A Simple Servant (Fate/Stay Night)
A/N: A Simple Servant was a commissioned one shot from back in December of 2018. Posting it now for people to enjoy!
Summary: A female Gilgamesh happens across a young Shirou shortly after he's lost Kiritsugu. What follows intrigues her enough to make a decision that will change everything.
Themes: Big Dick, Rough Sex, Mild Femdom
Her beauty drew eyes, but it was the way she carried herself that caused gazes to avert almost instantly. The contradiction only added to her poise, and her magnificence. She walked down the street as if she owned it, which to be fair, she might as well have. The entire world was her playground, and those who lived on it did so at HER leisure.
She was Gilgamesh, King of Heroes, commonly referred to as The Oldest King, and the Wedge of Heaven. It was amusing, to say the least, that most people in this age would claim she could not be King, simply because of her gender, when she was in fact the original King. She was the original Hero. It mattered little to her though. Gilgamesh had never much cared for the opinion of ants.
Even now, walking about in the casual modern garb of this day and this age, the lesser existences of this Earth could not keep their eyes off of her. Oh, they tried. She carried herself with a regality that spoke of something forbidden, that made them almost afraid to look at her. But at the same time, she was too beautiful not to gaze upon, the sort of one-in-a-lifetime opportunity that they'd have to be fools to pass up.
They were fools, the vast lot of them. Most could not muster the courage to stare, merely stealing glances here and there as she walked among them, as she enjoyed the fresh evening air. That was just fine. They were weak, and she was strong. It was good of them to know they should avert her gaze as she passed.
It was boring, ever since the end of the Fourth Grail War. Needless to say, Gilgamesh wasn't meant to stick around. But she'd never really been one to do what she was told. Not that all of this was her own doing, as much as it irked her. Due to her proximity when that bastard Emiya had ordered Saber to destroy the Holy Grail with a command seal, Gilgamesh had become drenched by the pollution that spilled from the Holy Grail.
It'd granted her a physical body, and because she'd been incarnated into the world, she'd had to change her plans. The Priest, Kotomine, had provided her with energy to sustain herself, and once Gilgamesh's plans had finally been crystalized, she'd set about making them happen. The idea of retrieving a potion of temporary youth from her vault to reduce her physical age for a time had been bandied about, but ultimately, she'd had no desire to change her beauty, no desire to diminish her curves.
She would not be reduced, not for any reason. It was her right to rule over this world, to rule over humanity. And that was exactly what she would do. She would-
"Get away from him! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
Gilgamesh's ear twitches as the voice reaches her, young but surprisingly strong, given the usual quality of the humans around these parts. Immediately intrigued, the King of Heroes steps into a side street and a moment later stands atop a nearby building overlooking the source of the voice. She could have approached on foot, certainly, but this was something she wished to observe, and her presence, if discovered, would only detract from whatever was occurring at this time.
What the King of Heroes finds is a group of young boys. One younger than the others, standing against three and guarding some old vagrant of a man. The shock of red hair atop the young boy's head draws her eye, as it's a rather unique feature among the humans of these islands. The other three boys all look at each other as if they can't believe what they're seeing.
"Man, look at this kid? The fuck is it to you, brat? Mind your own business!"
Gilgamesh leans forward just a tad, even as the red-haired boy growls under his breath. That growl… it resonates with something buried inside of her. Something small, barely there… she doesn't even pay the resonation any mind, other than to note that it happens. She's much too intrigued by what's going to happen next, now that its clear the older boys aren't backing down.
"I won't let you hurt him!"
And like that, the red head strikes. Gilgamesh is impressed, and despite herself, just a little pleased. He doesn't wait for them to come to him, he doesn't try to defend against all three at once. Instead, the boy leaps at the middle of his three opponents and lands a surprisingly well-made haymaker right across the young man's brow. His enemy goes down with a cry, but he's not completely out, and the act of striking down their friend doesn't seem to scare away either of the other two boys.
