Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 45: Back to the Wall

Somewhere in the True North

POV of Domeric Bolton

With a sound of pop, Hedwig appeared in the sky, floated down, and landed on Domeric's shoulder.

"How are you, Hedwig?" He said while giving her some pieces of bacon that he took out from his bottomless pouch.

When he went to search for Children of Forest, he didn't take Hedwig with him and left her with Walton and others. That way Hedwig could alarm him if something happened to his men.

"Let's scout the way, my friend." He said and warged into her mind. With his control, Hedwig flew into the sky. With Hedwig's eyes, he could scout miles ahead from the sky.

And with that Lord Bolton's expedition truly came to an end. They marched back to the Wall during the day. And set up a camp when the sun came down.

Days passed quickly. And that time Domeric marched with men during the day and trained with Varko and Raksa in the evening. He even 'found' another direwolf and gave it to Walton. This one has brown fur like Walton wanted.

It was a rewarding return trip for him. He also sacrificed accumulated magic to upgrade the Sybol of the Deathly Hallows. His tattoo was now level two, and he was waiting for his tattoo to accumulate enough magic for another sacrifice.

It needed to accumulate more magic for a level two sacrifice, but rewards also would be greater. As a level two sacrifice he could get two white items or one level two items which is also a green item.

After an uneventful journey to the south, they finally saw their first destination on their way to the home, the Wall.


Castle Black

POV of Jeor Mormont

The brothers from the Night's Watch were having their lunch in the Great Hall of the Castle Black when the door of the Great Hall was flung open and one of the new recruits ran in while breathing heavily with a fearful look on his face.

"Lord Commander. Lord Commander."

"What is it boy?" the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch asked gruffly as he stood up from his chair and everyone went silent at once.

"Lord Commander." The recruit said once again before he took a long breath and continued "Lord Bolton and his men had returned from their expedition."

Jeor Mormont raised an eyebrow as the rest of his brothers cheered. After all, Lord Domeric Bolton had a very good reputation in the Watch because of his recent gifts. But while the brothers were cheering for Lord Bolton's safe return, Jeor Mormont wondered if the young lord succeeded in his mission at the north of the Wall or not. As he looked at the young recruit who had given them the message, he could tell that the boy wanted to say something more but couldn't because of the noise.

So, he picked up his cup and banged it on the table three times which quieted down the hall at once.

"What else?" he asked the boy and the new recruit gulped before he said.

"Lord Commander. He… he brought giants with him."

After a fierce discussion between the brothers of the Night's Watch on whether they should allow the giants to come through the tunnel, it was finally decided by everyone that the giants were technically not Wildlings as they had never really fought any giant or even seen one for that matter.

So, in the end, Jeor Mormont allowed them to open the gate and went ahead to meet with Lord Bolton.

He was frankly surprised by how few causalities the Bolton men had suffered in the expedition as he knew that they had never traveled to the north of the Wall before.

Perhaps, their training was just as hard as that Walton guy had claimed instead of hot air.

In the end, Jeor Mormont met Lord Bolton in front of his army of 1000 men, 83 giants, and 27 mammoths.

"I see that you've succeeded in your venture, my lord." Jeor Mormont said as he looked at the giants in the distance, wondering how many men it would take to kill one of them. 'More than the Night's Watch could afford.' His mind told him.

"I have, my lord. On all three of my ventures." Domeric Bolton said with a satisfied smirk and Jeor gave a nod in return.

Before Domeric had left the wall, he had told the Lord Commander of the three reasons why he was going on the expedition. For the Giants, for the Wargs, and for the Children of the Forest.

And, Jeor Mormont could clearly see the giants as well as the Wildling men and women at the back of the group with their animals who could be none other than wargs. But he couldn't see the fabled Children of the Forest in front of him.

As if reading his mind, Domeric Bolton smirked at him and said "You're searching for the Children of the Forest, don't you? Don't worry. They're already at the South of the Wall."

Jeor raised an eyebrow at those words and asked. "Did they climb across the wall?"

Domeric simply shook his head.

"No, my lord. But the Wall is made up of Ice and Magic. Magic that was imbued into it by the Children of the Forest. So, it's not hard for them to come and go across the Wall. They just don't do it because they didn't want to leave their caves before."

"And they're now willing to leave those caves because of you?" Jeor Mormont asked and Domeric shook his head.

"No. Not for me. But for their duty. For a promise." Jeor Mormont knew that he wouldn't get any more answers, so he simply nodded his head and said. "The hospitality of the Night's Watch is yours, Lord Bolton."


Author's Note: Thank you, Alex (Diamond) and Oli (Bronze), for becoming my Patrons and respected members of my page. This chapter is dedicated to your names.

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