Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 39: Expedition Continues

Somewhere in the True North

POV of Domeric Bolton

Hedwig was now his bounded familiar and she had some new abilities. Thanks to the Symbol of Deathly Hallows, or with another name his altar tattoo of sacrifice.

When he got Hedwig as a reward after his first sacrifice to his tattoo, Hedwig drank some blood from the wound on his finger and the soul bounded to him. Like the other two grey items he got.

Because she was soul-bound to him their bond from the past improved even more and she became his soul-bound familiar. And thanks to their new bond he could warging into her now and could control her, saw what she could see.

Moreover, his warging was a perfect one. He didn't lose control of his body when warging like other wargs. Well, it was a bit disorienting at first to gain control of the second body but he got used to it with little practice.

She also gained the ability to apparate after her resurrection. And she could also hear her name when he called her regardless of distance, like house elves from his past life.

So, with her new abilities and his familiar warging, he easily found the Varamyr. She was one of the indispensable members of this expedition, there was no doubt that.

After a while, his men reached his location and took the Varamyr and his animal companions to the camp.

When they arrived at the camp, they were met by Walton and told him about the situation and Varamyr. 

"So, this is a real warg?" Walton asked as he looked at the unconscious man with an impassive gaze "He doesn't look anything special."

His men knew that he could warg into Hedwig, so they thought that he was a warg. But he told them he was not a real warg and could only warg into Hedwig because of their special bond.

"That's because he's just as human as you or me." He explained as Raksa dragged the last direwolf and put it inside the cage along with the others. "The only difference he has from other humans is the fact that he is able to control animals with his mind. Nothing else."

"The direwolves are so cute. Can I have one as well Dommy?" Raksa asked as she closed the wooden door of the cage and looked at him hopefully.

"I don't think you'll be able to control a direwolf Raksa." He said with a smile "But if you want one for yourself, then I'll try to find another one for you. But you can't take those as they belong to Varamyr over here."

"They belong to him?" Raksa asked while pointing at the unconscious man.

"So, if I kill him, then can I take his wolves?" she asked innocently, and he held the urge to facepalm himself.

"You may not kill him Raksa. He has use for me. And you cannot take his wolves either. As I said, I'll get another one for you." He said with some exasperation as Raksa pouted at his words while Walton and some of his men snickered at him before he leveled them with a glare.

"If you're done laughing, then make some fortifications as we'll be staying here for some time." He ordered "Also send out some men to forage and food supplies that we might find in these parts along with the Wildlings that we captured. The longer our food supply lasts the better it'll be for us."

Walton gave him a nod and went away to follow his orders.

Then he looked at Varamyr whom he had heard about from his other Wildling prisoners and wondered if his compulsion charms would work on the man.


Somewhere Further in the True North

POV of Domeric Bolton

"It's been a whole moon since we came north of the Wall, and we've not seen any giant so far. Nor any Children of the Forest that you claim still exist somewhere in his hellhole my lord." Walton complained as he sat quietly inside the tent as a fierce storm raged outside.

"The men are starting to become restless. Especially because we're so far from home and have no one else to rely on in case we were attacked by any large wildling war party."

"We still have some way to go in order to reach our destination." He said while wondering why he didn't take his time to make a tent with expendable space for himself.

Unfortunately, he had been so busy building a plumbing system with a hot shower and sinks and setting up a modern-day toilet with flush as well as other such luxuries for himself in Dreadfort that he forgot about making a magical tent.

Oh well, that'll teach him to put his duties before luxuries. For now, he'll just have to sit inside a normal tent like the rest of his men.

"Give or take a few days. Not a week. Don't worry. We're close to our destination." He assured the man who looked skeptical but accepted his words.

Walton was after all one of the few men and women within his inner circle who knew about his magical abilities.

"How long do you think this storm would last?" Walton asked and he shrugged in return. "I'm a wizard. Not a seer."

"Greenseer." Varamyr spoke from the side as he snuggled closer to his snow bear due to the cold.

"Greenseer. That's what we call people who are able to see everywhere and everything." Briar said from the side as she sat beside her shadowcat and watched them warily.

It has been a few days since they captured Briar and her shadowcat. She was a warg but unlike Varamyr she was only able to warg in a single Shadowcat and was still wary of him and his group.

But she was also curious like a cat, and he knew that she was no danger to his group as she wanted to see what he and his magic could do.

Plus, he had promised both her and Varamyr a better life and that he'd be able to increase their mental capacity with his magic which would allow them to warg in more animals.

Any warg worth his salt would know how important it was for wargs to have more animals within their control.

Varamyr himself had become the chieftain of 5 villages because of his ability to warg into 5 different animals. So, no warg would be able to refuse his offers.

He just hoped that he would be able to find more wargs to take south with him once they went back to their own castle.


Author's Note: Thank you, IamUgoH (Diamond), George (Bronze) and Jay (Bronze) for becoming my Patrons and respected members of my page. This chapter is dedicated to your names.

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