The vagrant though… seeing his chance as all three boys turn their attention solely onto the new problem, he makes himself scarce. There's a moment, as the red head is kicking and biting and fighting against the bigger boys, that his eyes connect with the fleeing man's back. Gilgamesh sees this, and she can't help but be interested. How will he react to this, hm? Indignation? Anger? Resentment?
But to her pleasant surprise, all she sees in the red head's eyes is satisfaction, even as he's wrestled down to the ground and then tossed into the nearest wall as the boy he felled gets back to his feet. While it may not be how Gilgamesh would choose to spend her time, she's still somewhat impressed. The boy had a goal that he set for himself, a plan that he intended to carry out. And then, he went ahead and did exactly that, making it happen.
Now though, he was paying the price for it. Once more, the King of Heroes finds herself intrigued by how the red head will react. His goal realized, his plan completed, would he try to run? She didn't think it would go well for him. He was effectively trapped by the three older boys, and they weren't likely to let him go any time soon.
To his credit, the boy seems to understand this as well. And that's when things get interesting, because the ensuing beating isn't nearly as one sided as it should have been. It takes Gilgamesh half a second to recognize what she's seeing after the first exchange of blows, which to be perfectly honest, is still long enough to displease her.
The red head is using reinforcement. The boy is a Magus, though obviously not a very skilled one. Regardless, he's using reinforcement on his own body, and its allowing him to blunt blows that would have broken ribs and punctured lungs and cracked limbs. It's allowing him to give as good as he gets, though in comparison to the older boys, his small limbs don't give him the ability to do real damage to them.
He still does enough superficial harm that they eventually pull back after several brutal exchanges, leaving the red head behind after deciding that 'he's not worth it'. But Gilgamesh can sense their fear, she can practically smell it on them. It's nowhere to be found with their opponent though. Even still, he does collapse to his knees as soon as they're gone, the toll visible across his features.
That's when Gilgamesh makes herself known, landing on the street before the boy with complete poise, her heels touching down without even a whisper of sound. He sees her though, and she watches his wide-eyes travel up her body as she stands before him, arms crossed over her chest, gaze imperious as ever.
Unlike the common chaff, his eyes do not leave her face the moment he recognizes her magnificence. Instead, he stares, mouth agape in awe of her glory. It's likely that he doesn't know any better, but that is not nearly as… casual a statement here as it normally would be. To not know better in this instance, when face to face with her regal visage… it meant that the boy before her was twisted and broken in a way no one could fix. He was an anomaly, a perversion… and Gilgamesh can't help but be fascinated by him.
"Boy. What is your name?"
It takes him a second to respond. One of his lips is busted, despite his use of reinforcement. He licks at it for a moment, before finally speaking.
"S-Shirou… Shirou Emiya."
Gilgamesh freezes for all of a second when the name 'Emiya' passes through her ears. Her next question is quick, and sharp.
"You are related to Kiritsugu Emiya?"
Quite suddenly, there is a melancholy that fits the air. Her words have affected the boy before her more than all of the fists and feet of the older boys who'd been beating him senseless prior to this conversation.
"I… he was my father."
Inches away from wiping this 'Shirou Emiya' off the face of the Earth with a simple swipe of her hand, Gilgamesh pauses. Was. He WAS his father.
Shirou's gaze falls, and the melancholy only increases.
"He… he died. Recently. I'm uh… it's just me now."
Oh, now this was interesting. Not that Gilgamesh really stayed abreast of what was happening around her, deeming most of it largely unimportant, but the priest was required to keep her informed on things that he decided would matter to her. It would be a very pointed talk that she'd be having with Kotomine after this, and whether he'd known and simply didn't tell her, or didn't know and COULDN'T tell her might just very well decide the nature of their relationship going forward.
Regardless, that was for later. The situation before her now did require SOME of Gilgamesh's attention. Shirou was no longer gazing at her in awe of her magnificence anymore. It seemed that speaking of his father's demise had left the boy in a state of depression, and he was now staring down at his hands, more specifically, the bloodied knuckles that the fight he'd just been in had left him with.
