Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 34: Varko

***First Bonus Chapter of the Week***

Free City of Tyrosh, Essos

POV of Varko

Varko was sleeping on his straw mattress and thinking about the life he had lost 5 years ago when he was caught by the slavers and sent into these pits.

He looked at the locket given to him by his beloved. She was probably already happily married to someone else by this point, but he couldn't help but think of her even now. To be frank not her but his life before the pits and his freedom.

The locket was the only thing that reminded him of the freedom he had once. And without it, he would truly have lost all will to live by now.

Thankfully, he had managed to hide the locket from slavers when they stripped him naked and searched his whole body by eating it and vomiting it out when it was safe to do so.

He was thinking about the fight he'd have to participate in within a few days. There was nothing else to do in this cell. He tried not to think about his freedom or future. Because he knew what would come after hope, pure desperation. In desperation, he would lose his will to live and perish in the pits.

He doesn't want to die yet. He wants to live.

Then he heard a large explosion at the other end of the fighting pits.

He quickly got up from the mattress and looked outside from his prison cell but couldn't make out anything except for the red hue above the building denoting that the explosion had probably led to the fire. Just as he was thinking what could have happened there a second and a third explosion shook the place and the guards looking over them either ran to subdue the fire or escape with their own lives.

"Hey, wait!" he shouted desperately as he caught one of the fleeing guards "What about us? We'll die if we remain here."

"None of my business scum." The guard shouted back and slammed him with the back of his spear before escaping on his own.

He felt a slight concussion in his head and raised his head to see the fire coming closer to them as the heat within his prison cell rose to a higher degree and he started looking around for a way to get out of this place when he heard a voice.

"Do you want to leave this place?"

The voice was so calm and so out of place that he instantly stopped what he was doing, looked at the source of the voice, and was a little disgruntled when he found himself looking at a 9–10-year-old boy.

"Get out of here boy. Or you'll die along with us." He snarled and was a little surprised at the little humanity that he was able to show despite how many people he had killed to this day in the fighting pits.

"I asked you a question. Do you want to leave this place?" the boy asked once again, ignoring the heat easily even though he himself was starting to sweat profusely because of it.

Only then did the words of the boy register in his mind and he quickly ran toward the bar of his prison and asked the boy in a desperate voice.

"Can you free me?"

The boy gave him a nod and said, "If you promise to serve me for a year, then I'll free you."

He thought about the boy's words for a moment and realized that being a slave to a boy for one year was definitely better than being a slave to the Magisters for his entire life and quickly gave him a nod.

The boy gave him a nod of his own before handing him a piece of wooden amulet and his heart plummeted.

"What is this?" he asked, losing all the hope he had gained so far. So, the boy didn't plan on freeing him and was just playing with him until now.

"It's a portkey." The boy replied in a perfectly calm voice as the fire started getting closer to them "Now hold it and say, 'Back to ship'."


"Just say 'back to ship'." The boy said calmly, and he wondered if the boy was crazy or what.

"Just do it." The boy said and he finally had had enough so he threw the wooden amulet down on the floor and snarled at the boy "No. I've had enough of your games, boy. So, either let me out of this place or leave."

The boy looked at him silently for a long moment before he finally shrugged his shoulders "Very well. You leave me with no choice then." Then a stick appeared at the boy's hand, and he pointed the stick to him.


All of a sudden, his mind dulled and he felt a sense of calmness wash over him.

Then the boy said something and the idea of picking up the wooden amulet, or portkey as the boy called, it seemed rather good. So, he picked up the stone and repeated the phrase that the boy had told him about and the next moment, he felt something pull at him at the navel and felt himself being squeezed through a thin tube and then he promptly arrived in a dark prison cell.

"What?" was as far as he went before his mind cleared and he emptied his lunch on the floor.


Author's Note: Thank you, JJ JJ, for becoming my Patron and a PLATINUM Member of my page. This chapter is dedicated to your name.

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Ch.35: Raksa the Giantess

Ch.36: To the True North

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