Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 40: Giants’ Cave

***Fourth Bonus Chapter of the Week***

Somewhere Further in the True North

POV of Mance Rayder

"How's your old tongue Tormund?" Mance asked as their party climbed the hill. Despite what he wanted to believe, he was not young anymore and tired more easily these days.

Regardless, he had a duty to his people. A duty to unite them all together and get them behind the Wall before the end of this summer. And he gave his everything for this duty. For his people.

"As bad as it was yesterday. Why don't you ask the Thenn boy instead." Tormund asked in a disgruntled tone.

"I would. But where's the fun in that." Mance said and let out a chortle as Tormund simply shook his head.

On any other day, Tormund would have participated in the banter but right now he was feeling too fearful to do such a thing.

After all, it was not every day that you decided to enter a cavern filled with giants in order to talk with them about an alliance.

If the giants didn't like them then they might just squish them all like a red paste. Tormund knew that despite people calling him Giantsbane, he had never killed a single giant in his entire life. And he seriously doubted that he would be able to do so if the giants decided to kill them in their caverns.

"Is Tormund Giantsbane fearful of the giants?" Mance asked with an amused expression and Tormund felt his irritation rise at being baited like that.

Little did he know that Mance Rayder was only trying to annoy him in order to deal with his own fear.

After all, the only tribe that had any connections with the giants was the Thenns. Aside from them, all other humans who encountered the giants were either ignored or died.

As their group reached the clearing where some of the mammoths were lying around near the fire camp, they realized that there were no giants in the camp at all.

The situation was a bit strange for them and Mance Rayder wondered if they were about to be ambushed. But giants were not known for their intelligence. And they were definitely not known for ambushing the free folk.

So, they went toward the cave with a large entrance and heard loud voices coming from inside as they walked forward.

But as they continued to walk forward, the voices coming from inside the cave continued to rise until the voices rose to such high levels that Mance was sure that some kind of fight was taking place inside the cave.

He had never really heard of giants fighting each other and wondered what such a thing would mean for his own cause.

Well, he'll just have to wait and see.

"Are we going in there?" Tormund asked as he marched forward and he could see the clear apprehension and fear in his friend's eyes. But Mance nodded nonetheless and hoped that Tormund didn't see the fear in his own eyes as he marched forward to the cave.

But before he entered the cave, they all heard a loud thud, like something large had fallen to the ground and the cave went silent.

As if all the giants inside the cave died at once.

And to Mance Rayder, this silence was far more unnerving than the earlier loud arguments.

Did giants have a very good sense of smell that they smelled them in their camp and stopped fighting themselves?

Frankly, he had no idea. But he wanted to know. So, he forced his legs to move, entered the cave, and froze at the sight in front of him.

Because in front of him was a large cavern that was filled with about 80 or so giants who were sitting around in a circle. In the middle of the circle was a giant that looked to be even larger than the other giants, but the giant was currently lying down on the floor.

And on the shoulder of the giant was a young 8-or-10-year-old boy in exotic white clothes with a branch in his hand as he stared at the rest of the giants with an imperious gaze.

They were all bowing to this boy.

And as Mance watched all this happening in front of him, there was only one question running through his mind.

What the fuck was going on here?


Giant's Cave in the True North

POV of Domeric Bolton

When Domeric Bolton went to the cave in order to talk with the giants and their leader, he had never thought he would become their leader by the end of their talks.

It was only later did he found out that the giants were not as smart as humans. And despite their thick skins, they did not have even a fraction of the magical resistance that the Giants or Trolls of his own original world did.

So, when he cast the compulsion charms and loyalty charms over them after defeating their leader by apparating over his shoulder and casting five stunners on his head, the charms along with this show of might by easily defeating their Chief worked a little too well and they proclaimed him to be their new Chief.

The whole thing was rather strange when he thought about it.

Regardless, he had finally achieved what he wanted.

The fact that he met a group of Wildlings right after his coronation as their chief was a strange sight as Wildlings usually don't associate with giants. The fact that their group leader was a former member of the Night's Watch was even stranger.

But as strange as the whole day had turned out to be, he still offered bread and salt to the men once he went back to his camp and allowed them to talk with him.

And the day turned even stranger.


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