Gilgamesh's eyes narrow to a pair of slits, and her lips thin into a line. There was an opportunity here, one that she had not seen at first. Or perhaps instinctively, she had. Perhaps her subconscious had brought her here, to this boy, so that she could see what she needed to see and find what she needed to find.
"I have made my decision, Shirou Emiya."
Upon hearing his full name spoken by her August Self, the boy's eyes move back up to Gilgamesh's face, and she can tell he's listening raptly.
"Your father and I knew each other, once upon a time. He stopped me from wiping this worthless expression of humanity off of the face of the Earth."
Gilgamesh waves her hand dismissively at all the buildings around them, at the pathetic excuse for civilization that modern humanity had built. Shirou's eyes widen at her words, and she nods in satisfaction. He believes her, intrinsically. This is good.
"Obviously, he did halt my progress, for a time. But now it seems that in doing so, he killed himself. And yet, I stand here before you, do I not?"
For a brief moment, the King of Heroes blinks in surprise, looking down at the boy kneeling before her. She'd been ready for him to remain frozen in silent terror, which would have allowed her to follow up with a lesson about always answering her when she asked a question. After all, she did not ask these insipid 'rhetorical questions' that she'd heard about.
But it seemed he'd immediately understood that without her having to say anything. Gilgamesh was finding herself more impressed by the second. On top of that… if she didn't know better, she'd say the boy was ready to fight her, despite his exhaustion, both magically and physically. That was… mm, irrelevant. She had no intention of fighting or killing him on this day.
"Your father failed. But perhaps you will not. I have seen something in you today that I have not found in any other human being since I returned to this world and arrived in this age. Not hope, nothing as ridiculous as that. No, I have seen a simple chance."
Shirou's brow furrows in confusion, but Gilgamesh is on a roll, and she continues speaking, even as she spreads her arms wide.
"I have decided! I will take you on as my servant, Shirou Emiya! I will train you, and we shall see if there is any possibility, no matter how small, that humanity does indeed have worth in this age! You are this world's last chance. Do you understand me?"
It does take a moment, this time. But Gilgamesh is patient. She gives the boy before her five whole seconds, and he uses them all up before finally pushing himself to his feet, staring at her with eyes blazing and hands clenched into fists at his side.
"Yes. I understand you perfectly."
Gilgamesh lifts a finger… and brings it down. The boy is immediately pushed into the concrete before her, crying out as he's forced onto his stomach.
"The correct form of address is 'Yes, Mistress.' Is that understood?"
"Yes… Mistress."
Gilgamesh smiles at that, smiles down at Shirou as she gazes upon her new servant.
"Very well. Lessons begin tomorrow, servant. Be prepared for my arrival, or you will be punished."
And with that, Gilgamesh turns and walks away, leaving her new toy to push himself to his feet and make his own way to whatever hovel he calls home. She'll find out exactly where he lives tomorrow when she arrives to give him his first lesson in service to his new King.
This… this promised to be fun.
In the time that followed that fateful meeting between boy and King, Shirou Emiya discovered just what Gilgamesh's idea of training a servant was. As it turned out, she did not intend for him to simply be a body to order about, making her meals and cleaning clothes and what not. Of course, he also learned those things, and his knack for cooking actually earned him more than one compliment from his 'Mistress' over the years, but that was not all he learned from the King of Heroes by any means.
No, Gilgamesh's idea of a servant was much, MUCH broader than the modern definition of the word. Shirou learned everything from combat to diplomacy, from smithing to magecraft. In these lessons, he discovered his affinity, his natural-born ability as a forgesmith. Not just weapons, though Gilgamesh said he also had an unusual connection to swords, but anything metal.
He made masterworks, from swords to armor to jewelry and more. It was all just… well, Shirou wouldn't have expected it, but it was undeniable that his 'Mistress' had been the one to drag him out of the funk that Kiritsugu's death had put him in, even as she did a bit of forging herself, breaking him down in the fires of her intense expectations and reforging him into an instrument of her will.
