the Chinese Federation and submit to the Holy Britannian Empire."

Charles smiles as his pet stares at him enraptured, not even a hint of horror or disgust in her crimson eyes at a single thing he's said.

"Together, you and I will bring peace to this world. Peace… through conquest."

And then he pushes her down, his grip on her shoulder and neck easily giving him the leverage he needs to impale her on his massive cock. Crimson eyes go wide and styled white hair flies up from the force as she's suddenly filled with his meat, her hymen torn in an instant, the former Empress' virginity claimed by her new Master. Her lips open wide, but it is a silent scream, as no sound emits from her throat or her mouth. She seems choked by the sudden intrusion, as if punched in the gut but a dozen times worse.

Charles, meanwhile… is luxuriating in the sensation of her tight, young body. Her cunt is amazing, and better than any of his current harem. He wonders how the Eleven compares, but there's all the time in the world to enjoy that bitch next. For now, Charles uses his other hand to grip the white-haired bitch's side and then he begins to force her up and down his shaft like the cock sleeve she is.

It's not bouncing and it's not riding. He's too big for that, and she's too small. It's more akin to sliding, his hands gripping her petite, pale body roughly, already leaving red marks across her flesh as he forces her up and down his length, sliding her back and forth again and again. The Emperor grunts at the sheer pressure around his shaft. He hits her cervix, but keeps going, having no use for such barriers in his toys. His cock buries itself to the hilt in the white-haired girl's womb, and he uses her like some sort of meat condom as he continues to jack off with her body.

The former Empress' moans fill the room, when they finally manage to make it out of her body. Her crimson eyes roll up in her head as her tongue lolls out of her mouth in a truly… embarrassing manner. She looks like an utter fool of course, but that's fine. She was never that much of a leader to begin with, according to his spies. Charles has just shown her where she belongs in a way that the weak-willed men around her were never willing to. But then, that was what made him Emperor, and those men… nothing more than toadies grasping at their petty influence.

The Chinese Federation belonged to HIM now. He held the keys to its conquest in his grasp, impaling her again and again on his fat cock. And she was beginning to enjoy it too. The more he fucked her, the more his newly-christened Twenty began to come back to herself. And as she recovered from the initial shock of being so thoroughly impaled on his cock meat, so too came the orgasms.

Again, and again, the white-haired slut begins to cum along his shaft. Her eyes rolling back in her head constantly, the throaty, wanton moans coming from her mouth… she can't stop, she can't hold back the pleasure. It overwhelms her. It becomes her. This is her existence now, his cock sleeve, ever eager to serve, ever willing to be whatever he wants her to be. She's nothing but his fuck toy, and she knows it too.

His hand on her shoulder leaves it, and Charles instead grips her styled white locks as they continue to bounce and jostle with each jarring motion of her body on his cock. Pulling her head to him, Charles kisses the former Empress. But it's not a kiss of equals, no sir. His tongue forces its way into her inexperienced, naïve mouth, and he dominates her here too, taking her to task and making sure that she KNOWS she's his.

The kiss lasts for a good several moments before Charles pull back, smirking easily at the glazed look he leaves behind on his pet's face. Then, he brings both hands down to her waist and REALLY gives it to her, a few dozen more thrusts that see her head tilting back and her screams of pleasure filling the soundproofed throne room as her back arches. She howls as he cums inside of her, as he fills her womb with very, VERY virile seed. He pumps his ejaculate nice and deep into the former Empress… and then he pulls her used-up body off of his cock and tosses it aside like so much garbage.

She hits the ground and rolls a bit before coming to a stop, but she doesn't move. Charles doesn't much care, he's already focusing on his other pet, on his other new toy. Standing from his throne again, the Emperor of Britannia stalks over to where the Eleven kneels before him. Given the size difference between them already, having her kneel means that she's BELOW his cock, allowing him to slap the messy phallus right down atop her face when she looks up at him.

Moaning, the slutty little Eleven eagerly licks and laps him clean of the combined juices from Charles and her fellow toy. When she's done, he rewards her by reaching down and grabbing her by her hair, dragging her off her knees and then off of the ground entirely. There's an involuntary cry that comes from her lips as he causes her pain, but she doesn't fight him, even when he holds her aloft and just stares into her green eyes.

"What are you, cunt?"

"A-An… an E-Eleven. I'm n-nothing, Master. I'm w-whatever you need me… to be."

Charles smiles and after a moment, he decides how he wants her. Spinning her about is easy enough, as is tearing at her clothing. Her own dress is also obviously ceremonial in some way, but that's not the kind of thing to stop a man like Charles zi Britannia. He rips the garments in his way apart but leaves her somewhat clothed for handholds. With one hand on her hair and the other on the back of her torn dress, Charles lifts the Eleven up in such a way that she's left at a ninety-degree angle.

Her arms and legs dangle beneath her, while her cunt and her ass… are at perfect level for his cock. Charles' thick, pulsating, throbbing shaft presses against the Eleven's cunt lips, even as she moans at the sudden content. She's sopping wet of course, her quim drooling with anticipation that wouldn't have been there just an hour before.

Memories… all people were in the end, was a collection of memories. If one had control over such a thing, one had control over EVERYTHING. This pathetic Eleven cunt was a leader of her people mere hours before. She was a proud woman who stood tall even in the face of adversity, even against HIM. But… now she's nothing more than another cock sleeve.

