Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 35: Raksa the Giantess

Free City of Tyrosh

POV of Domeric Bolton

"You're right. She is half mad." Domeric commented as he watched the 8-foot-tall woman snarling at him from inside her prison cell as she tried to bite through the steel bar.

It had come to him as a huge surprise when she had initially been able to bend the steel bars out of shape and he had to quickly stun the woman so that she wouldn't escape her cell.

Then he transfigured the bars back to their original shape and cast the Unbreakable charm on it.

Now she was no longer able to bend the bars with her pure strength. But that didn't stop her from trying.

"Aye. You sure you still want it?" Muron asked "Because I'm sure that we'll be able to sell it to the other Slavers at a very hefty sum."

"She's a 'her'. Not an 'it'. And yes, I'm very good at mind arts and will be able to heal her with enough time." He said as he then turned to the next cell where Varko was quietly sitting in his new bed and staring at him.

"You promised to serve me for one year in exchange for freeing you from the fire." He said.

"I did. But I didn't know that you were a Megae." The man said with a snarl. Clearly, he had some prejudice against mages and wizards from this world. And if what he had heard about these Megae and Warlocks was correct then he didn't blame the man.

"So, you plan on breaking our agreement?" he asked and Varko stared back at him for a long time before he shook his head.

"No. A deal is a deal. I'll serve you for a year."

"Then use your blood and thumb to sign this contract." He said and gave a piece of paper to the man who scrutinized it for a moment with a frown.

"I can't read. What does it say?" he asked.

"It says that you'll serve me faithfully for a year. And if you betray me during that time then you'll forfeit your life and the magic in the contract will kill you."

The man looked a bit disconcerted for a time before he finally let out a sigh in defeat and bit his thumb before using the blood and thumb to sign it.

"Good. Now I just need to repeat this process a few dozen times more." He said with sarcasm as he looked at the other cells which were filled with Gladiators from the Slavers pit.

None of them were as good as Varko or Raksa the Giantess but they were still far better than any average knight in the Westeros. And once he arms them with magically charmed weapons and armor. They'll be a force to be reckoned with. But first, he must win their loyalty which would mean spending a good amount of time among these people.

Oh well, he was sure that he'd be able to find some time for them. And he had to heal Raksa's mind sooner or later so why not do it now?


Free City of Lys

POV of Domeric Bolton

It took them another moon's worth of time to reach Lys. Then two more weeks to find the best pleasure slaves that were also smart enough to gather information for him.

During their time here, he also bought any slave who was literate. Because sooner or later, he'd open a School for his troops and the smallfolk. So, he wanted as many teachers in his hands as possible.

Not to mention that as his lands advanced, he'd need more educated people who would be able to follow his orders written on parchments.

Aside from that, Aunt Barbrey called him with the mirror and told him that Lord Stark had permitted him to go on an expedition North of the wall. Now he only needed to get the permission of the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, and he knew exactly how to do it. So, it shouldn't be a problem.

As for the Gladiator Slaves that he rescued from the Slaver Pits in Tyrosh. They have all signed the contracts with their blood and won't be able to betray him without losing their lives.

The constant use of Compulsion charm has also made them more amiable to his suggestions as well as more loyal to him. He was certain that by the time he reached back home, all these men and women would become loyal to him and wouldn't try to leave even when he gave them their freedom.

There was also the headache that he was suffering because of Raksa. After reading her mind, he quickly understood why she had gone half mad.

The reason for that was that she was sold to a house of freaks at a very young age by her parents because of her being far taller than any girl had the right to be.

Then before she was even 10 years old, she was captured by slavers and raped repeatedly by them before being sold to pleasure houses that catered to the needs of men with 'different' tastes.

But once she grew up and people found out about her immense strength, she was once again sold as a Gladiator to the Fighting Pits.

The truth was that Raksa was only 22 years old at the moment.

That someone so young to suffer so many cruelties in her life saddened him to no end.

He'd already erased a good portion of her memories which led to deep trauma in her mind.

The unintended side effect was that Raksa's mind had once again turned into that of an 8-year-old child's mind.

Imagine that. An 8-foot-tall women with the mind of an 8-year-old girl.

Thankfully, she had spent 7 whole years fighting in the pits, so she was able to regain back her fighter's instincts after a bit of sparring with Varko. The only man on the ship who was able to provide her with a challenge.

At least she was not half mad anymore.

Now he just had to teach her not to hug him fiercely or one day she might break all the bones in his body.


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