Shirou still had his own mind to him, of course, his own ideas for how things were meant to be… but there was no denying that Gilgamesh had as much if not more of an effect on him than Kiritsugu. But now… now something was going on. One could call Gilgamesh many things, but subtle and secretive, she was not. She saw no reason to be, most of the time, and if Shirou asked a question, so long as it was not something she believed she'd already answered, she would give him the truth as she saw it, bluntly and fully, right then and there.
So, having her order him to attend to her one fine evening after dinner and then refuse to tell him what they would be doing together, had certainly left Shirou somewhat perplexed. Regardless, he arrived at her quarters at the appointed time, and knocked on the door, as he'd been taught.
The red-haired young man, most of the way grown now, a far cry from that day in the alley where Gilgamesh had first come across him, steps into the King of Heroes' extravagant rooms and makes sure to close the door behind him, before finally taking in the sight before him. That's good, because if he'd looked beforehand, he likely would have just stood there in the open doorway with his mouth agape.
Instead, the young man is standing on the other side of the closed door, mouth STILL agape, as he takes in the sight of Gilgamesh, King of Heroes, naked save for the jewelry that Shirou had forged for her. It takes him a second to realize this. The golden-haired monarch is indeed bathed in gold and silver jewelry… and all of it are pieces that HE made, that she took for herself after deeming them gifts from him.
Not that he minded. Without her help, he would not have known what he was capable of. Without her pushing him, he would not be the man he is today. That said, Shirou still stares. It's not like it's the first time he's seen his 'Mistress' naked. She's been having him bathe her for over a year now. However, while the first time that had occurred HAD been embarrassing, Gilgamesh had always treated him like more of an instrument or a tool, rather than some sort of sexual object. It had made it easier to just ignore how absolutely gorgeous she was.
This was not that. This was pointedly seductive, and when combined with Gilgamesh's regal poise, Shirou didn't know what to do, or what to say.
"Did I give you leave of your senses, servant? Come. Stand before me."
He's moving by instinct before his mind even fully catches up. Gilgamesh, meanwhile, moves out of her seductive pose, laying on her side across the bed as she had been, and instead sits on the end of the bed, her feet dangling off the side, her legs crossed as she leans back slightly on her palms, eyes staring into his like she's staring into his soul.
"I have taught you much, mine servant. And you have learned. You are a credit to humanity. But there is one area we have not explored, one part of your education that I have been remiss in not teaching you."
Shirou blinks dumbly at that, honestly just a little proud of himself at this point. His eyes haven't wandered lower than Gilgamesh's perfect chin since he stopped in front of her, and though his body is most definitely reacting in a way that it hadn't when he bathed her, he's still doing his best here not to make an utter fool of himself.
"Strip. I wish to see what I'm working with."
And then she goes and says something like that. What's Shirou going to do? Disobey? His skin feels hot, even as he pulls his shirt over his head. Then comes his shoes and socks and pants, until finally, he's hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and pulling them off. There's no moment of hesitation where he pauses at this last garment, Shirou knows better.
And thus, the young man pulls his underwear off, and his cock pops free. Gilgamesh's eyes widen briefly at the size of her servant's cock, but he misses it as he's still kicking his boxers off of his feet. Still, she does sit in silence as he straightens back up, seeming to study his genitals, even as Shirou's face gets hotter and hotter.
Eventually, the King of Heroes reaches out and simply grabs Shirou's cock in one of her hands. Just like that, no warning, no hesitation. Gilgamesh takes hold of his shaft, which of course jumps and throbs in her grip, and Shirou finds himself taking a step forward as she draws back. Slowly, the golden-haired monarch begins to stroke his length up and down. At the same time, she looks up into his eyes, cocking her head to the side.
"Do you enjoy this, mine servant?"
Shirou presses his lips together before answering.
"Yes… Mistress."
He's never really had a problem saying it before, not after finding out how much Gilgamesh intended to teach him. She was more akin to a sensei then a slave-owner at this point. And yet, with things having taken a significantly sexual turn, it felt odd to call her Mistress. It felt… wrong. Seeing this, seeing right through him as she is wont to do, Gilgamesh smiles slightly.