With that thought, Charles, who by this point has lodged his cockhead into the Eleven's cunt lips… thrusts forward. Unlike her fellow pet, the former head of Kyoto House is NOT silent at first thrust. As Charles tears through her virginity as well and splits her open on his massive cock, her throaty screams are very vocal indeed as her body shakes and spasms.

It takes him a moment, during which he begins to fuck her because he's certainly not going to stop now, but belatedly, Charles realizes that the Eleven isn't screaming in pain, or at least not only pain. She's cumming, right then, right there. His very first few thrusts, and she's already climaxing around his cock like the whore she is, even more of a whore than her white-haired counterpart.

Perhaps it was the anticipation. Perhaps watching as he fucks her 'friend' first had gotten her all worked up and ready for when he did it to her next. After all, Charles wasn't about to NOT fuck the tight little Eleven bitch. Regardless of exactly what it was that had set her off, the Emperor knew what was setting her off now. His cock, pounding away at her cunt as he held her aloft in the air, fucking her nice and hard from behind in the center of his throne room.

She certainly doesn't have the height to be bent over and fucked standing up, at least not by him. Instead, Charles is holding onto her petite, small form, one hand gripping tightly at her raven-black hair, while the other holds onto the back of her dress just as tightly. These handholds allow Charles to fuck the slut with nice, deep thrusts, pulling her back and forth across his member again and again as he thoroughly enjoys how tight her pussy is.

If he had to compare the two of them… he'd have to say that it was the former Empress that was tighter. But the difference between his new stress relievers is so small that its largely inconsequential. In the end, they're both young, tight, and nubile… and altogether fertile. He won't be taking them as wives, of course. Their children will not be part of the line of succession, that's for certain. None will ever be called by the name Britannia.

But they will still be his good little breeders, and their children will be raised as loyal, stalwart servants to his trueborn. They, like their mothers, will serve the Holy Britannian Empire's interests above all else. And given they'll have HIS genes… they'll do so quite well, undoubtedly. Chuckling darkly at the thought, Charles gives another vicious thrust into the Eleven before him, provoking a cry from the former would-be-princess. He groans as his cock enters her womb and her battered cervix tries its best to push out his shaft, mostly just managing to massage it instead. With a vicious growl, Charles zi Britannia begins to let loose right then and there, his seed pumping directly into the Eleven's womb as she yowls and climaxes one final time across his thick, penetrating, invading cock.

Her body shakes and spasms along his dick, right up until Charles finally releases her, letting her drop face first onto the cold, stone floor of his throne room. She slips off of his shaft of course, his hands no longer there to hold her aloft. She falls face down, ass up, and Charles admires the view for a moment, enjoying the humiliating position for what it is… a work of art, a masterpiece that HE has created.

He steps away from her after a moment, and slowly moves back to his throne, where he once again sits down upon it. The former Chinese Empress crawls to his side without prompting, and a simple glance from him sees her prostrating herself before him, kissing and licking at the tops of his pristine shoes as he watches on.

Meanwhile, though it takes her a little longer, the Eleven manages to recover eventually as well, and once she's able to get off her face and onto her hands and knees, she slowly crawls towards the throne, only to stop when Charles raises a hand at her, staring her down. For a brief moment, he sees panic in those green eyes. It's clear she's not entirely sure what he wants her to do.

But the Emperor of Britannia isn't going to tell her. If she can't figure it out, then she doesn't get to approach. Still, while he's altered their memories to make them believe they've wanted nothing more than to be his loyal, loving fuck pets for the rest of their lives, that doesn't mean he's detracted from their intelligence. At least, not yet anyways.

As such, the Eleven manages to figure it out quickly enough as her eyes flicker between his hand and her fellow pet, gaze sliding over the Twenty's naked, pale, marked up body. Slowly, remaining where she is on her knees at the edge of an invisible circle, the green-eyed young woman strips off the tattered remains of her people's foreign type of dress. She pulls it off her body and exposes the gorgeous nubile form underneath.

Her breasts are slightly larger than his other new pet, and Charles admires them openly, already planning to enjoy them soon enough. Still, now that she's completely nude, not a strip of clothing on her, he gives the Eleven a nod and turns his warding hand into a beckoning one. She eagerly continues her crawling towards the throne, stopping on his opposite side and prostrating HERSELF as she begins to lick and kiss at the top of the shoe that her counterpart is not currently worshipping.

Charles allows this to continue for a few more moments, enjoying the utter subservience. But his cock twitches and throbs and he clears his throat, causing both of his new stress relievers to lift their heads. They don't need to be told what to do, each of them shuffling in a little closer, practically humming his legs now as they kneel side by side.

Leaning in, they begin to slurp and suck at his cock and balls, working in unison with their tiny tongues and eager lips and moaning mouths. Charles watches them both and smiles the smile of a man who always gets his way, of a man who's known nothing but victory for a long, LONG time. Reaching out, the Emperor of Britannia slides his long fingers through raven-black and frost-white locks, gripping firmly as green and crimson eyes glance up at him from either side of his member.

"When you're done, we will discuss how best to bring about Area Twenty… and everything YOU know about these… Black Knights in Area Eleven. But first… finish what you started, pets."

As they do so, as they enthusiastically and eagerly work over his shaft, fully believing that this is what they both want, that this is all they've ever desired from life thanks to his manipulation of their memories… Charles zi Britannia just grins. They'd truly thought that they could come here and then leave with their freedom? That they could stand before him as equals? What silly, silly girls. But that was okay, because he was here to help them and guide them. Now they knew that the Holy Britannian Empire was the one true power on this world.

Now they knew that just like the rest of this world, they belonged to HIM.


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