Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 44: New Companions

***Sixth Bonus Chapter of the Week***

Somewhere in the True North

POV of Domeric Bolton

He looked at the white direwolf. She would be given to Raksa so he should name her with a simple name. Otherwise, Raksa might not say her name correctly.

He put his hand on the white direwolf's head and said. "Your name will be Ghost. So that you may collect lives without anyone noticing on the battlefield."

Then he turned to the red direwolf which was going to be Varko's comrade. "Your name will be Carnage. So that you may slaughter the troops on the battlefield.

After that, he looked at the last direwolf. With her golden fur, she looked both royal and intimating. "I will not name you. I want my aunt to name you when we return to the Dreadfort. You should always protect her from any harm. This will be your lifetime mission."

 The golden direwolf bowed her head and accepted her mission.

"Okay, time to go back to the camp." He said and climbed on the back of Grim. He thought of making a saddle for Grim in the past but then he gave up the idea.

With sticking and cushioning charms, he didn't need a saddle. Also, with a saddle Grim would look more tame and he didn't want that. Without a saddle, he looked more wilder and intimating. But others couldn't use magic, so he had to make saddles for his new three direwolves when he returned to Dreadfort.

"Let's go." He said and went toward his camp.

When they arrived at camp his men were alarmed at first when they saw four direwolf in the distance. But then they realized who he was and welcomed him into the camp and some of them ran to inform Walton, Varko, and Raksa.

Walton was the first one to arrive at his side and said with a bow. "Welcome back, my lord. I hope you are in good health. Do you have any injuries? Did you find what you sought?"

"Aye, I am back, and my health is perfect. You don't have to worry. And I did find what I sought, so this expedition was a success." Domeric replied with a smirk on his face.

"Then let me congratulate you, my lord." Walton said with the same smirk on his face. After all how many people have gone to the True North in the last centuries and how many of them have found what they sought? This expedition was not an accomplishment just for his lord. It was also an accomplishment for Walton and his men.

While they were speaking Varko and Raksa also joined them.

"Dom… Dom… you came back." Raksa ran to him and hugged him, gently this time.

"Welcome back, my lord." Varko welcomed him with his usual seriousness.

"Hımm, I am back."

After Raksa and Varko welcomed him, they looked at three new direwolves behind Domeric. Walton also was looking at them now.

Domeric didn't keep them waiting and explained. "These three are our new companions. Raksa, didn't you say that you wanted a direwolf? This one will be your companion in the future. Her name is Ghost. Take care of her well in the future, okay?"

"Really Dom? Hmm, I will take care of Ghost. Don't worry." She said and ran to hug her new companion.

"The red one's name is Carnage. Take care of him well Varko." He turned to Varko and said.

"Carnage? I liked his name. Thank you, my lord, for your generosity." He said and went to his direwolf's side.

Then Domeric turned to Walton and saw his expression of expectation. He smiled wryly. "Don't look at me like that. The golden one is for my aunt."

"Haha, I wasn't expecting anything. The men rest enough. I will go ready them for marching, my lord." Walton said while turning around. It was a little bit shameful situation for him. But, he really wanted a direwolf for himself and couldn't control his expression for a moment.

"Don't be sad Walton. Who knows, maybe I can find another direwolf on the way back to the Wall. By the way, what color direwolf would you like to have?"

Walton turned back to Domeric again and with a smile on his face, he said. "Then I will thank you for your generosity, my lord. As for color, it would be perfect if it has grey fur like at the Stark banner or a brown fur one like a bear."

"Hımm, I'll see what I can do. Now prepare the men. I want to return my lands as soon as possible." He said.

"Yes, my lord." Walton replied and left.

Domeric turned to Varko. "Oy, Varko, we'll march when we can and when we can't, we'll train. I need to improve my swordsmanship. Also, I want to include Raksa in our training. What do you think?"

"Are you sure? She might be too strong for you." Varko said to him.

Domeric was already training with Varko for a while. But he didn't train with Raksa yet. More precisely, he tried to spar with her once, but she nearly killed him with a powerful strike, so he didn't dare to spar with her again.

"She improved her control. So, it shouldn't be a problem now. I think… I hope…" He said but his voice was unconvincing.

"Anyway, I'll scout the way so prepare to march. Don't forget to tell Raksa as well. We'll train next time when we stop to rest."

"Yes, my lord. I will. Don't worry."

Domeric nodded to him and called Hedwig's name. "Hedwig."


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