"You are fiery, mine servant. I will take you to bed… but you may think of me as your teacher for the duration, rather than your Master, if it makes you feel better."
And like that, Shirou finds himself on his back on the bed, the breath knocked out of him. It takes him a moment to realize that Gilgamesh quite literally swung him around by his cock, but he doesn't get much time to marvel at that fact before a pair of surprisingly soft lips and a wet tongue descend upon his member. Eyes wide, Shirou looks down the length of his naked body and meets Gilgamesh's eyes as the golden-haired monarch begins to bob up and down his shaft, sucking the top half with her mouth and stroking the bottom with her hand.
She's… she's quite good at it. It's not a skill Shirou would have expected her to have. He can't picture her doing this to any other man, but then, he would have laughed in the face of anyone who suggested she was going to be doing it to him before now. And yet, it was happening. It was happening right before his eyes, and it felt too damn good for him to not believe it.
A groan tears its way from Shirou's lips, and he tilts his head back as Gilgamesh sucks and sucks. It feels like she's sucking something out of his body… and then suddenly, nothing. Gilgamesh's lips leave his cock, and the next thing Shirou knows is unbelievably tight warmth as he looks to her again, only to see the King of Heroes sinking down onto his member, her slit spreading wide and her cunt swallowing him hole.
Gilgamesh's breath hitches here as she takes his entire sizable length up inside of her, but Shirou figures he's just imagining things, even as the beautiful woman places her hands palm down across his chest, her bejeweled fingers running along his pecs and her golden necklaces doing little to cover up her bared breasts.
She's hilted him inside of herself now, her pussy lips clenching down tightly around the base of his cock. And as her inner muscles massage his length, Gilgamesh leans over him, a slight smile on her face.
"If you're going to cum… you will do so inside, mine servant."
That's all it takes. Shirou tips right over the edge, and his first load fills Gilgamesh's womb as the golden-haired monarch's eyes widen in surprise and her back arches instinctively for a moment. She manages to contain the moan that threatens to escape her lips, even as she quickly recovers, a low growl leaving her throat instead.
Gilgamesh's hands grab for Shirou's wrists, and she places HIS hands at her perfectly smooth, blemish-free waist, making him latch on there. Once she's sure he has a good grip, she bounces once on his cock, and then growls louder down at him.
Shirou obliges. Not out of fear or anything like that, but because his desire matches the King of Heroes in this moment. Put succinctly, he wants it just as much as she does. Using what she's taught him, Shirou reinforces his entire body magnitudes more than he ever had before meeting her. Then, with his grip on her waist, the red head thrusts upward.
This time, Gilgamesh does NOT manage to contain her moan, or the subsequent cries that follow as Shirou pumps up into her cunt, as he begins to thrust up into her from below. Her nailed fingers dig into his chest and find purchase there even through his reinforcement as she finds herself riding a bucking bronco… but easily managing to stay on, all the same. The reinforcement ensures that in her fervor, Gilgamesh doesn't tear full STRIPS out of Shirou's hide. Even though she draws blood, the damage remains superficial as her pussy walls clench and squeeze hard around the massive member splitting her open.
It's not long before Gilgamesh finds herself in the throes of orgasm. Perhaps not her intention for this night's 'lesson', but it happens all the same, and her throaty moans awaken something in Shirou that cannot be contained. Using her moment of distraction to his advantage, the red head quite abruptly spins them both over. Gilgamesh recovers just in time to find herself on her back, with her impertinent servant looming over her.
But before she can say or do something to censure him, Shirou's lips are against hers. The King of Heroes only freezes up for a moment before she's kissing him right back, both of them equally aggressive. Her limbs wrap around his body and his cock buries itself in her cunt again and again, even as she drags her fingers down his rippling back, admiring the musculature that she herself encouraged through her lessons.
As things only get hotter and heavier from there, both of them are forced to acknowledge that this is not just another lesson. And their relationship, be it mistress and servant or teacher and student… will never be the same again.
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